Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LifeFuel [Soy] Thousands of Reddit Cucks supporting us on UnpopularOpinion



Dec 15, 2017
This is kind of interesting to read:

Top reply:

The word "incel" has become basically a way for people to belittle and shit on others.

Oh, you're getting frustrated because you haven't been able to get a girlfriend in 3 years? Wow, what an incel, thinking that women owe you affection, I bet you get mad when a woman doesn't suck your dick for holding the door for her.

It's ridiculous. The idea of making a derogatory term and then using it as a weapon to add insult to injury is just ugly, disgusting behavior. But you may say, "but incels hate women, their behavior justifies the treatment they receive!" First off, I don't know where people get off deciding for themselves what others deserve, as if they themselves are the judge, jury, and executioner. Secondly, an "incel" is not someone who hates women. We did not have to make a new word for that, we already had one: misogynist. A misogynist is someone who hates women. Some frustrated young guy who is bitter and discouraged about not being about to find love and affection may be "involuntarily celibate," but that doesn't automatically make him a misogynist. That's such a bad case of black-and-white thinking, not everything has to be adversarial. Most of these people don't hate women, they hate that they can't seem to have any luck with women. But it isn't an us-versus-them situation, these people only appear to be enemies because of the swift and harsh label given to every young (and old I guess) man who is sexually/romantically frustrated. It isn't fair at all, and for most of these people who already feel rejected and low and unlovable, this kind of treatment and harsh labeling is just kicking them while they're down. As OP said, it's no surprise these men commit suicide in droves, they feel worthless and society repeatedly and continuously tells them they are.

And the advice people will try to give an "incel" is just completely moronic and braindead, and it's so easy to say when you're typing anonymously over the internet while you're laying on the couch cuddled up with your gf/bf watching a movie. "Just be confident! Looks/height/weight don't matter! Learn to love yourself and be happy with yourself and you'll find someone in time!" Or the not-so-kind rebukes such as "Women don't owe you anything, stop being such a whiny bitch and do something about it, go out and get a girlfriend if you want one so bad! Stop complaining, this is your own fault. If no one wants to be with you, there's probably a really good reason for that."

The former is not based in reality at all, and the latter is just a gut-punch to an already dejected person, dismissive of their problems entirely. It's a sad cyclical situation, where some real obstacle (height, weight, looks, social status, economic status, emotional baggage from past experiences, etc) is legitimately impacting a person's ability to obtain sex/romance, and OF COURSE that's frustrating, discouraging, and depressing. Their self image, self worth, motivation, attitude, behavior, confidence, etc are taking major hits, which ends up making them even less attractive and appealing to others. It's a vicious cycle that, after so long, a person can't just will themselves out of. Then what? You can't just be happy with yourself, be happy alone, be content and unfrustrated with your situation. And as little power as you had to prevent yourself from reaching this point, you have even less to get out of it. You can't just go out and get a gf (you wouldn't be in this situation if you could), you can't get get more confident. All the criticism against being frustrated and feeling resentful doesn't do anything to address the problem, your reality doesn't change, the problem still remain that your sex/love life is nonexistent. Critics just want to stop hearing about it because they don't care, and things were likely much easier for them so they don't understand how it feels to have little to no options.

That's the crux of this whole thing: options. How the hell is a person supposed to feel/act when they have no options (or think they don't anyway, which is still consequentially identical to not having any)? Its just so much easier to dismiss and belittle these complaints and inequalities than it is to sympathize, especially if you already have a bf/gf and had an easy time getting him/her. In a way, many people would probably rather there be haves and have-nots like this in the dating world, because that means less competition, and the perceived scarcity for these have-nots probably makes sex and romance feel all the more valuable for the haves.

So in so many words, I agree with you. We should not be alienating and hating people whose continued rejection and frustration are having real significant impacts on their mental, social, emotional, and physical health. That just seems like nothing short of bullying. I think we should do away with the term "incel" altogether, because people are either misogynists or they aren't, and there are plenty of sexually frustrated, depressed, bitter people that fall into the "not misogynists" camp and get unfairly labeled and treated.

Edit: thanks for the gold!

Basically all the soycucks there are supporting us. Virtually every reply supports us. I've never seen that before. It was upvoted 4491 times. This was just a month ago.

Could perception be starting to shift?
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I thought this was happening right now. But yeah, this isn't the first time this has happened. If this happened more often, I probably wouldn't be on this forum. This kind of social shift is the whole thing I'm fighting for.
Normies are sympathizing with us, it's just the cucks, trannies, feminists, landwhales, etc. who hate us.
idk kind of seems like an incel made the post
of course they are. even normies today are having great difficulty getting dates, thanks to polygamy (basically, all women are fucking chads). So the normies are slowly becoming semi-incels. Basically, they get dates and sex, but their GF/wife cheats on them often, and they go on long periods of inceldom. So naturally, normies--all of whom who otherwise have no real empathy or insight into us--are starting to become us!
so when do I get my state subsidized gf?

recognizing the problem yet suggesting absolutely nothing to fix it is useless. Most normies aren't anywhere near ready to take the leap that's actually required to fix this shit.
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The majority of western male population is incel tier today. We still are subjugated by ideologists who put ideology before facts and reality and prevent this kind of awakening from happening on a massive scale. We must get rid of them
This is kind of interesting to read:

Top reply:

Basically all the soycucks there are supporting us. Virtually every reply supports us. I've never seen that before. It was upvoted 4491 times. This was just a month ago.

Could perception be starting to shift?

There's this thing called 'virtual-signalling', perhaps you've heard of it. :feelstastyman:
How could you not hate women after a lifetime of mistreatment?
ALL sub-8 men know exactly how we feel, even the cucks and feminists. It’s just that the cucks and feminists are completely delusional and repeatedly tell themselves that the blackpill is not true and that m’lady will fall in love with him if he ReSpEcTs her because her heart is good and pure and the world is a just and fair place.

Misogyny is the beating heart of inceldom. It is the logical conclusion of all rational thought. Only when a man embraces it can he see the world as it is.
Wow, I've never seen anything like this from Reddit before.
The fact he mentions dry spells shows how he really doesn't understand what it's like for incels.
It's not a "dry spell" it's my whole life.
I'm noticing this too in my anonymous online situations, where I can freely talk about my inceldom. Before they were much more dismissive and derogative, but lately I'm noticing a shift in their behaviour and I can feel much more understanding on their part.
so when do I get my state subsidized gf?

recognizing the problem yet suggesting absolutely nothing to fix it is useless. Most normies aren't anywhere near ready to take the leap that's actually required to fix this shit.

That's never gonna happen. Denying people their free will is never gonna happen and even the people who understand our pain would never sign off on it. It's not what we should fight for.
That's never gonna happen. Denying people their free will is never gonna happen and even the people who understand our pain would never sign off on it. It's not what we should fight for.
so what do you suggest?
This is kind of interesting to read:

Top reply:

Basically all the soycucks there are supporting us. Virtually every reply supports us. I've never seen that before. It was upvoted 4491 times. This was just a month ago.

Could perception be starting to shift?

This is pure life fuel OP. Thanks for making my day.

70 guests you know we're right.
I thought this was happening right now. But yeah, this isn't the first time this has happened. If this happened more often, I probably wouldn't be on this forum. This kind of social shift is the whole thing I'm fighting for.

so what do you suggest?

What we should ask for is what every other disenfranchised group asks for. Basic compassion.

Here's what I want. If I wake up to a world where modern social justice is called out for the incel-alienating man-alienating farce that it is, and women start asking other women to stop being so mean to men like soyboys tell other men to stop being so mean to women, I will hang up my incel hat and leave the forum. My battle will be done.
That's never gonna happen. Denying people their free will is never gonna happen and even the people who understand our pain would never sign off on it. It's not what we should fight for.
Im not interested in their will. They have to be subimited by any means. Fuck free will.
Only our will should be free.
We have to get more people to make basis for coming of right conservative religious movement.
How can not you undestand such obvious things?
I'm not average incel. I am standardcel man of culture and hate sluts and ugly femorloids, let they be exupuroshoned
What we should ask for is what every other disenfranchised group asks for. Basic compassion.

Here's what I want. If I wake up to a world where modern social justice is called out for the incel-alienating man-alienating farce that it is, and women start asking other women to stop being so mean to men like soyboys tell other men to stop being so mean to women, I will hang up my incel hat and leave the forum. My battle will be done.

Im not interested in their will. They have to be subimited by any means. Fuck free will.
Only our will should be free.
We have to get more people to make basis for coming of right conservative religious movement.
How can not you undestand such obvious things?

That's never gonna happen. You can't make literal war with society.

Enough said.

I've said it before, IncelTears does get its share of flack from non-IncelTearsers. They aren't the "mainstream."

The comments are a fucking gold mine worth of :blackpill: s

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That's never gonna happen. You can't make literal war with society.

I've said it before, IncelTears does get its share of flack from non-IncelTearsers. They aren't the "mainstream."
We can
That's never gonna happen. You can't make literal war with society.

I've said it before, IncelTears does get its share of flack from non-IncelTearsers. They aren't the "mainstream."

You're right on both scores.
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What we should ask for is what every other disenfranchised group asks for. Basic compassion.

Here's what I want. If I wake up to a world where modern social justice is called out for the incel-alienating man-alienating farce that it is, and women start asking other women to stop being so mean to men like soyboys tell other men to stop being so mean to women, I will hang up my incel hat and leave the forum. My battle will be done.
seems lame. No amount of compassion can truly heal us from our misery, which of course stems from being deprived of a basic biological need due to things which we wield no tangible control over, while other men are allowed to have said biological need fulfilled tenfold. As long as society does nothing to address this root cause, the problem will persist and continue to boil, believing anything else is a utopian cope
When was the last time anybody tried to subvert someone's will on a society-wide scale and succeeded?
War with the current society for establishing new form of society. Rights shall win.

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seems lame. No amount of compassion can truly heal us from our misery, which of course stems from being deprived of a basic biological need due to things which we wield no tangible control over, while other men are allowed to have said biological need fulfilled tenfold. As long as society does nothing to address this root cause, the problem will persist and continue to boil, believing anything else is a utopian cope

That's a personal misery. I'm lonely, but I'm one lonely person. If we can achieve compassion for many lonely people, I can deal with personal misery.

War with the current society for establishing new form of society. Rights shall win.

But when was the last time that actually succeeded? You're trying to replace society. People who want to stay in this one won't go willingly and no one in recent history has succeded in making people go from one society that they liked to another that they hated.
War with the current society for establishing new form of society. Rights shall win.
New order will not allow feminism no liberalism in general. We will come back to old form of societal custumes.
New order will not allow feminism no liberalism in general. We will come back to old form of societal custumes.
We dont ask them wether they want or not. We will forse them by brutal forse
> You know what. It is unfair. But guess what? NOBODY OWES YOU ANYTHING. Wanna know why girls don’t wanna be with you? Because you act like you’re OWED attention for breathing.

Why are these people so fucking stupid?

Calling out unfairness and inequality for sub5 males leads to responses like these^.
That's a personal misery. I'm lonely, but I'm one lonely person. If we can achieve compassion for many lonely people, I can deal with personal misery.
I'm not convinced, and I don't think many people reading what you have to say are convinced either. It just seems like what I propose is all around better for solving the unique problems incels are faced with. I don't need their tears, I need pussy. If I can't have pussy then I wont contribute.
I'm not convinced, and I don't think many people reading what you have to say are convinced either. It just seems like what I propose is all around better for solving the unique problems incels are faced with. I don't need their tears, I need pussy. If I can't have pussy then I wont contribute.

You can't demand pussy. But you can demand respect. The limits to what you can fairly demand are whatever all the other social groups have demanded. The most you can ask for and should ask for is equal treatment.
You can't demand pussy. But you can demand respect. The limits to what you can fairly demand are whatever all the other social groups have demanded. The most you can ask for and should ask for is equal treatment.
I'm receiving subequal treatment by being weeded out of the genepool
I guess I'm one of the very few who really fucking hates women.
why not? Some people receive pussy while others do not. Equality would mean that everyone gets the same

That would mean forcing those who don't wanna give up the pussy to give it up. That's not equal.
That would mean forcing those who don't wanna give up the pussy to give it up. That's not equal.
equality will always come at the expense of the winners obviously.
Then it's not equality. If it comes at the expense of someone, it's not equality.
well I mean the only way to achieve equality between the number 2 and 4 is to extract 1 from 4 and give that number to 2. See my point?
well I mean the only way to achieve equality between the number 2 and 4 is to extract 1 from 4 and give it to 2. See my point?

But "guaranteed pussy" isn't "3 on one side and 3 on another." What you have is incels getting sexual satisfaction, and their women being forced into sexual servitude. That's not even. We're the winners, the women would have nothing.
But "guaranteed pussy" isn't "3 on one side and 3 on another." What you have is incels getting sexual satisfaction, and their women being forced into sexual servitude. That's not even. We're the winners, the women would have nothing.
they'd receive functioning families in return. Women were actually happier under patriarchy
they'd receive functioning families in return. Women were actually happier under patriarchy

Not every woman wants that, least of all with someone they don't love or trust. If they wanted it, we'd have it by now.
Not every woman wants that, least of all with someone they don't love or trust. If they wanted it, we'd have it by now.
that assumes that foids are rational agents though, they're not. They're easily swayed by propaganda and their short term satisfaction always get the better of them at the expense of their long term interest, not that I really give a fuck anyway. I want to address problems that are specific to incels, not help some roastie thot sort her life out
There's this thing called 'virtual-signalling', perhaps you've heard of it. :feelstastyman:
Very low iq

People virtue signal because they get something out of it. (eg foids saying they would date short men to seem less shallow). Incels are basically ISIS to normies so the guy gets nothing out of sympathizing with us. In fact, people would probably stigmatize for you siding with incels

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