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reddit promoting violence against us

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3385
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Deleted member 3385

Deleted member 3385

Feb 8, 2018
so we got linked


just a few choice "non violent" comments from redditors


they shut down /incels for "violence" but this is unmoderated comments calling for our deaths.

i know it's a shit site but I don't want those scum getting away with being hypocrites for closing down /incels, does reddit have a service provider, can we notify them to stop hosting them(lol i know too much money)

Honestly if you are incel you need to get a gun for self protection, these normie types want you dead
Evidence to why they should be banned
I've reported every comment and mods won't delete them. admins won't ban the sub tho.

why? cuz the only reason they hated us is because we're ugly virgin men who won't worship women.
Their true face...
Reddit is a heavy feminist leftist pc forum, there is no justice there, if u use reddit for more than help in fixing some odd issue ur a cringey faggot
we already know reddit is a bunch of normie hypocrites, you should stop using it I have and feel much better.
The feeling is mutual.
Nice work. Keep documenting and reporting.

I got a Facebook post on Inceltears removed by Facebook today lol.
that shit is worse than some rape satire. they probably mean it
Report them. Oh wait, normie beta orbiters and femoids can get away with it.
Sorry, but if they are talking about incels who thinks that there is no problem in fucking 14 y/o girls and racist incels, i agree with them.
Come at us, bro. Those nu-male faggots wouldn't stand a chance. More evidence to be used against them when they're tried and prosecuted after the uprising.
They hide behind a veil of self righteousness only to accidentally reveal their true nature.
Seriously, just admit you're nothing more than a bunch of schoolyard bullies desperate to feel better about yourselves!

Who made the original post? Gambler tier autism.
Redpill Robert said:
Come at us, bro. Those nu-male faggots wouldn't stand a chance. More evidence to be used against them when they're tried and prosecuted after the uprising.

We'd probably beat their asses in equal numbers, this is how most of them look like:


Obviously the femoid landwhales have no chance as well.
Evil cunts. Bad enough we live like this without being shit on by them as well.

Report them all, get the cuckfags banned already.
they are clearly mentally unstable
Classic_Jarvis said:
they are clearly mentally unstable

It's because we don't fit in with their group mindset.
One of my posts on braincels ended up on insanepeoplefacebook Reddit. They hoped I would get killed. Some of femoid posters tbought I was going to kill someone. Just ignore them. I also got very hateful pm from them and nothing happen.
TheVman said:
I've reported every comment and mods won't delete them. admins won't ban the sub tho.

why? cuz the only reason they hated us is because we're ugly virgin men who won't worship women.
Meh, it was like that on /r/incels. Literally 10-20 posts brigaders per day would explicitly encourage suicide or say we should be killed off. One of my posts on /r/incels made it on either that sub or some other sub and people were calling me a literal rapist and saying they wanted to kill me, lol.

It's just the internet though. The people saying that are just internet tough guy numales who spend all say on reddit and twitter virtue signaling and acting self righteous. They're almost exactly like the "neckbeard" fedora stereotype who want to defend m'ladies, they're just an SJW version of it.
>caring about plebbit faggots
refmd said:
so we got linked


just a few choice "non violent" comments from redditors


they shut down /incels for "violence" but this is unmoderated comments calling for our deaths.

i know it's a shit site but I don't want those scum getting away with being hypocrites for closing down /incels, does reddit have a service provider, can we notify them to stop hosting them(lol i know too much money)

Honestly if you are incel you need to get a gun for self protection, these normie types want you dead

Damn hateful normies. Well, they can try to come at me and murder me, don't care. I do have a couple guns, nothing special but it's better than nothing. Hopefully no one would though, I'm a peaceful-cel. I just hang out on my farm and keep to myself. Damn, try it, though, my dogs will eat them up if they set foot on this property.
TheVman said:
I've reported every comment and mods won't delete them. admins won't ban the sub tho.

why? cuz the only reason they hated us is because we're ugly virgin men who won't worship women.
Of course the faggots who run reddit are okay with those comments.
KilluminoidBR said:
Sorry, but if they are talking about incels who thinks that there is no problem in fucking 14 y/o girls and racist incels, i agree with them.
They're not.


I've unintentionally done this in my local parks many times. I'm not going to stop walking where I want because a cunt irrationally fears that a big, ugly man that physically towers you is near you. I also have that .0001% chance she's attracted to me and will blow me in nearby stall.
Lol we are sooo scared of all the betas who come from Reddit scaryyyy
Why do they hate it? A lot of women have rape fantasies, so this shouldn't be a problem for them.
Keep reporting the cuckfags. You are doing St. BO2cel's work. Praise Him!
id be careful getting em banned. look how much more free the posts are here or fatpeoplehate compared to when reddit hosted. new inceltears for them probably will be kiwi farms or 4chan with doxing support.

of course lets be real some of the posts here get pretty insane. not threatening insane but still up there and wouldn't last on reddit lol. real issue is more of a reddit one. can't have my cake and eat it too. the censoring on reddit is catching on. more groups are moving off em to either discord or their own website.
We must avenge November 2017.
TheVman said:
I've reported every comment and mods won't delete them. admins won't ban the sub tho.
why? cuz the only reason they hated us is because we're ugly virgin men who won't worship women.

Its over
Very hateful , the true face of plebbit and CUCK tears
yea they promote violence on us...we already promote violence ALL THE TIME. People dish out what they see.

I've seen this group encourage violence against every imaginable group that some particular incel thinks is to blame. Against femoids (OF COURSE), all blacks, all whites, anyone that insults Allah/Mohammed, and let's not forget the psychocels celebrating over the school shooting (and turned out the shooter wasn't even an incel). Though I'd bet the average incel here doesn't want any entire group dead, this is definitely a place where it's okay to say that you do.

If you're gonna promote violence on people, they're gonna promote it back at you. Of course we're not breaking this site's rules while they're breaking reddit's....but it's hardly surprising that it happens.

Fortunately internet cucks won't ever do anything in real life, but might as well arm up with a gun while you can still buy them. (buy one at a gun show to try to get it without registering....and go to a range and actually learn to shot as well)
They literally think we are worse than ISIS.

They don't even realize that they are proving us right with all the negative halo
Reddit is a hypocrite cucked shitswamp.
reddit is scum of the earth fuck them all
Schizoidcel said:
We'd probably beat their asses in equal numbers, this is how most of them look like:


Obviously the femoid landwhales have no chance as well.

Just fuck the landwhales and it will ascend while doing so
you bet your ass Ima buy a gun lol fuck these normies and chads, we just can't catch a break
hehe xd said:
Reddit is a heavy feminist leftist pc forum, there is no justice there, if u use reddit for more than help in fixing some odd issue ur a cringey faggot
There is no justice, bloodthirsty normies are allowed to kill us.
LOL. Impotent fantasies are impotent. I would love one of the cucks try and take a swipe at me. Haven't had an excuse for a fight in a while, LOL.

Also LOL at them making threats to shoot us. Most of them probably think AR-15 stands for "automatic rifle 1500 rounds per second".
The funny thing is these guys (and SJWS/feminists in general) are always on about "don't follow girls at night! it creeps them out! they are afraid of being raped!

It's such bullshit. Rapes in dark alleys don't happen anymore. Most real rapes are guys that rape drunk girls at parties, and then the fake-ass "rapes" when drunk girls hook up with drunk guys and regret it the next day.

Men are more likely to be mugged/robbed on the street than women. Women have pretty much NOTHING to fear about at night, yet reading the comments on this type of thread makes it sound like women are unsafe at night and paranoid as fuck. LIke masked bandits ambush women in dark alleys and rape them, lol.

JFL at how stupid society is.
Doesn't even surprise me anymore
Honestly when I read the comments, I was expected some Nikolas Cruz worship or rape promotion, but this isn't even that bad. Even normies should be able to see how we get a sick kick out of this. It's fucking over.
That feel when wanting to be killed because of being a white nationalist + wanting to be killed for being an incel.
Stopped reading reddit the moment r/incels went down

There's no point to using that website anymore

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