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Soy Soy campus security giving out information about incels as a threat to public safety



Oct 7, 2019

Jfl it's over boyos, incels are gonna start being expelled from colleges. I'm definitely in the danger zone considering I post on this website while at college and I've definitely seen the soy staff looking over my shoulder
lmao so glad I've already graduated
I could always tell whenever the staff had a meeting and discussed "dangerous" students because suddenly everyone on the payroll would start greeting me in the halls. It was actually pretty insulting.
lol I sometimes browse this forum with my school's IP without a VPN. hope they don't find me :whatfeels:
I'm surprised I haven't been interrogated yet. I constantly use this site on university Wi-Fi and I sometimes scream at the top of my lungs that I want to kill all women (when I don't, I just get really mad sometimes), despite living in a dorm.
Lol @ Cuckmericans
I think the funniest part is that actual incels will go under the radar, since most know not to talk about this shit in public. It's just going to be a bunch of lonely ugly dudes who probably have never heard the word incel getting caught and destroyed by the campus incel hunter generals.
Lmao, exactly. High IQ again.
I think the funniest part is that actual blackpilled incels will go under the radar, since most know not to talk about this shit in public. It's just going to be a bunch of lonely ugly dudes who probably have never heard the word incel getting caught and destroyed by the campus incel hunter generals.
Exactly my thoughts.
Looks like a wich-hunt to me.

Notice that this doesn't give any actual security advice. It just presents incels in a very caricatural way. It's brainwashing, basically.
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Aren't the majority of rapes committed by somebody the victim trusts? They should be putting out PSAs about the dangers of Chad.
Soon you'll need to give them a photo of your face when you apply. They then will deny you if you look like a dangerous incel.

It's always them, always.
Of course the based comment that is downvoted to -300 is correct. 100% of campus rapes are committed by Chad and high tier normies. ITcels are delusional. Next week a random Becky will be raped by a Chad and IT will go "how can that be possible??? we put out flyers on inkels" :feelshaha:
Aren't the majority of rapes committed by somebody the victim trusts? They should be putting out PSAs about the dangers of Chad.

To women, "rape" is merely daring to exist as an ugly male in their presence.
By 2021 u will get expelled if ur not a chad
99 percent of incels rot in their rooms and keep to themselves. Normies and chads commit rapes and crimes all the time. All Incels that did shootings were bullied by chads and normies.
How can they tell who's incel, other than assuming that all ugly guys are incel and thereby proving us right, that it's all about looks?

This shit is just left-wing fascism being promoted by a bunch of cucked little Eichmanns. Hopefully some bluepilled "virgin but not inkwell" types get caught up in this shit and hoisted on their own petard.
School is fuckin gay

JFL @ going to school as an ugly male. You mine aswell just stick cactus needles in your penis whole its the same amount of torture and pain as being an ugly male on campus seeing all the hot stacys around campus and class not being able to fuck and suck them
Wtf, you go to college to get an education, not to be treated like a terrorist
JFL at that cucktears OP who doxed himself.

This is an official government psa sent out by the government of Orange Country, Santa Ana.

the (U//FOUO) stand for For Offical Use Only. The government is cracking down on incels who live in Santa Ana

Over for SantaAnacels

But now we know that ITcucks also are glow-in-the-dark central intelligence agency basketball americans
wtf this is insane
What they fail to understand is we arent all terrorists actually id say 00.1% of our community is actually capable of committing those types of acts. The thing is people just dont like male virgins they make assumptions of us based on the actions of others. Im pretty sure if they put some of you guys in a line suspect line up of other guys and they asked a normie to pick the incel they probably wouldnt know
:feelskek: You don't have to worry about this they're only sending out this psa for the University of California Irvine.

As long as you don't go to University of California Irvine, you should be fine. But imagine this on a wider scale,
you can't get an education and stop wage cucking just because of guilt by association of those evil inkwells.

Truly clown world.
I think the funniest part is that actual blackpilled incels will go under the radar, since most know not to talk about this shit in public. It's just going to be a bunch of lonely ugly dudes who probably have never heard the word incel getting caught and destroyed by the campus incel hunter generals.
I'm flying too low under the radar tbh. Foids are starting to treat me like a soy cuck at college. Time to release 5% of my power level.
lmao so glad I've already graduated
I could always tell whenever the staff had a meeting and discussed "dangerous" students because suddenly everyone on the payroll would start greeting me in the halls. It was actually pretty insulting.
I remember my school gave me $50 gift card for Christmas because they thought that ensured I would spare them if I decided to go ER
I remember my school gave me $50 gift card for Christmas because they thought that ensured I would spare them if I decided to go ER
that's like a bully giving a high-five to the bully victim to make him not mad at the bully. Brutal.
that's like a bully giving a high-five to the bully victim to make him not mad at the bully. Brutal.
yeah, they also made me go to a social worker who ensured I wasn't thinking about going ER every single week and tried to set up play dates for me.

I would get called down every week in class and everyone knew where I was going. It was just a failo. It instantly ensured I was an outcast or the weird kid. What a bunch of morons.
Get ready boyos, soon they'll castrate and force us to work for free like slaves
There's no university for your face
Why do they treat us like animals. It is dumb to think you are not going to rattle the cage every once in a while. This is very sad though, all it will do is push incels that already live excluded lives further into the pipe. This publication really does not help anyone.
80% of men will be gassed alive or they have to start living underground.
Did giving women rights workout?
80% of men will be gassed alive or they have to start living underground.
Did giving women rights workout?
Inkwell "reducation" camps soon.
Good, i hope they come after me and every fucking ugly man who has ever complained they can, preferably they should come after only the ones who haven't actually done anything and delive worse punishment than to rapists, terrorists, KKK members, straight to the electric chair or a labor camp for every single one of us they can get their hands on, because:
Under pressure incels will organize themselves properly. As an undeground resistence movement. Simpathizers of true anti system coalition will join us.

So yes please find and arrest/kill me ASAP.
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Good news. Opression will cause our farther radicalisation. Under pressure incels will organize themselves properly. As undeground resistence movement. Simphataizers of true anti sistem coalitiin will join us.
We are only true serious oposition . Not all those clowns who post about war of races and silly policy posing for females.
Come find me fuck nigga.
Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.
It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.
Looks like a wich-hunt to me.

Notice that this doesn't give any actual security advice. It just presents incels in a very caricatural way. It's brainwashing, basically.
Calling it : one day college admissions will be restricted to couples.

It will solve two problems with one stone : gender parity and ugly males.

I mean, if you can't get a GF before college you're not suited to life in society so why should you even have the right to a higher education ?
Calling it : one day college admissions will be restricted to couples.

It will solve two problems with one stone : gender parity and ugly males.
That's a genius idea, it would destroy the life of every youngcel and make society even more degenerate, gynocentric and lookist bringing more pain to the life of ugly men, i'll be celebrating each step of kicking us while we're down even harder, because in the end it'll all be worth it when failed normies start to snap.
That's a genius idea, it would destroy the life of every youngcel and make society even more degenerate, gynocentric and lookist bringing more pain to the life of ugly men, i'll be celebrating each step of kicking us while we're down even harder, because in the end it'll all be worth it when failed normies start to snap.

Actually, not couples. Because there are not enough Chads for that. Let's say sexually active people.

During admission you'll have to kiss and hug someone in front of the recruitment officer or something. Oh what the heck, let's not be prude : you'll have to either suck a dick or get your dick sucked in front of the officer.

This would solve the incels problem for once ! :feelsthink:
The post is deleted, does anyone have any screenshot?
Incel could be interchanged with “sub8 male”
What a bunch of fags. I wish it was like the 18th century, where if you had beef with someone, you could slap him with your glove like he's a bitch, and challenge him to a duel. No stupid laws, or "threats," or thought crimes, just two idiots settling things like honorable men. TO THE DEATH.
I don't understand how the sales pitch for this would even be like for the campus administration.

Ugly virgins: potential terrorists on campus.

They want us to lash out tbh, so they can crack down and dispose of us while using the terrorist excuse. Identifying as incel will be the same as identifying as ISIS in the very near future.

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