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Social Justice Warrior in the streets, Ku Klux Klan in the sheets



Oct 13, 2019
This refers to white foids who are Social Justice Warriors and usually far left leaning as is humanly possible to be and will virtue signal as much as the day is long for ethnics and ethnic causes. She may even talk about how straight white men are evil and need to atone for their racism and oppression against women and people of color. And yet, they nearly exclusively choose straight, white men to have sex with.

Increasingly, ethnic foids are becoming more like this as well. They, like their white foid counterparts, are usually very liberal and left leaning. They cried tears of anguish when Trump was elected as President of the United States. They talk about and write articles about how straight white men are the cause of everything bad and evil. If an ethnic gets out of bed and stubs his toe, it's the fault of some straight white guy somewhere. And yet, they too, like their white foid sisters, almost exclusively choose straight white men to have sex with. They are becoming as KKK in the sheets as white foids. This Asian woman lectures us on how she didn't give up her Asian identity when she married a white man. She too, is KKK in the sheets.

There is a belief, largely perpetuated by certain Asian-American men, that Asian-American women who date and marry white men are opportunists trying to elevate themselves in white culture ― a culture that historically tries to erase Asian-Americans, notably diminishing, “emasculating” and dehumanizing Asian-American men.

Men who rant that their “Asian sisters” shouldn’t allow themselves to be “prizes” in white men’s racist boner parties are assuming that, one, we have no choice in the matter and, two, we’re nothing but objects.

If you’re one of these men, isn’t your anger over not being able to “get” an Asian-American woman also a form of objectification?

And lastly there's white gay men. Yes, they to are SJW in the streets and KKK in the sheets. Like white foids, they are usually as liberal and far left leaning as one can get. They will virtue signal for ethnics and oppressed colored people to no end. Yet, they routinely put "no Asian men" on their Grindr profile.

Please spread my call for co-plaintiffs to all your gay Asian men in your life that has been offended, humiliated, degraded and dehumanized by Grindr allowing gay white men to write in their profiles ‘No Asians,’ ‘Not interested in Asians,’ or ‘I don’t find Asians attractive
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This makes it all the more absurd when CuckTears claims "its your personality sweaty", implying that entire ethnic groups have flawed personalities in one way or another.

I really don't understand why they simply can't admit physical appearance is the biggest variable in romantic attraction.
I don't know what these Asians expect. They're not good looking and they go to countries full of white Chads who mog them. What did they think was going to happen?

The only valid complaints ethnics can have are in situation if they live in their own countries and get fucked over by Western degeneracy like Thailand. Or Slavs in Slavlands. But going to West as non-white is basically asking to get mogged.
I don't know what these Asians expect. They're not good looking and they go to countries full of white Chads who mog them. What did they think was going to happen?
The USA was supposed to be the land of opportunity for getting white women
The USA was supposed to be the land of opportunity for getting white women

LOL so basically ethnics came to USA because they wanted women of other races and cuck other men? I'm glad it backfired on them then.
I really despise America's sjw culture.
I don't know what these Asians expect. They're not good looking and they go to countries full of white Chads who mog them. What did they think was going to happen?

The only valid complaints ethnics can have are in situation if they live in their own countries and get fucked over by Western degeneracy like Thailand. Or Slavs in Slavlands. But going to West as non-white is basically asking to get mogged.

Second-generation immigrants aren't responsible for their parents' decisions, or the shitty political decisions of their "own" countries' leaders.
LOL so basically ethnics came to USA because they wanted women of other races and cuck other men? I'm glad it backfired on them then.
Literally no ethnic goes to the USA for the sole purpose of fucking white foids
Second-generation immigrants aren't responsible for their parents' decisions, or the shitty political decisions of their "own" countries' leaders.
China, South Korea and Japan and many other asian countries are better than USA and many european countries. Only a matter of time before arab and african countries surpasses the USA in Quality of life tbh.
I really despise America's sjw culture.

American SJWs are not that different than Canada's or Australia's or the United Kingdom's SJWs.

The worst group in American society are the sanctimonious cucks who feel obligated to shove their religion/holier-than-thou sense of morality in everyone else's face.

These people are why the U.S. wastes tax dollars punishing people for victimless crimes (such as buying sex). And for petty drug offenses.
Second-generation immigrants aren't responsible for their parents' decisions, or the shitty political decisions of their "own" countries' leaders.

Responsible or not, you can thank your parents for it. You can't really blame women for prefering to be with white moggers who mog you so hard. If I was a Slav living in the West I wouldn't complain either.
There needs to be a poster campaign like ‘its Ok to be white” except with the chart of racial preferences..
This refers to white foids who are Social Justice Warriors and usually far left leaning as is humanly possible to be and will virtue signal as much as the day is long for ethnics and ethnic causes. She may even talk about how straight white men are evil and need to atone for their racism and oppression against women and people of color. And yet, they nearly exclusively choose straight, white men to have sex with.

Increasingly, ethnic foids are becoming more like this as well. They, like their white foid counterparts, are usually very liberal and left leaning. They cried tears of anguish when Trump was elected as President of the United States. They talk about and write articles about how straight white men are the cause of everything bad and evil. If an ethnic gets out of bed and stubs his toe, it's the fault of some straight white guy somewhere. And yet, they too, like their white foid sisters, almost exclusively choose straight white men to have sex with. They are becoming as KKK in the sheets as white foids. This Asian woman lectures us on how she didn't give up her Asian identity when she married a white man. She too, is KKK in the sheets.

There is a belief, largely perpetuated by certain Asian-American men, that Asian-American women who date and marry white men are opportunists trying to elevate themselves in white culture ― a culture that historically tries to erase Asian-Americans, notably diminishing, “emasculating” and dehumanizing Asian-American men.

Men who rant that their “Asian sisters” shouldn’t allow themselves to be “prizes” in white men’s racist boner parties are assuming that, one, we have no choice in the matter and, two, we’re nothing but objects.

If you’re one of these men, isn’t your anger over not being able to “get” an Asian-American woman also a form of objectification?

And lastly there's white gay men. Yes, they to are SJW in the streets and KKK in the sheets. Like white foids, they are usually as liberal and far left leaning as one can get. They will virtue signal for ethnics and oppressed colored people to no end. Yet, they routinely put "no Asian men" on their Grindr profile.

Please spread my call for co-plaintiffs to all your gay Asian men in your life that has been offended, humiliated, degraded and dehumanized by Grindr allowing gay white men to write in their profiles ‘No Asians,’ ‘Not interested in Asians,’ or ‘I don’t find Asians attractive

Every leftist / feminist is batshit OBSESSED with white men, especially white chad. Their entire live resolves around white chad.
China, South Korea and Japan and many other asian countries are better than USA and many european countries. Only a matter of time before arab and african countries surpasses the USA in Quality of life tbh.

South Korea and Japan, yes. China is literally the only place I refuse to step foot in, and much of it is backwards, unless you are really into dog sandwiches.

What are you smoking? Much of the Arab world will remain a shithole for years to come.
South Korea and Japan, yes. China is literally the only place I refuse to step foot in, and much of it is backwards, unless you are really into dog sandwiches.

What are you smoking? Much of the Arab world will remain a shithole for years to come.
Responsible or not, you can thank your parents for it. You can't really blame women for prefering to be with white moggers who mog you so hard. If I was a Slav living in the West I wouldn't complain either.

My parents live near Hong Kong's financial district and our neighbors are white expats who mog me in every possible way.
Tariq Nasheed in the streets, Richard Spencer in the sheets.

I don't know what these Asians expect. They're not good looking and they go to countries full of white Chads who mog them. What did they think was going to happen?

The only valid complaints ethnics can have are in situation if they live in their own countries and get fucked over by Western degeneracy like Thailand. Or Slavs in Slavlands. But going to West as non-white is basically asking to get mogged.

Makes pretty good sense to me, hordes of bluepilled ethnicels going to the US deceived by the idea that a cute white girl from Nebraska is waiting for them to show her love and give sex to them, only to be victims of sexual ultra-discrimination and exclusion, Rookh Ksatriya has a whole blog talking about this.
Makes pretty good sense to me, hordes of bluepilled ethnicels going to the US deceived by the idea that a cute white girl from Nebraska is waiting for them to show her love and give sex to them, only to be victims of sexual ultra-discrimination and exclusion, Rookh Ksatriya has a whole blog talking about this.

They wanted to become cuckers and cuck white people but it mostly backfired on them because even their own women don't want them now.

They wanted to cuck whites but in the end whites cucked them. JFL.
The USA was supposed to be the land of opportunity for getting white women
Massive fucking Cope

As an ethnic, you make your money then gtfo

there is no point in living out a life where you get mogged to hell and back for your entire existence in the west, watching your looksmatched ethnic foids trying to compete for chad cock, ending up single mother roasties in their 30s.
South Korea and Japan, yes. China is literally the only place I refuse to step foot in, and much of it is backwards, unless you are really into dog sandwiches.

What are you smoking? Much of the Arab world will remain a shithole for years to come.
USa is declining in standard of living. It Will not reach the point of the arab world Yes but still its becoming more shit than it already was.
They wanted to become cuckers and cuck white people but it mostly backfired on them because even their own women don't want them now.

They wanted to cuck whites but in the end whites cucked them. JFL.
Nope just chads,lites and high tier normie white guys slay ethnic foids. If you're a sub5 white guy you will still get brutally mogged by 6+/10 ethnic males as well, they'll even take your looksmatched white foids from right under your nose.

It's basically over if you're sub5 any skin color in the states tbh.
So you're saying that its racist to not want to fuck your race? lmao
That phrase is the work of a genius. Best way to put it I ever seen.

Everyone is obsessed with truly white, Aryan-looking people. I saw some old foids worshiping an Aryan-looking blonde and blue-eyed toddler in the street market today, and a cashier ignoring a black little boy trying to do small talk with her.
The jews want race-mixing. They don’t want ethnics dating their own race. Theydon’t want white women dating their own race. I seriously don’t see why ethnics hold white women accountable when they have nothing in common with each other genetically.
They wanted to become cuckers and cuck white people but it mostly backfired on them because even their own women don't want them now.

They wanted to cuck whites but in the end whites cucked them. JFL.

Nah, most of them wanted a white american girl to pressume to his ethnic friends, it'd also explain why white american women have one of the highest SMVs besides being not-so-attractive compared to european women and fat compared to latina women
So you're saying that its racist to not want to fuck your race? lmao
That’s what I was thinking. That term sounds more SJW than the supposed SJW foids who’s probably sucked so much black dick that you’ll get AIDS just from kissing her.
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USa is declining in standard of living. It Will not reach the point of the arab world Yes but still its becoming more shit than it already was.

Yes and no.

Outsourcing, automation, and a post-industrialized economy benefits one cohort of Americans more than another. The U.S. is a large and unequal society, and by the looks of it, this gap between more privileged and less privileged Americans will only get worse; as well as the ideological gap between Americans who favor broader international engagement and those who favor restraint and retreat.

I don't think that necessarily means "the U.S. is declining in standard of living", however, as core macroeconomic indicators are still generally healthy.

It'll be interesting to see how the 20s and 30s play out.
Yes and no.

Outsourcing, automation, and a post-industrialized economy benefits one cohort of Americans more than another. The U.S. is a large and unequal society, and by the looks of it, this gap between more privileged and less privileged Americans will only get worse; as well as the ideological gap between Americans who favor broader international engagement and those who favor restraint and retreat.

I don't think that necessarily means "the U.S. is declining in standard of living", however, as core macroeconomic indicators are still generally healthy.

It'll be interesting to see how the 20s and 30s play out.

Damn, late-stage economical capitalism and late-stage sexual capitalism go hand in hand, the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer just like Chad gets Chadder while the incel becomes a truecel.
The jews want race-mixing. They don’t want ethnics dating their own race. Theydon’t want white women dating their own race. I seriously don’t see why ethnics hold white women accountable when they have nothing in common with each other genetically.
Probably because white women tend to be the most attractive. It really is that simple.
So you're saying that its racist to not want to fuck your race? lmao
What I'm saying is that the phrase talks about how everyone virtue signals that the white man is the devil and how the white man is so terrible and evil and death to the white man but then when it comes to sex, exclude the very people they are supposed to be on the side on and give primary pussy access to white men.

Even white gays are guilty of this. Most are far left leaning just like your typical foid. But as we can see on grindr, while decrying the racist, straight white man, they put "no Asian men" and only primarily want white men.
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Damn, late-stage economical capitalism and late-stage sexual capitalism go hand in hand, the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer just like Chad gets Chadder while the incel becomes a truecel.

It's important to note the role that social media plays in exacerbating the average person's awareness of inequality. I wonder how this adversely affects the average American's mental health.

Just as a poor person with a smartphone can view the lifestyle of a billionaire on his Instagram, so can an incel view the lifestyle of a Chad.

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