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Serious Saving the white race and those who follow [WHITES GTFIH]

Enjoy your stay for now shitskin, it will all end in a few years eventually one way or another

Cringe. Enjoy your declining birth rates. While you are fantasizing about your ethno-state that won't ever occur as the NEET you are, and whites are rotting into their thirties too afraid to commit to stacy, ethnics are making sweet music and having 2-5 children. While white non-cels rub cats telling themselves the love of a kitty is the same as the love of a child, ethnics are giving birth to mad kids and taking it out of your wallet to pay for them. Continue to put your white genetic waste into a napkin which you promptly dispose of into the garbage, I mean Ill be doing the same as a khv but at least most of my people aren't tbh ngl.
You behave like a female. You should really check out your testosterone levels and hit the gym frequently.

Whites are a minority in the world and soon in the west.
Lol are you still mad over the fact the Jews have a state now and you can't do anything about that? Stay cucked.
Eh, the Iranians have nukes, India has nukes, Pakistan has nukes

If you think that Israel has any future prospect surrounded by a sea of muslim neighbors, you're deluded. The only reason Israel has made it this far is because of big brother US constantly bailing it out. The United States is slowly caving in from within from all the ethnic turmoil that country's buried in and heading for a new civil war. What happens to precious little Israel then?
Lol are you still mad over the fact the Jews have a state now and you can't do anything about that? Stay cucked.
JFL at being a deluded hindu ziocuck. :lul:

Eh, the Iranians have nukes, India has nukes, Pakistan has nukes

If you think that Israel has any future prospect surrounded by a sea of muslim neighbors, you're deluded. The only reason Israel has made it this far is because of big brother US constantly bailing it out. The United States is slowly caving in from within from all the ethnic turmoil that country's buried in and heading for a new civil war. What happens to precious little Israel then?
He's extremely low IQ, he doesn't know that if Iran or Pakistan wanted to, they could nuke Israel. :feelskek:

That's pretty much what the """"war""" in Afghanistan is all about. They want to destabilize Pakistan through Afghanistan. That's why most money and energy is spent towards Iran and Afghanistan. To denuclearize Pakistan. But they will fail, God-willing.
t. ethnic whos not a cuck for pasty snow mutants

Zionists = winning. Stay mad idiot. Paleslime will never be a country and never was. Nothing you say will remove the existence of Israel or the settlements. Over for you ngl.
A self admitted Zionist? Good troll.
A self admitted Zionist? Good troll.

He calls me a Zionist, I never disputed it nor did I accept it.
We could Nuke Israel gais!{/QUOTE]

Cringe fantasies. In real life Iranians get bombed tf out of here by the Israelis in Syria and don't do shit to retaliate lmao.
muh nukes.
Israel has nukes.

If you think that Israel has any future prospect surrounded by a sea of muslim neighbors, you're deluded. The only reason Israel has made it this far is because of big brother US constantly bailing it out.

Untrue, Israel might not have been able to exist today without selective American actions, but its not because of 'constant" bailing out.

The United States is slowly caving in from within from all the ethnic turmoil that country's buried in and heading for a new civil war. What happens to precious little Israel then?

Cringe. The US is not gonna have another civil war, you weirdo ethnoneets have such a weird idea of real life it's quite laughable and sad at the same time.
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The point was that it's practically an oxymoron. You're no zionist.

I don't care what labels he tries to troll with. The actual Zionists in Israel are winning. I am not jewish nor do I call myself a Zionist.
Cringe. Enjoy your declining birth rates. While you are fantasizing about your ethno-state that won't ever occur as the NEET you are, and whites are rotting into their thirties too afraid to commit to stacy, ethnics are making sweet music and having 2-5 children. While white non-cels rub cats telling themselves the love of a kitty is the same as the love of a child, ethnics are giving birth to mad kids and taking it out of your wallet to pay for them. Continue to put your white genetic waste into a napkin which you promptly dispose of into the garbage, I mean Ill be doing the same as a khv but at least most of my people aren't tbh ngl.

Whites are a minority in the world and soon in the west.
Pajeet this isn't a numbers game. You could have 12 babies each and they still would amount to nothing, you come from a country of 1 billion people and like 100 of those are worth a damn, not to mention 99% shit on the streets and would drag their 3 inch dick through glass to see the "bob" of a white European girl. Europeans will never stop existing we've been through worse, you can keep dreaming though
The point was that it's practically an oxymoron. You're no zionist.
>defends zionists, cucks for them, isn't a zionist

You are low IQ.

I don't care what labels he tries to troll with. The actual Zionists in Israel are winning. I am not jewish nor do I call myself a Zionist.

You don't have to call yourself a zionist to be a ziocuck, you low IQ hindu. :lul:
I don't care what labels he tries to troll with. The actual Zionists in Israel are winning. I am not jewish nor do I call myself a Zionist.
He? And at this point there is not much stopping them. Atleast I know the middle east will give em hell before they (((win)))
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I want this planet to burn, it's too far gone, the white men are too soy now to remove foids rights. Islam will rage across the land & death will be everywhere.

In the animal kingdom each species stays with its own, some coexist or even benefit each other but for some it is prey & predator. You can't force this shit as one will mog the other.
>defends zionists, cucks for them, isn't a zionist

You are low IQ.

You don't have to call yourself a zionist to be a ziocuck, you low IQ hindu. :lul:

Nigga stfu about Zionism already, who cares? You literally only care because you share the same religion as the Palestinians.
Nigga stfu about Zionism already, who cares? You literally only care because you share the same religion as the Palestinians.
Stop shilling for zionists and I'll stop talking about them, simple as that. Maybe your low IQ hindu brain can't understand this simple fact. :lul:
Pajeet this isn't a numbers game. You could have 12 babies each and they still would amount to nothing, you come from a country of 1 billion people and like 100 of those are worth a damn, not to mention 99% shit on the streets and would drag their 3 inch dick through glass to see the "bob" of a white European girl. Europeans will never stop existing we've been through worse, you can keep dreaming though

Not Indian.

Nice ridiculous rant, still in reality whites are going to become a racial minority in the west. Theres nothing you can do against this. Your online rants amount to nothing. If you ever ascend and have children they will resent your views and maybe breed with ethnics. Over for you ngl.
Stop shilling for zionists and I'll stop talking about them, simple as that. Maybe your low IQ hindu brain can't understand this simple fact. :lul:

Israel is a successful technologically developed country in a region that's a shithole. I support them being a beacon of civilization. Simple.
Not Indian.

Nice ridiculous rant, still in reality whites are going to become a racial minority in the west. Theres nothing you can do against this. Your online rants amount to nothing. If you ever ascend and have children they will resent your views and maybe breed with ethnics. Over for you ngl.
This is getting boring, I'm close to pressing the ignore button, I don't care about your delusions, don't quote me again and I won't either
>defends zionists, cucks for them, isn't a zionist

You are low IQ.
No doubt, but I percieved him to be a troll as no real Zionist would admit to being one. He might be a jew worshipping cuck, but no real zionist.
No doubt, but I percieved him to be a troll as no real Zionist would admit to being one. He might be a jew worshipping cuck, but no real zionist.

I never called myself a Zionist idiot.
No doubt, but I percieved him to be a troll as no real Zionist would admit to being one. He might be a jew worshipping cuck, but no real zionist.

Oh my bad, you should have specified that tbh. Of course, real zionists would laugh in his face if he sided with them, hence why I call him a ziocuck instead.
I never called myself a Zionist idiot.
That's because you're a ziocuck, they wouldn't even accept your hindu shilling as their own.. :lul:
i don't see a reason for a white to reproduce with a non-white tbh
I never called you a jew. I just said jews are a minority too, so we should just kill them off as well.

You shouldn't and you won't. Literally all this white nationalism is keyboard warrior talk.
Wow look at this, so much infighting on this site lately, reminds me of the 3 brother cheetahs that were fighting each other for rights to fuck a female that little did they know had already been killed by a lion.
Oh my bad, you should have specified that tbh. Of course, real zionists would laugh in his face if he sided with them, hence why I call him a ziocuck instead.

That's because you're a ziocuck, they wouldn't even accept your hindu shilling as their own.. :lul:

Lol. Israel went from being a backwater desert to a great western country. That land is an ancient home to the Jewish people and they simply reclaimed it. The Paleslimes can continue to chimpout but won't destroy Israel. You can call me a ziocuck or anything but this is the truth.

I am a civilizationcuck. You can continue to side with ridiculous Palestinians because your book from over a millennium ago and several centuries says they're your brothers.
usa? :feelskek:
australia? :feelskek::feelskek:
russia>? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

these imbeciles are descendants of landstealing genociders and now they lecture older civilizations how the world works without any shame. jfl degenerate af
All of Europe. And yes, most of the land russia conquered was inhabited by white indoeuropeans before turkics and muslims came. Also russia didnt genocide nonwhites.
Wow look at this, so much infighting on this site lately, reminds me of the 3 brother cheetahs that were fighting each other for rights to fuck a female that little did they know had already been killed by a lion.

>White worshiper starts a racebait thread
>Ethnic reacts to constant white nationalism on site and shoots back
>Whites chimpout

not infighting really

just sperging whites who are used to being the ones to talk endless shit about jews and aboriginals and others getting their feelings hurt cuz challenged

Lol. Israel went from being a backwater desert to a great western country. That land is an ancient home to the Jewish people and they simply reclaimed it. The Paleslimes can continue to chimpout but won't destroy Israel. You can call me a ziocuck or anything but this is the truth.

I am a civilizationcuck. You can continue to side with ridiculous Palestinians because your book from over a millennium ago and several centuries says they're your brothers.
>western country
>in the Middle East

Extremely low IQ. :lul:
You shouldn't and you won't.

Why? You want to kill off minorities, so you should not be hyprocritical. The jews are a minority as well, so they should be killed off. Why is that a problem to you? I do not get it.

Literally all this white nationalism is keyboard warrior talk.

He? So what about Black Lives Matter? Nothing but keyboard warrior talk. What about jews whining because of the muh 6 Gorillion? Nothing but keyboard warrior talk. Everything is keyboard warrior talk at this point.
Why? You want to kill off minorities, so you should not be hyprocritical.
Cringe. Where do you get that from?

So what about Black Lives Matter? Nothing but keyboard warrior talk.

They are more militant than white NEETs, but I am not a major advocate of BLM. Are you? Thanks.

What about jews whining because of the muh 6 Gorillion? Nothing but keyboard warrior talk. Everything is keyboard warrior talk at this point.

>western country
>in the Middle East

Extremely low IQ. :lul:

Nigga Israel participates in Eurovision, culturally they are closer to the west than east.
Cringe. Where do you get that from?

Females cringe all the time at anything, just like you. Man, you really should check out your testosterone level.

''Where you get that from'':
Whites are a minority in the world and soon in the west.

So, to you it is about minority. Jews are a minority as well, so they should be killed off.

They are more militant than white NEETs

They are not really that militant. They are crying on social media like everybody else. Nothing special about that.
Females cringe all the time at anything, just like you. Man, you really should check out your testosterone level.


So, to you it is about minority. Jews are a minority as well, so they should be killed off.

Tf? We are racial minorities in these countries lol. Its about whites are racist af here making racebait threads and comments, and whites mog me so Im celebrating the demographic decline of whites.

They are not really that militant. They are crying on social media like everybody else. Nothing special about that.

Err I honestly don't really care, they do protest in person and riot more than you white larpers. But I am not a major supporter of BLM because they support too many criminals.


We are racial minorities in these countries lol. Its about whites are racist af here making racebait threads and comments, and whites mog me so Im celebrating the demographic decline of whites.

How is maintaining the own kind racebaiting? Why do you get triggered that easily? You really have to be a female.

Err I honestly don't really care, they do protest in person and riot more than you white larpers.

They might be some of course. There are also protests here in Germany as well, for example PEGIDA, HOGESA and so on. I even attended in one protest. it was actually kind of boring.
based ethnics ITT


How is maintaining the own kind racebaiting? Why do you get triggered that easily? You really have to be a female.

They want to remove ethnics from their "white" countries. I live in a white majority country. Therefore I will oppose them.

They might be some of course. There are also protests here in Germany as well, for example PEGIDA, HOGESA and so on. I even attended in one protest. it was actually kind of boring.

Honestly I don't care about the BLM, maybe you're right. They lost my support when they were protesting for Joshua Blue who literally pulled a gun on the pigs, and wrote a fake article on IGD.
I want this planet to burn, it's too far gone, the white men are too soy now to remove foids rights. Islam will rage across the land & death will be everywhere.

In the animal kingdom each species stays with its own, some coexist or even benefit each other but for some it is prey & predator. You can't force this shit as one will mog the other.
This thread is cancer.

I'm not going to talk about the politics of race or imperialism or whatever. That horse has already been beaten to death.

I'm just going to point out that ethnicels in the West don't hurt white incels. Look at the fucking facts, buddy: you're a 2/10 manlet. Do you seriously think that immigration rates are going to change that? White-only homeland or not, you're still going to be incel.
Whites invented Tinder. The white race must be purged.
They want to remove ethnics from their "white" countries.

For example: The jews are allowed to maintain Israel? Why? Whites and everybody else should maintain their own kind. it is something natural. For you, your own kind comes first. This is why you see things as you see them. It is just biology.
How can you save the white race when you can't even save yourself?
For example: The jews are allowed to maintain Israel? Why?

Israel is NOT a Jewish-only state. Jewish and Arabs and others can marry each other and reproduce offspring. Also Jewish in Israel has many different types of Jews: blacks, arabs, ashkenazis, mizrahis, sephardis, white converts, Indian jews, Chinese converts to Judaism. Not counting all the races of immigrant workers.

Also in Israel theres a few Muslim places that Jews cant even enter legally.

Where did you get any idea Israel is some kind of Jew equivalent to your idea of a white ethnostate?

Whites and everybody else should maintain their own kind. it is something natural.

Natural is nothing about it's inherent value, saying somethings natural doesn't mean it's good or bad.

For you, your own kind comes first. This is why you see things as you see them. It is just biology.

Nor does it being biological say anything about it being good or bad. If it's so biological then why do most whites support ethnics coming in? For me its my friends first. Of any races. Ngl.
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Where did you get any idea Israel is some kind of Jew equivalent to your idea of a white ethnostate?

Let us celebrate some multiculti.

Natural is nothing about it's inherent value, saying somethings natural doesn't mean it's good or bad.

It is not about good or bad. It is just nature. With that logic you can just go kill yourself.

Nor does it being biological say anything about it being good or bad.

What is that about being ''good or bad''. This is not even an argument. Like I said, you can just go kill yourself then, because it is either good or bad.

If it's so biological then why do most whites support ethnics coming in?

There are completely deluded.
Let us celebrate some multiculti.
Translation: u lost argument about Israel ngl tbh js

It is not about good or bad. It is just nature. With that logic you can just go kill yourself.

If its not good or bad, why should I give a fuck? Natures not an argument for doing something or not doing it. And it seems like its arguably not nature anyway as various ethnic-groups co-exist, and your "people" is subjective anyway.

What is that about being ''good or bad''. This is not even an argument. Like I said, you can just go kill yourself then, because it is either good or bad.

Not in a moral sense, but in a practical sense it would be bad for me.
Translation: u lost argument about Israel ngl tbh js

Not really. You just moved a bit backwards more to an egalitarian world view.

If its not good or bad, why should I give a fuck?

Correct. Why should anybody give a fuck anyways. It is all about the own wellbeing and nothing more.

Natures not an argument for doing something or not doing it.

No, it is this: ''but in a practical sense it would be bad for me.''

It is an argument, an actual constant argument affecting everybody and anything, and yes regardless of being good or bad.
Not really. You just moved a bit backwards more to an egalitarian world view.

No, I refuted your argument 100% by showing that Israel wasn't a racial state comparable to neet ideas of a white ethno-state.

Correct. Why should anybody give a fuck anyways. It is all about the own wellbeing and nothing more.

So why would anyone care if somethings natural? Does it benefit you or not, is more important.

It is an argument, an actual constant argument affecting everybody and anything, and yes regardless of being good or bad.

Its definitely not an argument, just an observation. Saying something is natural or not doesn't mean it's positive or negative. It doesn't mean you should like it and accept it. It just means its occurring in nature. You are trying to say white nationalism is natural therefore we should have it. But this is a logical fallacy. Natural doesn't mean good or bad, or have any statement on it's value. Also natural itself is pretty subjective and arbitrary when used in this context.
>not knowing Jews are a race

Extremely low IQ ziocuck. :lul:

They aren't a race in the sense that whites are idiot, they are a race in the loosest sense as a cultural group with some common ancestry. Ashkenazis, sephardis, mizrahis, Ethiopian jews, Chinese jews, indian jews, have radically different phenotypes and ancestries you fucking

I said race "comparable to neet ideas of a white ethno-state"

There are also quite a lot of converts with no Jewish ancestors over there, you fuckwit. One of the major martyrs of Zionism was an Arab convert anyway. You are a fucking moron.
No one gives a shit about white race, those faggots might as well go extinct tomorrow idgaf lol
They aren't a race in the sense that whites are idiot, they are a race in the loosest sense as a cultural group with some common ancestry. Ashkenazis, sephardis, mizrahis, Ethiopian jews, Chinese jews, indian jews, have radically different phenotypes and ancestries you fucking

I said race "comparable to neet ideas of a white ethno-state"

There are also quite a lot of converts with no Jewish ancestors over there, you fuckwit. One of the major martyrs of Zionism was an Arab convert anyway. You are a fucking moron.
"One of the major martyrs was Arab," low IQ ziocuck. Arabic Jews exist too, just lol at being an extremely low IQ hindu ziocuck. :lul:

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