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South indians are one of the reasons ki hamari image in terms of looks kharaab h west mein

It's not cucked to accept the truth. Tamils and Mallus are the most superior.

Tamils and Mallus are tallest, richest, Highest T, Highest IQ, least polluting, most hygienic, most civil, sharpest Jaws, best hairlines, best and most trad women having, best culture and civilization, best languages, better reputation, best religious people in whole of Asia

I wish I get a Tamil/Mallu wife so I can become one of them :cryfeels:

@Rapist @Jason Voorhees
@Acorn @Trannydestroyer @cinderogre
@ChudMasterofBation @ReconElement this place pretty much turned into Twitter. Now all we need are Pakis to make this jeet racewar complete.
True saar
It's not cucked to accept the truth. Tamils and Mallus are the most superior.

Tamils and Mallus are tallest, richest, Highest T, Highest IQ, least polluting, most hygienic, most civil, sharpest Jaws, best hairlines, best and most trad women having, best culture and civilization, best languages, better reputation, best religious people in whole of Asia

I wish I get a Tamil/Mallu wife so I can become one of them :cryfeels:

@Rapist @Jason VoorheesS
Saar plzz stop at this point, why waste so much time and effort and be angry at that, please drink a beer saar
Saar plzz stop at this point, why waste so much time and effort and be angry at that, please drink a beer saar
I feel inferior for being a Telugu. I wish I was born a Tamil/Mallu, they are the most superior in everything :cryfeels:
I feel inferior for being a Telugu. I wish I was born a Tamil/Mallu, they are the most superior in everything :cryfeels:
Saar, who cares, South Indians cope with drinking and eating saar, you too drink and eat and solve maths saar, too much worldly dezirez can hurt us mentally
calling all southerns ugly is not exactly fair or completely true
kamal hassan was a mogger for southern standards also mogged pretty much most of north currydia
Curries are curries. Stop trying to distinguish them like some curries always do. "Oh it's the South Indians that are the real jeets". No, all currycels are jeets. No point in arguing who is less jeet. Khoi farakh nahi hai bhai.
Yeah so your post doesn't really make sense. It's irrelevant what specific invader we talk about, curries are on par with niggers when it comes to civilisation building and history and have absolutely 0 redeeming factors
What about the ancient Indian civilization
While native IVC people literally built one of the greatest civilizations, no wonder Tamils and Mallus with Highest IVC DNA are also IQ moggers
Tbh, IVC was one of the advanced civilization and if you compare IVC with Steppe Indo Aryans migrants, then u see IVC moggs them in the field of intelligence and civilization while Aryan migrats are nomadic herders
Tbh, IVC was one of the advanced civilization and if you compare IVC with Steppe Indo Aryans migrants, then u see IVC moggs them in the field of intelligence and civilization while Aryan migrats are nomadic herders
Exactly, yet North niggers cope with "Muh 30% steppe we waz aryans :feelstastyman: "
No cow-worshiping horse sex having Steppe DNA though
Wtf are you kidding, even in the link u shared is talking that IVC is formed by mixing with Ancient Iranian with AASI
Muh 30% steppe we waz aryans
That's the fair skin, these delusional perverts have lust for fair skin only. Even in modern times AASI maxxed South Indian are highly intelligent than steepe maxxed fair skinned Kashmiris
Wtf are you kidding, even in the link u shared is talking that IVC is formed by mixing with Ancient Iranian with AASI
Yeah I didn't say otherwise. They didn't find any steppe in IVC, meaning IVC was pre-Aryan arrival to India
That's the fair skin, these delusional perverts have lust for fair skin only. Even in modern times AASI maxxed South Indian are highly intelligent than steepe maxxed fair skinned Kashmiris
And where do dravidian brahmins come into play in all of this?
It’s funny how so many currys think Kashmiris are some master race JFL. No one outside curryland cares or can tell the difference
Kashmiri themselves think they are master race due to thier fair skin delusion, even many muslim kashmiris are highly racist towards muslim from the other states
calling all southerns ugly is not exactly fair or completely true
kamal hassan was a mogger for southern standards also mogged pretty much most of north currydia
Don't beat up a dead horse, let this thread be water under the bridge already
Kashmiri themselves think they are master race due to thier fair skin delusion, even many muslim kashmiris are highly racist towards muslim from the other states
@ilieknothing is this true? You aren't like this at all
@ilieknothing is this true? You aren't like this at all
Yes, they are fucking idiots. I’m not like that cause I don’t think your skin colour or ancestors gives value to who you are. That’s what foids do in evaluating someone and I hate foids
Yes, they are fucking idiots. I’m not like that cause I don’t think your skin colour or ancestors gives value to who you are. That’s what foids do in evaluating someone and I hate foids
Bruh, what do you think of Kashmiri independence and jihadism in Kashmir
Lmao currycel civil war. It is funny to see the subhuman infighting
Subhuman infighting between themselves and telling how one is better from others, bloody subhumans you all are same
Images 6
Modern Indians have majority IVC genes
Modernn indians are mystery meat that have been raped and conquered for thousands of years by Iranians, Scythians, Greco-Bactrians, Huns, Hepthalites, Turco-Mongols etc

Between the Mauryans and Guptas, India was ruled by various barbarians for over 300 years. After that there was the Delhi Sultanate, Mughals, Deccan Sultanates. Everybody had their share of raping indians. IVC genes don't exist anymore
Bruh, what do you think of Kashmiri independence and jihadism in Kashmir
I don’t really like that modifags have control. There should be a vote on what should be done and obviously the Hindu dindus wouldn’t like the result
I don’t really like that modifags have control. There should be a vote on what should be done and obviously the Hindu dindus wouldn’t like the result
Btw after removal of 370 there has been a great infrastructure development done there.
I don’t really like that modifags have control. There should be a vote on what should be done and obviously the Hindu dindus wouldn’t like the result
Do you want independent Kashmir
Btw you people brutally genocides and rape them
Muslims and Hindus do that to each other in all of curryland. My grandaddy told me he was in Delhi in 1947 and he was being chased by Hindu dindus
Muslims and Hindus do that to each other in all of curryland. My grandaddy told me he was in Delhi in 1947 and he was being chased by Hindu dindus
But you brutally kicked them out permanently
He's ugly as shit
He looked okay when he was young


Between the Mauryans and Guptas, India was ruled by various barbarians for over 300 years. After that there was the Delhi Sultanate, Mughals, Deccan Sultanates. Everybody had their share of raping indians.
*North Indians. What about Satavahanas and Vijaynagar empire? We fought against all of them
IVC genes don't exist anymore
Nigga IVC is the largest genetic contributer for all South Indians
Search about Kashmiri pandit genocides
I know about that, the same thing happens everywhere in curryland
Tbh, happened in Hyderabad too :feelsohh: Revenge for the oppressive Nizam rule :feelsugh:

An official "very conservative estimate" puts the total civilian death toll at 27,000–40,000 civilians between September–October 1948;[10] other scholars have put the figure at 200,000, or even higher.[11] Apart from mass killings, activists such as Sundarayya mention systematic torture, rapes, and lootings by Indian soldiers.[6]
The report also conservatively put the death toll to between 27,000 and 40,000 Muslim civilian lives lost.[3] Violence by Hindus is told largely through the report, eyewitness accounts and other sources.
Not only South Indian but every India, except North Eastern ones
Yeah, even for Pakis I think. But South Indians are genetically closer to IVC because of lesser steppe and more AASI

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