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Serious Saving the white race and those who follow [WHITES GTFIH]

"One of the major martyrs was Arab," low IQ ziocuck. Arabic Jews exist too, just lol at being an extremely low IQ hindu ziocuck. :lul:

Because it's not a race in the sense white nats talk of. Or someone wouldn't be able to convert to that race.
Who the fuck says I'm talking like a WS. Take your zio shilling elsewhere.

Tbhtbh I feel bad for ziocuck like him being this low IQ.

"so, I refuted your argument 100% by showing that Israel wasn't a racial state comparable to neet ideas of a white ethno-state.

that's wha tu responded to

Wow look at this, so much infighting on this site lately, reminds me of the 3 brother cheetahs that were fighting each other for rights to fuck a female that little did they know had already been killed by a lion.
"so, I refuted your argument 100% by showing that Israel wasn't a racial state comparable to neet ideas of a white ethno-state.

that's wha tu responded to

Did I not quote you partly? Use your eyes next time. :)
All America's fault. Death to America tbh
Women got the right to vote in new zealand before america
cringelord, I also support the right of ethnics to not get ethnically cleansed by your NEET-ideology.
There is no need for ethnic cleansing. Go back to wherever you came from, assuming you have somewhere to go. White people have NO WHERE to go.
average white foid babies: 1
average muslim foid babies: 3+
here in america the only people reproducing at replacement level are conservative whites which eases the mind when I think about millions of you shitskins pouring in. NO ONE wants to reproduce except us once you get a taste of this level of decadence. Soon whites with race treasonous genes will be bred out and jews like yourself will have to come up with a new plan of eradicating the white race
just for fun im gonna scare some white faggots tomorrow when i go outside. they always run away like scared little bunnies in panic
Thats your ugly face they're running from bro, you don't intimidate anybody
Now in modern days ethnic workers are building the majority of your infrastructure and real estate. We co-own it now by your logic.
Get real, I work in a trade with ethnics everyday and they are terrible at their job and other whites are constantly having to make up for their mistakes. Employers are forced by the government to hire nonwhites because of affirmative action, that is the only reason you "people" have jobs in the first place lets be honest
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What difference does it make? The white race won't "die" if children aren't born as a collective of people isn't an entity, you're projecting human qualities onto an abstract. A race is a group of individuals, and by creating more people you aren't really saving anyone, in fact I'd argue you'd be doing the opposite.

The nonexistent don't need our help nor our pity.

Although this isn't to say I begrudge anyone for choosing to mostly associate with their own race, as humans tend to feel more comfortable around those who are similar to themselves. I just don't see how this topic is a concern for incels, and I'll never personally be an advocate for procreation regardless of circumstance.
Living in european homelands is not a fucking RIGHT of non-whites, got that?

Why is it whenever white people slaughter the natives and replace them, the land then becomes a "european homeland"? But when a non-white peacefully immigrates (or in the case of blacks, forcefully brought), no amount of demographic change alters it from being a "white country"?
I agree with and support European nationalism...in Europe.
Europeans in Americas, Australia, and South Africa can get fucked.
No, I refuted your argument 100% by showing that Israel wasn't a racial state comparable to neet ideas of a white ethno-state.

Heh? How deluded are you? You refuted absolutely nothing... You just went back from having a jewish cock in your moth to ''nah Israel to everyone'', although, why do jews treat non-jews like trash? As you can see. you refuted absolutely nothing. You actually expressed an egalitarian world view, so you just can put things together as you want. So, you are not very consistent here.

So why would anyone care if somethings natural? Does it benefit you or not, is more important.

It is just nature itself. You may benefit from it or not.

Its definitely not an argument, just an observation.

Nature is a consistent factor, which I consider.

Saying something is natural or not doesn't mean it's positive or negative.

Again this phrasemongering with ''positive or negative''. This is not an argument either. What is actually the point here? This chat seems more and more pointless.

It doesn't mean you should like it and accept it. It just means its occurring in nature. You are trying to say white nationalism is natural therefore we should have it. But this is a logical fallacy.

Ahh, I guess I get it now where your mistake is. It is not about ''we''. This makes sense then. Why should a non-white be concerned? Correct, he is not affected by it.
A white man should be nationalistic because it is also his life he wants to maintain. This is something natural, otherweise he can just kill himself at the spot. Nature is about to live and maintain, anything else means death. This is what I was talking about. Of course for you, as a non-white you are no affected by it.

Natural doesn't mean good or bad, or have any statement on it's value. Also natural itself is pretty subjective and arbitrary when used in this context.

Again this ''good or bad thing''. Like I stated, this is not an argument either, otherweise you can just go kill yourself right at the spot, but like explained above, I made my point regarding to this topic.
It is not good or bad within nature itself, it is just maintain of what you are. Anything else would be a death penalty. So, in the end like suggested way earlier in this conversation, nature, more specifically the creature within it, are indeed subjective. They want to live. They want to maintain theirselves. The opposition of it, is their demise.
Nationalism means to survive or at least it is a tool for it. It can be applied for any race, not just white people.
Women got the right to vote in new zealand before america
But the yanks forced the japs to let their women vote and have rights. In fact, the same exact thing happened in Italy too.
Heh? How deluded are you? You refuted absolutely nothing... You just went back from having a jewish cock in your moth to ''nah Israel to everyone'', although, why do jews treat non-jews like trash? As you can see. you refuted absolutely nothing. You actually expressed an egalitarian world view, so you just can put things together as you want. So, you are not very consistent here.

No, you claimed I was a hypocrite being against white racial nationalism while supporting Jews in Israel. I therefore completely refuted any pretense that Israel was a racial ethnostate in the sense of a white nationalist one.

Again this phrasemongering with ''positive or negative''. This is not an argument either. What is actually the point here? This chat seems more and more pointless.

Natures not an argument tuh do something, its either you should do something because it has some positive effect for you or not.

This is something natural, otherweise he can just kill himself at the spot. Nature is about to live and maintain, anything else means death.

Why do you keep saying its natural then? It doesnt matter if its natural or not, it should just be about if whatever benefits you or not, not natural or not natural. Valuable > natural.
No, you claimed I was a hypocrite being against white racial nationalism while supporting Jews in Israel. I therefore completely refuted any pretense that Israel was a racial ethnostate in the sense of a white nationalist one.

I will just quote you and then think about it:

Zionists = winning. Stay mad idiot. Paleslime will never be a country and never was. Nothing you say will remove the existence of Israel or the settlements. Over for you ngl.

And you know what will happen. The people who lived before there, will be repulsed.

Also regarding to ''muh ancestors'':
That land is an ancient home to the Jewish people and they simply reclaimed it.

You literally refuted yourself right there. They do have no right do reclaim anything regarding to you. Your hate towards white people made you blind.

Natures not an argument tuh do something

Then stop eating and drinking.

Why do you keep saying its natural then? It doesnt matter if its natural or not, it should just be about if whatever benefits you or not, not natural or not natural. Valuable > natural.

It is a part of nature itself. Every creature have a willpower to live, otherwise you can just go kill yourself, like I stated plenty of times before. It is also your biological code what drives you and of what you are capable of and what you may achieve. Of course there are subitems influencing procedure and outcome of something, which might be artificial or out of complete confenience (you mentioned it: What benefits you the most).
The world now is an entangled place, more artificial, as I stated and yet still, it is nothing but an adaptation of nature itself. The well-known phrase is still applicable: Survival of the fittest - and this is what is happening now in every aspect of life. Even this chat is an example for it.
Personal interests may be influenced by nature. This is why nationalism is something natural in order to keep yourself alive and the large group. White nationalism enforce the power of white people, which is inconvenient for you. This is why you against it. This is something natural as well. Personal interest and nature are going hand in hand. You see yourself threatened by it, because you interests will be ignored and your well-being might be in danger. You want to be alive
You can apply this on any nationalism. Black nationalism will enfore black people and neglect anything else, which is completely normal, since they want to live and maintain themselves.
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Man you are really missing the point. We eat and drink because it has a positive effect, it satisfies our natural desires and benefits us.

Natural or not isnt an argument, simple whether it benefits you or not. If white nationalism benefits people its not about it being natural or not.
Man you are really missing the point. We eat and drink because it has a positive effect, it satisfies our natural desires and benefits us.

Natural desire...? Nature is not an argument...

Natural or not isnt an argument, simple whether it benefits you or not. If white nationalism benefits people its not about it being natural or not.

And yet, it is still natural: ''Personal interests may be influenced by nature. This is why nationalism is something natural in order to keep yourself alive and the large group. White nationalism enforce the power of white people, which is inconvenient for you. This is why you against it. This is something natural as well. Personal interest and nature are going hand in hand. You see yourself threatened by it, because you interests will be ignored and your well-being might be in danger. You want to be alive.
You can apply this on any nationalism. Black nationalism will enfore black people and neglect anything else, which is completely normal, since they want to live and maintain themselves.''

And by the way, if you does not add something regarding to your contradiction, you will lose this conversation completetly.
Natural desire...? Nature is not an argument...

If I desire tuh do something instinctively and it makes me feel good and theres no reason not tuh thats enough of the argument for me.

And yet, it is still natural

And irrelevant natural still is.

And by the way, if you does not add something regarding to your contradiction, you will lose this conversation completetly.

Its the land of all the people living there, not just those with ancestors although thats a good point.
west is already fucked beyond repair, all of western europe and US needs nuking into oblivion / society collapsing for anything to improve.

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