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News black conservathot points out 'woke in the streets colonizer in the sheets' phenomena



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFMps8JfIpw

surprising that this would ever be covered by a mainstreamish pundit. I have a feeling the foid is bleached herself though. I dont think she is completely correct about the thesis of 'i dont think these wokes really mean what they say' to an extent. It's not so much that they don't mean what they say, but she needs to go further in just admiting white men are a status upgrade, and these woke foids are all about narcissism and power.

There's no power in a woke activist marrying a shitskin of their own race. BORING. They want the NTY article written about them to have all the bells and whistles of a 'transgressive interracial relationship' where she tamed the white badboy-- educated him to 'know better.' Woke Poc couples of their own race are just not a power couple. It's just two chinks, or two shitskins complaining. Nothing deviant about it at all. Woke relationships are purely about kink power. Because liberals are freaks. There's no broader political goal (as a woke public activist figure) being expanded upon if you keep it in your own race. Someone that cares about power and power alone, wants the marriage to be a statement:

'HEY LOOK AT MY WHITE TROPHY HUSBAND, I'm a PoC and I'm better than other shitskins that cant get a white man to settle for them. People pay attention to me now!' :foidSoy:

And they do. All the shitskin woke foids damn well pay attention, as well as feminist male cucks, and just liberals in general. Because being with a white is aspirational, inherently challenging, and interesting. It's fetishistic feminist colonization. Of course no woke bitch would ever admit this, but this is what goes on in their lizard brains whether they can admit it or not.

It's no different than normal guys wanting a blonde bimbo with big tits-- it's all about trophies, power, and status signalling to appear superior to inferior people. The only difference is that trophies can be different depending on the social circle.
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I think this is a big contributing reason to why you see some whitecels try to become liberal soycucks defending and speaking on behalf of minorities. It's just another mating strategy similar to male feminists camouflaging themselves as allies to try to get into the pants of a foid. What they don't understand is that if you're a truly good looking white chad, you can be the most racist person ever and espouse hateful beliefs but ethnic foids will still throw themselves at you with no need for this camouflage.
Shitskins gonna shitskin

80784aaf 6896 402f bc7a 681b7806bcab
I think this sheboon with a cumskin, I watched one of its videos before and it mentioned it.

You are right though, these ethnic whores see cumskins as above so that is why they virtue signal
Who's the pajeet whore in the thumbnail?
I think this sheboon with a cumskin, I watched one of its videos before and it mentioned it.

You are right though, these ethnic whores see cumskins as above so that is why they virtue signal
when it comes to fucking, woke bitches don't fuck around-- if it aint white it aint right :foidSoy:
'HEY LOOK AT MY WHITE TROPHY HUSBAND, I'm a PoC and I'm better than other shitskins that cant get a white man to settle for them. People pay attention to me now!' :foidSoy:
the sheboon is already getting dicked by white chads, dumb redpill video
primal urges bypass any sort of moral cope or intellectual feminist ideology cope. all of that BS is bypassed by sexual urges. And the truth is, whites just have a more desirable pheno and genetics overall and this drives foids crazy. No feminist ideology woke cope pseudo morality is gonna bypass what foids feel sexually and that’s just the truth. Hence why they choose whites

Seed + pheno + genetic quality = everything
That's why I'm more willing to work with the far right. They're honest and does not use equality (everyone is same anyway!!) to justify such atrocities. In additional, they support segregation
Every time I look at a pajeeta, I see the man version of the Pajeet in her face if that makes sense. It’s vomitfuel :feelspuke: if I was chad and I had her as an option I would make her feel as worthless as possible and I would mentally destroy her. Fuckin pajeetas who think they’re slick smart and know everything
That's why I'm more willing to work with the far right. They're honest and does not use equality (everyone is same anyway!!) to justify such atrocities. In additional, they support segregation
Btw I consider everyone who does not support segregation liberal, so trumptards and commies are same to me
Good take on these phonies. Essentially it's social and racial factors overlaping with narcissism.

Modern people and this shit society are all about narcissism and it influences everything. But normies don't mean the same thing when they use that word and fuck do they do it often despite being completely narcissistic themselves and living in a society that so blatantly promotes narcissism.

Their definition is a foid's definition, an often swift and subjective character judgement that's base and gossiping in it's nature, with feelings either akin to fascination and submission ( if Chad ) or revulsion and destruction ( if ugly, weird, socially maladjudted, etc).

Your definition is intellectual and empirical so you probably feel like the only one that see this kind of things beneath the surface. The foid in the video, despite bringing attention to the subject don't get it at all.


There's this book i always wanted to read cause it might contain some answers, although it might be a bit outdated now. If it's still relevant then it might be mindblowing, i mean if it was already bad in the 80's what should we say now ? :feelswhat:


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Also please notice that the displayed characters here are : women and a faggot (female brain).

I know there's this trope of white nationalists guys sometimes racemixing and going for asian women, but they're "honorary aryans" and all that jazz, i mean they won't directly be going for dark foids and especially marrying them.

But it doesn't pose a problem for women to be full blown anti-white activists and be publicly married to white men.

So my point is that this is not only about narcissism and white worship but also female nature again. If only women or faggots do this shit, ask yourself why. And you can be sure this is NOT anodyne at all : as op said it's like a kink, they GET OFF ON IT. This is perverted female nature at it's worst, when the more sexual sex (ontologically speaking) is left to do what he wants. Of course in this case the fag is still a man but he's female brained (don't fall for the muh masculine fag meme these are outliers or are outdated, modern faggotry is not virile).
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Woman's verbal and somatic worlds exist as totally separated, piecemeal entities. They're not even cognizant of their blatant contradictions, and when made aware, they will always claim that they are the exception. Including OP's point of "wogging" other women. They were good enough for a man that a lot of women want i.e. not their fellow jeetas/whatever.
They love being the exception, they LOVE getting people pissed off "noticing" and being powerless to do anything about it.
Woman's verbal and somatic worlds exist as totally separated, piecemeal entities. They're not even cognizant of their blatant contradictions, and when made aware, they will always claim that they are the exception. Including OP's point of "wogging" other women. They were good enough for a man that a lot of women want i.e. not their fellow jeetas/whatever.
They love being the exception, they LOVE getting people pissed off "noticing" and being powerless to do anything about it.
Yes there's several layers over what's going on here and this is definitely one of them. It's a social perversion as much as an intimate one, a twisted power trip.

:feelspuke: Her skin looks like the explosive diarrhea I had this morning
Also please notice that the displayed characters here are : women and a faggot (female brain).

I know there's this trope of white nationalists guys sometimes racemixing and going for asian women, but they're "honorary aryans" and all that jazz, i mean they won't directly be going for dark foids and especially marrying them.

But it doesn't pose a problem for women to be full blown anti-white activists and be publicly married to white men.

So my point is that this is not only about narcissism and white worship but also female nature again. If only women or faggots do this shit, ask yourself why. And you can be sure this is NOT anodyne at all : as op said it's like a kink, they GET OFF ON IT. This is perverted female nature at it's worst, when the more sexual sex (ontologically speaking) is left to do what he wants. Of course in this case the fag is still a man but he's female brained (don't fall for the muh masculine fag meme these are outliers or are outdated, modern faggotry is not virile).
the perfect man for a woke activist type is a tall white tranny. I've seen a couple like that-- and I've never seen a woke activist more happy. They are lesbians that want male humiliation built into the relationship.

I've noticed the more 'educated' women are, and this goes hand in hand with that kind of educated narcissism I was prescribing earlier-- typically, they want their romantic relationships to have a narrative arc built into the whole thing. Timelines of events that flow like a structured hollywood story, when most normal relationships are so much more organic and simple. They will of course tell the stories as though they are organic, but they've really performatively mouse experimented their partners into building out that arc. It's really one of the few 'creepy' Patrick Bateman like things women do that aren't called out on enough.
Good take on these phonies. Essentially it's social and racial factors overlaping with narcissism.

Modern people and this shit society are all about narcissism and it influences everything. But normies don't mean the same thing when they use that word and fuck do they do it often despite being completely narcissistic themselves and living in a society that so blatantly promotes narcissism.

Their definition is a foid's definition, an often swift and subjective character judgement that's base and gossiping in it's nature, with feelings either akin to fascination and submission ( if Chad ) or revulsion and destruction ( if ugly, weird, socially maladjudted, etc).

Your definition is intellectual and empirical so you probably feel like the only one that see this kind of things beneath the surface. The foid in the video, despite bringing attention to the subject don't get it at all.

View attachment 1171858

There's this book i always wanted to read cause it might contain some answers, although it might be a bit outdated now. If it's still relevant then it might be mindblowing, i mean if it was already bad in the 80's what should we say now ? :feelswhat:


80s narcissism was a little different from this specific phenomena, but seems like interesting reading. But yes, I really dislike how often females often attribute narcissism to surface level things-- a specific look or being quiet. Or at worst, they are projections of these demons inside of them they are demonically mapping on male targets they dislike-- when it's really about an objective pattern of behaviors brought about because of an immutable disposition.

it's not hard to spot a narcissist either. They are usually tall good looking white guys, genetically symmetrical faces, as narcissists care tremendously about their appearance-- and foids see 'self-care' as a good thing ironically. Behaviorally, the feeling that they deserve privileges and special treatment is the strongest characteristic of high narcissism-- and this is textbook woke.
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Woman's verbal and somatic worlds exist as totally separated, piecemeal entities. They're not even cognizant of their blatant contradictions, and when made aware, they will always claim that they are the exception. Including OP's point of "wogging" other women. They were good enough for a man that a lot of women want i.e. not their fellow jeetas/whatever.
They love being the exception, they LOVE getting people pissed off "noticing" and being powerless to do anything about it.
there's nothing women hate more than their own hypocrisy being exposed. Their anger is terrifying
I think this is a big contributing reason to why you see some whitecels try to become liberal soycucks defending and speaking on behalf of minorities. It's just another mating strategy similar to male feminists camouflaging themselves as allies to try to get into the pants of a foid. What they don't understand is that if you're a truly good looking white chad, you can be the most racist person ever and espouse hateful beliefs but ethnic foids will still throw themselves at you with no need for this camouflage.
Appears so. Being already blackpilled, it was easy to see the 2020 George Floyd stuff as whores reacting to 6'5 jacked bbc being killed by a guy who was less Chad and even turned out to have an imported rice wife, so not even being available for betabux exploration. The soys trying oofy doofy hail mary's have to be low inhib to be that low dignity.
I didn’t want to read thread at first because the topic is garbage but when I saw it was by SlayerSlayer, I already had a feeling it was gonna be High IQ. Genius poster. Better than BlackPillPress, the racepill always strikes hot. Everything we engage with in life involves the racepill. It’s a top 2 biggest component of the BP behind looks but nobody ever talks about it as well as you do
Not watching some foid youtube slop
the perfect man for a woke activist type is a tall white tranny. I've seen a couple like that-- and I've never seen a woke activist more happy. They are lesbians that want male humiliation built into the relationship.

I've noticed the more 'educated' women are, and this goes hand in hand with that kind of educated narcissism I was prescribing earlier-- typically, they want their romantic relationships to have a narrative arc built into the whole thing. Timelines of events that flow like a structured hollywood story, when most normal relationships are so much more organic and simple. They will of course tell the stories as though they are organic, but they've really performatively mouse experimented their partners into building out that arc. It's really one of the few 'creepy' Patrick Bateman like things women do that aren't called out on enough.
Yeah absolutely that's why many men couldn't relate to a lot of women even if they wanted to. Cause they have to be a reificated image for their fantasy, it's really messed up :feelswhat:
I can't listen to this ape, hurts my ears
Shitskins gonna shitskin

View attachment 1171701
Noodles are not shitskins jfl.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFMps8JfIpw

surprising that this would ever be covered by a mainstreamish pundit. I have a feeling the foid is bleached herself though. I dont think she is completely correct about the thesis of 'i dont think these wokes really mean what they say' to an extent. It's not so much that they don't mean what they say, but she needs to go further in just admiting white men are a status upgrade, and these woke foids are all about narcissism and power.

There's no power in a woke activist marrying a shitskin of their own race. BORING. They want the NTY article written about them to have all the bells and whistles of a 'transgressive interracial relationship' where she tamed the white badboy-- educated him to 'know better.' Woke Poc couples of their own race are just not a power couple. It's just two chinks, or two shitskins complaining. Nothing deviant about it at all. Woke relationships are purely about kink power. Because liberals are freaks. There's no broader political goal (as a woke public activist figure) being expanded upon if you keep it in your own race. Someone that cares about power and power alone, wants the marriage to be a statement:

'HEY LOOK AT MY WHITE TROPHY HUSBAND, I'm a PoC and I'm better than other shitskins that cant get a white man to settle for them. People pay attention to me now!' :foidSoy:

And they do. All the shitskin woke foids damn well pay attention, as well as feminist male cucks, and just liberals in general. Because being with a white is aspirational, inherently challenging, and interesting. It's fetishistic feminist colonization. Of course no woke bitch would ever admit this, but this is what goes on in their lizard brains whether they can admit it or not.

It's no different than normal guys wanting a blonde bimbo with big tits-- it's all about trophies, power, and status signalling to appear superior to inferior people. The only difference is that trophies can be different depending on the social circle.

Hopefully he snaps and crushes her skull in (in minecraft)
This is the best teardown of these types of foids I have read on here, it takes me back to the old days. We need a shorter term for these white obsessed SJW ethnics foids though
That guy would mog me easily, yet, I still don't want to settle for a shitskin like her for some reason. I'd rather be a loner.
Nothing wrong with not wanting mentally ill hapa sons.
shes clearly mixed herself ( half white half blackened)
Absolutely brootal and the worse part is that we have to stomach these retarded foid yapping about racism 24/7 man, the irony is too painful to bear

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