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Cope [Serious] Belief in God and heaven is necessary for y’all



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
I know most people here are atheist or agnostic but seriously, belief in god and heaven is actually important. If you think it’s over and you’ll never ascend, well faith in god is the only hope and cope. I remember Type O Negative singer Peter Steele used to be an atheist but then became Roman Catholic at the end of his life. He said

“There are no atheists in foxholes, they say, and I was a foxhole atheist for a long time. But after going through a midlife crisis and having many things change very quickly, it made me realize my mortality. And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere. I also can't believe that people like Stalin and Hitler are gonna go to the same place as Mother Teresa.”

I am a Muslimcel and I believe in heaven and I believe y’all will go to heaven. I believe heaven will give us anything we want. In heaven, we’ll have what we didn’t get to have in life.

you might say god doesn’t exist, but have you ever thought he might exist, belief in heaven is the only cope. At least hope there is a god. Hope in god’s existence is good enough.
not gona read haha if ur not nihilist you're a gay
I prefer copes I can touch.
How do you know there isn’t one?
Because I'm living a life of constant agony and toil and hopelessness. What god would allow my existence to be so painful
This is a truecel cope, once you realize all other copes are worthless.
No thanks. The book you worship was written by a Man not a god. Every holy scripture contains details of massacres and numerous war crimes. It is all lies. Judeo Christians slaughtered devil worshippers and subjugated their beliefs. Oppressing and killing anyone that go against their need for absolute power.
ew a nigger rapper.
Just watch the vid. Also xxxtentacion is mixed
No thanks. The book you worship was written by a Man not a god. Every holy scripture contains details of massacres and numerous war crimes. It is all lies. Judeo Christians slaughtered devil worshippers and subjugated their beliefs. Oppressing and killing anyone that go against their need for absolute power.
You realize that’s how everyone was back then right?
It's impossible for me to believe in god because of the omnipotence & benevolence paradox
It's impossible for me to believe in god because of the omnipotence & benevolence paradox
Watch the vid I posted
Ok. Let me believe some bullshit that does not exist then. What is this? A theater play?
You die, it is over. Simple as that. Put all the meaning upon life that there isn't there. I don't care. That is not cope. That is stupidity.
You really think the universe was created by nothing
People won't believe because they want scientific proof, whether physical or through data. That defeats the purpose of HAVING FAITH.

When you really come to terms with your position, you begin to realise what harm would their be in placing my trust in God?
For a lot of us, things are just going south. I have no hope, so I've just resigned my life into Gods hands.
I'm more at peace because I know, whatever happens to me; he knew would happen.
You ain’t never lied my nigga
Watch the vid I posted

You really think the universe was created by nothing
Thank God for giving us the ability to choose, so we can have wonderful things like this. Instead of using your omnipotence to give us heaven on Earth, you let us suffer because "that's necessary for good things to also exist", even though that's contrary to the definition of omnipotence.
View attachment 182308 Thank God for giving us the ability to choose, so we can have wonderful things like this. Instead of using your omnipotence to give us heaven on Earth, you let us suffer because "that's necessary for good things to also exist", even though that's contrary to the definition of omnipotence.
You can’t have freedom without evil and pain
I despise religion and god, it honestly baffles me that people believe in a good and omnipotent creator. Is it a coincidence that religious people (especially muslims) are low IQ INBRED coping shitskins? Why would a good god make you an ugly ethnic incel???? It doesn’t make sense at all!!!!! Feels good knowing that life truly ends in death.
I despise religion and god, it honestly baffles me that people believe in a good and omnipotent creator. Is it a coincidence that religious people (especially muslims) are low IQ INBRED coping shitskins? Why would a good god make you an ugly ethnic incel???? It doesn’t make sense at all!!!!! Feels good knowing that life truly ends in death.
Freedom can’t exist without pain or evil
How is that relevant to my post?
Regardless freedom as in free will does not exist. How can you browse this forum and be so bluepilled?
I believe Odin will save me. Fuck jew god. Religion is a normie racket
How is that relevant to my post?
Regardless freedom as in free will does not exist. How can you browse this forum and be so bluepilled?
Free will exists
No it doesnt, genetics, parents, birth place, socio economic class etc, is not decided by one self. And those factors basically determines your life. Refute me or fuck off.
I heard there are nymphs up there?

Main qimg de3409a9ec61e8d5a0ee7e45e96c8a05 1
if ur nihilist you're a gay
Nihilism preaches that nothing matters.

Fuck you. I MATTER. I'M ALL THAT MATTERS AND ALL THAT SHOULD MATTER... To believe otherwise is gaeh.
I despise religion and god, it honestly baffles me that people believe in a good and omnipotent creator. Is it a coincidence that religious people (especially muslims) are low IQ INBRED coping shitskins? Why would a good god make you an ugly ethnic incel???? It doesn’t make sense at all!!!!! Feels good knowing that life truly ends in death.
Who said that God is only good and tied to nothing but good virtue?
What kind of god would create my face?
Christianity and Islam (and judaism?), who happen to be the largest religions by far.

Meant to reply to Algeriancel
Nihilism preaches that nothing matters.

Fuck you. I MATTER. I'M ALL THAT MATTERS AND ALL THAT SHOULD MATTER... To believe otherwise is gaeh.
Bro u fucked up my quote. Anyway yeah nothing matters. You don’t matter, I don’t matter. This life and world don’t matter. We will evaporate into the mist. We will not be greeted by a god, diety, or supernatural being. We will be greeted by nothing but the sweet release of death.
Bro u fucked up my quote. Anyway yeah nothing matters. You don’t matter, I don’t matter. This life and world don’t matter. We will evaporate into the mist. We will not be greeted by a god, diety, or supernatural being. We will be greeted by nothing but the sweet release of death.
I will overcome death and greet myself then impregnate death with my matterness
I'd rather believe there is a god and have a chance to go to a heaven. Then to be an edgy internet lord and keep saying there isnt only to die and be sent to hell.

Any person who would curse an almighty being who could potentially exist is an ignorant retard.

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