Darkskinned black men might be uglier than lightskin men and white men, but dark men have the ultimate masculine halo and they are the only ones that benefit from the bbc stereotype, not lightskin men like me, our stereotype is having a small dick and being feminine, weak and soft.
Doesn’t even matter what height or weight dark men are. Dark men are always seen as more manly than lightskins and treated with more respect and are more feared, why do you think a cop is much quicker to shoot a dark nigger over a lighter one?
Light skin men are seen as weak, feminine and full of themselves. As you can see with all those cringy lightskin memes.
There’s even been studies that say that dark skinned appear as larger to other men no matter what size they actually are, just proves the dark men are apes theory. A small dark man still looks bigger and more masculine than a taller lighter man and white men. Light skin is linked with femininity and softness. Hence why white men are seen as much more feminine than black man.
And in the drop the soap memes, it’s always a dark ass fuck nigger portrayed as the gay rapists, and the white man is always the victim.
In general lightskin and white men have to try 10x harder to appear as masculine than dark men have to.