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Reminder That Failed Normies Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
I was looking through some of my older posts and I was amazed at how prophetic and relevant this comment which was written 20 days ago is today.  Specifically the comment "[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]This place is turning into a cucked hellhole. If we let these fuckers keep coming and posting, the quality of this site will reduce to that of lookism and soon this place will be welcoming women and approving blue pilled statements" from[/font]  https://incels.is/showthread.php?tid=889. Turns out most of it came true  this whole site is infested with failed normies and actual normies as such its once intellectual posts have deteroriated into threads which better belong on lookism. While we are yet to welcome our first female poster I don't see that day being very far off, perhaps in a month, the first female will be allowed in without being banned then the white knighting shall begin and a large influx of femoids and normies shall follow spreading the blue pill, recreating the personality meme and harassing incels. If you don't want this to happen it is time to take a stand, join me fellow truecels, let us fight to remove the fakecels and normies. Start here by making a list of the known infiltrators.
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

Zyros has to be banned.
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

shadowsoulz125 said:
Zyros has to be banned.

He has been a thorn in our sides for too long with his incessant female worship and nature bullshit. I have a plan to make him voluntarily leave, are you in?
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

shadowsoulz125 said:
Zyros has to be banned.

I've literally been saying this for weeks, we need a poll to see where the form stands on this
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
I've literally been saying this for weeks, we need a poll to see where the form stands on this

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] I have a plan to make him voluntarily leave, are you in?[/font]
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

universallyabhorred said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] I have a plan to make him voluntarily leave, are you in?[/font]

I'm in, whats the plan?
Zyros is scared, he knows we're coming for him.
may you explain first in which way am I hurting this forum and where exactly did I worship women. if you can quote any post in which i am being a feminist i will gladly leave.
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

universallyabhorred said:
He has been a thorn in our sides for too long with his incessant female worship and nature bullshit. I have a plan to make him voluntarily leave, are you in?

He's a failed normie whose only purpose here is to stroke his ego to feel superior to incels. He's no different from cucktears users.
universallyabhorred said:
I was looking through some of my older posts and I was amazed at how prophetic and relevant this comment which was written 20 days ago is today.  Specifically the comment "[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]This place is turning into a cucked hellhole. If we let these fuckers keep coming and posting, the quality of this site will reduce to that of lookism and soon this place will be welcoming women and approving blue pilled statements" from[/font]  https://incels.is/showthread.php?tid=889. Turns out most of it came true  this whole site is infested with failed normies and actual normies as such its once intellectual posts have deteroriated into threads which better belong on lookism. While we are yet to welcome our first female poster I don't see that day being very far off, perhaps in a month, the first female will be allowed in without being banned then the white knighting shall begin and a large influx of femoids and normies shall follow spreading the blue pill, recreating the personality meme and harassing incels. If you don't want this to happen it is time to take a stand, join me fellow truecels, let us fight to remove the fakecels and normies. Start here by making a list of the known infiltrators.

Lookism cucks are the reason why all the based posters from r/incels have stopped posting here.
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

shadowsoulz125 said:
He's a failed normie whose only purpose here is to stroke his ego to feel superior to incels. He's no different from cucktears users.

are you really comparing me with these lookism apologists, jusr world fallacy wielders and victim blamers? just lol...

reminder that if I made the SAME threads/posts without my name on them half of you wouldnt give a flying fuck. This is not about the content but the user.
Circlemarveljerk said:
Lookism cucks are the reason why all the based posters from r/incels have stopped posting here.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] I have a plan to make him voluntarily leave, are you in?[/font]
This is reminding me of something that happened during 1939-1945.
universallyabhorred said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] I have a plan to make him voluntarily leave, are you in?[/font]

report me to the mods, so that they see my post history in search of women worshipoing or stupid feminism. that of course if you really are sure I am hurting the forum in a legitimate way and you are not just blind hating an username. they have the ability to permaban me.
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

Zyros said:
are you really comparing me with these lookism apologists, jusr world fallacy wielders and victim blamers? just lol...

reminder that if I made the SAME threads/posts without my name on them half of you wouldnt give a flying fuck. This is not about the content but the user.

STFU idiot fakecel faggot piece of shit.
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

universallyabhorred said:
STFU idiot fakecel faggot piece of shit.

nice counter arugments. nice debate and reasoning.
Zyros said:
report me to the mods, so that they see my post history in search of women worshipoing or stupid feminism. that of course if you really are sure I am hurting the forum in a legitimate way and you are not just blind hating an username. they have the ability to permaban me.

ya and I hope you do get perma-banned you norman cuck
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:

I am actually protecting the truth of the blackpill a lot more than you memers.
RE: Reminder That Fakecels Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

Zyros said:
nice counter arugments. nice debate and reasoning.
A fakecel that has to resort to spending all its time on a forum dedicated to incels lecturing me on logic. How idiotic is that?
universallyabhorred said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] I have a plan to make him voluntarily leave, are you in?[/font]


We need to make the nature copers leave this site as well, as we are at it. They have infested this site.
Zyros > you guys x 1000000.
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
ya and I hope you do get perma-banned you norman cuck

Im not worried at all. they can check everything I wrote here and wont find a trace of feminism. I wont delete, edit or remove anything either. Want to know why? because I hate feminists as I hate the patriarchy memers here, and you are just being another "reeee fakecel" memer who cares about who the user is more than what his content is.

Circlemarveljerk said:
nature copers

Zyros said:
I am actually protecting the truth of the blackpill a lot more than you memers.

memers?? you don't protect shit, you MOG all of us and then pretend you're an ally. You go on r/inceltears and MOCK us. 

Are you some type of dedicated troll or something? LEAVE
Zyros said:
Im not worried at all. they can check everything I wrote here and wont find a trace of feminism. Want to know why? because I hate feminists as I hate the patriarchy memers here, and you are just being another "reeee fakecel" memer who cares about who the user is more than what his content is.


One thing I hate more than cucks are memers. They are pathetic making a joke out of themselves. That being said, it's quite apparent that you see yourself above us, and as such there is no place for you here.
CopingGymcel said:
Zyros > you guys x 1000000.

Treacherous scum such vile text you type, you deserve to be exiled for eternity from this heavenly abode of ST Blackops2cel.
CopingGymcel said:
Zyros > you guys x 1000000.

@"CopingGymcel" you're just another Zyros nuthugger.
shadowsoulz125 said:
One thing I hate more than cucks are memers. They are pathetic making a joke out of themselves. That being said, it's quite apparent that you see yourself above us, and as such there is no place for you here.

I dont see myself above anyone. Even if I am currently in a better position than before, all my formative years were spent as a textbook incel, and lived basically every incel experience that exists. That humbles anyone. Also feeling above others would make me a cuck for playing mother nature forced disparity game.
Zyros said:
Im not worried at all. they can check everything I wrote here and wont find a trace of feminism. I wont delete, edit or remove anything either. Want to know why? because I hate feminists as I hate the patriarchy memers here, and you are just being another "reeee fakecel" memer who cares about who the user is more than what his content is.


Nobody gives a fuck about your idiotic posts and comments this is our home leave vile scum.
shadowsoulz125 said:
One thing I hate more than cucks are memers. They are pathetic making a joke out of themselves. That being said, it's quite apparent that you see yourself above us, and as such there is no place for you here.

This is 100% true, that smug bastard thinks we can't see past his lies
universallyabhorred said:
Treacherous scum such vile text you type, you deserve to be exiled for eternity from this heavenly abode of ST Blackops2cel.

Memeing like this is what makes others take this site as satire. State your points conclusively. Blackops2cel is nothing but a joke at this point. Most incels don't even respect him.
Zyros said:
I dont see myself above anyone. Even if I am currently in a better position than before, all my formative years were spent as a textbook incel, and lived basically every incel experience that exists. That humbles anyone. Also feeling above others would make me a cuck for playing mother nature forced disparity game.

You are nothing more than a pest trying to subvert our society from the inside out you belong here no more than a filthy femoid roastie.
Circlemarveljerk said:

@"CopingGymcel" you're just another Zyros nuthugger.

He contributes a lot more to this forum than most guys. Because he has sex his posting quality suddenly drops? Sure he has some validation threads that I can understand can be annoying, but he has some really good black pill threads also.
CopingGymcel said:
He contributes a lot more to this forum than most guys.

I assume you are a normie as well or a failed normie at best, leave this place at once I command thee in the name of St Blackops2cel.
CopingGymcel said:
He contributes a lot more to this forum than most guys. Because he has sex his posting quality suddenly drops? Sure he has some validation threads that I can understand can be annoying, but he has some really good black pill threads also.

So if Jermey Meeks came in here and started posting shit that he was once "incel" it would all be ok???? fuck off
universallyabhorred said:
I assume you are a normie as well or a failed normie at best, leave this place at once I command thee in the name of St Blackops2cel.

I'm a 26 year old kv. Try beating that.
I don’t see how having a black pilled chad is bad. Lends credibility to ya if anything.
universallyabhorred said:
I assume you are a normie as well or a failed normie at best, leave this place at once I command thee in the name of St Blackops2cel.

You make legit points, but you using memes like blackops2cel is what make others not take you seriously. At this point most incels see blackops2cel as a joke and don't even respect him.
KV- said:
I don’t see how having a black pilled chad is bad. Lends credibility to ya if anything.

and not even a chad. im a 6/10 who just happened to improve up to that rating over the years.
CopingGymcel said:
He contributes a lot more to this forum than most guys. Because he has sex his posting quality suddenly drops? Sure he has some validation threads that I can understand can be annoying, but he has some really good black pill threads also.

@"CopingGymcel" how? By repeating the same thing over and over again? He has made "patriarchy is cope" type posts since he was in r/incels. I lost count of how many times he has made those same posts. The only difference is that he change a few words here and there to make it look new.
CopingGymcel said:
I'm a 26 year old kv. Try beating that.

How many tinder matches do you get?
CopingGymcel said:
I'm a 26 year old kv. Try beating that.

Anything can be claimed online, but your actions prove otherwise. From your posts and admiration of chads subverting this community it is clear that you are not a truecel.
I don't think Zyros needs to go, he makes decent blackpilled content and has been part of the community for a long time, but we do need a truecels subforum where he's not welcome.
alsalsk said:
I don't think Zyros needs to go, he makes decent blackpilled content and has been part of the community for a long time, but we do need a truecels subforum where he's not welcome.

ya it's called incels.is that's IS the trucel form, he has no place here. all he causes is animosity
alsalsk said:
I don't think Zyros needs to go, he makes decent blackpilled content and has been part of the community for a long time, but we do need a truecels subforum where he's not welcome.

If people want their little closed off part of the forum where only 3/10 and lower can go, then I am totally fine with that. Probably won't be very active.
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
ya it's called incels.is that's IS the trucel form, he has no place here. all he causes is animosity

I used agree with the same thing but it's a lost battle. The mods want this place active, best we can achieve is a closed off community where only truecels are welcome. Besides, the more people we blackpill the better.
shadowsoulz125 said:
You make legit points, but you using memes like blackops2cel is what make others not take you seriously. At this point most incels see blackops2cel as a joke and don't even respect him.

The reason I used st blackops2cel's name is because he is the physical symbol and embodiment of trueceldom, my point is this is a community for truecels some fakecel filth might occasionally get in but it is truecels like us that this place belongs to. We must be held in the highest regard and our ideas must be given the most prominence since this is our only refuge from the cruel normie world, we cannot have chadlites like zyrros violate our community and create a truecel exodus such as that of BasedTruecel.

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