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South indians are one of the reasons ki hamari image in terms of looks kharaab h west mein

I am south indian yes but I have lived in the US and unlike you I don't divide people based on north and south. This is how the british ruled us for 200 years. We need to see ourselves as south asians not north and south and north and south have an overwhelming shared genetic ancestry(ANI and AASI dna)
fuck off faggot you southies spread your ugly ass genes in north
The British ruled india because curries are low iq retards, simple as
Its because of divide and rule policies and tribal primitve apes like OP who can't see anything beyond these petty issues and imaginary pride.
Its because of divide and rule policies and tribal primitve apes like OP who can't see anything beyond these petty issues and imaginary pride.
Its because of divide and rule policies and tribal primitve apes like OP who can't see anything beyond these petty issues and imaginary pride.
maybe if they had some semblance of self pride and didnt cuck themselves out to the earliest settlers just because they happened to be white skinned we would be doing better now
Its because of divide and rule policies and tribal primitve apes like OP who can't see anything beyond these petty issues and imaginary pride.
99% of curries are low iq unaware primitive tribal apes. India is a shithole because of curries, no other reason
maybe if they had some semblance of self pride and didnt cuck themselves out to the earliest settlers just because they happened to be white skinned we would be doing better now
The indo europeans raped and conquered the subhuman moolnivasis, self pride was never a part of the equation
The indo europeans raped and conquered the subhuman moolnivasis, self pride was never a part of the equation
i mean that was always bound to happen jfl subhuman abos never really had a chance
i mean that was always bound to happen jfl subhuman abos never really had a chance
Yeah so your post doesn't really make sense. It's irrelevant what specific invader we talk about, curries are on par with niggers when it comes to civilisation building and history and have absolutely 0 redeeming factors
maybe if they had some semblance of self pride and didnt cuck themselves out to the earliest settlers just because they happened to be white skinned we would be doing better now
What self pride. It were the invading indo aryans that raped the dark skinned weddoids to create the mutt abomination that curries are
Yeah so your post doesn't really make sense. It's irrelevant what specific invader we talk about, curries are on par with niggers when it comes to civilisation building and history and have absolutely 0 redeeming factors
i mean that was always bound to happen jfl subhuman abos never really had a chance
All curries from pakistan, india, bangladesh or sri lanka are the interracial rape result between lightskinned invading indo europeans who raped dark skinned weddoid jungle dweller pygmy tribes of the Indian subcontinent.

Every Indian has ASI and ANI admixture. The more higher in the caste and the more from the north of india, the less ASI and the more ANI.Also as a bonus there's a death pill for OP. Every indian including upper class brahmin north indian is a rape result of mixing between these two groups. Even the most lightskinned southasian brahmin scores up to 20% of this ancient southasian genetic component. This is the reason why North Indians still look like shit on average and distinctly different to Kurds and Iranians
All curries from pakistan, india, bangladesh or sri lanka are the interracial rape result between lightskinned invading indo europeans who raped dark skinned weddoid jungle dweller pygmy tribes of the Indian subcontinent.

Every Indian has ASI and ANI admixture. The more higher in the caste and the more from the north of india, the less ASI and the more ANI.Also as a bonus there's a death pill for OP. Every indian including upper class brahmin north indian is a rape result of mixing between these two groups. Even the most lightskinned southasian brahmin scores up to 20% of this ancient southasian genetic component. This is the reason why North Indians still look like shit on average and distinctly different to Kurds and Iranians
Ok? What does that have to do with what I said?
Ok? What does that have to do with what I said?
It ties back to your original post about caste being a huge factor. It probably does play a role but I don't think it's as determinetal ad you are making it out to be. Wealth I can agree to an extent but not caste specifically
It ties back to your original post about caste being a huge factor. It probably does play a role but I don't think it's as determinetal ad you are making it out to be. Wealth I can agree to an extent but not caste specifically
Never said it was a huge factor
keep cop
It ties back to your original post about caste being a huge factor. It probably does play a role but I don't think it's as determinetal ad you are making it out to be. Wealth I can agree to an extent but not caste specifically
keep coping mallu nigger northies will always mog you southies in looks
North bozos making their own happiness

Most Indians looks the same, only skin tone differs
North bozos making their own happiness

Most Indians looks the same, only skin tone differs
I mean bhai like literally name one south indian jo world ke top 10 handsome men aya ho. North india mein itne bande h jo top 10 attractive males in world aaye h sidharth malhotra ranbir kapoor hrithik roshan shahid kapoor saare punjabi roots ke h . And rohit khandelwal jo mister world tha vo bhi rajasthan se h or recently indian foids ka naya crush kartik aaryan south indians have done way more damage to our image in looks than we can think
Baat toh sahi hai lol, southies are rarely moggers
Seethe harder North niggers. Btw the Hindi you are speaking isn't even "Hindi" it's just Urdu, there are alot of persian loan words in Hindi because you got raped by Persian and Turks for 800 years

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/sz6noz/you_might_have_realized_that_the_hindi_we_speak/

Other than looks
Cope, South and North-West Indians look good enough. Cow belter are the most disgusting looking though
North South se zyada important caste hai. South brahmin > north dalit but ha maine to ek bhi good looking South Indian nahi dekha jo North indian nahi dikhta
Cope, South Brahmins only have 10-15% steppe. Many North-West OBC groups would have higher steppe than that.

And also as if only steppe matter. Tamils, mallus, Gujjus and some Pakis have highest IVC descended DNA making them height moggers
Lol south Indian ke brahmin migrated to south, they originally hailed from north
Irreverent, South Brahmins are basically 50% UP brahmins 50% South Indian, and they migrated at least 2500 years ago
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another south nigger making shit up to be in same league as northies
Bro you guys literally got raped by invadors while we fought them off. You are literal cucks


I'd drop the superiority complex if I were you tbh. Upper class north curries are just as low iq and useless. Both high class, low class and every class is subhuman in currylands. You could only make this kind of arguments for the top 10% of each race and social class but that defeats purpose of ethnic superiority which is why I think being proud of ypur ethnicity, social class, caste or race is retarded because you are born into it. Individual achievements are more important. A dalit who has acheived something great has more respect in my eyes compared to a brahmin who sits at home rotting.
BASED :yes: :yes: :yes:
The British ruled india because curries are low iq retards, simple as
Is that the same why Arabs ruled you Iranian too then? JFL
maybe if they had some semblance of self pride and didnt cuck themselves out to the earliest settlers just because they happened to be white skinned we would be doing better now
Wtf explain again?
99% of curries are low iq unaware primitive tribal apes. India is a shithole because of curries, no other reason
Yeah North Indians
The indo europeans raped and conquered the subhuman moolnivasis, self pride was never a part of the equation
i mean that was always bound to happen jfl subhuman abos never really had a chance
Yeah so your post doesn't really make sense. It's irrelevant what specific invader we talk about, curries are on par with niggers when it comes to civilisation building and history and have absolutely 0 redeeming factors
What self pride. It were the invading indo aryans that raped the dark skinned weddoids to create the mutt abomination that curries are
Retards lot of assumptions there. First of all, curries back in bronze age were moggers. Tallest in the world. They weren't just AASI but AASI mixed with IVC Iranian farmer DNA

Giga Cope from the start itself IVC was the most Advanced civilization at that time.
During the Bronze Age, height varied significantly by region. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization were among the tallest in the world, with an average height of 176 cm (5 ft 9 in) for males and 166 cm (5 ft 5 in) for females.[1] The people of Ancient Egypt stood around 167 cm (5 ft 6 in) for males and 157 cm (5 ft 2 in) for females.[60] The Ancient Greeks averaged 166 cm (5 ft 5 in) for males and 154 cm (5 ft 1 in) for females. The Romans were slightly taller, with an average height of 169 cm (5 ft 7 in) for males and 158 cm (5 ft 2 in) for females.[61]

Also if an invasion really took place we should expect steppe to be mediated via Males very predominantly as much as in Europe. But this isn't the case, literally in some placed like Swat Valley and Uttarkhand Brahmins steppe is predominantly female mediated

In the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age individuals of the Swat Valley, we detect a significantly lower proportion of Steppe admixture on the Y chromosome (only 5% of the 44 Y chromosomes of the R1a-Z93 subtype that occurs at 100% frequency in the Central_Steppe_MLBA males) compared to 20% on the autosomes (Z = −3.9 for a deficiency from males under the simplifying assumption that all the Y chromosomes are unrelated to each other since admixture and thus statistically independent), documenting how Steppe ancestry was incorporated into these groups largely through females (Fig. 4). However, sex bias varied in different parts of South Asia, as in present-day South Asians we observe a reverse pattern of excess Central_Steppe_MLBA-related ancestry on the Y chromosome compared to the autosomes (Z = 2.7 for an excess from males) (13, 57) (Fig. 4). Thus, the introduction of lineages from Steppe pastoralists into the ancestors of present-day South Asians was mediated mostly by males. This bias is similar in direction to what has been documented for the introduction of Steppe ancestry into Iberia in far western Europe, although the bias is less extreme than reported in that case (58).
When comparing with the previous analyses, our data showed significant (unpaired t-test P<0.0001) higher proportion of West Eurasian-specific lineages among traditionally higher caste (Brahmin and Kshatriya) populations for maternal lineages, although it was non-significant for the paternal ancestry (unpaired t-test P=0.5468).

And even the R1a present in most of India is native and isn't present in rest of the world as much
I have rebutted both of these claims in previous posts. Simply put, R1a-L657 (which makes up 70% of modern Indian R1a) is not from the steppe and is local to the Indian subcontinent. It is found in exactly 0 bronze age samples from the steppe and is absent in any meaningful way from modern steppe populations. The paper avoids this nuance and concludes wrongly after omitting this relevant data. The rebuttal can be read here https://a-genetics.blogspot.com/2022/10/r1a-explained.html
To put it simply, the authors are claiming that although the swat valley data says the opposite, modern data shows them that the steppe autosomal ancestry in modern South Asians must have come primarily via men from the steppe carrying R1a-Z93. The 221 South Asians are from four communities: Sri Lankan Tamil in the UK, Gujaratis in Houston, Telugu in the UK, and Punjabi in Lahore. Notice the erroneous assumption made here: All of Indian R1a is treated as Z93 without any of the nuances that they offer to other regions of the world. Eg. The recent 'Southern Arc' paper analyzes various subclades within R1b with nuance for Steppe, Armenia & NW Iran. The presence of M780 (aka Y3) and L657 in Indians was known since 2015, so that is not a valid reason to ignore the subclades of Z93.
If we substitute what we know from this article, only 14 of the 64 (Narasimhan reports 62, Poznik et al 2016 have 64) South Asian R1a from the 1000 Genome Project are Z2124+. Considering that 2000-1000BCE steppe only had Z2124+ samples, we see 14/221 (3% - 9.5% at 95% CI) of Steppe_MLBA on the Y chromosome instead of the claim of 22-34% by Narasimhan et al. The conclusion of male-mediated steppe migration completely falls apart. And now, the data from modern South Asians matches with the data seen at the Swat valley Iron age sites. In typical Eurocentric fashion, the Harvard researchers are just trying to force-fit the events of male-mediated steppe dispersals in Europe onto the genetic prehistory of the Indian subcontinent. The archaeological and genetic histories of the two could not be any more different.

So in conclution a "Aryan" Invasion like in Europe couldn't have taken place at all, no matter how you see things. Indo-Aryans were cow worshiping retards who imitated having sex with horses with shit like ashwamedha yagna. They were the ones who arguebley fucked the country up.

While native IVC people literally built one of the greatest civilizations, no wonder Tamils and Mallus with Highest IVC DNA are also IQ moggers

@ChudMasterofBation thots on this?
Wtf explain again?

Yeah North Indians

Retards lot of assumptions there. First of all, curries back in bronze age were moggers. Tallest in the world. They weren't just AASI but AASI mixed with IVC Iranian farmer DNA

Giga Cope from the start itself IVC was the most Advanced civilization at that time.

Also if an invasion really took place we should expect steppe to be mediated via Males very predominantly as much as in Europe. But this isn't the case, literally in some placed like Swat Valley and Uttarkhand Brahmins steppe is predominantly female mediated

And even the R1a present in most of India is native and isn't present in rest of the world as much

So in conclution a "Aryan" Invasion like in Europe couldn't have taken place at all, no matter how you see things. Indo-Aryans were cow worshiping retards who imitated having sex with horses with shit like ashwamedha yagna. They were the ones who arguebley fucked the country up.

While native IVC people literally built one of the greatest civilizations, no wonder Tamils and Mallus with Highest IVC DNA are also IQ moggers

@ChudMasterofBation thots on this?
@Fatass3000 thoughts on this high-T Dravidian warrior absolutely obliterating all the North Indian rapebaby cucks' copes?
It ties back to your original post about caste being a huge factor
Never said it was a huge factor
Retard you literally said it here
North South se zyada important caste hai. South brahmin > north dalit but ha maine to ek bhi good looking South Indian nahi dekha jo North indian nahi dikhta

Also you claimed that Dravidian (which I am assuming you meaning IVC people) migrated South because of a supposed Aryan invasion and that this was agreed upon by scholarly consensus :lul: This is a retarded theory given by British anthropologists while IVC was just discovered without any basis. Prove it if you can, IVC collapsed because of climate change and we don't have proof IVC spoke a Dravidian language

Secondly, you claimed Aryans raped South Indians also, since we also have steppe. Retard, Aryans in Rig Veda didn't interact with anyone Southern of Vindhyas and called the North-West India their homeland ie. Aryavarta. Steppe is from mixxing with North Indian groups like Vellars and Brahmins who came later. Tamil sangam literature proves this.


When South India was invaded by mullas their rule just lasted 40 years and that was enough for us to fight back and reconquer our lands, meanwhile your Iranian Zoroastrians didn't fight back and converted

"Muh conversions peaceful :feelstastyman:" Cope it was "peaceful" because you converted. If it was that conformable there, why did your ancestors run away from there?

his forces were defeated by Vijayanagara forces and the Vijayanagara Empire conquered the Sultanate. During this short span of 43 years, the Sultanate had eight different rulers
Retard you literally said it here

Also you claimed that Dravidian (which I am assuming you meaning IVC people) migrated South because of a supposed Aryan invasion and that this was agreed upon by scholarly consensus :lul: This is a retarded theory given by British anthropologists while IVC was just discovered without any basis. Prove it if you can, IVC collapsed because of climate change and we don't have proof IVC spoke a Dravidian language

Secondly, you claimed Aryans raped South Indians also, since we also have steppe. Retard, Aryans in Rig Veda didn't interact with anyone Southern of Vindhyas and called the North-West India their homeland ie. Aryavarta. Steppe is from mixxing with North Indian groups like Vellars and Brahmins who came later. Tamil sangam literature proves this.

View attachment 1194875

When South India was invaded by mullas their rule just lasted 40 years and that was enough for us to fight back and reconquer our lands, meanwhile your Iranian Zoroastrians didn't fight back and converted

"Muh conversions peaceful :feelstastyman:" Cope it was "peaceful" because you converted. If it was that conformable there, why did your ancestors run away from there?

genuinely sad that you have such a shit life you write these 800 word paragraphs thinking anybody gives a shit

i will pray for you
genuinely sad that you have such a shit life you write these 800 word paragraphs thinking anybody gives a shit

i will pray for you
Yeah pray for me just like how you pray for cows, smearing cow shit all over you North nigger

You accepted yourself to be a rape baby without even verification. That’s how cucked you North niggers are. No wonder you got raped by literally everyone in the world
great, another race war
Seethe harder North niggers. Btw the Hindi you are speaking isn't even "Hindi" it's just Urdu, there are alot of persian loan words in Hindi because you got raped by Persian and Turks for 800 years

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/sz6noz/you_might_have_realized_that_the_hindi_we_speak/

Cope, South and North-West Indians look good enough. Cow belter are the most disgusting looking though

Cope, South Brahmins only have 10-15% steppe. Many North-West OBC groups would have higher steppe than that.

And also as if only steppe matter. Tamils, mallus, Gujjus and some Pakis have highest IVC descended DNA making them height moggers

Irreverent, South Brahmins are basically 50% UP brahmins 50% South Indian, and they migrated at least 2500 years ago

Yeah pray for me just like how you pray for cows, smearing cow shit all over you North nigger

You accepted yourself to be a rape baby without even verification. That’s how cucked you North niggers are. No wonder you got raped by literally everyone in the world
fuck off south nigger still your women have fair skin fetish
am i supposed to believe this shit fuck off nigger try some korean makeup maybe you will become fair
Retard South Indians can also have fair skin wtf
Retard South Indians can also have fair skin wtf
Only muslims who migrated from afghan to hyderabad or karnatka have fair skin other than that average southie is nigger place a real nigger and southie by side no one will be able to tell difference fuck off faggot if you are fair skinned what are you doing here kys fakecel
Only muslims who migrated from afghan to hyderabad or karnatka have fair skin other than that average southie is nigger place a real nigger and southie by side no one will be able to tell difference fuck off faggot if you are fair skinned what are you doing here kys fakecel
Lmao that is not true at all. Pulling shit right out of your ass. Skin pigmentation doesn't even matter in racial classification. Anyone can be lightskinned or dark skinned. How does that change anything.
Lmao that is not true at all. Pulling shit right out of your ass. Skin pigmentation doesn't even matter in racial classification. Anyone can be lightskinned or dark skinned. How does that change anything.
southies coping first they say skin color dont matter now fighting for how southies can have fair skin thats called light brown nigger that your women use makeup to pull off @Fevet
Only muslims who migrated from afghan to hyderabad or karnatka have fair skin other than that average southie is nigger place a real nigger and southie by side no one will be able to tell difference fuck off faggot if you are fair skinned what are you doing here kys fakecel
Seethe harder North niggers. Btw the Hindi you are speaking isn't even "Hindi" it's just Urdu, there are alot of persian loan words in Hindi because you got raped by Persian and Turks for 800 years

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/sz6noz/you_might_have_realized_that_the_hindi_we_speak/

Cope, South and North-West Indians look good enough. Cow belter are the most disgusting looking though

Cope, South Brahmins only have 10-15% steppe. Many North-West OBC groups would have higher steppe than that.

And also as if only steppe matter. South Indians, Gujjus and some Pakis have highest ICV descended DNA making them height moggers

Irreverent, South Brahmins are basically 50% UP brahmins 50% South Indian, and they migrated at least 2500 years ago

is that supposed to be beautiful @Fevet tag that another bengali incel as well
southies coping first they say skin dont matter now fighting for how southies can have fair skin thats called light brown nigger that your women use makeup to pull off
I'm not saying skin doesn't matter I'm saying skin color doesn't play much of a role in determining RACE. This italian has similar skin color to many kashmiris does that make him a curry now? He still looks 100% italain because of his euro skull and features.

southies coping first they say skin color dont matter now fighting for how southies can have fair skin thats called light brown nigger that your women use makeup to pull off @Fevet
A chunk of them are fair skinned for instance the creator of that private incel sub on reddit. But amusingly enough they're brahmins who migrated from the north originally but southies write that off since it was "so long ago"
I'm not saying skin doesn't matter I'm saying skin color doesn't play much of a role in determining RACE. This italian has similar skin color to many kashmiris does that make him a curry now? He still looks 100% italain because of his euro skull and features.

View attachment 1195250
brother a kashmiri is way more fairer compared to average mallu or telugu niggers so get tf lost i can easily find 10 kashmiri chads more fair than him or himachali get lost go use cocunut water maybe it will cleanse your skin from your so called tanned skin
A chunk of them are fair skinned for instance the creator of that private incel sub on reddit. But amusingly enough they're brahmins who migrated from the north originally but southies write that off since it was "so long ago"
thats what i said faggot thinks southies are born fair imagine wearing a lungi only to get your dick eaten by a fish :feelskek:
brother a kashmiri is way more fairer compared to average mallu or telugu niggers so get tf lost i can easily find 10 kashmiri chads more fair than him or himachali get lost go use cocunut water maybe it will cleanse your skin from your so called tanned skin
I didn't say average I'm just saying anyone can be dark or lightskinned regardless of where thry live. There plenty of dark kashmiris too like @ilieknothing but features are always a give away of race.

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