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Discussion Share your blackpill journey ngl

  • Thread starter IamJacksBrokenHeart
  • Start date


May 7, 2018
for me ,
it started like 4 or 5 years ago ( cant remember exactly cause atrophied brain ) , when i stumbled upon r/theredpill

First i started copeing with buying a lot of redpill books , reading them , gymcelling , sleeping on the floor , taking cold showers ( yeah , i know ) .

I even started cold approaching but i only got rejected and no improvement at all .

So then i drifted off into mgtow , where i stumbled upon r/incels .

Spent some time on there until it got banned and then i went here in may 2018 .

Share your story tbh ngl .

How did you come here ?
I found 4chan back in 2014, then moved to 8chan in 2018 where I first found out about the blackpill and incels.
I found .co in early 2019 ( Around May to be exact ) and made my account in July of that year.
I stumbled upon a couple of posts from /r/incels back when I used to browse cuckddit and discovered how much I resonated with them.
It was basically an immediate transition from a sort of red-pilled mindset to a black-pilled LDAR way of living.
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Started 2012 or 2013, I was 17 at the time and realized my life was over and I wanted to rope. Shortly after I became bluepilled and started gymcelling. Found /r/foreveralone in 2016 and realized the internet was full of losers like me, found /r/incels shortly after and realized they resonate with me more. /r/incels got banned and I wanted to rope again. Came here and had @13k introduce me to the racepill, I then learned how over it really is.
black-pilled LDAR way of living.
Anyone can LDAR tho, its not a "blackpilled incel" trait. I dont know why its so much of a truecel trait.
The cuckold can LDAR when his wife takes the bulls cock inside
I ldared so much last year that i hate it when its seen as a good thing or trucel thing.
Now im spending my time with improving myseelf in other areas.
Anyone can LDAR tho, its not a "blackpilled incel" trait. I dont know why its so much of a truecel trait.
The cuckold can LDAR when his wife takes the bulls cock inside
I ldared so much last year that i hate it when its seen as a good thing or trucel thing.
Now im spending my time with improving myseelf in other areas.
high iq tbh
improving yourself and making yourself happy is a good goal
Anyone can LDAR tho, its not a "blackpilled incel" trait. I dont know why its so much of a truecel trait.
The cuckold can LDAR when his wife takes the bulls cock inside
I ldared so much last year that i hate it when its seen as a good thing or trucel thing.
Now im spending my time with improving myseelf in other areas.
high iq tbh
improving yourself and making yourself happy is a good goal
I mean, I absolutely agree.
I was merely saying that upon the realization that was just how my way of life followed afterward.
Above all, I certainly didn't mean that it should be seen as a black-pilled exclusive thing or in a positive light as a stereotypical incel/truecel trait or whatever.
However, that is precisely how my way of living life was and is after discovering how the world truly was, that's all.
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I found r/incels cause some reddit cucks were talking about r/trucels quarantine and said it was "the most terrifying subreddit theyve seen"
I somehow stumble upon r/theredpill , read a bit there as I had nothing to do anyway but in that subreddit I search about how being attractive influences things. That's when I found some threads about guy's getting blackpilled seeing how attractive people live. I was already blackpilled a bit because I knew looks were dictating life.

Then searched more and found tinder experiments. This solidyfied the blackpill. I realised that I needed surgery if I want to live my life and started searching for it. Found three websites and one of them was lookism. ( The other being jawsurgeryforums whose userbase was PSL users plus normies and realself which was nothing special tbh )

On lookism whatever bluepill was left in me was destroyed. Everything became clear. Then lookism died, got really boring hell admin forgot to pay bills this one time too then someone mentioned r/braincels there. I found braincels much better plus there was nothing left for me on lookism anyway so I left.

Then braincels got banned and now i'm here.
I examined my face one day closely in the mirror when I was like 16 and I realised how over it was, puberty had fucked me up
I realized i was going to struggle in life when i was 16 but i found some redpilled communities and i thought the bullshit they said was real.
I tried to improve myself, be confident, etc for 1 year until i realized the advice was garbage, so i ldar during a couple of years until last year i found braincels and when it got deleted i joined the forum
i watch VVS on youtube and black pills with family foids members
found reddit in like 2012 or 2013, that led me to 4chan in my 1st year of hs and later 8chan. i was never active that much on 8chan though so it's not relevant. my personal experiences combined with what i read about other peoples experiences made me develop a disdain for normies and foids. i was still convinced in "muh nawalt" until late 2017 or early 2018 so i can't say i was blackpilled before then. later in 2018, on the day that i joined, youtube recommended me the contrapoints incel video which lead me to check out incels.me and after browsing for a few minutes i realized that i'll fit in. then 2 years passed and here we are now.

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