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Serious Saving the white race and those who follow [WHITES GTFIH]

whites on incels.is: fuck jews, fuck jews, fucking jews brainwashing, ((()))), (((((them))))), aboriginals r dumb lol, Hitler/WN/far right pfps or signatures etc.

No problem.
Say fuck whites on a thread promoting white racebait nationalism, epic chimpout by white worshippers and whites

JFL @ ethnics acting tough online, especially on a forum for virgins
When we whites will all be dead the bastard sons of ethnics will create new forms of racism and new oppressed groups.

As a failed white myself I don't care about women. The demographic issue in my opinion is not an incel's concern.
Don't like us? Fuck out of our homelands then kike, go back to your third world shithole which by the way would not even exist if it wasn't for the generosity of those mean whites.
jbw br0
Race is cope.

I don’t give a shit if the “white race” dies out anyway, let’s face it, we are a cucked race who handed the keys to the kingdom to foids and feminism. Fuck us, we deserve to die out.
What has the west done for you that's so great?
Nigga I am part of your "muh west now". The western world is the most tolerable place to live in the world by a large margin, the most westernized the country the better. Unless you're a backwards religious radical or some shit.

Why is staying in a white majority country built by white people for white people something you will defend to your last dying breath even though, as you yourself admit, whites steal your foids?

Whites did not exclusively build the countries they reside, and even then: because these western countries are the best in the world. Why tf would I let you cucks kick ethnics out where I lived here my entire life and many others did the same? Fuck outta here.

The fact that white people need a territory to live in that's exclusively theirs should be obvious to anyone with a tripple digit IQ.


This is how tribes have existed for thousands of years, why should it be any different today?
Muh tradition fallacy is just that, something being natural or going on for thousands of years doesn't make it good, nor does it make it bad, it has no objective automatic inherent statement on the value or something.

People were using leeches as medical treatments in unnecessary ways for thousands of years. The internet has only been around for several decades.

Also, if it benefits my "tribe" (cringe) to live in the west why wouldn't I support them first?

Who exactly is it that have anything to gain from this multiracial dystopia we're living in? Ethnics don't like it here and whites don't want them here. It seems to me the only people that have anything to gain from this demographic replacement are Jews.

>Ethnics don't like it here
>Complains of ethnics demographically replacing you


Let's say whites are outbred to the point where they all get rounded up and slaughtered, what then?

That will never happen in the west boyo. You are truly sick if you think that's the fate awaiting your lot. I would find that cringe af anyway cuz I have white friends.

Do you think all the different races that have been brought here will peacefully coexist as a peaceful collision of nonwhites? That would be very strange considering the fact that already we see racial tensions manifesting as physical altercations between different racial minorities in the west.

No, it wont be completely without racism.

If white people lose demographic dominance over their Europe, Europe will be thrown into a state of perpetual warfare unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Untrue. Literally hyperbolic af fantasies with no basis in reality.
Nigga I am part of your "muh west now". The western world is the most tolerable place to live in the world by a large margin, the most westernized the country the better. Unless you're a backwards religious radical or some shit.

Whites did not exclusively build the countries they reside, and even then: because these western countries are the best in the world. Why tf would I let you cucks kick ethnics out where I lived here my entire life and many others did the same? Fuck outta here.

Well, the logical conclusion of whites not having a homeland of their own is them getting outbred to the point where it's no longer possible for them to form communities. That's my "logical explanation" as to why it should be obvious to anyone with a tripple digit IQ that whites need a homeland. So you like it here then? You enjoy your life as an incel in the west? Why are depression rates higher in the west than elsewhere if it's so tolerable here

Ethnics are replacing whites in the west because Jews promise them a white girlfriend, free healthcare, education and food if they come. No wonder it sparks such resentment once their unrealistic low IQ expectations aren't met, but staring blindly at the symptom is caveman shit especially when the cause is readily obvious to anyone with eyes to see
Not "your" country. And no.
Its countries founded by our race, on the land thats always been inhabited only by our race. You have no right to parasitically squat on our land. Your existence in white countries doesnt benefit whites.

I have no problem with your race founding an ethnostate. Just GTFO of ours.
Whites did not exclusively build the countries they reside, and even then: because these western countries are the best in the world. Why tf would I let you cucks kick ethnics out where I lived here my entire life and many others did the same? Fuck outta here.

Parasitic tapeworm IQ
I'm not Jewish. And this thread is literally backing up white nationalism which wants to kick me out of your white-majority countries lol. The place where I live only has a slim white majority of 55% (2010, less now) and I'm fine living here.

However you are the one that's gonna keep wanting me out, to have your perfect "aryan" state, but its not happening boyo.
Your sense of entitlement is through the fucking roof, you people are fucked in the head. Let me say it clear in case you didn't get it. Living in european homelands is not a fucking RIGHT of non-whites, got that? The only reason you live among is, is because we were generous enough to let you in. You're fucking retarded too, you're gloating over our supposed upcoming extinction yet you praise the west and how great it is. Well guess why the west is so great. It's because of fucking Europeans you guessed it, there's a reason your parents didn't move to Panama or Sri Lanka. Just fucking lol at this shit, it's unbelievable.
The fact that white people need a territory to live in that's exclusively theirs should be obvious to anyone with a tripple digit IQ.

which faggot said this? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

lowest iq thing ive ever read here and there are some major tards on this site tbh :feelshaha:
You're fucking retarded too, you're gloating over our supposed upcoming extinction yet you praise the west and how great it is. Well guess why the west is so great.

You want to kick me out of the west, moron. I reactively cheer the triggering of you white nationalist cucks by getting btfo by demographics, since you hate ethnics living in "your" countries. Do you get it now?
which faggot said this? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

lowest iq thing ive ever read here and there are some major tards on this site tbh :feelshaha:
Was me and I can rationally justify it quite well. The alternative is probable extinction
Its countries founded by our race, on the land thats always been inhabited only by our race.
usa? :feelskek:
australia? :feelskek::feelskek:
russia>? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

these imbeciles are descendants of landstealing genociders and now they lecture older civilizations how the world works without any shame. jfl degenerate af
Its countries founded by our race, on the land thats always been inhabited only by our race. IQ

*laughs in Native US American, Aboriginal Aussie, Kiwi language, Indigenous Canadians, Native Argentinian, etc*
Your sense of entitlement is through the fucking roof, you people are fucked in the head. Let me say it clear in case you didn't get it. Living in european homelands is not a fucking RIGHT of non-whites, got that? The only reason you live among is, is because we were generous enough to let you in. You're fucking retarded too, you're gloating over our supposed upcoming extinction yet you praise the west and how great it is. Well guess why the west is so great. It's because of fucking Europeans you guessed it, there's a reason your parents didn't move to Panama or Sri Lanka. Just fucking lol at this shit, it's unbelievable.
average white foid babies: 1
average muslim foid babies: 3+

its already over you imbecile. stop coping..give or take a dozen or so generations and muslims will have taken over naturally without shooting a single bullet. although you deserve bullets it wont even be necessary.
Well, the logical conclusion of whites not having a homeland of their own is them getting outbred to the point where it's no longer possible for them to form communities. That's my "logical explanation" as to why it should be obvious to anyone with a tripple digit IQ that whites need a homeland.

So you like it here then? You enjoy your life as an incel in the west? Why are depression rates higher in the west than elsewhere if it's so tolerable here


How many in the first ten are western, vs non-western.

I don't enjoy being an "incel" yet id rather live in a country with civilized ideals where I'm incel than some shithole low income slum where I can maybe be more likely (still very unlikely) to get a foid.

Ethnics are replacing whites in the west because Jews promise them a white girlfriend, free healthcare, education and food if they come. No wonder it sparks such resentment once their unrealistic low IQ expectations aren't met, but staring blindly at the symptom is caveman shit especially when the cause is readily obvious to anyone with eyes to see
Implying the west doesn't have free healthcare and education, and provide the ability for people to have food.

Well not free, it's public services, but still you get the point.
usa? :feelskek:
australia? :feelskek::feelskek:
russia>? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

these imbeciles are descendants of landstealing genociders and now they lecture older civilizations how the world works without any shame. jfl degenerate af


Can't be so imbecilic if we've triumphed over every civilization that's interacted with us
"civilized ideals" are ideals which elevate women to goddess status which in turn results in inceldom. Low IQ for not connecting the dots between the west, feminism and inceldom
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average white foid babies: 1
average muslim foid babies: 3+

its already over you imbecile. stop coping..give or take a dozen or so generations and muslims will have taken over naturally without shooting a single bullet. although you deserve bullets it wont even be necessary.

this guys based

"civilized ideals" are ideals which elevate women to goddess status which in turn results in inceldom. Low IQ for not connecting the dots between the west, feminism and inceldom

Ignoring the fact feminism is a recent phenomenon and inceldom even more recent, and the west has been a better place to live in than most ethnic shitholes way before incels existed.
this guys based
there is no need to even debate these coping whitecels bro..they lost and they know they lost.

just for fun im gonna scare some white faggots tomorrow when i go outside. they always run away like scared little bunnies in panic
these imbeciles are descendants of landstealing genociders and now they lecture older civilizations how the world works without any shame. jfl degenerate af
Squatting around land while smoking duude weed and killing each other, does not make you the owner of the land. You have to built something on that land so you can prove you own it through original appropriation. You really think 7 million native americans owned 9.834 million km² of land? This is fucking unreal.
its already over you imbecile. stop coping..give or take a dozen or so generations and muslims will have taken over naturally without shooting a single bullet. although you deserve bullets it wont even be necessary.
Fuck off faggot, I know this would be your wet dream for white people to go extinct but it ain't happening, the paradigm is shifting, it's funny to see shitskins' true colors though, I used to have empathy for you people, which makes sense since that's why we're in this mess in the first place, white people feeling sorry and shitskins taking advantage and destroying us from within.
Squatting around land while smoking duude weed and killing each other, does not make you the owner of the land. You have to built something on that land so you can prove you own it through original appropriation. You really think 7 million native americans owned 9.834 million km² of land? This is fucking unreal.

Fuck off faggot, I know this would be your wet dream for white people to go extinct but it ain't happening, the paradigm is shifting, it's funny to see shitskins' true colors though, I used to have empathy for you people, which makes sense since that's why we're in this mess in the first place, white people feeling sorry and shitskins taking advantage and destroying us from within.
this guys based

Ignoring the fact feminism is a recent phenomenon and inceldom even more recent, and the west has been a better place to live in than most ethnic shitholes way before incels existed.
So? Why is the fact that inceldom is a recent construction relevant? is that somehow relevant to your situation as an incel living in the west? Eh, you're too low IQ to interact with. Have fun getting banned
Squatting around land while smoking duude weed and killing each other, does not make you the owner of the land. You have to built something on that land so you can prove you own it through original appropriation. You really think 7 million native americans owned 9.834 million km² of land? This is fucking unreal.

Fuck off faggot, I know this would be your wet dream for white people to go extinct but it ain't happening, the paradigm is shifting, it's funny to see shitskins' true colors though, I used to have empathy for you people, which makes sense since that's why we're in this mess in the first place, white people feeling sorry and shitskins taking advantage and destroying us from within.
btw just for this i will suckerpunch a white weakling tomorrow in the subway. he can thank you later :soy:
Why do I want a world full of BBCs?
So? Why is the fact that inceldom is a recent construction relevant? is that somehow not relevant to your situation as an incel living in the west?

My ethnic ancestors are from countries way shittier than the west.

I have to worry about not being attractive, they have to worry about living in a fucking shithole country full of poverty and violence without protections for their rights.
btw just for this i will suckerpunch a white weakling tomorrow in the subway. he can thank you later :soy:
Go ahead. The weak deserves nothing short of annihilation. The more whites you rough up and radicalize to our side, the better.
Squatting around land while smoking duude weed and killing each other, does not make you the owner of the land. You have to built something on that land so you can prove you own it through original appropriation

Slaves built loads of shit along with other ethnic workers like the Chinese faggot. Now in modern days ethnic workers are building the majority of your infrastructure and real estate. We co-own it now by your logic.
Fuck the cumskins racial preservation, I'm glad that the jews are spreading such miscegenation. I'm out here hoping it will rage across the fucking nation. Fucking up the kkkrackers, dire shall be their situation. Yes I know racemixing is a disgrace and- the aryans will be eliminated by migrants, no assimilation. Foids raped waiting for the trains by the migrants at the stations. Economic rapefugees coming 'or to race in! Fuck you pasty niggas, y'all just gonna have to face it.
I've slowly developed a similar point of view, at first I was disgusted by the rapefugees in Europe but now idgaf, if they want to let the Zionist Jews wipe them out, then they can go ahead and open their borders even further.
You are not entitled to anything bro teehee, even tho' your ancestors created a whole civilisation on that ground. It belongs to anybody.

It belongs to the people living there, not muh ancestors.
So, you are then nothing but slaves for white people?

Learn to read idiot. He said whites built the land so it's theres. I said ethnics built lots of the land and still do.
Learn to read idiot. He said whites built the land so it's theres. I said ethnics built lots of the land and still do.

Why do you again openly admit that your peoples are nothing but slaves? Why do you want to be a slave? Why are you such a cuck?
btw just for this i will suckerpunch a white weakling tomorrow in the subway. he can thank you later :soy:
Slaves built loads of shit along with other ethnic workers like the Chinese faggot. Now in modern days ethnic workers are building the majority of your infrastructure and real estate. We co-own it now by your logic.
Jfl at your pea brain. Workers give up the right to own the fruits of their labor to their employer in exchange for money. If I pay someone to build me a home, the home does not belong to him, it belongs to me. You don't own shit, faggot, we could have made animals do the same job, you're not special for doing menial work and you would go back to building mud huts if whitey didn't employ you
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HOW??? He told me he is deformed because his mother smoke or drank during the pregnancy, how he got laid??
Come on man, he is white. thats all you need to know. He is probaly NT white too, he had sex using JBW of course. reminder no ethnic who is an active poster here EVER ascended.
You don't own shit, faggot, we could have made animals do the same job, you're not special for doing menial work and you would go back to building mud huts if whitey didn't employ you

Lol at you nigger, Jews are responsible for the vast majority of infrastructure in my city so no, it's not yours asshole. Its (((theirs))) kek if anyones by your logic, but in reality its of course the city of the people who reside there.

Jfl at your pea brain. Workers give up the right to own the fruits of their labor to their employee in exchange for money. If I pay someone to build me a home, the home does not belong to him, it belongs to me.

Top kek nigger you didn't employ them to build anything, you bought your house from some capitalist rich nigga, you didn't oversee any of the construction of it.

Your people gave ethnics citizenship and residency in exchange for them coming over and helping to work and build shit and live here. Its over for you cumskin. Its not "your" land anymore.
Lol at you nigger, Jews are responsible for the vast majority of infrastructure in my city so no, it's not yours asshole. Its (((theirs))) kek if anyones by your logic, but in reality its of course the city of the people who reside there.
No wonder you're a ziocuck :lul:
Save your race for white chad that will steal all the white woman :feelsgah::redpill::redpill::redpill::redpill: after you saving the white race you will still be virgin shamed :feelsgah::redpill::redpill::redpill::redpill:
Why do you again openly admit that your peoples are nothing but slaves? Why do you want to be a slave? Why are you such a cuck?

Dumb, they aren't slaves. They built the places they live in and earned a wage voluntarily doing so, which is much more than most of you white nat neets, ngl.
Its over for you cumskin. Its not "your" land anymore.
Enjoy your stay for now shitskin, it will all end in a few years eventually one way or another
Brutal ethnicpill. :feelsrope:

He's a ziocuck, all zionists are this cucked. :lul::lul: Pathetic.

Lol are you still mad over the fact the Jews have a state now and you can't do anything about that? Stay cucked.
Dumb, they aren't slaves. They built the places they live in and earned a wage voluntarily doing so, which is much more than most of you white nat neets, ngl.

You behave like a female. You should really check out your testosterone levels and hit the gym frequently.

btw just for this i will suckerpunch a white weakling tomorrow in the subway. he can thank you later :soy:

Hit him twice and then use him as a barbell.

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