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It's Over Roping this week

Bro, don't . Death will.come eventually don't rush it .
We all have reached our lowest point but roping.is not an option . My life is maybe shiitier then you and I don't want.to die . Come one bro ,don't.let the.bullies and narcesstic foids win .
How old are you ?
I don't want to let them win, I'm only 16 too.
I don't want to let them win, I'm only 16 too.
JFL , are you kidding me .you lucky mother fuckaa . Your life didn't begin yet for you . Just go gymmaxxing and martial artmaxxing , study less , follow your heart and do what you love . Life will get even better for you . Trust me .
For bullies , just stand up.gif yourself with what you get in power . fight with what you got . try to see them as evil NPC robots who are programmed to hurt others because they are and do not fear if you harm them by word and action after all they are worthless human beings .
I know that bully fuck with your brain, I have been bullied but they are weaker then you can ever imagine .
I like to think I'm playing life on hard mode with my enemies being bullies lol
We all the hero of our own game if you think it through . Some of us sadly are just NPCs with no human awareness , such people aren't even worth paying attention too. I don't.no why they can.hurt us so much .
And again , martial art maxxing and gymmaxxing gonna make you more.masculine so more.comfidence , so more self esteem and worth so more respect . Kick boxing and calisthenics are awesome.tbh.
Good luck boyo :feelsbadman:
Don’t rope. That’s what foids would want. Be stronger and exist to vex the normies and foids who bully you.
Exactly, don't let them have their way, just wait a few years, technology will give us amazing copes.
I hope you're being srs since you made this god damn thread. If not I will lose much of my respect. Attention whores are almost on the same level as braggers for me.
I hope you're being srs since you made this god damn thread. If not I will lose much of my respect. Attention whores are almost on the same level as braggers for me.
Did he request a ban?
Ok, the mods banned him for his other thread.

Now for sure he's going to go ER or rope.

RIP, worstcel.
cope>rope homie
I hope you're being srs since you made this god damn thread. If not I will lose much of my respect. Attention whores are almost on the same level as braggers for me.
lol sounds like you want him dead
Ok, the mods banned him for his other thread.
the bullies one? i clicked and it got deleted. what he said?
the bullies one? i clicked and it got deleted. what he said?
some retarded shit and how hes gonna fight his bullies but not ER them(?). It was weird and made no sense tbh
Ok, the mods banned him for his other thread.

Now for sure he's going to go ER or rope.

RIP, worstcel.
Mods really think by deleting ER threads it’ll prevent it from happening, fucking faggots :lul: you knew the risks of creating this forum, now live with the consequences.
If you are 16 then don't do it, I can understand oldcels to do it, because there is no hope and for some coping just finished brining any affects, but at 16 you can even have some hope for things to change, not to mention copemaxxing. Even if you are framecel just go to the gym, try your best at least for few years. Think about roping in few years at least, not now
damn his last cope is now gone. hope he doesn't kill himself.
i dont undrstand why poeple rope. just do something crazy and get the things that u always wanted first! Violence solvEs eveRything
Don't rope at such young age bro. Cope for a few more years..
Dude don’t rope just cope. Roping won’t work. Think of your family
Pretty much family. Only reason I haven't is because my grandparents. They're great grandparents and I'm an only child no cousins on moms side.
I saw your other thread. I hope you do what has to be done (in minEcRaft)
Ok, the mods banned him for his other thread.

Now for sure he's going to go ER or rope.

RIP, worstcel.
I hope he doesn't die but between those two I hope it's ER (on Minecraft)
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I just hope that you will go to the Incel Heaven, where The Saviour Elliot Rodger The Supreme Gentleman and Saint BlackOps2cel will welcome you
It's the best decision an incel can make in his life. Jfl at existing only to be treated like trash based on things out of your control
This just sounds like a larp, if you are going to kill yourself and you'll no longer need money (since you're dead), why fucking cheap out and use a skipping rope, this has to be a troll, this is retard tier logic, just buy some good rope you are going to be dead anyways!
Good luck bro

oups wrong vid. :feelskek:
Why was OP banned? What did he say on tgat other thread?
well I wish you the best man
last seen: Dec 11, 2019

did he really do it?
stream or youre fakecel
roping? more like coping
I hope you find peace brother, one way or the other.
See you next week
to anyone who reads this:

I'll be at peace friends, and this site has been a nice cope, I've enjoyed my time here. I've finally decided I need to be at peace with this war I'm constantly fighting. My whole reason for roping is because of my feminine body, it's not worth getting bullied every single day, not worth crying 24/7 only for things to get WORSE as time goes on.

my plan: I got a skipping rope, gonna test it out tho to make sure it holds my weight, and I'll try adding other materials in to the equation such as maybe overdose on sleeping pills? I'm thinking of overdosing on sleeping pills then falling asleep while my neck is on the skipping rope, then I fall and the skipping rope strangles me to death. It might be painful, but only have to endure 30 seconds of pain instead of pain 24/7 that I'm enduring now. I'll try my best not to fail. If I stop posting it probably means I roped.
See you next week bro

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