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Blackpill Some dudes here unironically believe that there's a significant genetic difference between races that makes humans behave different accordingcto race

This ha
yes, its all about the people, USSR was 90% white and their system worked for 69 years, a society is shaped by its people/race not the other way around
The USSR was a complete shithole from the start to finish. Slavs, despite they grey pale skin, are not white.
This has to be bait lol...
it all comes after the people
That makes little to no sense, education, for example, play a linear role, it never fell from the sky, even having the mightiest of the IQs, it's physically impossible to create all the wonders we have now if we didn't have schools to pass knowledge from generation to generation, one guy invented a thing, but not the other, but then other guy came and invented that other thing, and that took centuries to happen, generations of 'useless' high iq people have been born and did not contribute until one single guy came and solved the problem, the way you try to display IQ makes it sounds like it is a magical force that when it's high enough it becomes unstoppable, that makes zero sense lol, we still have to cooperate in social norms so we can evolve, one gifted person is not a god from above the clouds, that's delusional thinking
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This ha

The USSR was a complete shithole from the start to finish. Slavs, despite they grey pale skin, are not white.

View: https://youtu.be/sjI8jwn0Upo?si=zZO_nrMCEKJsMtsW


That makes little to no sense, education, for example, play a linear role, it never fell from the sky, even having the mightiest of the IQs, it's physically impossible to create all the wonders we have now if we didn't have schools to pass knowledge from generation to generation, one guy invented a thing, but not the other, but then other guy came and invented that other thing, the way you try to display IQ makes it sounds like it is a magical force that when it's high enough it becomes unstoppable, that makes zero sense lol, we still have to cooperate in social norms so we can evolve, one gifted person is not a god from above the clouds, that's delusional thinking
only the people can make things work, dont need schools to pass knowledge ahead
only the people can make things work, dont need schools to pass knowledge ahead
Alright, let's take school's off then, maybe we can take off scientific method out too, so there it is, only folk lore, no falsifiability, just intuitive methods that may or may not work... you just worsened things up congratulations. Do you see how hard it is to measure people's intelligence when not spitting "white = high IQ" babble? That thing must be shaped one way or another, or else we have nothing to rely on, just our abstraction ability that can vary in degree but when it doesn't have a specific direction doesn't lead to nowhere or can't even be increased, people just need to be shaped man and race has little to do with it, no I'm not denying that different races on average have different IQ but still that doesn't imply much, afro american are basicaly freed slaves while whites already have their culture and all lores learned way back from europe, that comparison doesn't sound fair to me
Alright, let's take school's off then, maybe we can take off scientific method out too, so there it is, only folk lore, no falsifiability, just intuitive methods that may or may not work... you just worsened things up congratulations. Do you see how hard it is to measure people's intelligence when not spitting "white = high IQ" babble? That thing must be shaped one way or another, or else we have nothing to rely on, just our abstraction ability that can vary in degree but when it doesn't have a specific direction doesn't lead to nowhere or can't even be increased, people just need to be shaped man and race has little to do with it, no I'm not denying that different races on average have different IQ but still that doesn't imply much, afro american are basicaly freed slaves while whites already have their culture and all lores learned way back from europe, that comparison doesn't sound fair to me
you cant save them

I know for a fact it was a shithole. Half my family is from there. I know dozens, probably hundreds of people that grew up in it. It was complete garbage and the reason for that is simple. Slavs, they never created any functioning state that was worth living in. In the whole of their existence. Never will.

Couldn't care less who labeled who as aryan or whatever, it's obvious that they are white niggers.
I know for a fact it was a shithole. Half my family is from there. I know dozens, probably hundreds of people that grew up in it. It was complete garbage and the reason for that is simple. Slavs, they never created any functioning state that was worth living in. In the whole of their existence. Never will.

Couldn't care less who labeled who as aryan or whatever, it's obvious that they are white niggers.
-white niggers
That meaning they are as niggerish as any black could be, that is humanity for you, I don't know how you guys can insist on trying to hold only one race accountable when it's crystal clear that every race does a lot of shit, the only difference being the frequency on which it's made, but they still do
I know I can't, but human behavior is not that predictable, that's trivial, and that was all I was pointing out
I know for a fact it was a shithole. Half my family is from there. I know dozens, probably hundreds of people that grew up in it. It was complete garbage and the reason for that is simple. Slavs, they never created any functioning state that was worth living in. In the whole of their existence. Never will.

Couldn't care less who labeled who as aryan or whatever, it's obvious that they are white niggers.
-white niggers
That meaning they are as niggerish as any black could be, that is humanity for you, I don't know how you guys can insist on trying to hold only one race accountable when it's crystal clear that every race does a lot of shit, the only difference being the frequency on which it's made, but they still do
Meaning they are impulsive, low IQ retards.

I still feel like you are trolling. You don't even need studies to see that there are major differences in race and how they affect their respective countries and places where they live.

But if you really want academic proof because you can't trust your own eyes, just look up studies about race and IQ on google and you will probably find quite a few.

A little black pill for you, people make their environment not the other way around. It's pretty much all genetics.
Meaning they are impulsive, low IQ retards.

I still feel like you are trolling. You don't even need studies to see that there are major differences in race and how they affect their respective countries and places where they live.

But if you really want academic proof because you can't trust your own eyes, just look up studies about race and IQ on google and you will probably find quite a few.

A little black pill for you, people make their environment not the other way around. It's pretty much all genetics.
I can google and all, but I see myself in the mirror and I don't see nothing that ur stating
I can google and all, but I see myself in the mirror and I don't see nothing that ur stating
Right, i already guessed that there would be no point in trying to reason. It's such a bizzare statement to begin with that one might as well claim the sun is cold.

Only somewhat incel discussion related anyways so whatever.
Right, i already guessed that there would be no point in trying to reason. It's such a bizzare statement to begin with that one might as well claim the sun is cold.

Only somewhat incel discussion related anyways so whatever.
You are the one here selectively considering what is reason and what is not... I've read absurds here in this discussion like a society with no education but I still pushed the argument until it finally contradicted itself... you on the other hand, with your biased view, sees no point in trying to argue since im trying to "contradict the obvious" just by saying that humanity can do shitty deeds all over the globe... your mind is the one closed bra, not mine, think about that
Right, i already guessed that there would be no point in trying to reason. It's such a bizzare statement to begin with that one might as well claim the sun is cold.

Only somewhat incel discussion related anyways so whatever.
And then again I repeat myself, and I add that I could IQmogg you in a differential calculus exam even with my dark skinned features... does that make me not black? What does that make of me? You contradict yourself
You are the one here selectively considering what is reason and what is not... I've read absurds here in this discussion like a society with no education but I still pushed the argument until it finally contradicted itself... you on the other hand, with your biased view, sees no point in trying to argue since im trying to "contradict the obvious" just by saying that humanity can do shitty deeds all over the globe... your mind is the one closed bra, not mine, think about that
Yeah i consider it reasonable to look up studies about race and IQ because they directly disprove your original statements. You clearly do not consider this reasonable and therefore there is no point in this.
And then again I repeat myself, and I add that I could IQmogg you in a differential calculus exam even with my dark skinned features... does that make me not black? What does that make of me? You contradict yourself
Yeah i consider it reasonable to look up studies about race and IQ because they directly disprove your original statements. You clearly do not consider this reasonable and therefore there is no point in this.
I consider it reasonable, but I also consider you to use these studies to jump the gun and make correlations that weren't even proved yet to fit in your worldview.
When I put my shoes it starts to rain, therefore rain only falls when I put my shoes
Whitecels need a reason to feel superior
Nignogs invented peanut butter.

IMG 3647
IMG 3644

Shrugging What Had Happened Was GIF
crashing the simpsons GIF
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All humans have roughly 99,9% of the same genetic code
Europeans share 99,5% of their DNA with Sub-Saharan Africans, but also 97% with Orangutans and 98.8% with chimps. If your understanding of science went beyond following some reddit-tier youtubers or whoever you're getting your information from you would know that even as much as 0,01% of change in DNA is fucking MASSIVE.
Even a liberal Jew like David Reich said that 'genetic variations are likely to affect behaviour and cognition just at they affect other traits'.
Racism is lookism in disguise.
Whitecels need a reason to feel superior

Ppl considering themselves superior to underfed niggas in Somalia when they had all the proper nutrition and environment and still turned up a genetic dead end while Makubi of the Loyalist army gets a harem of slave girls
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View: https://odysee.com/@AmericanRenaissance:7/ColdWinters:8

View: https://odysee.com/@AmericanRenaissance:7/Rushton:b

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/p4WjhO8hcRRX/

View: https://odysee.com/@NationalistContent:0/Debunking-Out-of-Africa-Theory-in-Under-15-Minutes---ROBERT-SEPEHR:9

Very based vids, especially by that American Renaissance guy
This pic is pretty disingenuous though, since this is how the girl looks now..very damn hot


I want to ask you a question tho, where do you draw the line for what is human? Take me for example, I'm black, by some folks here thesis I could not be considered human but rather an homo erectus, where does the human-erectus limits meet each other? What separates me from you? Tell me that objectively
All humans are humans, that doesn't mean we don't have differences

This is officially the dumbest fucking thread I have ever seen in my fucking life.
it all comes after the people, so law, education, less corrupt politicians and traditional family can work, elite culture and education plays a little role, public education right now is like just brainwashing, woke propaganda and money washing

View attachment 869893
>cries about middle easterners "not being able to be taught"
>worships a cosmic rabbi zombie jew on a stick

Someone explain this cognitive dissonance to me please.
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damn, excellent choice. I have noticed that you pick the finest black women so ofc u have good taste.
I don't really like light skinned blacks, darker is better for me. If blacks weren't low iq I'd gladly breed with them

While genetics is real, let's not sit here and act like culture and geopolitics and resources also don't matter. The gulf Arab countries are far safer than most, if not all, western countries.

Otherwise, if you wanna pin everything to genes, you'd might as well accept that white women being whores, divorcees, and dog fuckers is par for the course and that white men being suicidal, cucked, and trans is par for the course
This is officially the dumbest fucking thread I have ever seen in my fucking life.
What makes this even more giga retarded is that mere personality differences affect behaviors and personality is about 50% inherited. This is all race-agnostic, so when you do factor race in and get clustering of certain personality types you get what you would expect: certain races have certain behavioral tendencies, let alone other factors like testosterone and IQ levels.
No way you arent some JDL kike trying to subvert this forum. Not even a nigger is this dumb
Europeans share 99,5% of their DNA with Sub-Saharan Africans, but also 97% with Orangutans and 98.8% with chimps. If your understanding of science went beyond following some reddit-tier youtubers or whoever you're getting your information from you would know that even as much as 0,01% of change in DNA is fucking MASSIVE.
Even a liberal Jew like David Reich said that 'genetic variations are likely to affect behaviour and cognition just at they affect other traits'.
You just want to believe that bc of black thugs, you wouldn't even bring all this up to the table if it weren't for getting blacks to be considered inherently inferior, that's why I can't argue back with you no matter how many arguments I have against it
No way you arent some JDL kike trying to subvert this forum. Not even a nigger is this dumb
Subvert for what? This forum isn't even made for shit like that, you ever read the footnote on this site? There are incels everywhere. U guys are the real ones subverting the shit out of this place by transforming it into a Stormfront 2.0
I wish this was true, but life is inherently unequal and there is nothing we can do about it
I wish this was true, but life is inherently unequal and there is nothing we can do about it
But that's true, even foids think and reason like we do, but because of the gap between life circunstances and such (like men wanting sex more than them and running crazy after them) they end up getting that stupid sick dumb mentality, but if the world forced them otherwise to get smart and respectful they would manage to be that way (this will never happen)

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