Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Roping soon ask me anything

I can pretty much prove that humans do not have souls.


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oOkISlxST38


Don't know. I personally think that 'soul' sounds too gay and feminine. I prefer spirit. Like 'that person is dead but his spirit lives on'.
Don't know. I personally think that 'soul' sounds too gay and feminine. I prefer spirit. Like 'that person is dead but his spirit lives on'.
Spirits are not real. Your consciousness is nothing but neurochemistry and electrical activity which can easily be influenced and changed permanently or temporarily.
life is incredibly fragile once it's gone it never comes back no matter how hard you try
What kind of legal trouble are you in that would make you want to do this brocel?

Leaving Hope


can u do it live grey

by the way roping is cucked but its your choice
Try a far less painful method than roping, if you can get a gun, that’ll be better. Heck even drowning is less painful
As I had mentioned, I went to the motel this morning and it was full, no vacancies. I will be going again tonight.
Cope. You don’t need a motel room to rope.
Fake nigga if you don’t put your head through a band saw
Cope. You don’t need a motel room to rope.
Fake nigga if you don’t put your head through a band saw

Yes, I do. I live with people and my method induces nausea and vomiting - there is also a potential antidote, methylene blue. I need a place I can vomit and groan etc. without being heard. A cheap motel used to drunks and drug addicts etc., is ideal. The only alternative is my shed, which is incredibly full of dangerous shit.
Yes, I do. I live with people and my method induces nausea and vomiting - there is also a potential antidote, methylene blue. I need a place I can vomit and groan etc. without being heard. A cheap motel used to drunks and drug addicts etc., is ideal. The only alternative is my shed, which is incredibly full of dangerous shit.
Giga cope. You can walk into the woods.
Giga cope. You can walk into the woods.

There are not any within walking distance that aren't surrounded by houses and so forth. And moreover if I'm going to suffer and die, I wish to do it in a bed.
There are not any within walking distance that aren't surrounded by houses and so forth.
What’s stopping you from hiring another Uber to drive you to a secluded location, or to the edge of town, where you can walk to the woods.
And moreover if I'm going to suffer and die, I wish to do it in a bed.
Cope. You’re going to be uncomfortable in your last hours, regardless. See you here tomorrow with another excuse.
I had considered going to an abandoned house, and likely would have done so if not for the fact I have just enough money to book a motel room. In the event that the motel is full tonight, I have an abandoned house in mind within driving distance of it.
I had considered going to an abandoned house, and likely would have done so if not for the fact I have just enough money to book a motel room. In the event that the motel is full tonight, I have an abandoned house in mind within driving distance of it.
Are you afraid of the pain you will experience from killing yourself
Will you go live? It's not like you have to worry about protecting your identity anymore
Are you afraid of the pain you will experience from killing yourself

The method I have chosen, sodium nitrite, is said not to be especially painful. People have survived it, mostly by being found and taken to a hospital (as I've mentioned, there is am antidote, methylene blue). I've read dozens of survival stories and they all basically say the same thing: unpleasant heart palpitations, nausea and vomiting, but not excruciating pain, and quick unconsciousness.
Will you go live? It's not like you have to worry about protecting your identity anymore

I'm not entirely certain how to set up a livestream, and it can easily be traced via IP address. I will leave a recorded YouTube suicide note, which can be published automatically after I'm gone.
I'm not entirely certain how to set up a livestream, and it can easily be traced via IP address. I will leave a recorded YouTube suicide note, which can be published automatically after I'm gone.

You can use your phone & download Discord. Nothing complicated needed.
Addendum: there's A definite hierarchy to suicidal painlessness.

1. Nembutal
2. Fentanyl or other opioids
3. Nitrogen or helium

These are actively euphoric. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they're the hardest to acquire.

(big gap)

4. Charcoal poisoning method
5. An instant death gunshot
6. Sodium nitrite

Unpleasant and messy, but not painful. Sodium nitrite is the most accessible option, though it is gradually being restricted because of this. Charcoal poisoning is theoretically painless (when done with eye goggles on to prevent burning the eyes), but actually requires a much more complicated setup than it sounds like. Suicide by headshot is only instantly effective about a third of the time, *even with a shotgun*.

(big gap)

6. Freezing in water
7. Other poisoning

Not painful, but deeply unpleasant

(big gap)

Everything else.

8. Everything else. Actual roping is actually extremely painful, but very quick.
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Addendum: there's A definite hierarchy to suicidal painlessness.

1. Nembutal
2. Fentanyl or other opioids
3. Nitrogen or helium

These are actively euphoric. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they're the hardest to acquire.

(big gap)

4. Charcoal poisoning method
5. An instant death gunshot
6. Sodium nitrite

Unpleasant and messy, but not painful. Sodium nitrite is the most accessible option, though it is gradually being restricted because of this. Charcoal poisoning is theoretically painless (when done with eye goggles on to prevent burning the eyes), but actually requires a much more complicated setup than it sounds like. Suicide by headshot is only instantly effective about a third of the time, *even with a shotgun*.

(big gap)

6. Freezing in water
7. Other poisoning

Not painful, but deeply unpleasant

(big gap)

Everything else.

8. Everything else. Actual roping is actually extremely painful, but very quick.
Why are you saving up for some fentanyl?

If George Floyd could afford it I imagine you could too
No contacts and not enough time.
I am at the motel. I will mix two cups of sodium nitrite at 3:30 Central Standard Time.
@Leaving Hope godspeed, when I wake up tomorrow you’ll probably be dead if you do it. I just want you to know that the pain in your life wasn’t your fault. I tried sui but it didn’t work. There’s going to be nothing on the other side, have fun.
I am at the motel. I will mix two cups of sodium nitrite at 3:30 Central Standard Time.

GL with that. I'll be joining you soon on the other side.

Whats the YT channel you're posting the message too? DM if you don't want everyone knowing.
@Leaving Hope Don't do it brocel. If you go through it, you're going to regret it when you're lying in agonizing pain and terror.

I know your life is probably garbage but is there anything in life that is worth living for to you?
No. It's all done. Three hours.
Well rest in peace dude
Two and a half hours. I'd be lying if I told you I'm not sweating bullets.
Bluepillers: 33 Foids probably masturbating to this right now
I was told not to mention this, but I'm not, or at least wasn't, an incel. I'm a NEET, however.
ik i read the thread, there are still radfems prowling this board daily seething
I sincerely hope that you have exhausted all your other options man. We will all join you eventually.
Did you buy anti emetics?
I sincerely hope that you have exhausted all your other options man. We will all join you eventually.
Did you buy anti emetics?

No. All I have is Pepto-Bismol.
You still alive dude
Half an hour.

If anyone here is a member of SS (you'll know what I'm talking about), please tell them that ExitStageLeft finally did it.
Fifteen minutes. I have taken a picture of my set up but this forum's upload function sucks.
Can't you just copy and paste the picture
I'm on a shitty tablet. Doesn't work.

Smoking my last cigarette.
Taking a shit. I know that's an idiotic thing to talk about in my last minutes on this shitrock, but I don't want to foul myself.
Two cups, stirred and mixed.

The alternative to this is between eighteen months and four years in State prison in Illinois for (allegedly) sexting a fifteen year old girl. I have nothing. I have been a NEET my entire life. Shall I explain why to you?

Because my father thought it would be a terrific thing to kill himself weeks before I started Kindergarten. He didn't care how it effected me or my future. Not one shit was given. I hate doing this. I wanted so much to live. Fuck.

And then my mother, who had been in an "open relationship" with him, decided to marry the man they had been fucking around with. Which set my grandmother off. Who took it out on me and became verbally abusive. And instead of helping me develop, was concenerned about attacking my mother through me.

I hate this. I hate this whole thing. I don't even hate women. I hate this fucking idiotic, imbecilic, capitalist society.
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