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Brutal Reminder: Inceldom, fornication, adultery and divorce generally didn't exist all throughout history till recently.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 36342
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Biggest cope this week
Biggest cope this week
It did exist but it wasn't this bad.

To clarify...
For much of human history, a greater proportion of women in the population reproduced relative to men, they found. This means "that even though there may be equal numbers of males and females in a population, a larger proportion of the females than the males are reproducing," Stoneking said.
Regardless if there were superfathers who could take care of children for multiple foids at once or they just cucked others into taking care of their kids while thinking they're their own, it's certain that there were childless men even back then.
Actual study: https://investigativegenetics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2041-2223-5-13 (I'm too low-IQ to understand obscure scientific lingo though)

There's also an article by (((The Guardian))) which, ironically, contains more details, and suggests that men have been getting cucked the most in prehistory, especially 45k years ago, and it stopped being so prevalent around the time cohabitation became a thing:
According to their simulation, an ancestral population of 60 women and 30 men were breeding in Africa before humans left the continent. The numbers fell to around 25 women and 15 men breeding at the time of the first migration of Homo sapiens, around 70,000 years ago. The whole population would have been larger, but the extras were not contributing to the gene pool.

As modern humans moved into Europe more than 45,000 years ago, the number of mothers may have outnumbered fathers by around 100 to 30, according to Stoneking. His study appears in the journal, Investigative Genetics.

In static populations, genetic diversity falls over time because some people do not have children, so their genetic quirks die out. But the tradition of women moving to be with their partners helped to counter the genetic decline by importing fresh DNA.
It links to the exact same study and seems to be quoting Mark Stoneking - one of the authors. Imagine having a 70% chance of being cucked.

I don't know what they mean by "may have" though... :feelssus:
It still existed, but foids had less choice so more men had sex than they do now
To clarify...

Regardless if there were superfathers who could take care of children for multiple foids at once or they just cucked others into taking care of their kids while thinking they're their own, it's certain that there were childless men even back then.
Actual study: https://investigativegenetics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2041-2223-5-13 (I'm too low-IQ to understand obscure scientific lingo though)

There's also an article by (((The Guardian))) which, ironically, contains more details, and suggests that men have been getting cucked the most in prehistory, especially 45k years ago, and it stopped being so prevalent around the time cohabitation became a thing:

It links to the exact same study and seems to be quoting Mark Stoneking - one of the authors. Imagine having a 70% chance of being cucked.

I don't know what they mean by "may have" though... :feelssus:
Prooves the oofy doofy theory. Its actually much easier for beta males (normies/oofy doofies) in todays sexual market than it was in prehistoric times. In prehistoric times it would have been much harder for normies to outcompete chad.Omegas like us would alwyas have been incel no matter the time period:blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Prooves the oofy doofy theory. Its actually much easier for beta males (normies/oofy doofies) in todays sexual market than it was in prehistoric times. In prehistoric times it would have been much harder for normies to outcompete chad.Omegas like us would alwyas have been incel no matter the time period:blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
That's right. As I've heard it being said - civilization is pretty much the betas overthrowing the alphas from their throne, or it's what allowed that to happen at least.
That's right. As I've heard it being said - civilization is pretty much the betas overthrowing the alphas from their throne, or it's what allowed that to happen at least.
Ye this is why its such a big cope to think society is the reason youre incel. Like you are literally living under the most stable conditions ever recorded. Imagine if we were alive 50 000 years ago:feelskek::feelskek: it would be completely over:blackpill::blackpill: chad would get even more women and probably bully omegas into suicide.
Cuckoldry, and owning massive harems extends to other animals as well. Many animals in the animal kingdom cuck eachother and have harems, where all the non-alpha males literally watch as one males gets dozens of women pregnant. Birds also cuck eachother endlessly, in every way imaginable. Theres literal documentaries on how deeply complex multiple bird species cuck eachother. Infact they crunched the numbers, and basically found that a bird's chances were more or less the same if he was to accept the cuckold's eggs, kill the cuckolds eggs, or just run away and try to reproduce elsewhere

Even FISH cuckold eachother. I remember that there are cuckold species of fish that lay their eggs in other fishes areas, and if the beta fish dont feed their children, they kill the beta fishes children.

You have to be delusional to think that females haven't been cuckolding men, and participating in adultery for as long as humans have existed. IMAGINE, even for a second, to think that human females in the past were more moral and acted in less degenerate ways, lol.
This Forum Didn't Exist Till 2017.
Ye this is why its such a big cope to think society is the reason youre incel. Like you are literally living under the most stable conditions ever recorded. Imagine if we were alive 50 000 years ago:feelskek::feelskek: it would be completely over:blackpill::blackpill: chad would get even more women and probably bully omegas into suicide.
I think the reason people are blaming soyciety is exactly that it's reverting back to its old ways. The institution of marriage has become a raw deal, which causes foids to flock to Chad, just like they would have done in prehistory.
All feminist laws have been introduced to further allow women to be total whores and wrecklessly abandon conventional nuclear families and avoid having to marry a beta and raise his non-Chad offspring. Equality laws, abortion laws, rape laws, birth control pills, divorce laws, age of consent, age of marriage, statutory rape laws, sex worker laws, pornography laws, child support laws, alimony... all of it is collectively designed by feminists to facilitate whores' ability to be whores and get away with it, and have zero responsibility or obligations to men.

And by now we know the result of this feminist experiment... we now have 3 generations of entitled whores who are destroying society and 3 generations of low-T cucks and simps that are letting it happen..
All feminist laws have been introduced to further allow women to be total whores and wrecklessly abandon conventional nuclear families and avoid having to marry a beta and raise his non-Chad offspring. Equality laws, abortion laws, rape laws, birth control pills, divorce laws, age of consent, age of marriage, statutory rape laws, sex worker laws, pornography laws, child support laws, alimony... all of it is collectively designed by feminists to facilitate whores' ability to be whores and get away with it, and have zero responsibility or obligations to men.

And by now we know the result of this feminist experiment... we now have 3 generations of entitled whores who are destroying society and 3 generations of low-T cucks and simps that are letting it happen..
Youre a fakecel if you are beta and not omega. Betas still get laid. No difference between today and 100 years ago. It was over for omegas back then too.
Prooves the oofy doofy theory. Its actually much easier for beta males (normies/oofy doofies) in todays sexual market than it was in prehistoric times. In prehistoric times it would have been much harder for normies to outcompete chad.Omegas like us would alwyas have been incel no matter the time period:blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Youre a fakecel if you are beta and not omega. Betas still get laid. No difference between today and 100 years ago. It was over for omegas back then too.
Being the housenegro for some sub80 IQ cumdumpster with a bodycount higher than her IQ shouldn't be considered "ascension". Ending up in a sexless marriage and potentially losing a significant amount of your net worth isn't something desirable. "The oofy doofy theory" just blatantly ignores this. I would rather call this theory: "Free pussy at all costs". This concept of "oofy doofy" isn't something new, it's just betabuxxing. Additionally, betabuxxing doesn't necessarily have something to do with the "man" earning more money than the massa because I know couples in my neighborhood where the hole earns the same or even makes slightly more than him, but he still spends more money than her.
I don't care about the pre-industrial sexual market at all. Sure, today's society provides stable living conditions and you barely have to put in any effort to satisfy your basic needs, but it doesn't change the fact that we're going back to this hardcore sexual competition despite having the tools to "regulate" the sexual market.
Your theory "beta=getting laid" is beyond retarded. Sure, some 5'5" 2/10 skinnyfat curry in Scandinavia could get laid, if he only changed his mindset/personality. That's literally bluepilled advice. Even if this advice was true, why should she chose him?
Being the housenegro for some sub80 IQ cumdumpster with a bodycount higher than her IQ shouldn't be considered "ascension". Ending up in a sexless marriage and potentially losing a significant amount of your net worth isn't something desirable. "The oofy doofy theory" just blatantly ignores this. I would rather call this theory: "Free pussy at all costs". This concept of "oofy doofy" isn't something new, it's just betabuxxing. Additionally, betabuxxing doesn't necessarily have something to do with the "man" earning more money than the massa because I know couples in my neighborhood where the hole earns the same or even makes slightly more than him, but he still spends more money than her.
I don't care about the pre-industrial sexual market at all. Sure, today's society provides stable living conditions and you barely have to put in any effort to satisfy your basic needs, but it doesn't change the fact that we're going back to this hardcore sexual competition despite having the tools to "regulate" the sexual market.
Your theory "beta=getting laid" is beyond retarded. Sure, some 5'5" 2/10 skinnyfat curry in Scandinavia could get laid, if he only changed his mindset/personality. That's literally bluepilled advice. Even if this advice was true, why should she chose him?
I said beta not trucel bro. Beta = normie. And for the most part its true, that most here are non nt and if they were nt they wouldnt be incel:blackpill:
I said beta not trucel bro. Beta = normie. And for the most part its true, that most here are non nt and if they were nt they wouldnt be incel:blackpill:
Cope. The terms normie, chad, etc. only classify your looks level, it has nothing to do with your personality. Looks is the most important thing. Period. 30-60% of all users here are NT, but they still don't get laid. What are you even talking about?
Youre a fakecel if you are beta and not omega. Betas still get laid. No difference between today and 100 years ago. It was over for omegas back then too.
big difference. 100years ago being a beta has its rewards, now there are way more omegas than 100 years ago both because 1. people drop out volunatrily 2. most trucels cannot even betabuxx because of female financial independence
Cope. The terms normie, chad, etc. only classify your looks level, it has nothing to do with your personality. Looks is the most important thing. Period. 30-60% of all users here are NT, but they still don't get laid. What are you even talking about?
:feelsgah::feelsgah: coping hard as fuck
Betas still get laid.
Screenshot 20211117 124827
Gigacope concept. In prehistoric times beta males were simply killed by alphas. That or they relegated to exactly as they are now....In the corner ignored by everyone and they knew their place. Foids would gravitate to the Chads and also despise betas. The goods might have even used betas with a little boob grab or something in exchange. The incel[UWSL]s then would never think to challenge Chad's harem as everyone hates them.[/UWSL]

In medivel times foids were hoarded by the upper classes. You could get a peasant foid but she'd be the village bike.

The most submissive ones were 18 and 1900s Mennonite types. But their whole communities are inbred.

Foods are as whorish and manipulate and shallow now as they always have been
Inceldom or the condition related to the difficulty for a person in need to access romantic or sexual relationships in which partners attract each other because this person is considered unattractive on average has always existed.:blackpill:

Because women and men are not and never will be romantically or sexually attracted to men or women they find unattractive (even after years of developing relationships) with rare exceptions probably.:blackpill:

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