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Serious Saving the white race and those who follow [WHITES GTFIH]



Aug 4, 2018
No, I'm not white. However this is what I'm observing.

The discontent amongst white males on 4Chan and Stormfront seem to be growing, namely with the focus on "saving" and "preserving" their race. They seem to think the solution is immigration or to be specific, the lack of it.

That is not true. The low birth rates of predominately (or at least I think they're still majority white) white countries such as Sweden or Germany is the problem.

Foids are not having kids anymore. The liberation of women has caused issue of white people being replaced. Roughly, a flowchart would look like this:
Women get the vote > The ability to divorce > The ability to join the workforce > Participation of women in work increases > The responsibility of the breadwinner male dies out > Birth rate decreases > Women get the right of abortion + increasingly promiscous laws get passed > Birth rate skyrockets down

This leads to a problem. The birth rate has fallen, the life expectancy increases. Immigration is seen to be the solution of people not working. Here we are today.

The solution to all those following this trend is to take away the rights of women. Unironically, they are the issue. It's already over for Europe.
Japan is next as they are considering opening their borders.

TLDR: Take away the rights of foids
Things must get worse before things can improve.
Things must get worse before things can improve.

Nope. You won't be able to remove the rights of women, who seem to be increasingly liberal and causing such issues. Things will only get worse
Why white people care so much about racial preservation??? I cant understand ._.
its 0ver already who gives a fuck?
No self respecting race allows other tribes to breed on its soil. We could very easily deal with the elements external to Europe as a race if we decided to uncuck. Making women property again is part of the process
JFL their birth rate has been decreasing ever since women got the right to vote.
All America's fault. Death to America tbh
No self respecting race allows its tribal enemies to breed on their soil. We could very easily deal with the elements external to Europe as a race if we decided to uncuck. Making women property again is part of the process

Absolutely right. The issue is getting that to happen LOL
No self respecting race allows its tribal enemies to breed on their soil. We could very easily deal with the elements external to Europe as a race if we decided to uncuck. Making women property again is part of the process

You wont. lol
No self respecting race allows other tribes to breed on their soil. We could very easily deal with the elements external to Europe as a race if we decided to uncuck. Making women property again is part of the process
Fuck the cumskins racial preservation, I'm glad that the jews are spreading such miscegenation. I'm out here hoping it will rage across the fucking nation. Fucking up the kkkrackers, dire shall be their situation. Yes I know racemixing is a disgrace and- the aryans will be eliminated by migrants, no assimilation. Foids raped waiting for the trains by the migrants at the stations. Economic rapefugees coming 'or to race in! Fuck you pasty niggas, y'all just gonna have to face it.
No self respecting race allows other tribes to breed on its soil. We could very easily deal with the elements external to Europe as a race if we decided to uncuck. Making women property again is part of the process
And you will die a virgin. Great reward you will have for fighting for your race :lul::lul::lul:
Fuck the cumskins racial preservation, I'm glad that the jews are spreading such miscegenation. I'm out here hoping it will rage across the fucking nation. Fucking up the kkkrackers, dire shall be their situation. Yes I know racemixing is a disgrace and- the aryans will be eliminated by migrants, no assimilation. Foids raped waiting for the trains by the migrants at the stations. Economic rapefugees coming 'or to race in! Fuck you pasty niggas, y'all just gonna have to face it.
Whites are rekt ngl over for you snow savages. You will only talk nonsense online but in real life your demographics are getting rekt in US, Aus, Canada, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Ireland, France, etc. I laugh at your want of valor. I laugh at your want of purity. I bathe in the lamentations of racial internet nationalists.
t. zionist shill
Whites are rekt ngl over for you snow savages. You will only talk nonsense online but in real life your demographics are getting rekt in US, Aus, Canada, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Ireland, France, etc. I laugh at your want of valor. I laugh at your want of purity. I bathe in the lamentations of racial internet nationalists.
I see the Jews taught you well
t. zionist shill

This. He is a ziocuck.

Whites are rekt ngl over for you snow savages. You will only talk nonsense online but in real life your demographics are getting rekt in US, Aus, Canada, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Ireland, France, etc. I laugh at your want of valor. I laugh at your want of purity. I bathe in the lamentations of racial internet nationalists.

JFL at the audacity to laugh at white supremacists while you're a ziocuck. :lul:
I see the Jews taught you well

They did. He is a ziocuck.
posting in a based thread
t. zionist shill

t. ethnic whos not a cuck for pasty snow mutants
JFL at the audacity to laugh at white supremacists while you're a ziocuck. :lul:

Zionists = winning. Stay mad idiot. Paleslime will never be a country and never was. Nothing you say will remove the existence of Israel or the settlements. Over for you ngl.
t. ethnic whos not a cuck for pasty snow mutants

Zionists = winning. Stay mad idiot. Paleslime will never be a country and never was. Nothing you say will remove the existence of Israel or the settlements. Over for you ngl.
fucking jew :banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:
Fuck the cumskins racial preservation, I'm glad that the jews are spreading such miscegenation. I'm out here hoping it will rage across the fucking nation. Fucking up the kkkrackers, dire shall be their situation. Yes I know racemixing is a disgrace and- the aryans will be eliminated by migrants, no assimilation. Foids raped waiting for the trains by the migrants at the stations. Economic rapefugees coming 'or to race in! Fuck you pasty niggas, y'all just gonna have to face it.
What an absolutely abhorrent post. I wouldn't want any race to stop existing, no matter how much I dislike or hate it. Makes me wonder (((who))) you really are.
Zionists = winning. Stay mad idiot. Paleslime will never be a country and never was. Nothing you say will remove the existence of Israel or the settlements. Over for you ngl.
Back into the oven you go shlomo.
What an absolutely abhorrent post. I wouldn't want any race to stop existing, no matter how much I dislike or hate it. Makes me wonder (((who))) you really are.

Cringeworthy. Fuck them for being racist af keyboard warriors and mogging me and taking ethnic foids. I
Fuck the cumskins racial preservation, I'm glad that the jews are spreading such miscegenation. I'm out here hoping it will rage across the fucking nation. Fucking up the kkkrackers, dire shall be their situation. Yes I know racemixing is a disgrace and- the aryans will be eliminated by migrants, no assimilation. Foids raped waiting for the trains by the migrants at the stations. Economic rapefugees coming 'or to race in! Fuck you pasty niggas, y'all just gonna have to face it.
This is why I have no sympathy for ethnicels whatsoever.
This. He is a ziocuck.

JFL at the audacity to laugh at white supremacists while you're a ziocuck. :lul:

They did. He is a ziocuck.
Kike endorsement and hatred of whites seems to go hand in hand. Honestly astounding to me how he shills so hard for God's chosen people even though they're the masters of the system he's a complete and utter abject loser in. Clearly the Jews aren't too reciprocal of his endorsement

What a cuck @OccidentalRebel
I'm white and the white race sees my genes as faulty and unfitting to reproduction, so why would I care about it anyway? It'd be cucky if I did.
What a cuck @OccidentalRebel


white rage ITT

truth: most jews in Israel are not ashkenazi, truth: plenty of the capitalist Jews in the west controlling society are not Zionists, truth: plenty of non-Jews are citizens of Israel.

whats cucked is being a pathetic ethnic crying for muh esau and not responding to their racebait threads


white rage ITT

truth: most jews in Israel are not ashkenazi, truth: plenty of the capitalist Jews in the west controlling society are not Zionists, truth: plenty of non-Jews are citizens of Israel.

whats cucked is being a pathetic ethnic crying for muh esau and not responding to their racebait threads

White preservation really bothers you at a deep, visceral level, doesn't it?

In what sane world could wanting a homeland for your people and suggesting solutions for white self preservation be considered "racebait"

Go back to working at CNN
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white rage ITT

truth: most jews in Israel are not ashkenazi, truth: plenty of the capitalist Jews in the west controlling society are not Zionists, truth: plenty of non-Jews are citizens of Israel.

whats cucked is being a pathetic ethnic crying for muh esau and not responding to their racebait threads
Zionists = winning. Stay mad idiot. Paleslime will never be a country and never was. Nothing you say will remove the existence of Israel or the settlements. Over for you ngl.

Low IQ posts by a hindu ziocock. :lul::lul:
Kike endorsement and hatred of whites seems to go hand in hand. Honestly astounding to me how he shills so hard for God's chosen people even though they're the masters of the system he's a complete and utter abject loser in. Clearly the Jews aren't too reciprocal of his endorsement

What a cuck @OccidentalRebel
He isn't a Jew. He's a typical white hating ethnicel.

Low IQ posts by a hindu ziocock. :lul::lul:

Keep worshipping whites who white you out of their country at worst, or sterilized at best lol
Kike endorsement and hatred of whites seems to go hand in hand. Honestly astounding to me how he shills so hard for God's chosen people even though they're the masters of the system he's a complete and utter abject loser in. Clearly the Jews aren't too reciprocal of his endorsement

What a cuck @OccidentalRebel
It also goes hand in hand with Islam-bashing, unfortunately a big chunk of white supremacists don't realize they are being played. Otherwise we would have made a great team and ziocucks like OccidentalCuck would be polishing our shoes. :feelskek:
Keep worshipping whites who white you out of their country at worst, or sterilized at best lol
Keep being a low IQ ziocuck. :lul:
Cringeworthy. Fuck them for being racist af keyboard warriors and mogging me and taking ethnic foids. I
Take your low IQ "fuck whitey" divide and conquer posts and fuck right off, faggot, you deserve to get banned for your shitposts
White preservation really bothers you at a deep, visceral level, doesn't it?

In what sane world could wanting a homeland for your people and suggesting solutions for white self preservation be considered "racebait"

Go back to working at CNN

You want tuh get rid of nonwhites in predominantly white countries

I'm nonwhite in a predominantly white country

of course I will oppose you dumbass

Also white people take ethnic foids and mog me
Take your low IQ "fuck whitey" divide and conquer posts and fuck right off, faggot, you deserve to get banned for your shitposts

>divide and conquer

>wants to divide races into ethnostates

Triggered white level itt: over 9,000
Keep being a low IQ ziocuck. :lul:

Cringeworthy post. You are an uncle tom.
No, I'm not white. However this is what I'm observing.

The discontent amongst white males on 4Chan and Stormfront seem to be growing, namely with the focus on "saving" and "preserving" their race. They seem to think the solution is immigration or to be specific, the lack of it.

That is not true. The low birth rates of predominately (or at least I think they're still majority white) white countries such as Sweden or Germany is the problem.

Foids are not having kids anymore. The liberation of women has caused issue of white people being replaced. Roughly, a flowchart would look like this:
Women get the vote > The ability to divorce > The ability to join the workforce > Participation of women in work increases > The responsibility of the breadwinner male dies out > Birth rate decreases > Women get the right of abortion + increasingly promiscous laws get passed > Birth rate skyrockets down

This leads to a problem. The birth rate has fallen, the life expectancy increases. Immigration is seen to be the solution of people not working. Here we are today.

The solution to all those following this trend is to take away the rights of women. Unironically, they are the issue. It's already over for Europe.
Japan is next as they are considering opening their borders.

TLDR: Take away the rights of foids
The problem is that white genes are recessive while asian genes are some of the most dominant out there. Therefore whites destroy their own race by having offspring with nonwhites, while nonwhites continue it. Asian women are unknowingly continuing their race.
Fuck the cumskins racial preservation, I'm glad that the jews are spreading such miscegenation. I'm out here hoping it will rage across the fucking nation. Fucking up the kkkrackers, dire shall be their situation. Yes I know racemixing is a disgrace and- the aryans will be eliminated by migrants, no assimilation. Foids raped waiting for the trains by the migrants at the stations. Economic rapefugees coming 'or to race in! Fuck you pasty niggas, y'all just gonna have to face it.
Then why do you complain about JBW then? You fucking ethnics are so fucking blind. If you really wanted to stop nonwhite women from fucking white men, then you would support a white ethnostate. Fuck. I have repeated this 20 times here and you niggers keep spouting this fucking horseshit.
Then why do you complain about JBW then? You fucking ethnics are so fucking blind. If you really wanted to stop nonwhite women from fucking white men, then you would support a white ethnostate. Fuck. I have repeated this 20 times here and you niggers keep spouting this fucking horseshit.

cringelord, I also support the right of ethnics to not get ethnically cleansed by your NEET-ideology.
skyrockets down

No self respecting race allows other tribes to breed on its soil. We could very easily deal with the elements external to Europe as a race if we decided to uncuck. Making women property again is part of the process

Keep coping. White women see you as an ethnic.
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whites on incels.is: fuck jews, fuck jews, fucking jews brainwashing, ((()))), (((((them))))), aboriginals r dumb lol, Hitler/WN/far right pfps or signatures etc.

No problem.
Say fuck whites on a thread promoting white racebait nationalism, epic chimpout by white worshippers and whites
Whites are rekt ngl over for you snow savages. You will only talk nonsense online but in real life your demographics are getting rekt in US, Aus, Canada, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Ireland, France, etc. I laugh at your want of valor. I laugh at your want of purity. I bathe in the lamentations of racial internet nationalists.

I wonder, (((who))) is all behind of this...
You want tuh get rid of nonwhites in predominantly white countries

I'm nonwhite in a predominantly white country

of course I will oppose you dumbass

Also white people take ethnic foids and mog me
What has the west done for you that's so great? Why is staying in a white majority country built by white people for white people something you will defend to your last dying breath even though, as you yourself admit, whites steal your foids? (the only reason whites are stealing your foids is because Jews have brought them within physical proximity of whites) The fact that white people need a territory to live in that's exclusively theirs should be obvious to anyone with a tripple digit IQ. This is how tribes have existed for thousands of years, why should it be any different today?

Who exactly is it that have anything to gain from this multiracial dystopia we're living in? Ethnics don't like it here and whites don't want them here. It seems to me the only people that have anything to gain from this demographic replacement are Jews.

Let's say whites are outbred to the point where they all get rounded up and slaughtered, what then? Do you think all the different races that have been brought here will peacefully coexist as a peaceful collision of nonwhites? That would be very strange considering the fact that already we see racial tensions manifesting as physical altercations between different racial minorities in the west. If white people lose demographic dominance over their Europe, Europe will be thrown into a state of perpetual warfare unlike anything the world has ever seen.
I'm nonwhite in a predominantly white country

of course I will oppose you dumbass

Also white people take ethnic foids and mog me
Don't like us? Fuck out of our homelands then kike, go back to your third world shithole which by the way would not even exist if it wasn't for the generosity of those mean whites.
Don't like us? Fuck out of our homelands then kike, go back to your third world shithole which by the way would not even exist if it wasn't for the generosity of those mean whites.

I'm not Jewish. And this thread is literally backing up white nationalism which wants to kick me out of your white-majority countries lol. The place where I live only has a slim white majority of 55% (2010, less now) and I'm fine living here.

However you are the one that's gonna keep wanting me out, to have your perfect "aryan" state, but its not happening boyo.

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