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News Spain is legalizing bestiality

But not straight relationships between teenage females and adult men.
Yeah, thats "creepy" dating someone who can consent, but fucking animals and sexualising prepubescent real children is perfectly fine.
Spain really is a shithole. Glad their women get raped and assaulted by retard 3rd world immigrants. Matter of fact this actually doesn't surprise me... Spain is an abomination. Just bomb the cunts into oblivion.
All you UScels have no room to talk. Bestiality is 100% legal in 4 states and incest is legal in 1 and I'm not talking second cousin incest I mean full on parent/child and brother/sister sex so long as they're all legal adults.
Lifefuel for Mrhandscels
LGBT community is disgusting as fuck. They have no moral compass and easily give in to their sexual desires. Zoophile my ass. Gender spectrum is massive bullshit cope. Don't fucking touch the animals you sick fucks.

No respect to any person who make gender and sexuality their whole personality. Vile filthy creatures all they think about is nothing but sex gender sex gender. Holy fucking shit.
This is the natural evolution of LGBT tolerance. Polyamory and incest normalization will soon follow
How far can human depravity go, soon they will legalize sexual abuse of children by faggots.
Progressives already turn a blind eye to it so they practically have
Progressives already turn a blind eye to it so they practically have
Guys who push it, the literal richfags, are also pedos, most gays like little boys.
Ummm… no….. those are legal.

In Germany a 14 year old and an adult can do it in bed (have a relationship). In most of Europe it’s „16 and Adult“…. (This is called the age of consent, See link below. There’s no age limit upwards or age difference limit

Thats not how it works in reality though.
It works if you are goodlooking.
If you try this stuff as an ugly male its permanent social suicide, you loose your job etc.
How can you live in Germanistan and not know that laws mean shit here?
Things are enforced that have no legal basis and when the law is broken there is no punishment as long as it fits a certain narrative.
Thats not how it works in reality though.
It works if you are goodlooking.
If you try this stuff as an ugly male its permanent social suicide, you loose your job etc.
How can you live in Germanistan and not know that laws mean shit here?
Things are enforced that have no legal basis and when the law is broken there is no punishment as long as it fits a certain narrative.
I agree with you. And I know laws mean shit here in Germanistan, honestly I miss living in Schweizistan, much more based with their gun laws and low taxes. Also freest country in the world, but anyways just as shit for incels as here. For me it makes not much difference I LDAR anyway. it's over for me, I'm 26 and KHHV. And I never will get a cute foid, not even an ugly one
A sign of decay, not of health or progress
One of many and they just keep stacking in shorter time spans
JFL enjoy your society degenerates
Spain is such a brainwashed leftie shithole that needs to be invaded again by Arabs.
Well, they are just accepting the demands of spanish european foids rights to bestiality, something they deeply care about.
JFL it's fucking over, this world deserves to rot :fuk:
OK, but your current one? I didn't read that rule change as I ain't changing nothing.
I commented in that thread yesterday talking about how it's literally looksism online and how it's idiotic etc pulling up different points and shit actually using my brain yet they just say. "Nu uh anime bad" even though anime is made by 90% truecels
And the next day I wake up and guess what's missing? :dafuckfeels:

I love getting ostracized in a community of people that have been ostracized. fucking kill me. :feelsrope:
Crazy that such a thing comes to pass. was this activist blue hairs doing something absurd to piss off dad and drive clownworld into blitz-speed, or was there legit a significant enough amount of public demand for “I want to fuck animals but I don’t want you to shoot me for it”?
We're truly treading dangerous ground, our world won't last long
You know how leftists take natural hierarchies, invert them, and declare the new ones on top the sacred cows and the new bottom ones metaphysical evil? Like with the most disgusting, depraved, 1 in a million fetishists that have always been on the bottom since time immemorial are suddenly thrust into the spotlight as victims that need to be protected? Maybe it’s some shit like that. There’s so much talk in the states at all levels about trannies, you’d think everyone here is a tyranny, but not even close, the left just declares a fractioon of a percent of the population to be the most important current thing to ever current thing, and they tunnel vision in on a largely inconsequential bullshit goal.

Point is, there’s probably no more than like 10 zoophiles in the whole country. The fact that it’s now made legal (literally the act of legalizing it) is of more concern than actual zoophiles.
Finally, foids can have a wholesome and loving relationship with someone on their level of intelligence. Fuck bigotry!
Yaaaay!! Gotta give my cat some love.
This whole forum is fucking reeing about this, but why should I care again? Like, actually why?

It's retarded that you have some people in this thread saying, "pedophilia legalization is next. everything else these degenerates want is already legal" (Matt Walsh talking point), and then other people in this thread saying "can't believe this is OK but an adult male and teenage girl having a relationship isn't OK??? Clown world."

The truth is, it's inevitable and natural, like rape. You want to rape dogs, woman govt official? Fine, let me rape you, too.

No seriously, there's nothing wrong with any of that. If they want to go full "way of the jungle" consistently (including raping babies and dogs), then there would be nothing wrong with that. The problem is that they won't commit.

For most of the people in power, the problem isn't that they're degenerate coomers. It's about power and pushing a specific dysgenic, probably anti-white, definitely anti-male agenda. They're VERY anti-degeneracy for those that disagree with them. And very pro-degeneracy for those that agree with them.

The problem is a lack of ethics on their part broadly. They would lower themselves to any depths, and we have to, too, otherwise we will be stampeded.

Now, do I actually want to live under a society governed by the "way of the jungle"? No, of course not. But such a system would at least be naturally self-correcting to an extent. In such a system, most of the "degenerate coomers" that people on this forum think would get to "run wild" in that system would in reality die in the first six months. Then again, most people on this forum would, as well. A reversion to basics on an ooga-booga level would at least ensure survival of the fittest. At least one virtue would be selected for, even if all others were ignored entirely and even selected against. Because in modernity, literally all virtues are selected against, every single one.

The reality is that I don't give a shit about bestiality one way or another for the same reason that I don't care about veganism, being a "meat-eating-monster", owning pets, etc. Animals are not humans, they are subhuman, they are nothing more than inanimate objects, tools for our use and pleasure. Emotional arguments aside. I can't care.

Want to eat meat? Fine. Want to start a factory farm? Fine. Want to start a "just-for-fun" animal disembowelment facility where you feast on cute puppies' flesh because "it's fun, teehee?" Fine. Want to rape dogs? Fine. Want to stick your dick in a beehive? Fine. There is no harm done, no meaning lost. The world is probably helped, since these people are releasing their urges on their biotools (animals) rather than humans.

In a world where we have the best existences flash in front of our eyes but women are supposed to just give in to their urge to reward the men most likely to have punished them in the past for not doing so regardless of whether they have the power to do so at the moment, where this is actively promoted, in fact, yeah I don't care about bestiality. I CAN'T care about bestiality. What a ridiculous place to target one's priorities, lol. They LOVE this- they LOVE flashing the big shiny bad dangerous thing in front of your eyes and watching you ree over it while they destroy the gene pool by making womens' already genetically egregious mate choices worse and worse. And while weeding as many good, valuable men from the gene pool as possible. Your purpose is to keep wageslaving to keep the machine afloat while the machine pumps out more women who breed low-IQ thugs and such, while demanding as little as possible and ensuring that the most unsustainably awful possible people could breed more than they ever possibly could without you! Your help, cucky! THANK you! Just kidding, you will get no gratitude, even, only shaming and whipcracking because they don't need you to be happy- only to feed the breeding habits of the increasingly awful every generation and just shut the fuck up about it, notsee inkwell.

Imagine prioritizing getting mad about some dumb dog that's just a less evolved version of Tyrone who would have bullied you in high school and is where the human race is headed anyway. Like, yeah, if you keep not focusing on the real issues and letting the Jews, dysgenic progressive white elite, and retarded collectivist eastern elite rape the gene pool, then don't worry, we'll have genetically devolved so much that we WILL be fucking monkeys, dogs, because we WILL be the monkeys, dogs, animals. Probably much dumber than modern chimpanzees or gorillas, tbh.
Each time you believe that the leftist retards cannot reach a new low, they come up with a way to outdo themselves again
You know how leftists take natural hierarchies, invert them, and declare the new ones on top the sacred cows and the new bottom ones metaphysical evil? Like with the most disgusting, depraved, 1 in a million fetishists that have always been on the bottom since time immemorial are suddenly thrust into the spotlight as victims that need to be protected? Maybe it’s some shit like that. There’s so much talk in the states at all levels about trannies, you’d think everyone here is a tyranny, but not even close, the left just declares a fractioon of a percent of the population to be the most important current thing to ever current thing, and they tunnel vision in on a largely inconsequential bullshit goal.

Point is, there’s probably no more than like 10 zoophiles in the whole country. The fact that it’s now made legal (literally the act of legalizing it) is of more concern than actual zoophiles.
I agree completely, it's not the fact that sexual deviants exists. It's the fact that our legal system is trying to normalize it, and what's the goal behind this
this is the most based thing i've seen all year
Kill them with your knot penis
Despite my height, I actually have slightly above-average penis when erect (6.2 inches). Hilarious thing is that no foid will ever know (and I don’t wanna see sex-escort, I want free sex). I’m also very ugly… soo…:feelsohgod::feelsbadman::cryfeels::feelsrope:

But you’re funny, brocel

Spain decriminalizes sexual relations with animals as long as there is no physical injury that requires a veterinary visit

In case you didn't think the world was sinking low enough with all the gender/pedophilia craziness, I give you Spain's new Animal Welfare Law that decriminalizes having sex with animals because zoophiles are just another spectrum on the trans flag. Here's a link to a zoophilia march in Germany if you're a moral human being having trouble believing this is a thing. It's age-restricted on Youtube, so I'm not going to embed it here. The Spanish zoophilia-affirming law was pushed by Ione Belarra Urteaga, the Minister of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda. Now, let's pause a moment and think about that. There's an actual ministry of the Spanish federal government with the words "2030 Agenda" in its official title. In addition to championing human/animal love the 2030 Agenda ministry also oversees family affairs, minors protection, disability and prevention of youth crime, adoptions and foster care, and the promotion of cultural communication and youth association. You'll note that there's nothing climate related in the list, and it's mostly related to children. But back to the topic at hand: what exactly is in the new Spanish Animal Welfare Law that's so problematic? It's an update to the law that previously criminalized bestiality: article 337.1 of the Penal Code, which reads, The person who by any means or procedure mistreats a domestic or tamed animal, an animal that is usually domesticated, an animal that temporarily or permanently lives under human control, or any animal that does not live in the wild, causing injuries that seriously impairs its health or subjects the animal to sexual exploitation, shall be subject to a minimum of three months and up to a maximum of one year in prison. He or she shall be prohibited from one year to three years from a profession or trade that is related to animals or from the possession of animals. [translated] The new version reads: The person who by any means or procedure mistreats a domestic or tamed animal, an animal that is usually domesticated, an animal that temporarily or permanently lives under human control outside of legally regulated activities including acts of a sexual nature, causing injuries that require veterinary treatment to the restoration of its health, shall be subject to a minimum of three months up to a maximum of 18 months in prison. He or she shall be prohibited from one year to three years from a profession or trade that is related to animals or from the possession of animals. [translated] The change to that "or subjects the animal to sexual exploitation" line essentially means that as long as there isn't a physical injury that requires veterinary treatment, people are free to have sex with animals. To put that into perspective, in 2019, 8.2% of Spanish veterinarians had seen suspected examples of sexually abused animals. However, while humans having sex with animals is now allowable, animals having sex with each other is now officially regulated. Another section of Spain's Animal Welfare Law mandates that if a dog becomes pregnant without a breeder's license, the owner can be fined up to 200,000 euros. Also, if someone kills a rat in their house they can be fined 50,000 euros and can be imprisoned for up to a year and half. A year and a half in prison for killing a rat in your home! And all this is done in the name of the 2030 agenda I guess the planet is saved now!
When i posted the animalpill they almost banned me
Its over for tacocels. how can they compete?
Doesn't surprise me at all. Spain is worse than northern Europe/America.
There's an actual ministry of the Spanish federal government with the words "2030 Agenda" in its official title.
Suifuel for "muh agenda 2030 is a whackjob conspiracy" copers. On a serious note, if you don't believe in globohomo and "you will own nothing and be happy" and all that jazz upon seeing this, you really need to wake up and smell the roses.
I commented in that thread yesterday talking about how it's literally looksism online and how it's idiotic etc pulling up different points and shit actually using my brain yet they just say. "Nu uh anime bad" even though anime is made by 90% truecels
And the next day I wake up and guess what's missing? :dafuckfeels:

I love getting ostracized in a community of people that have been ostracized. fucking kill me. :feelsrope:
Oh look, my avi is gone. Well guess I'll keep the T, don't play the game.

That last part is true enough, ppl with a bunch of ideas but no plan.


Spain decriminalizes sexual relations with animals as long as there is no physical injury that requires a veterinary visit

In case you didn't think the world was sinking low enough with all the gender/pedophilia craziness, I give you Spain's new Animal Welfare Law that decriminalizes having sex with animals because zoophiles are just another spectrum on the trans flag. Here's a link to a zoophilia march in Germany if you're a moral human being having trouble believing this is a thing. It's age-restricted on Youtube, so I'm not going to embed it here. The Spanish zoophilia-affirming law was pushed by Ione Belarra Urteaga, the Minister of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda. Now, let's pause a moment and think about that. There's an actual ministry of the Spanish federal government with the words "2030 Agenda" in its official title. In addition to championing human/animal love the 2030 Agenda ministry also oversees family affairs, minors protection, disability and prevention of youth crime, adoptions and foster care, and the promotion of cultural communication and youth association. You'll note that there's nothing climate related in the list, and it's mostly related to children. But back to the topic at hand: what exactly is in the new Spanish Animal Welfare Law that's so problematic? It's an update to the law that previously criminalized bestiality: article 337.1 of the Penal Code, which reads, The person who by any means or procedure mistreats a domestic or tamed animal, an animal that is usually domesticated, an animal that temporarily or permanently lives under human control, or any animal that does not live in the wild, causing injuries that seriously impairs its health or subjects the animal to sexual exploitation, shall be subject to a minimum of three months and up to a maximum of one year in prison. He or she shall be prohibited from one year to three years from a profession or trade that is related to animals or from the possession of animals. [translated] The new version reads: The person who by any means or procedure mistreats a domestic or tamed animal, an animal that is usually domesticated, an animal that temporarily or permanently lives under human control outside of legally regulated activities including acts of a sexual nature, causing injuries that require veterinary treatment to the restoration of its health, shall be subject to a minimum of three months up to a maximum of 18 months in prison. He or she shall be prohibited from one year to three years from a profession or trade that is related to animals or from the possession of animals. [translated] The change to that "or subjects the animal to sexual exploitation" line essentially means that as long as there isn't a physical injury that requires veterinary treatment, people are free to have sex with animals. To put that into perspective, in 2019, 8.2% of Spanish veterinarians had seen suspected examples of sexually abused animals. However, while humans having sex with animals is now allowable, animals having sex with each other is now officially regulated. Another section of Spain's Animal Welfare Law mandates that if a dog becomes pregnant without a breeder's license, the owner can be fined up to 200,000 euros. Also, if someone kills a rat in their house they can be fined 50,000 euros and can be imprisoned for up to a year and half. A year and a half in prison for killing a rat in your home! And all this is done in the name of the 2030 agenda I guess the planet is saved now!
Ayo what the fuck????
Every day we stray further from god

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