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Theory Youth > everything else, but copecels can't help but cope

Zhou Chang-Xing

Zhou Chang-Xing

Feb 16, 2022
I got this video on my feed when I was in the Philippines:

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/sl5gg9-NfYM?si=WJLpxtGI8-mf95g6

Not only are Asians just generally more neotenous, they are very much "younger" in every superficial sense compared to Caucasians (Europeans, South Asians, Aryans, Arabs, Jews, Berbers, and Hamites), in fact Asians tend to have the same amount of wrinkles as a Caucasian a decade younger than them and they have higher amounts of facial adiposity.

Besides that, Asians are the least obese people in the world, while prehistoric populations had obesity rates of 2%, modern Vietnam sits significantly lower despite there being a KFC in every street corner of Hanoi.

THE ONLY way Asian toilets are less attractive than non-Asians is the fact that they have smaller breasts and asses, but modern Asian toilets aren't like they were 20 years ago.

Cases in point.







And Indonesian:


There are plenty of Japanese, Thai, Malaysian, South Korean, Vietnamese, Etc. Toilets with amazing asses. One of the best giant asses I've ever seen in my life was in the neighbourhood of Long Biên in Hanoi (though she was literally laughing at me for how ugly I am).

THE ONLY hot thing White toilets have over Asian toilets is the fact that they're taller. It's extremely common for me to meet European, Arab, Berber, Black, Etc. toilets taller than myself, but in my entire life of 30 years, in having lived in multiple Asian countries for many years I've only ever met 1 Asian (Chinese) toilet taller than me in Xiamen and 1 my height in Beijing. Recently I saw a hot 6 foot tall Filipina student while at a 7-Eleven in Manila, but Manila is a different story.

Despite the fact that men on dating apps select for Asian toilets the same way as toilets select for White men, when toilets prefer White men "it's because muh Yts are superior", but like IncelTV says "men going after Asian toilets is like the lion going after the weakest gazelle". In reality, Black toilets are the least desirable and the easiest to get into a relationship with of all toilets.

I do have a theory as to why we constantly see this White toilet worship in BP circles, it's most likely pre-selection and other social factors. But biologically speaking, Asian toilets are way more attractive than non-Asian toilets in basically every way and we all know that youth > beauty, so even if Asian toilets didn't naturally look better, simply looking younger made them still the most attractive choices.

My guess is that a lot of this forum either unknowingly or deliberately engage in White worship. This might be simply projecting JBW onto male preferences, it might be Stormcel infiltration, or (and most likely) it could be self-hating non-Whites who think that Whites are some sort of superior angelic species that dominate the planet.

But at the end of the day, it's just a cope, it's not uncommon to find videos of White toilets complaining about how Asian toilets are seen as hotter than them and just yesterday a White toilet told me that while she would never date Asian men if she was bisexual she would probably prefer Asian toilets.
One of the best giant asses I've ever seen in my life was in the neighbourhood of Long Biên in Hanoi

For context, my mother is from Latin America and during my youth I traveled throughout Latin America and the USA, this Hanoian toilet STILL ass-mogs any asses I've seen there.
true that asians looks younger longer, but once age really starts kicking inn they age poorly
I prefer whites because I’m white
I got this video on my feed when I was in the Philippines:

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/sl5gg9-NfYM?si=WJLpxtGI8-mf95g6

Not only are Asians just generally more neotenous, they are very much "younger" in every superficial sense compared to Caucasians (Europeans, South Asians, Aryans, Arabs, Jews, Berbers, and Hamites), in fact Asians tend to have the same amount of wrinkles as a Caucasian a decade younger than them and they have higher amounts of facial adiposity.

Besides that, Asians are the least obese people in the world, while prehistoric populations had obesity rates of 2%, modern Vietnam sits significantly lower despite there being a KFC in every street corner of Hanoi.

THE ONLY way Asian toilets are less attractive than non-Asians is the fact that they have smaller breasts and asses, but modern Asian toilets aren't like they were 20 years ago.

Cases in point.


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And Indonesian:

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There are plenty of Japanese, Thai, Malaysian, South Korean, Vietnamese, Etc. Toilets with amazing asses. One of the best giant asses I've ever seen in my life was in the neighbourhood of Long Biên in Hanoi (though she was literally laughing at me for how ugly I am).

THE ONLY hot thing White toilets have over Asian toilets is the fact that they're taller. It's extremely common for me to meet European, Arab, Berber, Black, Etc. toilets taller than myself, but in my entire life of 30 years, in having lived in multiple Asian countries for many years I've only ever met 1 Asian (Chinese) toilet taller than me in Xiamen and 1 my height in Beijing. Recently I saw a hot 6 foot tall Filipina student while at a 7-Eleven in Manila, but Manila is a different story.

Despite the fact that men on dating apps select for Asian toilets the same way as toilets select for White men, when toilets prefer White men "it's because muh Yts are superior", but like IncelTV says "men going after Asian toilets is like the lion going after the weakest gazelle". In reality, Black toilets are the least desirable and the easiest to get into a relationship with of all toilets.

I do have a theory as to why we constantly see this White toilet worship in BP circles, it's most likely pre-selection and other social factors. But biologically speaking, Asian toilets are way more attractive than non-Asian toilets in basically every way and we all know that youth > beauty, so even if Asian toilets didn't naturally look better, simply looking younger made them still the most attractive choices.

My guess is that a lot of this forum either unknowingly or deliberately engage in White worship. This might be simply projecting JBW onto male preferences, it might be Stormcel infiltration, or (and most likely) it could be self-hating non-Whites who think that Whites are some sort of superior angelic species that dominate the planet.

But at the end of the day, it's just a cope, it's not uncommon to find videos of White toilets complaining about how Asian toilets are seen as hotter than them and just yesterday a White toilet told me that while she would never date Asian men if she was bisexual she would probably prefer Asian toilets.

i am about to coom...
How can I import one of those thick asians into the US?

Thicc asian ass :ahegao:
true that asians looks younger longer, but once age really starts kicking inn they age poorly




Well, that all comes down to preferences. I rarely meet 35+ non-Asian toilets that I find attractive, but occasionally I see a few hot Dutch or Iranian toilets that are 50+.

On the other hand I know A LOT of 60+ Asians that are still very much fuckable.

Though it's more geographic, while British toilets age poorly Dutch toilets are more of a mixed bag. Most Indonesians and Pinays age poorly but many Chinese and Vietnamese still look hot when they're older.

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Well, that all comes down to preferences. I rarely meet 35+ non-Asian toilets that I find attractive, but occasionally I see a few hot Dutch or Iranian toilets that are 50+.

On the other hand I know A LOT of 60+ Asians that are still very much fuckable.

Though it's more geographic, while British toilets age poorly Dutch toilets are more of a mixed bag. Most Indonesians and Pinays age poorly but many Chinese and Vietnamese still look hot when they're older.
i live in a area with mostly pinay and some thai, might affect my perception
White worship
All races of foids desire white Chad.

Cumskin is the most desirable race.

Doesn't matter that 50 year-old noodlewhores look better than 30 year-old cumskin foids. No male would be fucking foids over the age of 25 at all if he had options to chose from.

Every dick entering a foid over 25 is an act of desperation.
Read and agree with every word:yes::yes::feelsokman::feelsstudy:.

Despite the fact that men on dating apps select for Asian toilets the same way as toilets select for White men, when toilets prefer White men "it's because muh Yts are superior", but like IncelTV says "men going after Asian toilets is like the lion going after the weakest gazelle".
This quote is a fantastic example of how deeply ingrained foid worship and misandry are into human minds. Not even one of the most famous blackpillers on Youtube is capable of actually applying the same standars to men and women and not thinking of male sexuality as predatory and female one as weak and passive.

In reality, as you've said, if white men being slightly (muh JBW is incredibly oversold, even those dating studies found what, 20-30% differences in response rates at most?) preferred on dating apps means that they are superior to non-white men, then Asian women are superior to non-Asian women.

My guess is that a lot of this forum either unknowingly or deliberately engage in White worship.

This might be simply projecting JBW onto male preferences, it might be Stormcel infiltration, or (and most likely) it could be self-hating non-Whites who think that Whites are some sort of superior angelic species that dominate the planet.
C'mon boyo, it's the third one and that's not even questionable at this point.

But at the end of the day, it's just a cope, it's not uncommon to find videos of White toilets complaining about how Asian toilets are seen as hotter than them and just yesterday a White toilet told me that while she would never date Asian men if she was bisexual she would probably prefer Asian toilets.
This is facts, Youth is one of the most important things a human can have, women in developed countries literally go insane & need anti-depressants once they grow older, we will be seeing a lot of suicides in the next 5-10 years when Gen-Z grows up

Once Asian whores reach the height of Euros/Blacks, they will own the planet, Gen-Z Asian South Africans are extremely hot I can confirm!!!
Nice Ho Chi Minh pfp
im rice i also prefer noodle the most tbh
I got this video on my feed when I was in the Philippines:

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/sl5gg9-NfYM?si=WJLpxtGI8-mf95g6

Not only are Asians just generally more neotenous, they are very much "younger" in every superficial sense compared to Caucasians (Europeans, South Asians, Aryans, Arabs, Jews, Berbers, and Hamites), in fact Asians tend to have the same amount of wrinkles as a Caucasian a decade younger than them and they have higher amounts of facial adiposity.

Besides that, Asians are the least obese people in the world, while prehistoric populations had obesity rates of 2%, modern Vietnam sits significantly lower despite there being a KFC in every street corner of Hanoi.

THE ONLY way Asian toilets are less attractive than non-Asians is the fact that they have smaller breasts and asses, but modern Asian toilets aren't like they were 20 years ago.

Cases in point.


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And Indonesian:

View attachment 1178382

There are plenty of Japanese, Thai, Malaysian, South Korean, Vietnamese, Etc. Toilets with amazing asses. One of the best giant asses I've ever seen in my life was in the neighbourhood of Long Biên in Hanoi (though she was literally laughing at me for how ugly I am).

THE ONLY hot thing White toilets have over Asian toilets is the fact that they're taller. It's extremely common for me to meet European, Arab, Berber, Black, Etc. toilets taller than myself, but in my entire life of 30 years, in having lived in multiple Asian countries for many years I've only ever met 1 Asian (Chinese) toilet taller than me in Xiamen and 1 my height in Beijing. Recently I saw a hot 6 foot tall Filipina student while at a 7-Eleven in Manila, but Manila is a different story.

Despite the fact that men on dating apps select for Asian toilets the same way as toilets select for White men, when toilets prefer White men "it's because muh Yts are superior", but like IncelTV says "men going after Asian toilets is like the lion going after the weakest gazelle". In reality, Black toilets are the least desirable and the easiest to get into a relationship with of all toilets.

I do have a theory as to why we constantly see this White toilet worship in BP circles, it's most likely pre-selection and other social factors. But biologically speaking, Asian toilets are way more attractive than non-Asian toilets in basically every way and we all know that youth > beauty, so even if Asian toilets didn't naturally look better, simply looking younger made them still the most attractive choices.

My guess is that a lot of this forum either unknowingly or deliberately engage in White worship. This might be simply projecting JBW onto male preferences, it might be Stormcel infiltration, or (and most likely) it could be self-hating non-Whites who think that Whites are some sort of superior angelic species that dominate the planet.

But at the end of the day, it's just a cope, it's not uncommon to find videos of White toilets complaining about how Asian toilets are seen as hotter than them and just yesterday a White toilet told me that while she would never date Asian men if she was bisexual she would probably prefer Asian toilets.

I have never seen a western Asian girl with an ass like that
Both Asian and White are good. I used to be fixated on this "Asian supremacy" mindset but it was only hurting my chances of dating. Recently though, I've changed my perspectives :feelsthink:
It's from cheap American corn
ragefuel those pics
ragefuel those pics
Lots of volcels out there don't really care for Asian women. They have less expressive faces and the jury is still out on whether or not they even like sex and men or whether they are just automatons from a western perspective. A middle-aged white woman in shape is more alluring to most men than a young chink foid. Plus countries like the Philippines or Indonesia are fairly low IQ. Not to mention the southern countries.
Every dick entering a foid over 25 is an act of desperation.
You do realize women aged 18-25 are <10% of the population of the planet. Even for chadlites they would be unattainable if everyone thought this way.
meh these are bad examples

filipinas are generally not that attractive, and tend to not look that youthful either

plus neoteny is often manufactured by whores with makeup or plastic surgery, especially in south korea

and really extreme fake neoteny is rare outside of explicit pedobait, since it's very blatant

I don't think you'd find a universal preference for asian women, and even then it wouldn't include eg. chinks

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