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Cope [Serious] Belief in God and heaven is necessary for y’all

I'd rather believe there is a god and have a chance to go to a heaven. Then to be an edgy internet lord and keep saying there isnt only to die and be sent to hell.

Any person who would curse an almighty being who could potentially exist is an ignorant retard.
Alright buddy. So which god should I believe in? If I believe in the christgod, I might go to muslim hell. Or if I believe in Allahu akhbar, I might go to christian hell, or perhaps one of the 4198 others.

I don't exactly believe in religions.

But to a degree I understand why people have them. Our society is large based on them
I'd rather believe there is a god and have a chance to go to a heaven. Then to be an edgy internet lord and keep saying there isnt only to die and be sent to hell.

Any person who would curse an almighty being who could potentially exist is an ignorant retard.

What if you're wrong about the great juju of the sea?

If God was real he would not allow this.
(((Jared Diamond))): "The Third Chimpanzee" | Talks at Joogle

We human beings share 98 percent of our genes with chimpanzees. Yet humans are the dominant species on the planet -- having founded civilizations and religions, developed intricate and diverse forms of communication, learned science, built cities, and created breathtaking works of art -- while chimps remain animals concerned primarily with the basic necessities of survival.

What is it about that two percent difference in DNA that has created such a divergence between evolutionary cousins? In this fascinating, provocative, passionate, funny, endlessly entertaining work, renowned Pulitzer Prize--winning author and scientist Jared Diamond explores how the extraordinary human animal, in a remarkably short time, developed the capacity to rule the world...and the means to irrevocably destroy it.
Alright buddy. So which god should I believe in? If I believe in the christgod, I might go to muslim hell. Or if I believe in Allahu akhbar, I might go to christian hell, or perhaps one of the 4198 others.

View attachment 182364

I didn't say believe in a god from a certain religion "buddy". I just said believing the concept of a god exists and not trying to be edgy and curse him.
What if you're wrong about the great juju of the sea?

Then im wrong. That's pretty straight forward.
New theory. In the afterlife you get to do the thing you did the most because it's assumed it's what gave your life meaning. For chads and stacies it would be whoring around. For incels it would be LDARing or wagecucking.
All I can say is:

I sincerely wish I could cope, but my aspie robotic brain keeps poking holes in religion's logic.

I would love to hold on to the belief that there will be an afterlife or rebirth where I'm tall, good-looking, with a full head of hair, and an agreeable/extroverted neurotypical personality, but it's hard to.
We human beings share 98 percent of our genes with chimpanzees.

Notice how chimps don't have language? It's amazing that humans have so little humility when it comes to a trait that clearly has not been refined by evolution. Flight has existed for almost as long as life has and thus has very good adaption to specific situations. Anatomically modern humans are at least 100,000 years old while writing is at most 10,000 years old. A ten thousand year old trait is so insignificant in the history of life that it should be expected that people will communicate ideas poorly with that medium. So, take all religious texts for what they are - attempts by imperfect creatures to communicate concepts, sometimes more complex than they can accurately convey.

Interpret religion via how it affect real-world action. This is analogous to listening to foids vs. watching their actions. In practice, what does "believing in heaven" create in real world existence? Well, for one it grants perspective. It makes you consider past, present, AND future. Many interpret that future in a metaphysical sense, using terms like "heaven" or "reincarnation," which are vague and open to abusive interpretations. Still, that thought of considering a timeline makes the human animal gain a long term perspective. What one does with that perspective is dependent on the specific religion.

It appears to me that religions are basically divided into two major categories; those that focus on explaining as well as structuring present existence, while others offer mental contemplation of the future. Hinduism and Judaism both are well known for their rigid instructions on living day-to-day (caste, commandments). The religions that grew out them, Buddhism and Christianity respectively, are both more focused on mental "freedom."

The most incel of incels, the Untouchables of India, have a history of escaping the grips of their present physical reality via the teachings of the Buddha. Likewise, Christianity literally came about as a away for non-Romans to cope with the rigid and dominant Roman Empire. "You can enslave my body but my mind is free, for it is guided by my father, who is in heaven." Again with heaven being merely a placeholder for the future.

Islam appears to attempt to be another step in the above dialectic process. It offers a long term perspective based on success of one's jihad, but also has the Hadith which gives structure to daily living. Imo that structure is too steeped in Arab customs to have broad appeal in modern times.

The Chinese philosophies like Confucianism and Taoism appear to me to fall into the "structure" category, but I am not familiar enough with them to know that, just knowing the Chinese cultural attraction to stable systems like rigid family rules was probably influenced by similarly clearly defined philosophies.

Anyone who is silly enough to actually think any religion accurately details how manipulate physical reality are doing a disservice to the potential teachings those religions could convey. That is the case for most financed religious organizations, because keeping things at the metaphysical level of understanding facilitates their own power structure.

I personally join with many on this forum like @NoCopeNoHope who see the future dominated by sex robots or some other technological innovation that limits foidian power. That more just world is what I interpret as the "Kingdom of Heaven" of Christian eschatology. That gives me cope to not be destructive to myself at least, and makes more palatable things that are valued by normie society, like wageslaving, depending on how much you think your work, whether directly or by taxes, is contributing to a better future. The blackpill guides my present.
Alright buddy. So which god should I believe in? If I believe in the christgod, I might go to muslim hell. Or if I believe in Allahu akhbar, I might go to christian hell, or perhaps one of the 4198 others.

View attachment 182364
a majority of Earth believe in the God of the Abrahamic religion. many religions only are a tiny tiny percent of the Earth population.

watch this vid
Absolutely. One has to rest upon something solid in these chaotic times, to remain sane
Absolutely. One has to rest upon something solid in these chaotic times, to remain sane
exactly. there are no atheists in foxholes they say. and there's atheists in foxholes everywhere here.
Religion and god beliefs are not founded in anything outside the human imagination. It's all shamelessly anthropocentric. How stupid are we going to look if we ever make contact with intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? How stupid are we going to look when we find any kind of life out in the universe?

Also an FYI to you ascension-attemptingcels: religion and professing it with passion is a major pussy repellent. Ya, foids will say they want faithful wholesome guy on the surface but they're always lying and going to go for badboy Chad behind the scenes; especially if that Chad is also a liar saying he's down with whatever flavour of religious bullshit too.
Sending positive vibes but I just have a few questions.

I remember Type O Negative singer Peter Steele
What does his blood type have to do with anything?

I am a Muslimcel and I believe in heaven and I believe y’all will go to heaven. I believe heaven will give us anything we want. In heaven, we’ll have what we didn’t get to have in life.
Thanks. Do you think we all deserve to go to heaven? If so why? Do e'ryone go there? Do everyone get what they want regardless of what it is?
This doesn't seem like the quranic hell with 72 Houris and rivers of honey. Imams and Hadiths says less than 1/1000 will go there, most if not all are men who will have constant erect penises in paradise.

belief in heaven is the only cope.
There are many copes. No cope is perfect unfortunately. This one would be a good one if it was the truth.

At least hope there is a god. Hope in god’s existence is good enough.
Good for you. wether you will go to heaven or it's just a good cope.

What if I'm a hindu though? Is reincarnation good enough?
Sending positive vibes but I just have a few questions.

What does his blood type have to do with anything?

Thanks. Do you think we all deserve to go to heaven? If so why? Do e'ryone go there? Do everyone get what they want regardless of what it is?
This doesn't seem like the quranic hell with 72 Houris and rivers of honey. Imams and Hadiths says less than 1/1000 will go there, most if not all are men who will have constant erect penises in paradise.

There are many copes. No cope is perfect unfortunately. This one would be a good one if it was the truth.

Good for you. wether you will go to heaven or it's just a good cope.

What if I'm a hindu though? Is reincarnation good enough?
reincarnation is good enough because you could become a chad. also, type o negative is the name of his band.

yes you all should go to heaven
Religion and god beliefs are not founded in anything outside the human imagination. It's all shamelessly anthropocentric. How stupid are we going to look if we ever make contact with intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? How stupid are we going to look when we find any kind of life out in the universe?

Also an FYI to you ascension-attemptingcels: religion and professing it with passion is a major pussy repellent. Ya, foids will say they want faithful wholesome guy on the surface but they're always lying and going to go for badboy Chad behind the scenes; especially if that Chad is also a liar saying he's down with whatever flavour of religious bullshit too.
Don't understand how you can believe in god it makes no sense
Firstly Hitler is better than mother Teresa, secondly I agree that we should all believe in heaven, it is our only and main cope left. We lost everything in this world, let us not lose the next life.
I think it's clear that God has abandoned us.

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