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Reminder That Failed Normies Continue To Dominate This Site's Content

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
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any action that is for the better of this sacred board shall be executed
Zyros said:
may you explain first in which way am I hurting this forum and where exactly did I worship women. if you can quote any post in which i am being a feminist i will gladly leave.

Leave cuck.
Only obvious trolls and femoids should be banned. Those that want to discuss black pill theory should be welcomed.

Also, I'm sick of this gay shit. Some people have had sex, get the fuck over it.

I'm sick of truecels complaining about this nonsense and trying to prove to everyone that their situation is the worst and only posters on his level should be allowed to post. Like STFU already.

OP is a faggot. Hopefully I can say that without getting my warning level raised, but I'm not so sure. It seems that if a truecel makes a huge fuss over something like this that mods side with them and dole out unwarranted bans. At least that happened on r/incels.

Seriously, quit it with this gay shit. You're just as bad as an incelqueer in my eyes.
Sub8Hate said:
Only obvious trolls and femoids should be banned. Those that want to discuss black pill theory should be welcomed.

Also, I'm sick of this gay shit. Some people have had sex, get the fuck over it.

I'm sick of truecels complaining about this nonsense and trying to prove to everyone that their situation is the worst and only posters on his level should be allowed to post. Like STFU already.

OP is a faggot. Hopefully I can say that without getting my warning level raised, but I'm not so sure. It seems that if a truecel makes a huge fuss over something like this that mods side with them and dole out unwarranted bans. At least that happened on r/incels.

Seriously, quit it with this gay shit. You're just as bad as an incelqueer in my eyes.

Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:

I'd report you, too, but I'm not some crying faggot. You flamed others in previous poasts. 
Hopefully the moderation values free speech and others' right to post their opinions.
Sub8Hate said:
I'd report you, too, but I'm not some crying faggot. You flamed others in previous poasts. 
Hopefully the moderation values free speech and others' right to post their opinions.

Who have I flamed???
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
Who have I flamed???

You called someone a faggot, and you called gymcel (I believe) a cuck. I'm sure there's more, but I can't be bothered to go over the thread again and quote things. 

You have your opinion, I have mine. Let's just agree to disagree. I shouldn't be fighting with an incel, we should be blasting femoids, not each other.
Sub8Hate said:
You called someone a faggot, and you called gymcel (I believe) a cuck. I'm sure there's more, but I can't be bothered to go over the thread again and quote things. 

You have your opinion, I have mine. Let's just agree to disagree. I shouldn't be fighting with an incel, we should be blasting femoids, not each other.

lol I never called anyone a "faggot" I think you read your own post. And gymcell is a cuck for defending chadlite zyros. And you are right we should be blasting femoids, and chads, and chadlites. But it seems you are the one defending zyros as well. Others and myself would like to see him gone
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
lol I never called anyone a "faggot" I think you read your own post. And gymcell is a cuck for defending chadlite zyros. And you are right we should be blasting femoids, and chads, and chadlites. But it seems you are the one defending zyros as well. Others and myself would like to see him gone

I didn't say anything about Zyros. He personally does not bother me, but I understand how others might. It can be off putting to see a user constantly post selfies, especially when they're not subhuman looking.

I just value free speech and diverse discussion. I hate the reddit model of banning anyone that you don't agree with. Trolls are different. If they come here and every single post of theirs is inflammatory or preaching against black pilled tenets, then yeah, they should be banned.
Pathetic, hypersensitive, muh muh KHHHHH^3V whine. The amount of time these "truecels" spend on pushing their superiority proves that it is all just a major cope. Let them have their fantasy threads, I doubt any mod would shut out people who actually make content and thoughtful posts in favor of these "muh private forum with my own personal standards for who qualifies, muh unique pain, 4/10 NORMALS REEE" posters.

Pic related.

blickpall said:
Pathetic, hypersensitive, muh muh KHHHHH^3V whine. The amount of time these "truecels" spend on pushing their superiority proves that it is all just a major cope. Let them have their fantasy threads, I doubt any mod would shut out people who actually make content and thoughtful posts in favor of these "muh private forum with my own personal standards for who qualifies, muh unique pain, 4/10 NORMALS REEE" posters.

Pic related.


You're becoming my favorite poaster lol
Sub8Hate said:
I didn't say anything about Zyros. He personally does not bother me, but I understand how others might. It can be off putting to see a user constantly post selfies, especially when they're not subhuman looking.

that is not the true problem with him
Zyros is fucking fine dude, what is your problem?
I don't mind about those that had sex, but however when we have threads would you hit on this landwhale, or 1/10, a lot of the dudes vote "no," I get frustrated with that kind of shit as well. There's actually some guys here believing that they can date Victoria Secret Models (also view them as their looksmatched) or some cute brunette petite girl, they've seen somewhere and some guys here have unbelievable standards, I actually partially agree with normies that some of our standards are too fucking high. Some guys could volcel their way out of inceldom, if they date a fat chick, or some deformed 1/10, and I'm sure some of us would be glad to date either one. I generally don't want to be too much of an elitist, but when push comes to shove, I'd be willing to tell them to fuck off.
overlystinkypants said:
Zyros is fucking fine dude, what is your problem?

Read my latest post, where I demonstrate that Zyrros is a cancer onto this community.
Is this still true in 2022?

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