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svgmn1's cope review issue #3: gymmaxxing



Fat link fanboy
Sep 3, 2021
Hello and welcome to the third episode of my cope reviewing series, the series in which your host, yours truly myself review several varieties of coping mechanisms, behaviors and routines, whether be it mental, physical or spiritual copes.

incase you're new to this series and haven't been on on of it's threads

today, I have a superpower. my superpower is seeing the future. but to not mess with you it is all about this episode and the one after it, I can see that this episode and the one succeeding it will get the most traction and probably the most amount of seething on this series. I would be happier if this thread went under the sCOPE and only few people of my beloved series fans read.

Today, we're young healthy people engaging in a fine class act of lifting inanimate objects and falling in love with the action of lifting these masses. today we are going to get ripped and build tough meat on our bones so that way we give a predator a real hard time, whether in confronting us or eating our flesh.

gymmaxxing, and when I mean gymmaxxing I specifically mean the gymmaxxing, no not the gymmaxxing as in home gym or exercises I mean GYMmaxxing as in a real gym gymmaxxing or what people refer to public gyms is basically you pay money to get access to a place and workout. the benefits of gymmaxxing is really contradictory in the blackpill community. while some people claim gym can save your face, others say no gym for your face, and this spawned an endless argument in which both sides of the argument spread cope and lies (I don't want to sound like a centrist pos but still that is factual)

let's first put this cope under the test of smv increase
could gym really affect your face and make your smv higher? well now we specifically talk about leanmaxxing since it's objectivity the correct option in the blackpill/lookism take. I won't bring links and sources and science im not a soyboy cuck you and I know my series isn't a place to act like a fucking sissy tranny nigger.

I will be brief from that point and on: yes, gym can change your face. but can it save your face? it can save your face as well, I'm really sorry you fat fucks who cope with "no gym for your face" this is the truth.

now that we silenced the less annoying, less coping end of this argument, it's time to tackle the elephant. there is a catch here. can you really be better if you're an incel with an healthy body and a correct posture with some muscle mass (aka a normal man) the answer is your face can change, but it won't save it and might even ruin it. now there is really no gym for your face. I am deeply sorry you gym dwelling niggers wanting to maxx your smv. face is

-leanmaxxing and losing weight will negatively affect your fwhr

-leanmaxxing won't give any volume for your lower third

-you can't grow bones after a certain age

once you get those three you start realizing t's a moot point to bust your ass in a public gym for years.

about busting your ass for years being useless, we shall put this cope under the sCOPE of happiness, how much satisfying and comforting this cope really is?

now that we got rid of the smv increase portion of the cope review the answer for the question that starts the happiness portion of the cope review seems difficult to guess and mixed. you need to trust me with everything you have that there is no such feeling than lifting weights and working out till the point of failure. nothing beats that. the ecstasy it gives, the test rush and the pure joy of this moment when you hit a pr or success in a very hard set you thought you wouldn't make it and you sweating then a breeze of air hits while you take a 60-90 second break between sets while having satisfaction and pride in your form and health, this cope takes the no.1 spot in the potential peak happiness/comfort it is unironically.....euphoric.

but like everything good, it has to come with AYYY lot of bullshit and downsides and this cope sadly comes with the biggest amount of bullshit downsides and fecal doses. which makes me think about adding a new category to my cope reviews, scale of maximum potential peak of cope's experience and scale of average cope's experience

-gym will stress your body. and I mean really stress your body since it takes very long time to get ripped (I'm talking if you're genetically a pos like me, if you're not then idk you shouldn't be here?) and that is besides the fact that you can actually hurt your body even your nervous system and injure it to a point beyond repair in rare cases if you fuck up.

-gym will put you mind on huge stress due to a couple of things, firstly testosterone bump, you know what it does we all know what it does, secondly gymmaxxing will test your patience, commitment and discipline for the maximum level. you will be fucked each day go back and repeat. you will see you aren't doing much sometimes, you won't be happy or be disappointed with lack of gains for a huge amount of time you will see yourself stuck in limbo in which you think you got to what you want but it doesn't look like you got what you want

you will see lanky super skinny stick legged zoomers on their first day in the gym lifting more than you do when you're like been there for four months you will see people having the same build as you lifting considerably more than you you will see really old people built worse than you lifting more than you. you will see this shit and it will be the most brutal thing you experience your first months and you think "huh it will go away" but this envy will never go away and it will keep reminding you how genetically shit you are even if you have a considerable amounts test in your blood and balls. this has been my case when I trained 3 months then left then 6 months, but I shouldn't hang it on everyone else. you may have better body genetics than me still doesn't mean you are blessed or have good body genetics.

so you're putting your mind and body in stress that outweighs the joy of it and paying money for it for a future result for yourself not for getting bitches on your dick since we are talking only about the joy of cope in this segment of the review here and we assume you couldn't get any smv increase.

therefore you should actually think of gym mainly as a spiritual investment, not physical no no, not social definetly not social your fugly truecel ass won't benefit from it as for friends don't be a dipshit and get deep with people at the gym. you will find later that they are just like other people they have their own positives and negatives, they aren't saints they just happen to be physically better. and boy they can be dumb as fuck, some are evil some are fucking psychopath some are just straight up ridden with autism...MORE THAN YOU!! well I made those mistakes, phew.

about people, they are also a burden on your mentality. most public gyms are crowded filled to the brim. think like there are fuckton lf gyms making fuckton of money and crowded with fuckton of people. of how many of those are you better, your mind will ask you.

most people are hypocrites, they only appear or act nice, but trust me we all want to finish our sets as fast as we can and rush back to get a decent sleep instead of fucking up our daily routines. I won't wait for your ass if you put your jug and expect me to stand near the machine and wait for 5 minutes. likewise, you won't wait for me. and that's how things go.

I still try to talk less about my personal experience but this is the best way to think of gym as far as my experience goes, a spiritual investment. you have nothing to lose but something to gain there. even if it's unworthy or there is an uncertainty of what you win there.

but on average, those downsides are tough to beat by that thing that you can find and win in the gym whether be it the perfect form or just moments satisfaction.

I think it's time to wrap things up, I think you agree with me buddy...if I keep talking about this cope this would never end.

ups of gymmaxxing:

1-spiritual improvement: you have new goals in your life, it strengthens your conviction of living "meaning". you can just go to gym without needing to achieve anything necessarily and just workout your body.

2-mental improvement: you will have the best version of yourself if you commit, even if it's incel but you reached it after making it a goal. you are now mentally stronger. you unlocked a new experience of winning.

3-physical improvement: you are undoubtedly stronger, congrats you can even fight niggers and spics, maybe.

4-maximum rating on potential cope's comfort and happiness scale: there are few things that compare with the temporal happiness and bliss that can happen in gymmaxxing.

5-potential smv increase of couple points with a hypothetical rate of 12.5% of success


1-physical stress and immense mental stress (explained in detail prior to these segments).

2-resource spending: you will spend fuckton of money if you want a really good form whether be it from simple iso or full fledged fucking gear and trt or other necessities like clothes bags bottles cups fucking tws earphones covers eating like a hippo, bullshit bullshit and more bullshit you will spend money you broke ass ni-

3-a single point or one and a half at best of smv increase aren't really worth this cope if you're a incel with an average body.

4-long process, continuous, committing cope, otherwise it's not even a bad cope it's just a waste of time.

5-relief or happiness time periods in this cope are less than stress periods in both short and long term. way more stress periods if you are a mentalcel

6 (bonus point)- a non ending dilemma of weighing ups and downs. I still can't believe I wrote all this therefore I add a point of disadvantage, even if it isn't a very big deal or srs.

my final rating for this cope:


whoops. looks like we still haven't got the first failed (or winning) cope of the season. I honestly thought gymmaxxing would be the one that gets the first non five rating because I thought I'd give it 4 or even 3. but gymmaxxing had some benefits that stood well we right now have reviewed three copes and all of them are 5 (technically fragrance got a 5.1, so fragrance is the best cope atm)
this cope review hasn't been a pleasant one to me. I tried way too hard to give it advantage I felt I was biased in the first section and tried way to hard to erase that bias by analytical criticism yet I still gave it a score that gives it a soft pass as a cope. I thought gym would fail but I wanted it to not fail.

the next cope is the one I believe will break this cycle. on the next episode of cope reviews, we have BOOKS AND READING. stay tuned.
2-resource spending:
in germany the biggest issue is food. bulking is impossible unless you are like top 1% earner. (or a fatso immigrant for whatever reason)
today, I have a superpower. my superpower is seeing the future. but to not mess with you it is all about this episode and the one after it, I can see that this episode and the one succeeding it will get the most traction
0 reply pill :feelsaww:
I'm looking forward to the books and reading cope. I think that will get a high number.

When is that episode due out?
I'm looking forward to the books and reading cope. I think that will get a high number.

When is that episode due out?
are you the real knajjd? :dafuckfeels:

frankly Idk. look at the time gap between episode 1 and 2, now look at the time gap between 2 and 3. I post on a whim.
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are you the real knajjd? :dafuckfeels:

frankly Idk. look at the time gap between episode 1 and 2, now look at the time gap between 2 and 3. I post on a whim.
What other episodes do you have in mind?

I will never lift heavy objects. It wears out the cartilage between the bones too. I met someone I used to live near who said his shoulders need replacing. He has been lifting weights all his life. The consultant said his shoulder joints is just bone against bone now.
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What other episodes do you have in mind?
no order in particular but other copes may include food, walking, music, audio gear collecting, etc.

right now I'm covering the basics. I love this series. it's kind of like a man growing up and discovering copes.
I will never lift heavy objects. It wears the cartilage between the bones too. I met someone I used to live near who said his shoulders need replacing. He has been lifting weights all his life. The consultant said his shoulder joints is just bone against bone now.
this is basically what happens when you stress your mind about achieving something in the gym. it is like when you think too much of the good outcomes if you pass an exam that you study nothing and end up failing. less is more.

this is exactly why I mentioned the toll gym puts on your mind. someone may say "you're strawman-ing he's not necessarily egolifting or stressing himself he was just doing a wrong movement" well that isn't a good excuse for the amount of stress gym puts on you because he would've prepared and knew better than doing the wrong movement esp if he stayed at the gym for a good amount of time.

in reality, gym stresses your mind so much, hormonal change boosts that stress and makes you want to achieve things faster/be less patient.

sadly I have seen the effects of this irl. gym is a shitfest of hidden ego show off. niggas would seethe at me for saying this but I'd estimate at least 90% of all gym goers to egolift just for attention and trust me when I say it's a realistic one. this is a gym behavior blackpill that many hate to accept.
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that is a universal fact everyone knows at this point. I even mentioned it in my post. I think that even redpill gurus and copers are starting to give soft blackpills like saying "yes woman chase handsome men but you can be like him if you hit the gym" (which is cope)
no order in particular but other copes may include food, walking, music, audio gear collecting, etc.
Will the Book Cope Review cover different genres, recommendations, how to spot a bad book, how to learn from a book, maybe sell books on Amazon to MoneyMaxx and so on?
Will the Book Cope Review cover different genres, recommendations, how to spot a bad book, how to learn from a book, maybe sell books on Amazon to MoneyMaxx and so on?
maybe maybe not. I have zero preparation for these. like I said I post them on a whim.

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