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Discussion Somalis are the curries of the black race



Mar 31, 2023
If someone would ask me show me the ugliest human being on earth i would probably say somali men. I thank god everyday i am not a subhuman somali cause if i was i would probably already rope or went to jihad. Islam safed somali men cause without islam somali women would be like self hating pigskin worshipping rice gook whores. Curries mog somali men lookswise. Curries are just super low inhib and have a bad ethnic image.
I am sorry for all of my somali brocels
Over :feelscry:
To be fair, Somalia is the definition of a 3rd world hellhole.
yeah the men look ugly asf but their women aren't that ugly, some are even hot tbh
Minn. Somalis see Trump as symbol of more hostile America | MPR News
Somalis go to the movies for the first time in 30 years | CBC Radio

anyway i am sure that other nigger countries have much more uglier men and women. you're just exaggerating how ugly they're since they're getting a lot of attention fom the media these days in the news
they are not human. you need at least a 100iq to be human

yeah the men look ugly asf but their women aren't that ugly, some are even hot tbh
Minn. Somalis see Trump as symbol of more hostile America | MPR News
Somalis go to the movies for the first time in 30 years | CBC Radio

anyway i am sure that other nigger countries have much more uglier men and women. you're just exaggerating how ugly they're since they're getting a lot of attention fom the media these days in the news
they look subhuman
anyway i am sure that other nigger countries have much more uglier men and women
Maybe women but not men, the women look good, east african women in general look very good but somali men are hideous
I met a somali girl in the psychiatric hospital
All Horn African men are cursed not just Somalis. With that being said though, the average curry hardly mogs the typical Horn African. The latter group can at least get very tall
They're the niggers of the niggers?
If someone would ask me show me the ugliest human being on earth i would probably say somali men. I thank god everyday i am not a subhuman somali cause if i was i would probably already rope or went to jihad. Islam safed somali men cause without islam somali women would be like self hating pigskin worshipping rice gook whores. Curries mog somali men lookswise. Curries are just super low inhib and have a bad ethnic image.
I am sorry for all of my somali brocels
Over :feelscry:
where u from g?
They have huge foreheads
they're not

India: Clothing and Adornment | LoveToKnow
The women of India inspiring an all female revolution - six-two by Contiki

subhumans fuck subhumans
they're a bit hotter than my lookmatch
cherrypicking at its finest extent. You just showed poor women of curryland and best looking somali foids....i am not a curry or curry worshipper but you re deluded.....
Westernized somalis are tall and educated, i can see your point if it was in mainland Africa
@DragonBallZCel @osman27
Every day i observe that curries lowinhib mog me
:feelskek: those girls are ugly, curry foids mog them.
Alot of curry girls can look super cute. I know a half Italian/somali girl who has an identity issue and larps as a pali because she looks like a curry
yeah the men look ugly asf but their women aren't that ugly, some are even hot tbh
Minn. Somalis see Trump as symbol of more hostile America | MPR News
Somalis go to the movies for the first time in 30 years | CBC Radio

anyway i am sure that other nigger countries have much more uglier men and women. you're just exaggerating how ugly they're since they're getting a lot of attention fom the media these days in the news

I've met attractive curries gooks and any other type of race I've never met a Somali that is a Chad tbqh
they're not

India: Clothing and Adornment | LoveToKnow
The women of India inspiring an all female revolution - six-two by Contiki

subhumans fuck subhumans
they're a bit hotter than my lookmatch

Oh god no wonder my race is so ugly fucking arranged marriage pajeet subhumans atleast some look hot
yes Somali men get mogged but their women mog them.
these looksmaxx trolls, man:feelsugh:
they're fucking cringe asf
OP is a troll lool Somalis are one of the best looking nationalities on earth let alone in Africa. Then again Humans tend to be biased :)
OP is a troll lool Somalis are one of the best looking nationalities on earth let alone in Africa. Then again Humans tend to be biased :)
Said no-one ever
Said no-one ever
Who cares about what others think, life is all about your self image and honestly I couldn't care less what others think let alone White people. I will rather choose a Somali 10 then a White blond beauty. Dont get me wrong I think there are beautiful people in all groups just nothing like our beauty. I guess its biological I hope all men including white men have the same feeling about their own girls.
Who cares about what others think, life is all about your self image and honestly I couldn't care less what others think let alone White people. I will rather choose a Somali 10 then a White blond beauty. Dont get me wrong I think there are beautiful people in all groups just nothing like our beauty. I guess its biological I hope all men including white men have the same feeling about their own girls.
You would never be on an incel forum if you didn't care :feelskek: We all care how people perceive us, unless you're an anti-social sociopath. White girls are objectively more gorgeous than any other race.
If someone would ask me show me the ugliest human being on earth i would probably say somali men
I don't know about that man. You are underestimating the ugliness and genetic inferiority of Curries. I am a currycel myself.
The virgin marathon nigger vs the Tyrone 100 metres sprinter

Also new character unlocked: the 5'2" balding Somalian janitor.
You would never be on an incel forum if you didn't care :feelskek: We all care how people perceive us, unless you're an anti-social sociopath. White girls are objectively more gorgeous than any other race.
Maybe compared with China people but not compared with our girls. You are not going to decide what I think
Maybe compared with China people but not compared with our girls. You are not going to decide what I think
somalis stink have goblin gollum faces with dar shit skin and bad teeth
No race comes close to Europeans even a 5/10 Slavic foid or male would slay in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Seeing as this post is about Somalis however I'd peg the women & men at the same value seeing as they're relatively looksmatched.
Somalis are quite subhuman, but bantu niggers are hardly any better, their primare advantage is naturally superior muscle genetics, however i'd argue that face-wise they're utterly hideous and mogged into oblivion by horn africans
why do Somalis look half Arab

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