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Blackpill [OPIOID PILL] The evolutionary purpose of shame, and why autists must detach themselves from it

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COHThDr1uvg

Dr. K makes the valid argument here that shame is a socially corrective emotion, which is painful in order to induce positive changes in you that make you more palatable to other people. There is a sound evolutionary logic for the emotion of shame, which among other things demonstrates that evolution is a group-oriented process, not an individual one.

The trouble is when your social aberration is so deep-rooted (due to a neurological condition like autism), and you are so detached from the evolutionary "group," that you are just overwhelmed with shame/pain all your life, without the ability to ever fundamentally stop it by becoming a socially acceptable person. It's literally endless torture, and it's the precise reason why many autists become increasingly demented as they age (either becoming trannies or going ER).

But you need not despair, autistic bros. For I have found the solution to this issue which is confirmed by scientific research:

Opioids get rid of shame/pain at the root by simulating social belonging -- the very opposite of the social ostracism which causes shame/pain!

If you have been alone, bullied, and rejected all your life, are emotionally reeling from it, and have permanent handicaps that prevent you from ever fully correcting the problems which cause your social isolation in the first place, then you need to take the opioid pill:

Shame is a pathological process in autistic people since we can never fully get rid of it. You cannot just learn to not be autistic, yet your body and brain will NEVER accustom itself to the shame/pain that being autistic and thus social anathema brings, since it's literally in red alert over what it sees as the coming death of your genes (BLACKPILL)!

Indeed, for being socially ostracized from the group means not just no procreative potential, but even imminent death too. Have you ever wondered why you have intense social anxiety? It's because your brain has learned the lesson over the years that other people don't like you -- or that they even hate you -- and so they might very well just stone you, without anybody coming to your aid or lifting a finger to protect you.

On the other hand, when you're in public on an opioid agonist, it literally feels like you have friends beside you who WOULD protect you if anything goes awry. It literally gives you the "confidence" that people meme about. All while motivating you to pursue your true hobbies and interests, since you have been made immune from social demands and judgements.

I did not enjoy NEETdom at all before I found out about the opioid pill. This has 100% corrected the shame associated with being low social status, which through natural, evolutionary means could only be resolved through desperate attempts to re-unite with the evolutionary "group" and get crumbs of acceptance from normalfags and foids. Hence the copes of simping and wagecucking.

Opioids have made me feel COMFY. Combining them with a stimulant to treat my ADHD has enabled me to actually be productive too, but on my own terms, not soyciety's.

Nope, not if you take them at a low dose. People develop addiction with opioids only when taking them irresponsibly by dosing too high, too often.

If you resonate with my words and want advice on how to enact the opioid cure, just PM me and I can share with you my pharmaceutical approach.

It's funny to see socially castigated people attempting to yield shame to their own projective benefit by speaking of what's "degenerate," or the social ideal of sober/abstinent "purity," when people literally think you're a shit subhuman for even being on incels.is, JFL
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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COHThDr1uvg

Dr. K makes the valid argument here that shame is a socially corrective emotion, which is painful in order to induce positive changes in you that make you more palatable to other people. There is a sound evolutionary logic for the emotion of shame, which among other things demonstrates that evolution is a group-oriented process, not an individual one.

The trouble is when your social aberration is so deep-rooted (due to a neurological condition like autism), and you are so detached from the evolutionary "group," that you are just overwhelmed with shame/pain all your life, without the ability to ever fundamentally stop it by becoming a socially acceptable person. It's literally endless torture, and it's the precise reason why many autists become increasingly demented as they age (either becoming trannies or going ER).

But you need not despair, autistic bros. For I have found the solution to this issue which is confirmed by the research:

Opioids get rid of shame/pain at the root by simulating social belonging -- the very opposite of the social ostracism which causes shame/pain!

If you have been alone, bullied, and rejected all your life, are emotionally reeling from it, and have permanent handicaps that prevent you from ever fully correcting the problems which cause your social isolation in the first place, then you need to take the opioid pill:

Shame is a pathological process in autistic people since we can never fully get rid of it. You cannot just learn to not be autistic, yet your body and brain will NEVER accustom itself to the pain that being autistic and thus social anathema brings, since it's literally in red alert over what it sees as the coming death of your genes (BLACKPILL)!

Indeed, for being socially ostracized from the group means not just no procreative potential, but even imminent death too. Have you ever wondered why you have intense social anxiety? It's because your brain has learned the lesson over the years that other people don't like you -- or that they even hate you -- and so they might very well just stone you, without anybody coming to your aid or lifting a finger to protect you.

On the other hand, when you're in public on an opioid agonist, it literally feels like you have friends beside you who WOULD protect you if anything goes awry. It literally gives you the "confidence" that people meme about. All while motivating you to pursue your true hobbies and interests, since you have been made immune from social demands and judgements.

I did not enjoy NEETdom at all before I found out about the opioid pill. This has 100% corrected the shame associated with being low social status, which through natural, "evolutionary" means could only be resolved through desperate attempts to re-unite with the evolutionary "group" and get crumbs of acceptance from normalfags and foids. Hence the copes of simping and wagecucking.

Opioids have made me feel COMFY. Combining them with a stimulant to treat my ADHD has enabled me to actually be productive too, but on my own terms, not soyciety's.

Nope, not if you take them at a low dose. People develop addiction with opioids only when taking them irresponsibly by dosing too high, too often.

If you resonate with my words and want advice on how to enact the opioid cure, just DM me and I can share with you my pharmaceutical approach.

It's funny to see socially castigated people attempting to yield shame to their own projective benefit by speaking of what's "degenerate," or the social ideal of sober/abstinent "purity," when people literally think you're a shit subhuman for even being on incels.is, JFL

based fentanylcel
fuck that car fentanil this is strong shit and will send you in coma it is better to eat oxycontin with clonazepam (in video game)
Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidenta
All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.

Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental
Once you get addicted to drugs, there is no going back
It certainly helped me somewhat. I couldn't replicate the anxiolytic effect with alcohol or benzos. I mean they worked too, but opioids also gave me a sense of calm, like everything was going to be okay.
Once you get addicted to drugs, there is no going back
I address the issue of addiction in the first spoiler tag on the bottom.

If you use opioids responsibly, you will not develop some crazy, uncontrollable addiction. Keep the dose low. And also, there is a method of chemically preventing tolerance to opioids which has worked for me ever since I implemented it. I have not had to increase the dose of any of my opioid agonists ONCE since adding it to my stack last year. But I have seen people getting by just fine without it, by taking a low dose of an opioid agonist daily and never escalating the dose no matter what. PM me if you're interested in more details on the opioid cure.

Also, the second spoiler tag addresses the "drugs are degenerate" angle, which is implied by your statement "there is no going back after le drug addiction, which happens AS SOON AS YOU LE TOUCH A DRUG" ( :feelshaha:)

First of all, the War on Drugs is a welfare program for retarded, fat pigs who should be janitors at McDonald's. It has inculcated the populace with many false memes about drugs, and speaking of fentanyl, has created the whole fentanyl and drug overdose problem as a direct consequence of its murderous and rapacious policies.

Second of all, if you are truly blackpilled, then there is "no going back" from your subhuman genes JFL. So why are you worried about drugs?

There are deadass people who would kill themselves before touching a drug -- they are that cucked to soyciety and its shame-based moral standards. They kill themselves because they want to "no longer be a burden" on other people. And they never used drugs because they didn't want to be seen as "degenerate" by those who didn't care if they died :lul:

BTW, it's funny how I literally preempted these knee-jerk reactions to my thread in the OP since I've seen them so much before. If my posts can help just one person like me, then I am happy with my efforts
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I address the issue of addiction in the first spoiler tag on the bottom.

If you use opioids responsibly, you will not develop some crazy, uncontrollable addiction. Keep the dose low. And also, there is a method of chemically preventing tolerance to opioids which has worked for me ever since I implemented it. I have not had to increase the dose of any of my opioid agonists ONCE since adding it to my stack last year. But I have seen people getting by just fine without it, by taking a low dose of an opioid agonist daily. PM me if you're interested in more details on the opioid cure.

Also, the second spoiler tag addresses the "drugs are degenerate" angle, which is implied by your statement "there is no going back after le drug addiction, which happens AS SOON AS YOU LE TOUCH A DRUG" ( :feelshaha:)

First of all, the War on Drugs is a welfare program for retarded, fat pigs who should be janitors at McDonald's. It has inculcated the populace with many false memes about drugs, and speaking of fentanyl, has created the whole fentanyl and drug overdose problem as a direct consequence of its murderous and rapacious policies.

Second of all, if you are truly blackpilled, then there is "no going back" from your subhuman genes JFL. So why are you worried about drugs?

There are deadass people who would kill themselves before touching a drug -- they are that cucked to soyciety and its shame-based moral standards. They kill themselves because they want to "no longer be a burden" on other people. And they never used drugs because they didn't want to be seen as "degenerate" by those who didn't care if they died :lul:

BTW, it's funny how I literally preempted these knee-jerk reactions to my thread in the OP since I've seen them so much before. If my posts can help just one person like me, then I am happy with my efforts
I am just afraid of losing my biological functions because of drugs, or my intelligence, even if i am subhuman i still worry about it
I am just afraid of losing my biological functions because of drugs, or my intelligence, even if i am subhuman i still worry about it
Opioid + stim combo has unlocked my intelligence by treating my depression and ADHD

Before I was suicidal and rotting, now I am reading, researching, and writing :bigbrain:
So you are implying that opiodmaxxing isn't just a temporary help but can permanently alter your brain to become more NT ?
So you are implying that opiodmaxxing isn't just a temporary help but can permanently alter your brain to become more NT ?
The benefits will only last insofar as you take it, but if you take it consistently, then you will notice personality changes

The opioid system defines social attachment. If you're an incel, then you're likely an insecure attacher who desperately needs attention/affection

Opioids will reverse this completely by essentially supplementing attention/affection. So that when it comes to other people, you will only keep them around if they improve your life, for a change
The benefits will only last insofar as you take it, but if you take it consistently, then you will notice personality changes

The opioid system defines social attachment. If you're an incel, then you're likely an insecure attacher who desperately needs attention/affection

Opioids will reverse this completely by essentially supplementing attention/affection. So that when it comes to other people, you only keep them around if they're a benefit to your life, for a change
I understand

Will Kratom be enough or do i have to take harder stuff ?
I understand

Will Kratom be enough or do i have to take harder stuff ?
Kratom is a good place to start to test out the waters

From there you can transition to another opioid agonist for a more consistent and steady effect

It's all about developing a routine dosage protocol. The way I do it covers the morning and afternoon, but results in a rebound effect during the evening. I deal with that by taking an anxiolytic, such that I endure some evening depression, but not anxiety or panic

Besides, you sleep off most of that depression at night
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There was actually a time when depressed people would be given cocaine and opioids. Kinda funny.

What opioids do you take and at what dose? I've read some studies in which they used buprenorphine to treat depression. Coincidentally even something like 0.2mg of buprenorphine elevates my mood significantly.

I noticed the biggest effect with tramadol though. Then again its impossible to say whether the effect was solely from tramadols opioid activity or the partly also from the SNRI activity
There was actually a time when depressed people would be given cocaine and opioids. Kinda funny.

What opioids do you take and at what dose? I've read some studies in which they used buprenorphine to treat depression. Coincidentally even something like 0.2mg of buprenorphine elevates my mood significantly.

I noticed the biggest effect with tramadol though. Then again its impossible to say whether the effect was solely from tramadols opioid activity or the partly also from the SNRI activity
Opioids were widely used for depression between ~1850 and 1956. That was before the first (((patented))) MAO got released; and that was before the patents for MAOs expired and the money was in tricyclics; and that was before those patents expired too and the money was in SSRIs.

The reason why buprenorphine isn't used more widely for depression is simply because it's a generic drug, and therefore no pharmaceutical company has the incentive to finance clinical trials into its efficacy. Some psychiatrists will prescribe it off-label for depression, although it's doubtlessly more difficult now that the FDA is hyper-scrutinizing "unnecessary" opioid prescriptions and threatening the careers of medical professionals over it.

It's funny that you bring up tramadol's SNRI effects, because I use tramadol's main metabolite, Desmetramadol, which unlike tramadol is not serotonergic at all (and has much reduced norepinephrine action). Yet it still serves as the perfect antidepressant. The serotonin theory of depression is BTFO :feelskek:

I have also used norepinephrine promoting drugs in isolation, and that clearly does not explain antidepressant effects at all. It's mu-opioid agonism (and kappa-opioid antagonism, as with buprenorphine), TBH.

Speaking of tramadol, though, here is a most fascinating pair of case studies on the use of tramadol for depression:

In one of them, a man is losing his job and getting divorce raped by his wife at the same time. This clearly represents a social calamity for him, and based upon the Brain Opioid Theory of Social Attachment (BOTSA), he is thus low in endogenous opioid tone. And indeed, his depression is alleviated by tramadol.

The other one deals with a woman who has BPD/PTSD type problems, due to lifelong sexual/physical abuse, which is likewise ameliorated by tramadol. There are entire studies about how BPD constitutes an endogenous opioid system disorder, which is no surprise given that its main manifestation is relational. You can find many threads on r/BPD where people mention how their BPD symptoms only arise in the context of relationships, or are much exacerbated by them. And, of course, these symptoms were caused in the first place by traumatic formative relationships. This aligns perfectly with BOTSA.

It's very clear to me, based upon my own personal experience and the scientific evidence, that depression begins as sadness and grief deriving from social separation distress, which ultimately ends up nuking your dopamine system and resulting in complete apathy. The use of an opioid agonist will fix the endorphin/opioidergic deficiency and also have beneficent dopaminergic effects in itself, but can be stacked with a stimulant on top of it for added dopaminergic action.
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Yeah the serotonin theory seems bogus. After supplementing with 5-HTP and tryptophan it became a lot clearer to me.

My sister has BPD and I have a high suspection you're right. I loved opioids right away after trying them, and she probably would also love them. Currently I'm trying to find more natural ways to increase endorphin. I think you mentioned that jogging and cold showers don't help that much. I notice some benefits but nothing great and they may have nothing to do with endorphins at all. I've taken up meditating again to see if it helps at all.

Some people claim that tramadol is a weak and pointless opioid for recreational use but tbh it always felt the best for me. Even better than oxycodone and poppies. Maybe my enzymes make it work so well for me, like with codeine also.
Yeah the serotonin theory seems bogus. After supplementing with 5-HTP and tryptophan it became a lot clearer to me.

My sister has BPD and I have a high suspection you're right. I loved opioids right away after trying them, and she probably would also love them. Currently I'm trying to find more natural ways to increase endorphin. I think you mentioned that jogging and cold showers don't help that much. I notice some benefits but nothing great and they may have nothing to do with endorphins at all. I've taken up meditating again to see if it helps at all.

Some people claim that tramadol is a weak and pointless opioid for recreational use but tbh it always felt the best for me. Even better than oxycodone and poppies. Maybe my enzymes make it work so well for me, like with codeine also.
I first tried opioids when I was 11 or 12 years old, after being prescribed them by the dentist.

I can recall at this time feeling very isolated and alone at school, and no longer taking an interest in the things that used to excite me. In short, I was depressed. And it was a depression characterized in its social etiology by BPD traits, such as switching, emotional lability, and the infamous "internal emptiness."

The opioids resolved my malaise completely, much to my amazement. I was no longer ailing about feeling lonely. My compulsions such as masturbating and listening to music repeatedly (what I now understand to be endorphin-seeking behaviors) went away, and I could instead focus on watching entire YouTube videos (without constantly pausing and rewinding them and losing focus), for example.

I hoped that the opioids had changed something fundamental in my brain, and prayed that the effect would persist even after I ran out of my script. But it did not.

I investigated the matter online, searching about opioids and depression, and only found some FDA horseshit about how getting mentally beneficial effects from opioids means that you're addicted, and that they're only indicated for physical pain :lul:

Far from having been addicted to the opioids, they attenuated my addictive behaviors of masturbating and listening to music while autistically stimming like a retard (itself an endorphin-promoting behavior, as I have learned).

Indeed, a LACK of social life due to autism (or otherwise), and thus a LACK of endorphins PRODUCES ADDICTION in the first place as a compensatory drive to supplement the endorphins which should be provided by social attachment. In autists, this first manifests itself as stimming, but it can evolve into excessive masturbation and drowning yourself into the cacophony of music as you age. The feeling that the latter produces in the brain in particular is very reminiscent of what occurs during OCD compulsions, and thus is directly related to the pathology of addiction.

I missed the opioids for a time (notice the social attachment based terminology of "missed" :feelsthink:), asking my mother whether I could somehow get more, but eventually forgot about them. It took over a decade for me to rediscover the opioid cure. Since then I have totally perfected its use for depression and BPD, and can consider myself all but cured of lifelong suffering. Now I feel, for the first time, alive and sustainably independent from the normalfag society which has so crushed my spirit over the years. I do not need its approval anymore, because I get all the opioids I need on my own terms.
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there's a reason opioids are so popular
Yes, opioid users intuitively understand everything in this thread, even if they can't describe and detail it so eloquently.

It only makes sense, by the way, that the antidote for depression would be potentially addictive. Why wouldn't it be?

Depression symbolizes death, and the opposite of death is life. For the infant, life means mother. And just like the attachment of the infant to the mother and the mother to the infant is addictive, and social attachment as a whole is addictive, so are opioids. That's why you need to use them wisely; indeed, even relationship experts caution people to fall in love wisely. "Overdosing" on the wrong love-interest can ruin you or even kill you, just like with an opioid drug.
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