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Hypocrisy What the Trump Shooting has taught us about INCELS and NORMIES

Normies reach for excuses to hate rejects constantly. They operate in the same way any bigot does.
Very true. They even sometimes admit "incel talking points" when they talk with each other. About how looks matter. But if the same phrase comes from an incels mouth, then they deny it vehemently. They just love bashing incels and they look for any reason to do it
Destiny is a homosexual who also used to be in an open relationship with a girl he passportmaxxed in Sweden and brought her to the usa :feelspuke: and she still ended up leaving him for another guy :feelskek:
He is a cuck faggot, so why not attack him on those things? Instead, this how he's getting attacked by normies right now on Twitter:


^ And it sucks for me cause I'm over half a foot shorter, so it's clear that normies view me as a complete subhuman.
Normies try to act principled when they have the upper hand but what makes them really is seethe is knowing that Trump has secured the election and that he will win the house and appoint another conservative judge for a 7 -2 majority. Its basically over for Roe V Wade and a lot of libtard tranny agendas.

Basically Liberals are grieving the loss of their perceived cultural dominance and lashing out in anger, but come November they are all going to have to accept 4 more years of trump
Perched up high on a roof top like a bird i'm havin' evil thoughts
A black hood covers my face
And death flows through my mind at it's own pace
Sometimes I feel like a super hero, urgin' to free my kind
I'm so accurate
I shoot ya heart with a dime
Now I'm back to the moral of my tale
I see a victim, and then my thoughts fail
My minds still fumblin' with the present slavery, i'm here to save you but who's to save me
I hold my strap so long that my palms all wet
I put finger on the fit and then the side a check
I make the kill here's the deal
After the trigger's pulled then the death is sealed
So it's the shots that sing out like a piper
Everyones scared I'm the neighborhood sniper
He is a cuck faggot, so why not attack him on those things? Instead, this how he's getting attacked by normies right now on Twitter:

View attachment 1199268

^ And it sucks for me cause I'm over half a foot shorter, so it's clear that normies view me as a complete subhuman.
I checked and that guy is supposedly 5'8 (wtf), but his bodily proportions are fucked up. That's what's making him look like this in the picture.
Still very brutal since normiescum has no issues shitting on your proportions.
Good observation, well said.

The line between "thoughts and prayers" and dancing on graves is a fine one for a lot of people.

If the shot had been a good one, a huge swathe of the mainstream internet would be cheering and celebrating Trump's demise. There would be almost total overlap between those people and the ones who criticize incels as a hobby.
Very true. They even sometimes admit "incel talking points" when they talk with each other. About how looks matter. But if the same phrase comes from an incels mouth, then they deny it vehemently. They just love bashing incels and they look for any reason to do it
I've heard normies spew blackpills endlessly between one another all my life tbh. This is exactly how they operate. They admit it amongst themselves, but when it comes to gaslighting rejects, they deny deny deny. They don't like to legitimise the issues rejects face because it diminishes their justification for hatred.
Normies try to act principled when they have the upper hand but what makes them really is seethe is knowing that Trump has secured the election and that he will win the house and appoint another conservative judge for a 7 -2 majority. Its basically over for Roe V Wade and a lot of libtard tranny agendas.

Basically Liberals are grieving the loss of their perceived cultural dominance and lashing out in anger, but come November they are all going to have to accept 4 more years of trump
Normies are far from principled tbh.
Perched up high on a roof top like a bird i'm havin' evil thoughts
A black hood covers my face
And death flows through my mind at it's own pace
Sometimes I feel like a super hero, urgin' to free my kind
I'm so accurate
I shoot ya heart with a dime
Now I'm back to the moral of my tale
I see a victim, and then my thoughts fail
My minds still fumblin' with the present slavery, i'm here to save you but who's to save me
I hold my strap so long that my palms all wet
I put finger on the fit and then the side a check
I make the kill here's the deal
After the trigger's pulled then the death is sealed
So it's the shots that sing out like a piper
Everyones scared I'm the neighborhood sniper
I tell you, i've still never managed to perfectly get that chorus down. I've gotten closer too it over the years though
Good observation, well said.

The line between "thoughts and prayers" and dancing on graves is a fine one for a lot of people.

If the shot had been a good one, a huge swathe of the mainstream internet would be cheering and celebrating Trump's demise. There would be almost total overlap between those people and the ones who criticize incels as a hobby.
Normies repeatedly display this sort of behaviour. They say X or Y are wrong, but if it comes to people they dislike, it's fair game. They have no issues with death when it's people they don't care for. Hence why many normies support death camps for rejects
What was his REAL motive?
seems to me he felt trump was a traitor, or perhaps was angry during his school years, and were a trumpist, who later connected him being a loser and trump, so he raged and became a democrat, thinking his young years were gone so he became a shooter.

tl'dr He connected trump to being a lonely incel, so he ascended with democrats, and that didn't work.
also it's crazy that they'd rather insult his looks rather then the fact that they literally tried to kill somebody.

They are more offended by his looks rather than him trying to murder someone.
Now imagine if it was Meek.
"Normies" nah I would say all humans celebrate death of another human.

I dont really know where this "feeling" stems from, i think its called Schadenfreude - but humans, in general, are very selfish beings and they find satisfaction in killing regardless of their mental health or social status. We've done so for eons.

"Normies" aka people of higher status or looks, like to blame lesser people of lower status and looks to glorify themselves. They *see* themselves as better than others, even tho they are not. Yet, Incels or Lower Status humans dont do this as often, because they simply cant push lower - theres nobody below you that you can push, so you rather put your anger of certain social constructs into another direction - like womens rights and modern feminism, which in this case is also a cause of Inceldom. This particular hatred is seen by average folks and thus designated to the whole group of "Ugly/lesser looking humans" and that fuels the fire of creating stereotypes.

So you can see an event like the Trump Shooting before seeing the actual killer and speculate whether this was a leftist extremist, a psycho or someone with a personal vendetta. But then, when the picture of Crooks is released the stereotype ignites and people instantly call the reason for the shooting incel revenge because the shooter fits the stereotype of "Ugly Loser who gets no pussy" perfectly.

Now speaking of this "Destiny" guy - I formost want to say, i have no idea who this is - but regardless of his social status he feels Schadenfreude because he is, in fact, a left wing extremist who 'loves' seeing a republican die, because everything that would be good for him, aka to increase his social status, comes from the democratic party. Thus every republican death benefits his agenda.
"Normies" nah I would say all humans celebrate death of another human.

I dont really know where this "feeling" stems from, i think its called Schadenfreude - but humans, in general, are very selfish beings and they find satisfaction in killing regardless of their mental health or social status. We've done so for eons.
This is true. Lots of people get off on the misfortune of others. A lot of it comes back to tribalism and evolved lookism etc. One of the things eastern societies tend to get right is more the sense of community. As in, if you do something bad, it reflects poorly on your family etc. It encourages people to cooperate. Western societies push individualism and this leads to people being incredibly and increasingly selfish, especially with the advent of technology and instant gratification.
"Normies" aka people of higher status or looks, like to blame lesser people of lower status and looks to glorify themselves. They *see* themselves as better than others, even tho they are not. Yet, Incels or Lower Status humans dont do this as often, because they simply cant push lower - theres nobody below you that you can push, so you rather put your anger of certain social constructs into another direction - like womens rights and modern feminism, which in this case is also a cause of Inceldom. This particular hatred is seen by average folks and thus designated to the whole group of "Ugly/lesser looking humans" and that fuels the fire of creating stereotypes.
Another reason why normies like to diminish the issues rejects face is that, to admit it, would mean they also have to accept some responsibility for perpetuating it. Most have certainly bullied rejects before. Most people like to think of themselves as caring, non-judgemental and not shallow. So they avoid accepting this fact as a way to preserve their own egos
So you can see an event like the Trump Shooting before seeing the actual killer and speculate whether this was a leftist extremist, a psycho or someone with a personal vendetta. But then, when the picture of Crooks is released the stereotype ignites and people instantly call the reason for the shooting incel revenge because the shooter fits the stereotype of "Ugly Loser who gets no pussy" perfectly.

Now speaking of this "Destiny" guy - I formost want to say, i have no idea who this is - but regardless of his social status he feels Schadenfreude because he is, in fact, a left wing extremist who 'loves' seeing a republican die, because everything that would be good for him, aka to increase his social status, comes from the democratic party. Thus every republican death benefits his agenda.
It's funny isn't it. They're the same people that claim to be against that sort of stuff.... Until it comes to people they merely dislike. They're hypocrites, liars, and disingenuous bastards
A pathetic "man".
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but under most lenses you're just as pathetic as him.

Very potent thread, modcel's language was flowery enough to give it some je ne sais quoi, all in all high IQ.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but under most lenses you're just as pathetic as him.

Very potent thread, modcel's language was flowery enough to give it some je ne sais quoi, all in all high IQ.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but under most lenses you're just as pathetic as him.

Very potent thread, modcel's language was flowery enough to give it some je ne sais quoi, all in all high IQ.
I was quoting the post making fun of destiny and pointing out that he's a cuck "streamer" I'll correct this immediately, very odd.

edit. nevermind, the comment is too old to edit.
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The shooter was a fucking incel jfl.
it was over for this guy, no wonder he went after looking for the jews in the government
Take a look what his classmates had to say about him in high school:
"He was there but I can't think of anyone who knew him well," one former classmate, who asked to remain nameless, told the BBC. "He's just not a guy I really think about. But he seemed fine."

Another classmate, who similarly did not want to be identified, described him as "intelligent but a little weird."

The restaurant's owner, Sara Petko, said that staff members - some of whom were his classmates - thought he was a "loner"

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3gw58wv4e9o
  1. Normies are liars
  2. Normies are hypocrites
Summary: Normies are full of shit

To preface, we all know about this shooting now. I'm not going into any of the politics or generic normie talking points because they're repeated online every 30 seconds by someone. That and I don't know enough about US politics or give a fuck enough about any of it to care to find out anyway. However, this incident has exposed a lot of normies, and common patterns of thought that normies display. Things they usually gaslight incels about. I'll split this into 2 main points as in the tl;dr.

Inb4 "omg u said 'normie' "... Well done for reading, if it offends you, you're likely a normie who this thread describes.

Normies are Liars:​

Common talking points of normies on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, etc. When it comes to lying to and gaslighting incels follow certain trends that in practice make no sense and aren't reflected in the real world. Some examples of these sorts of talking points (paraphrasing but we've all had countless examples come our way)

  • "Looks don't matter"
  • "Looks have nothing to do with you being incel"
  • "No one can tell you're an incel just by looking at you"
  • "You have to tell people you're an incel for people to know you're an incel"
  • "No one treats you badly just for being an incel"
All common talking points that normies dish out on a regular basis, but our experiences alone prove this to be false. However, this incident has shone a huge light on these kinds of talking points and why normies who mindlessly throw them out are lying fucks with no integrity.

The internet steadfastly started spreading incorrect rumours about at least 2 or 3 people being the shooter in question. They provided images of these apparent people and can you all guess what normies started saying about these people who weren't the shooter? Endless droves of normies shitting on all of those people because of how they look. Non-stop posts or people in voice chats (Twitter spaces etc) online saying shit like "That guy's ugly so he's definitely an incel" --- "He looks like an incel" --- "I knew he'd be ugly" --- "Confirmed incel because he looks 'incelly' " --- "He should have been bullied more, just look at him"

Normies-try-not-to-confirm-the-blackpill challenge level impossible. There are plenty of reasons to hate people who do evil shit. But no, normies consider it prime time to let out how they really feel. It's a huge Freudian slip on their part. Cacophobia is still very much alive in our societies. There's a reason the first thing so many of them went straight for his looks. Keep in mind all this was also said by people in reference to photos of people who WERE NOT the shooter as well as the person who was.

Normies are Hypocrites:​

Here is Destiny, a popular streamer and debater celebrating the death of the victim of the shooting who died. Not the shooter. The innocent member of the crowd who became a fatality.
View attachment 1198957
View attachment 1199018

This however is not isolated. Countless normies on the internet are celebrating this. Not only that but calling for deaths concerning this matter constantly. Many people wishing death on Trump, many people wishing death on their political opponents etc. Never mind the fact that normies routinely wish death upon, celebrate the deaths of, and sometimes even kill people they merely dislike.

This here highlights normie hypocrisy. Imagine a post by an incel, perhaps a thread on here, of someone being happy about the death of their bully or people who treat them poorly. Normies would rage at this, and label all incels as evil, cruel, psychopathic, and wrong. They would vilify any incel for expressing even an inkling of a similar notion even as a joke.

Normies don't believe they should abide by those same rules though. Non-incels murder hundreds of people daily. Hundreds... Daily. The best normies can come up with is between like 20-60 from incels in the last 10 years and the latter estimate is a push. Normies laugh at people dying daily, they encourage suicide daily. Those same normies who celebrate the deaths of others and wish death on others will come to this forum. See one ragebait post and use it as an excuse to enable their prejudices towards rejects. I like to remind normies that despite their claims and fearmongering, "folk devil" (google this term) bullshit, this site has been operational for 6.5 years, and not a single death has happened at the hands of any of our users ever.

Why is it that normies believe they have the right to celebrate death, call for death, cause death, encourage suicide, joke about death, etc. in large numbers (Replace death with murder too I guess), but god forbid an incel ever make an edgy post on the internet. God forbid an incel vent about being insulted, assaulted, isolated etc. Even when incels are simply just venting, without any hostility, and just outlining their issues as the majority of incels do, contrary to what normies like to tell themselves as an excuse to legitimise their prejudices. Normies tear them to shreds.

Normies have absolutely no place looking down on incels when this is how they act. They can keep their mask up as much as they want but it consistently falls.

Normies are liars, who gaslight incels constantly, but then jump straight to the same shit when it's convenient for them. They also have a habit of trying to blame rejects for the words and actions of desired, successful men as a way to further legitimise their hate towards incels. Normies are Hypocrites as they often do the exact same things they vilify all incels for due to a small percentage of incels (and non-incel false flaggers who are normies themselves).

Bonus meme I made

View attachment 1198935
Exactly, I’ve noticed these leftists will run and virtue signal about everyone being bad for even making jokes but they will seriously mock people for being killed and cheer for people dying that they don’t like.

“I would never do it, but he deserved it”.

They say this stuff openly and nothing happens, while we get put on watch lists for saying the same thing. Far left violence has killed much more than incel violence, although one could argue political violence is coming from incels in denial who are coping with politics and hiding from the blackpill. They need to learn that there is no politics for their face.

Also, jfl at making such a high effort post just to get troll spammers to immediately shit all over it by treating it like a shitpost.
He is a cuck faggot, so why not attack him on those things? Instead, this how he's getting attacked by normies right now on Twitter:

View attachment 1199268

^ And it sucks for me cause I'm over half a foot shorter, so it's clear that normies view me as a complete subhuman.
The left and the right both think you being a male involuntary virgin is hilarious and makes you a loser, which let's face it: that's just the brutal honest truth. That's just something we have to accept, there are no jewish "incel-acceptance" tricks that will convince normies otherwise even if these DEI-cucks cared enough to start such a campaign.

The way I see it, at least rightwingers say this shit about incels without pretending to have the moral highground or telling you not to make fun of trannies, blacks, fatties and whatever else gets you banned on reddit and other leftwing spaces.
It taught me that both incels and normies are NPCs not realizing this was obviously staged to guarantee trump the presidency.
also it's crazy that they'd rather insult his looks rather then the fact that they literally tried to kill somebody.

They are more offended by his looks rather than him trying to murder someone.
This tells you all that you need to know about normies.
Mods trying not to pin their own threads for 3 seconds challenge (impossible)
Mang, at this point normalfags should all be euthanized for the amount of cuckoldry, evil and hypocrisy they can display.
What was his REAL motive?
he might not be the real shooterm the actual shooter could have been far away. there is no way anyone is going to miss a shot from such a distance. my theory he was blackmailed and told to get to the roof and stay there. the ss waited to give the shooter multiple chance. the guy on the roof was eliminated insted of getting captured. its a setup. the footage of him climbing on the roof might not be from the same day.
he might not be the real shooterm the actual shooter could have been far away. there is no way anyone is going to miss a shot from such a distance. my theory he was blackmailed and told to get to the roof and stay there. the ss waited to give the shooter multiple chance. the guy on the roof was eliminated insted of getting captured. its a setup. the footage of him climbing on the roof might not be from the same day.
That’s a really good point. The Feds might of done this so there would be another ER (due to a recent rise in the Blackpill community)
The destiny post shows how evil leftits are.
The shooter was a fucking incel jfl.
it was over for this guy, no wonder he went after looking for the jews in the government
Take a look what his classmates had to say about him in high school:

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3gw58wv4e9o
The absolute kek of countless people saying he was "nice". Personality theorists destroyed again. By bluepilled logic, he should have been valued and loved by people.
They say this stuff openly and nothing happens, while we get put on watch lists for saying the same thing. Far left violence has killed much more than incel violence
Literally this tbh
Also, jfl at making such a high effort post just to get troll spammers to immediately shit all over it by treating it like a shitpost.
Comes with the territory. I'm just happy knowing some normies read this and probably wet themselves in a pissy fit because they know it's right.
it is what it is. looks are number one always. pointless to cope about it
Destiny is a homosexual who also used to be in an open relationship with a girl he passportmaxxed in Sweden and brought her to the usa :feelspuke: and she still ended up leaving him for another guy :feelskek:
cucked on stream never forgetti
I hate this Destiny so much. Hes literally a cuck
Destiny is a homosexual who also used to be in an open relationship with a girl he passportmaxxed in Sweden and brought her to the usa :feelspuke: and she still ended up leaving him for another guy :feelskek:
Yeah, brutal AF hope that experience blackpilled him

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