Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LifeFuel [Soy] Thousands of Reddit Cucks supporting us on UnpopularOpinion

I don't need their tears, I need pussy. If I can't have pussy then I wont contribute.

This, it always confuses me how all the "non-extremist" incels don't get this

"Yaaaaaay, people are understanding our plight, were seen as "good" now"

Ok.............. WTF DOES THAT GET YOU


What difference does it make if laws don't change, culture doesn't change, etc

All this "muh awareness" shit is laughable, people being aware doesn't mean shit if your suffering is to their benefit, they will still favor themselves over us, and OUR SUFFERING IS TO THE COLLECTIVE BENEFIT OF THOSE THAT MATTER IN SOCIETY (WOMEN & CHILDREN)
This, it always confuses me how all the "non-extremist" incels don't get this

"Yaaaaaay, people are understanding our plight, were seen as "good" now"

Ok.............. WTF DOES THAT GET YOU


What difference does it make if laws don't change, culture doesn't change, etc

All this "muh awareness" shit is laughable, people being aware doesn't mean shit if your suffering is to their benefit, they will still favor themselves over us, and OUR SUFFERING IS TO THE COLLECTIVE BENEFIT OF THOSE THAT MATTER IN SOCIETY (WOMEN & CHILDREN)

Awareness and acceptance there is a problem is step one. Solving it is step two.

I'm happy to see step one happening because then we can stop debating the basic blackpill (which is scientific fact) and talk about what we do about it. Or what will happen (eg. Japan) if nothing is done at all.
Wow man. You really have zero testosterone left.

I hope you aren't just realizing this about this guy, he was one of the most limp wristed, cucked, blue pilled, weak spirited guys I've ever talked to on this site, the dude sounds like a liberal soy boy in an open relationship all the time, zero backbone, I can't imagine this guy fighting for anything he wants, if a criminal breaks into his house to rape his wife he'd curl up in a corner and cry and tell his wife - "don't worry, I'm right here with you, it'll all be over soon"

This guy is so pathetic its literally angering

Awareness and acceptance there is a problem is step one. Solving it is step two.

This is a cope

Awareness doesn't make a difference if the changes that need to be made violate the rights of others, and the mating strategies of men and women are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED, unless society is going to start restricting women's choices and basically forcing them to fuck and date within their league, awareness on the issue doesn't matter, and society will never do that because it violates women's rights

I think its my duty to stamp out the pathetic embers of this flame of hope (more like cope) once and for all

Anybody who seriously believes that our problems "going mainstream" and being seen as "good people", is going to ever make a difference in furthering our goals, is seriously one blue pilled fucking idiot.

Society will never care about men to that extent, we are the worker drones, we are the disposable resource, it will never go against its nature to prioritize the lives of women and children over men, and in a world where incels are happy, women will be unhappy, because women are hypergamous and selfish, so guess who society is going to pick, guess who society is going to ask to "take one for the team", it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out

In patriarchal times, men were at their happiest, because we could impose forced mongomy, and create a meritocratic system of romantic pursuits, women are at their happiest in these times, because it is a more tournament styled system, where they are judge, jury and executioner, and they decide who gets laid, and who gets to breed, and they get to be as selective as they want, with little to no monogamous restrictions, the proclivities and desires of both sexes are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED SO ONLY ONE SIDE CAN ACTUALLY GET WHAT THEY WANT

There are many blue pilled idiots that have deluded themselves into thinking that "if only we weren't viewed in X way, society would magically make women date within their league", nope, that's a violation of human rights you fucking retard, society isn't going to force women to restrict their choices, just so that a minority of the male population won't feel like killing themselves, all of us incels are COLLATERAL DAMAGE

You idiots prove how illogical you are when you make these arguments, its as if you haven't even sat for a few minutes to consider what it is you are really saying, incels are undesirable men as far as women are concerned, in order for society to help us, they would have to get women to start dating and fucking undesirable men, which women won't do of their own free will, so what is your proposal?, WE ARE AT AN IMPASSE
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I hope you aren't just realizing this about this guy, he was one of the most limp wristed, cucked, blue pilled, weak spirited guys I've ever talked to on this site, the dude sounds like a liberal soy boy in an open relationship all the time, zero backbone, I can't imagine this guy fighting for anything he wants, if a criminal breaks into his house to rape his wife he'd curl up in a corner and cry and tell his wife - "don't worry, I'm right here with you, it'll all be over soon"

This guy is so pathetic its literally angering

This is a cope

Awareness doesn't make a difference is the changes that need to be made violate the rights of others, and the mating strategies of men and women are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED, unless society is going to start restricting women's choices and basically forcing them to fuck and date within their league, awareness on the issue doesn't matter, and society will never do that because it violates women's rights

Well this is where you and I disagree then. I believe shame is an incredibly powerful motivator for female behavior. Shame is why they haven't admitted the blackpill until they have been pushed endlessly on it.

They are ashamed that they don't actually believe any of the things they say.

Men have been so shamed by feminists that a man can't even say in public he finds a fully mature 16 year old girl sexually attractive. Even though we know this is normal. This is the power of shame.

Women are equally or more susceptible to shame. That's why they have body positivity movements and slut walks. They're trying to decondition their shame.

Getting everyone to understand the most horrible aspects of female sexual nature is the first step towards creating shame for these behaviors. Eg. Their insanely rampant racism and white supremacy which contradict their supposed SJW beliefs.

Let them stand up for their white supremacy and justify it for all of us to hear in the context of every other stride they've made for race equality.
so when do I get my state subsidized gf?

recognizing the problem yet suggesting absolutely nothing to fix it is useless. Most normies aren't anywhere near ready to take the leap that's actually required to fix this shit.
All this "muh awareness" shit is laughable, people being aware doesn't mean shit if your suffering is to their benefit, they will still favor themselves over us, and OUR SUFFERING IS TO THE COLLECTIVE BENEFIT OF THOSE THAT MATTER IN SOCIETY (WOMEN & CHILDREN)
Exactly my point as well, high IQ post.
Well this is where you and I disagree then. I believe shame is an incredibly powerful motivator for female behavior. Shame is why they haven't admitted the blackpill until they have been pushed endlessly on it.

They are ashamed that they don't actually believe any of the things they say.

Men have been so shamed by feminists that a man can't even say in public he finds a fully mature 16 year old girl sexually attractive. Even though we know this is normal. This is the power of shame.

Women are equally or more susceptible to shame. That's why they have body positivity movements and slut walks. They're trying to decondition their shame.

Getting everyone to understand the most horrible aspects of female sexual nature is the first step towards creating shame for these behaviors. Eg. Their insanely rampant racism and white supremacy which contradict their supposed SJW beliefs.

Let them stand up for their white supremacy and justify it for all of us to hear in the context of every other stride they've made for race equality.

JFL if you believe society is ever going back to the days of shaming women for their choices, you are seriously coping dude, its never going to happen, I can say this without a doubt, it is never going to happen, too much has changed culturally, women have too much power and control, they have financial and social power, on top of the power that comes from monopolizing sexual and reproductive resources

We would first have to destroy women's leverage to even get close to making something like this happen, and that would require globally legalized prostitution, that will happen one day, but even then society won't shame women, "degeneracy" will be a norm, so we can't shame women while taking part in it, it wouldn't make sense

Its too late for the shit you are dreaming of
It means nothing. The problem will get bigger and bigger. Therefore more people will be sympethetic, but it won't change anything.
JFL if you believe society is ever going back to the days of shaming women for their choices, you are seriously coping dude, its never going to happen, I can say this without a doubt, it is never going to happen, too much has changed culturally, women have too much power and control, they have financial and social power, on top of the power that comes from monopolizing sexual and reproductive resources

We would first have to destroy women's leverage to even get close to making something like this happen, and that would require globally legalized prostitution, that will happen one day, but even then society won't shame women, "degeneracy" will be a norm, so we can't shame women while taking part in it, it wouldn't make sense

Its too late for the shit you are dreaming of

Well in one respect, we are lucky to have Japan as a test study, because they will show us the limits of what government and public pressure can or cannot do to fix this problem. Their virginity and celibacy crisis is magnitudes greater than ours.

In Japan they are experimenting with massive subsidies to encourage childbirth:

Similar subsidies could be used to encourage monogamy or could be conditional on the maintenance of a monogamous family unit to receive them. etc.

China and India are also ahead of the curve with all their excess men. China's birth rate is now dropping too. I am curious what China will do about their problem given that their government has a habit of working with ruthless efficiency when needed.
It means nothing. The problem will get bigger and bigger. Therefore more people will be sympethetic, but it won't change anything.

You pointed out something important here, normies aren't starting to relate to us, its just that our problems are beggining to arrive at their doorstep, the only way for things to change is to make a "personal problem" into a "societal problem"

This is why incel mass shootings were one of of the most important occurences to happen for incel kind, because it brought attention to our plight and made normies begin to see our "personal problems" as a "societal problem", because when we suffer we can possibly go out and kill them, now that its impacting their lives "they care", they don't care, they are just scared, they only have self interest
Well in one respect, we are lucky to have Japan as a test study, because they will show us the limits of what government and public pressure can or cannot do to fix this problem. Their virginity and celibacy crisis is magnitudes greater than ours.

In Japan they are experimenting with massive subsidies to encourage childbirth:

Similar subsidies could be used to encourage monogamy or could be conditional on the maintenance of a monogamous family unit to receive them. etc.

China and India are also ahead of the curve with all their excess men. China's birth rate is now dropping too. I am curious what China will do about their problem given that their government has a habit of working with ruthless efficiency when needed.

I'm pretty sure they are just going to incentivize immigration and import males of other races (which asian women already see as superior to their own men) and their birth rates will steadily rise, it will be a hard pill to swallow and a strike against their pride as japanese men, but they care more about money and the security of their lives so it won't affect them much

You may think I'm joking, I'll bet in like the next 10 years, the japanese are going to incentivize white immigration
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This, it always confuses me how all the "non-extremist" incels don't get this

"Yaaaaaay, people are understanding our plight, were seen as "good" now"

Ok.............. WTF DOES THAT GET YOU


What difference does it make if laws don't change, culture doesn't change, etc

All this "muh awareness" shit is laughable, people being aware doesn't mean shit if your suffering is to their benefit, they will still favor themselves over us, and OUR SUFFERING IS TO THE COLLECTIVE BENEFIT OF THOSE THAT MATTER IN SOCIETY (WOMEN & CHILDREN)
Pretty much. Thinking awareness alone is enough to get the ball moving in the right direction is laughable. People that think this way seem to carry with them the assumption that most people are, and thus society by in large is, guided by rational thought processes and what people think on an intellectual level is "right" and "wrong" while this couldn't be further from the case. The vast majority of people only care about what makes them breed and breathe. These are the only two real incentives normies respond to. Only when you push them into a corner where they're forced to act will any real change occur, hence it is our duty to push them into that corner. Accelerate hypergamy, do your best to extract as much resources from society while contributing as little as possible, be a strain on the safety net if such a thing exist in your country, shoplift, do your best to starve people of joy by whatevER means necessary. Only once enough men do this will the ball finally start moving in the right direction, to hell with your faggot understanding.
hence it is our duty to push them into that corner. Accelerate hypergamy, do your best to extract as much resources from society while contributing as little as possible, be a strain on the safety net if such a thing exist in your country, shoplift, do your best to starve people of joy by whatevER means necessary. Only once enough men do this will the ball finally start moving in the right direction

This, incel mass murders are ironically the thing that brought normie attention to our plight yet so many cucked incels want "disassociate" from it, these guys are blue pilled as fuck, humans only respond properly to threats, begging and pleading won't yield shit, we have to make a "personal problem" a "societal problem" if we want society to take interest in our happiness, we have to make our problem everyones problem, then they will selfishly help themselves, which helps us by proxy, that's how you get shit done, not through "understanding"
This, incel mass murders are ironically the thing that brought normie attention to our plight yet so many cucked incels want "disassociate" from it, these guys are blue pilled as fuck, humans only respond properly to threats, begging and pleading won't yield shit, we have to make a "personal problem" a "societal problem" if we want society to take interest in our happiness, we have to make our problem everyones problem, then they will selfishly help themselves, which helps us by proxy, that's how you get shit done, not through "understanding"
We have to pull away from society and stop contributing resources to the people who hate us. Incel is just another word for virgin and it's been the go-to insult for cucks and foids since the internet became a thing. Low status single males like us are expendable trash to society which is why no one gives a damn about us. Cucks will rail on you for saying a single mean word to a woman but they don't give a single fuck about your issues. Men like us are the cogs that keep this shitpile going so once we start pulling out en masse they'll have no option but to appease us. Japanese men are pulling out of their hateful society and it's having an effect, let's do it too. I'll take care of the people I care about and myself, that's it.
What is that about broken clocks?

The comments are a fucking gold mine worth of :blackpill: s

that first comment is A+. They want us all to be orbiter paypigs to these thots.
Your obsession with individual liberty is asinine and misguided. We live in a world where you can be jailed for ordering a plastic sex doll in the mail if it arrives and turns out to have the wrong size and proportions. Where is liberty there?

Laws reshape individual liberty every day. What can't be shaped through laws can be shaped through public shame.

The fact is man you've just completely given up. You're a dead husk of a man. There's nothing left inside you except a desire to be hugged and said "there there". You have no ambition or vision for a better world.

If the feminists were as weak as you they'd still be stuck in the kitchen. The US recently passed one of the biggest restrictions on individual liberty in recent history (mandated health insurance) and it is now more popular than not.

You are being willfully stupid to support your broken soy mind. You are broken so you want to believe you ought to be. But that failure is your own. Maybe once the feminists have finished their subjugation of mankind they will keep you as a housepet.

I want a better world. For everyone. I don't and won't accept this thinking that it's either me or the rest of the world. I don't and won't accept the idea that justice for me is the same as subjugation for others. The world can be a better place for me and it doesn't have to come off of anyone else's nose.

Individual liberty is kinda the basis for every law of modern society. Anything that's illegal, the justification for it is either "It's bad for someone else and that's not fair to them" or "It's bad for you and that's not fair to you." The latter is kinda twisted, but the principle is still there. It's about what's fair to the individual.

I'm not saying what society does, I'm saying what it should do. By the same reasoning, I might as well be allowed to rape, since forbidding me from doing so would be a violation of my autonomy and individual rights. See how society has to limit individual freedom to be functional? But I'm saying that it's unacceptable that the sexual excess of women comes at the cost of our inceldom.

The first individual's rights end where the other individual's rights begin. You can't murder not because society wants to limit your rights as an individual, but protect someone else's rights. You have as many rights as that other person. They can't kill you, you can't kill them.
People always talk the talk but they never want to walk the walk. We live in a flawed reality, the human nature itself is deeply flawed, most people refuse to recognize the evil nature of people and especially foids. I'll just keep accumulating money, status and power and refuse to contribute;you can call me entitled until cows come home, I won't help a society that denies me my most crucial needs. End of story.

incel = cuck

The word “cuck” is used by the right. “Incel” is the same but used by leftist
The first individual's rights end where the other individual's rights begin. You can't murder not because society wants to limit your rights as an individual, but protect someone else's rights. You have as many rights as that other person. They can't kill you, you can't kill them.
The main problem is that this standard, very similar to consent, is selectively applied. Somehow it's okay for me to be forced into a life which I never asked for, forced to attend institutions where I'm abused and mocked, forced to endure a life of loneliness and hopelessness for the benefit of women and high status men, and then told that I'm not entitled to a wife because that violates someone else's consent.

Okay, then where is my non conditional voluntary euthanasia? As I didn't sign up for any of this shit. Once society at least allows that, then I'd be more willing to listen to these types of arguments.
The main problem is that this standard, very similar to consent, is selectively applied. Somehow it's okay for me to be forced into a life which I never asked for, forced to attend institutions where I'm abused and mocked, forced to endure a life of loneliness and hopelessness for the benefit of women and high status men, and then told that I'm not entitled to a wife because that violates someone else's consent.

Okay, then where is my non conditional voluntary euthanasia? As I didn't sign up for any of this shit. Once society at least allows that, then I'd be more willing to listen to these types of arguments.

You're saying if a woman shouldn't be forced to be your wife, you shouldn't be forced to live? It's technically not illegal to kill yourself. Just very tragic. But I don't think there'll be Kevorkians on every street corner because a doctor killing you is murder, and murder isn't fair to the murder victim. What would have to change is society's understanding that the "murder victim" consented to being murdered. So if you wanted to fight for the right to die, that's something people are already fighting for.
You're saying if a woman shouldn't be forced to be your wife, you shouldn't be forced to live?
I'm saying that people only care about consent when it suits them. In one type of situation, normies claim to value it highly, yet in several completely different contexts, consent becomes so irrelevant that even attempting to bring it up will get you laughed at.

Why should I care about a woman's consent when society has already demonstrated that it doesn't care about my own? That's my question.
It's technically not illegal to kill yourself.
True, but how many people actually can kill themselves without help? Regardless of that, access to methods which don't cause pain should be an obvious reason to want euthanasia.
I'm saying that people only care about consent when it suits them. In one type of situation, normies claim to value it highly, yet in several completely different contexts, consent becomes so irrelevant that even attempting to bring it up will get you laughed at.

Why should I care about a woman's consent when society has already demonstrated that it doesn't care about my own? That's my question.

True, but how many people actually can kill themselves without help? Regardless of that, access to methods which don't cause pain should be an obvious reason to want euthanasia.

Society does care about your consent. I'm not saying men are advocated for like women are, but both men and women are equally protected from being forced to be someone's spouse. Barring predatory child support laws that disenfranchise men just for being men. Barring THAT, both men and women can't be forced into partnerships.
Society does care about your consent.
Then it has a funny way of showing it.
I'm not saying men are advocated for like women are, but both men and women are equally protected from being forced to be someone's spouse. Barring predatory child support laws that disenfranchise men just for being men. Barring THAT, both men and women can't be forced into partnerships.
Yeah that's what I mean, consent somehow only matters within the context romantic relationships/sex/marriage, beyond that everybody stops caring.

As I already mentioned, by nature nobody can consent to being born, and while voluntary euthanasia is one possible solution, few people actually take this argument seriously. Boys get their genitals permanently mutilated at birth, obviously without their consent, yet it seems like few people in this country care. Kids are forced to go to institutions where they could potentially be physically/sexually/emotionally abused, nobody cares. Then you're eventually forced to work, or be homeless/die painfully.

So if all of that can be done to me without my consent, then no, I don't take the idea of a woman not consenting to a relationship with me seriously. In fact, if I'm going to apply the same standard that society otherwise applies to consent outside of this one arbitrary context, then I find the whole notion to be laughable.
braincels was quarantined like september or october and yet the same hasnt happened with r/inceltears
Then it has a funny way of showing it.

Yeah that's what I mean, consent somehow only matters within the context romantic relationships/sex/marriage, beyond that everybody stops caring.

As I already mentioned, by nature nobody can consent to being born, and while voluntary euthanasia is one possible solution, few people actually take this argument seriously. Boys get their genitals permanently mutilated at birth, obviously without their consent, yet it seems like few people in this country care. Kids are forced to go to institutions where they could potentially be physically/sexually/emotionally abused, nobody cares. Then you're eventually forced to work, or be homeless/die painfully.

So if all of that can be done to me without my consent, then no, I don't take the idea of a woman not consenting to a relationship with me seriously. In fact, if I'm going to apply the same standard that society otherwise applies to consent outside of this one arbitrary context, then I find the whole notion to be laughable.

Abusing a kid is a violation of their consent though, if this is happening at those institutions, that should be stopped. And male circumcision is also one of those things that's being fought against, even by people who call themselves feminists.
If it takes something from someone or hurts someone in a way they deserve to be protected from being hurt, that's against the law.
I suppose we aren't hurting at all then? Our minds aren't being raped by the fact that society is not feeding us one of our important needs?
I don't think we can make anyone have sex with us. But what we can have is equal treatment and equal rights. Equal esteem. That doesn't take from anyone.
Equality doesn't exist.. see our situation right here? This is that precious equality you claim to love. Women love equality because they get to enjoy being without responsibility, merrily frigging their way to the destruction of society and all Men are chained to the office desk working away until they die so they can be divorce raped. Get a load of that Equality.
Abusing a kid is a violation of their consent though, if this is happening at those institutions, that should be stopped. And male circumcision is also one of those things that's being fought against, even by people who call themselves feminists.
Yet Female Genital Mutilation is Illegal and is a crime against humanity. Still society has decided that Male Genital Mutilation shouldn't be treated the same? Did you know they use the circumcised tips of penises in Anti Ageing cream?
I suppose we aren't hurting at all then? Our minds aren't being raped by the fact that society is not feeding us one of our important needs?

A starving person is in need of food, it's very important that they eat. But a grocery store isn't hurting them by not giving them free food. Just "not helping them."

Equality doesn't exist.. see our situation right here? This is that precious equality you claim to love. Women love equality because they get to enjoy being without responsibility, merrily frigging their way to the destruction of society and all Men are chained to the office desk working away until they die so they can be divorce raped. Get a load of that Equality.

I don't think this is equality. I don't think society thinks a man's woes are as important as a woman's. That's what I wanna change.

Yet Female Genital Mutilation is Illegal and is a crime against humanity. Still society has decided that Male Genital Mutilation shouldn't be treated the same? Did you know they use the circumcised tips of penises in Anti Ageing cream?

Like I said, this is a valid fight that is going on now. You're not some nutjob if you don't think male circumcision is okay. Even the soyest, most bluepilled female feminists would side with you on that one. And on top of that, winning the "Male Circumcision" fight is exactly the kind of justice I'm talking about: Equality with women that robs no one. Just don't force any babies to get circumcised. No one loses, everyone wins.
That's a personal misery. I'm lonely, but I'm one lonely person. If we can achieve compassion for many lonely people, I can deal with personal misery.
Speak for yourself.. my misery will never die.
You can't demand pussy. But you can demand respect.
Nobody respects a Virgin.
Then it's not equality. If it comes at the expense of someone, it's not equality.
Equality does come at the expense of someone.. Men like you ane me.
That's another thing that's not equal. Women would lose their autonomy, their free will. We would have all of the free will.
They let this problem fester and gather heat, those wretched harpies "autonomy" and "free will" will be the last things on their miniscule minds.
Nobody respects a Virgin.

That's what needs to change about society. Thinking less of a man if he's a virgin. It costs society nothing and it's something they should do.
I don't think this is equality. I don't think society thinks a man's woes are as important as a woman's. That's what I wanna change.
You going to wave a magic wand there? Those wretched whores would never hear us out.
Like I said, this is a valid fight that is going on now. You're not some nutjob if you don't think male circumcision is okay. Even the soyest, most bluepilled female feminists would side with you on that one. And on top of that, winning the "Male Circumcision" fight is exactly the kind of justice I'm talking about: Equality with women that robs no one. Just don't force any babies to get circumcised. No one loses, everyone wins.
Ahh yes.. and I suppose this wonderful development will lead to society becoming more Blackpilled? Of course it won't.
A starving person is in need of food, it's very important that they eat. But a grocery store isn't hurting them by not giving them free food. Just "not helping them."
I mean the grocery store isn't hurting until all the starving people get together, make a raid party and take the food by force. Trust me I don't endorse this, but a hungry man is a desperate man.. and desperate Men are dangerous, this explains the higher crime rates.
You going to wave a magic wand there? Those wretched whores would never hear us out.

There's a Reddit thread with many many people who are willing to hear us out.

Ahh yes.. and I suppose this wonderful development will lead to society becoming more Blackpilled? Of course it won't.

That's not what I said I wanted to achieve. What I want is for our concerns to be as valid as a woman's concerns. For us to not be cast as demons. For us to not be told we're "playing victim."
That's what needs to change about society. Thinking less of a man if he's a virgin. It costs society nothing and it's something they should do.
The imposition of Patriarchy is the only thing that can make it socially acceptable to be a Virgin. You can't make it acceptable not to have Virgin shaming when Foids are in charge. Any attempt at doing so is laughed at. Seeing as how the Whores benefit from torturing Men who are Virgins, like it is a national sport, they will see no reason to even give any leeway to us. No they are having way too much fun watching us suffer like we are ants and they are holding the magnifying glass as it scorches us to death, only unlike the ants quick dignified deaths, our deaths will be longer, insufferable and so undignified Tyrants of the past could only dream of committing such mind numbing torture upon another Human Being.
The imposition of Patriarchy is the only thing that can make it socially acceptable to be a Virgin. You can't make it acceptable not to have Virgin shaming when Foids are in charge. Any attempt at doing so is laughed at. Seeing as how the Whores benefit from torturing Men who are Virgins, like it is a national sport, they will see no reason to even give any leeway to us. No they are having way too much fun watching us suffer like we are ants and they are holding the magnifying glass as it scorches us to death, only unlike the ants quick dignified deaths, our deaths will be longer, insufferable and so undignified Tyrants of the past could only dream of committing such mind numbing torture upon another Human Being.

No, I don't believe that. And it's not what any other advocacy group ever tried. The idea is, we can all be nice and respect one another and it costs no one anything.
There's a Reddit thread with many many people who are willing to hear us out.
It's easy to be open to new ideas online. Everyone knows about the Blackpill and believes in it, until we say it. It is promising, but most of those people will be susceptible to being terrified easily.. I get the feeling that they would sell out any Incel if even the slightest of pressure were applied.
That's not what I said I wanted to achieve. What I want is for our concerns to be as valid as a woman's concerns. For us to not be cast as demons. For us to not be told we're "playing victim."
Society needs a demon to collaborate against. What better way to challenge the rebels than using the zombie society you have created to squash them?
It's easy to be open to new ideas online. Everyone knows about the Blackpill and believes in it, until we say it. It is promising, but most of those people will be susceptible to being terrified easily.. I get the feeling that they would sell out any Incel if even the slightest of pressure were applied.

Society needs a demon to collaborate against. What better way to challenge the rebels than using the zombie society you have created to squash them?

I don't think society does need a bad guy to feel good about hating. I think society can just not be cruel and sadistic.
No, I don't believe that. And it's not what any other advocacy group ever tried. The idea is, we can all be nice and respect one another and it costs no one anything.
There is a problem in your logic.. mainly the fact that Homo Sapiens are the most selfish animals ever to exist. We have evolved to be the most selfish beings in all eternity. You are correct it costs no one anything to be nice, but they gain a lot more by being cruel. Do you even have a plan to do this? What are you going to do? Brainwash people?
I don't think society does need a bad guy to feel good about hating. I think society can just not be cruel and sadistic.
You are sorely mistaken. Society has been cruel and sadistic long before we existed, in fact it seems to be getting worse. Sadism the likes of which our ancestors could only think in their worst nightmares is upon us.
There is a problem in your logic.. mainly the fact that Homo Sapiens are the most selfish animals ever to exist. We have evolved to be the most selfish beings in all eternity. You are correct it costs no one anything to be nice, but they gain a lot more by being cruel. Do you even have a plan to do this? What are you going to do? Brainwash people?
Exactly. There is really only one permanent solution, but nobody is going to like it.
Exactly. There is really only one permanent solution, but nobody is going to like it.
Nobody has to like it. It needs to be done. If society doesn't want to turn into the newest Battle Royale game.
There is a problem in your logic.. mainly the fact that Homo Sapiens are the most selfish animals ever to exist. We have evolved to be the most selfish beings in all eternity. You are correct it costs no one anything to be nice, but they gain a lot more by being cruel. Do you even have a plan to do this? What are you going to do? Brainwash people?

You are sorely mistaken. Society has been cruel and sadistic long before we existed, in fact it seems to be getting worse. Sadism the likes of which our ancestors could only think in their worst nightmares is upon us.

I'm willing to not be selfish, and I'm a Homo Sapien, why not other Homos?

My plan is to do what every other advocacy group did. Speak truth to power.
As much as I'd like to buy a beer for this gent because he hit the focal points as to why I am the way I am, I know that normies will reply en masse to that post with ingratiating platitudes for us as to how things will "get better". Afterwards, they will completely forget about the points the guy was trying to make the next day when some attractive foid comes along and slenderizes us for being the ones at fault and how we're still "oppressing" the female sex for expressing sexual frustration amongst ourselves. In other words, they'll still use "incel" pejoratively because this is just a one-off Reddit post that they'll all forget about in 24 hours.

I'd like to agree with your perception, OP, but that's just wishful/"blue pilled" thinking.
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The US recently passed one of the biggest restrictions on individual liberty in recent history (mandated health insurance) and it is now more popular than not.
We have to pull away from society and stop contributing resources to the people who hate us. Incel is just another word for virgin and it's been the go-to insult for cucks and foids since the internet became a thing. Low status single males like us are expendable trash to society which is why no one gives a damn about us. Cucks will rail on you for saying a single mean word to a woman but they don't give a single fuck about your issues. Men like us are the cogs that keep this shitpile going so once we start pulling out en masse they'll have no option but to appease us. Japanese men are pulling out of their hateful society and it's having an effect, let's do it too. I'll take care of the people I care about and myself, that's it.
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All this "muh awareness" shit is laughable, people being aware doesn't mean shit if your suffering is to their benefit, they will still favor themselves over us
The majority of western male population is incel tier today. We still are subjugated by ideologists who put ideology before facts and reality and prevent this kind of awakening from happening on a massive scale. We must get rid of them
Lmao in the past they would of been killed. The current system has made all men docile.
How would it take away from anyone? By "equal treatment" and "equal esteem" I mean society realizes that all people are equally valid and no less a person than the other. That Person A's problems and concerns aren't less important than Person B's.

If you're asking women to stop being racist and dignifying bad people, that's fair. Those are bad things. Men are asked to not do things that infringe upon the rights of others, and so women should be asked to do the same.
Im convinced that this guy is an absolute idiot.

Something has to give, it's either you or them and you're choosing them.

Brainlet IQ posts you've made on this thread.
I suppose we aren't hurting at all then? Our minds aren't being raped by the fact that society is not feeding us one of our important needs?

Equality doesn't exist.. see our situation right here? This is that precious equality you claim to love. Women love equality because they get to enjoy being without responsibility, merrily frigging their way to the destruction of society and all Men are chained to the office desk working away until they die so they can be divorce raped. Get a load of that Equality.

Yet Female Genital Mutilation is Illegal and is a crime against humanity. Still society has decided that Male Genital Mutilation shouldn't be treated the same? Did you know they use the circumcised tips of penises in Anti Ageing cream?

Instead of taking womens rights to select their partner
Lets be realistic, thats very hard to achieve especially in america jfl

What is more realistic is demanding
The divorce law to be more fair.
So even if, say an incel marry someone
And she dont wanna be married anymore...she cant take our shit

Even just this small change in the law,
Would completely change the game you know
This is a way more realistic demand

If we cant even achieve that much,
how is this 'take womens rights to select their partner' can be achieved

Should aim to be like se asia, and south america
Their woman arent exactly like muslim women
But the divorce law isnt cucked,
So at least they aint financially ruined
On top of losing their wife

So say this woman dont work, just stayed at home til shes like 50 yo
Than all the sudden she didnt feel like being married anymore
After living off of our hard earned money while she relax at home
Well at this age with no education or experience she is basically unemployable
And since she cant divorce rape either
Shell most likely will just stick with the husband
just to avoid living in the gutter you know..

I know they can get free housing and welfare money still
But not many of them actually want to live in sector 8 housing
In filthy, dangerous ghetto areas..and live off of food stamp and shit

This is what we should hope to achieve,

instead of straight up demanding women be married off to incels and prohibited to fuck chad j f l that is so fucking unrealistic, do you guys realize what it take to actually achieve that...

I say we join with mgtowers and redpillers to demand that marriage laws be more fair to men,
Cause if we cant even achieve this, then imagine how impossible it is to achieve all those totalitarianism goals..
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this feels good tbh
Lmao in the past they would of been killed. The current system has made all men docile.
Fuck yes. As men should do. KILL this fuckins marxists who are plaguing the West. No debate, we all already know they are wrong. Just punch them and shot them and take back your society
Some normies sympathize with us, but not the majority. If that were the case we'd have legalized prostitution (in the majority of western countries) or assisted suicide by now.

Most of them either don't know about us or think we are a joke. For example:

I'd happily go ER on those two subhuman normies
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Im convinced that this guy is an absolute idiot.

Something has to give, it's either you or them and you're choosing them.

Brainlet IQ posts you've made on this thread.

But it doesn't. Not for what I'm asking for. I'm only asking for men to be respected and considered like women are. Nothing has to give there.
What is more realistic is demanding
The divorce law to be more fair.
So even if, say an incel marry someone
And she dont wanna be married anymore...she cant take our shit
Foids won't get married then. They seem to be taking over male dominated work places.. sooner or later Men will not be allowed in the new safe space of the work environment when it is overrun by dirty holes. Unless it is Chad. All evening out the marriage bias towards whores will do is make them run amok and seek out Chad only. Once they find him they will form a harem. If they do not benefit from marriage Feminism will make sure to make all Men suffer for it.
I never thought I'd see the day when someone here would make an apparently serious post supporting womyn's "right" to divorce and take half of a man's stuff.

Seriously, there are lamestream cuckservatives who have more balls than that.
All im saying is...you gotta start small..as with every other fucking successful movement..you cant be violent and demand extreme shit from the start, if the civil rights movement and feminist started out demanding crazy things from the start, they aint gonna get shit, people are just gonna hate them and brush them off. They started out demanding equality than they slowly keep demanding more. That the strategy.

And aint nobody gonna start taking womens right to choose their partners just cause incels threaten mass shooting,
this 'take it by force and scare tactic' method a lot of you are taking about, do you all know how many people would have to die just so the govt would even think about 'prohibiting women to fuck chad and marry their looksmatch' jfl
Its not gonna fucking happen

Plus I read in a thread here, they were developing tech to prevent mass shooting too..so..

All the mass shoting that happen will at most bring awareness, and other beta dude will try to see what incels is about. But it would never be enough to make govt take womens right, even in a lot of places in mid east women are no longer arrange married.
Thats why I say we shpuld aim for the law to make it harder for divorced women to take our shit. Cause right now women are literally incentivized to divorce their husband. So i say lets start with that

I guess this board isnt meant to have serious discussions after all

You think one can just take womens right to pick their partner and fuck chad

Gotta start reforming marriage laws and all kind of other shit, first
If were not even confident that we can achieve that much,
Then all this talk about totalitarianism is just a waste of time tbh

Honestly if a lot of men would ban together taking to mainstream media, complaining about how unfair it is that the woman almost always get custody, and all kinds of unfair treatment they get from the divorce court, its very possible things would change tbh. This is the only way I can see improvements for men.

The take things by force method require resource we would never have

Foids won't get married then. They seem to be taking over male dominated work places.. sooner or later Men will not be allowed in the new safe space of the work environment when it is overrun by dirty holes. Unless it is Chad. All evening out the marriage bias towards whores will do is make them run amok and seek out Chad only. Once they find him they will form a harem. If they do not benefit from marriage Feminism will make sure to make all Men suffer for it.
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