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Serious Real men lift Metal for no Reason at all(Gymcels GTFIH)



Ascension or Death
Apr 6, 2024

View: https://youtu.be/Bh6oXEj4PKA?si=l6s-KekH3NB1AMbG

If you have an unnattractive face what is even the point of going to the gym. Its not even that healthy, you stress your body and you age. Not to mention you also need to eat more which if you didn't know ages your body even further. Moreover strenght is in your bones and who is taller is naturally going to have an advantage over someone who is shorter Besides even if you need to defend yourself, it is much better to learn how to use weapons


In conclusion going to the gym is a useless cope. You shorten your lifespan, you will not attract women anyways and you will nit be a better fighter either. I don't know about you but I would rather be comfy and LDAR :feelscomfy:
Very real, atleast do something practical like combat sports or calisthenics
@VideoGameCoper @gymcellragefuel @gymletethnicel
You do it because it's fun.
If you don't find it fun don't do it.
I do it to look bigger. It works too, and people treat me a lot better than when I was ridiculously skinny before gym. I agree it shortens your lifespan though. Also, the fact I need to eat 4,000+ calories a day in junk food to maintain my weight definitely shortens my lifespan as well. Quite frankly though, I could care less about dying earlier. In fact, that might even be a good thing. I am a lot stronger though and would be much better in a fight the my weaker past self
combat sports
Combat Sports mentioned!

Scans have verified in 258 v0 qd3xchvpktwc1
I got teased and made fun of for being skinny, but i had no one so far who teased me or made fun of for having bigger muscles
I got teased and made fun of for being skinny, but i had no one so far who teased me or made fun of for having bigger muscles
Same. I used to get teased all the time for being skinny, even by relatives. Rarely happens now
Same. I used to get teased all the time for being skinny, even by relatives. Rarely happens now
Yeah. Everyone says that people will clown you for being a manlet with muscles, but people only say that online, never had this happen to me in real life and also never heard of a manlet who got made fun of for having muscles
Yeah. Everyone says that people will clown you for being a manlet with muscles, but people only say that online, never had this happen to me in real life and also never heard of a manlet who got made fun of for having muscles
I do think women subconsciously do look down on manlets with muscle. Of course they wouldn't say it out loud but they can see you are trying to compensate
Yeah. Everyone says that people will clown you for being a manlet with muscles, but people only say that online, never had this happen to me in real life and also never heard of a manlet who got made fun of for having muscles
Yep. It’s always better to look stronger than weaker. I’m fairly tall, so that helps me seem bigger, but I can’t gain weight for shit with my fast metabolism and intestinal condition. I was 135 pounds before gym. Now I’m 155
Yep. It’s always better to look stronger than weaker. I’m fairly tall, so that helps me seem bigger, but I can’t gain weight for shit with my fast metabolism and intestinal condition. I was 135 pounds before gym. Now I’m 155
You are tall? How tall?
I do think women subconsciously do look down on manlets with muscle. Of course they wouldn't say it out loud but they can see you are trying to compensate
Perhaps, but other men will respect you more if you look stronger. It’s better if people don’t view you as an easy target
I do think women subconsciously do look down on manlets with muscle. Of course they wouldn't say it out loud but they can see you are trying to compensate
They can think what they wanna think. I dont get made fun of for my physique anymore and thats all that counts for me
You are tall? How tall?
6’0”. Before you go calling me a fakecel or some shit, I have a 4/10 face with bad dark eye circles and acne, autism, and narrow clavicles that look like shit on my frame
They can think what they wanna think. I dont get made fun of for my physique anymore and thats all that counts for me
Yep. Getting no attention is far better than actively being bullied for being skinny. I’m glad I go gym
6’0”. Before you go calling me a fakecel or some shit, I have a 4/10 face with bad dark eye circles and acne, autism, and narrow clavicles that look like shit on my frame
Both dark eye circles and acne can be solved easily. Tallfag fakecels is. Gtfo
Both dark eye circles and acne can be solved easily. Tallfag fakecels is. Gtfo
No solutions for your autism. Besides, I have many chronic physical health issues that contribute to the dark eye circles and acne. I have to take a certain medication every day that causes insomnia. I haven’t slept through the night in over 2 years and am often sleep deprived due to being a night owl. I’m aging rapidly from it all and look much older than my actual age.
I agree with a lot of things goatis says but I disagree with him on this. YES gym is a gigacope and I admit that I go to the gym because im incel but its healthier than sitting at home and doing notthing. Humans in nature move around a lot and the gym is basically my moving around. But yes it obviously ages you especially if u do it a lot and go till failure every set. I dont know if it ages u more than doing nothing tho

Also I and a lot of other go to the gym not to attract women but to ogremax
No solutions for your autism. Besides, I have many chronic physical health issues that contribute to the dark eye circles and acne. I have to take a certain medication every day that causes insomnia. I haven’t slept through the night in over 2 years and am often sleep deprived due to being a night owl. I’m aging rapidly from it all and look much older than my actual age.
I see
combat sports is not possible if ur extremely non NT like me
You could also buy weapons like a gun or a knife instead depending on where you live
Its not even that healthy
yes it is, being unhealthy by obesity or anorexia limits what you can do in all aspects of life. you can't walk 5 miles, your reaction time is slower, your eyes take longer to focus.
Not to mention you also need to eat more which if you didn't know ages your body even further
good food tastes good, you're literally evolved to enjoy food. if you exercise more you get to experience more delicious food
Moreover strenght is in your bones
you're retarded. muscle is strength.
if you need to defend yourself, it is much better to learn how to use weapons
your hands are your weapons

posting a divorced ricecel to back up your claims isn't doing you any justice
Imagine living your entire life based on the opinions of women
yes it is, being unhealthy by obesity or anorexia limits what you can do in all aspects of life. you can't walk 5 miles, your reaction time is slower, your eyes take longer to focus.

good food tastes good, you're literally evolved to enjoy food. if you exercise more you get to experience more delicious food

you're retarded. muscle is strength.

your hands are your weapons

posting a divorced ricecel to back up your claims isn't doing you any justice
Is that you in your avi? Sorry but you look dyel
Is that you in your avi? Sorry but you look dyel
yeah that's me, updated pic here. dyel or not this is the best shape I've been in since I was born. actually might as well make it my avi so I don't keep posting it
yes it is, being unhealthy by obesity or anorexia limits what you can do in all aspects of life. you can't walk 5 miles, your reaction time is slower, your eyes take longer to focus.
If you eat actual healthy food then you won't be neither anorexic nor obese

good food tastes good, you're literally evolved to enjoy food. if you exercise more you get to experience more delicious food
Having to eat a lot literally decreases your lifespan because your body has to constantly work in order to digest the food you are eating
you're retarded. muscle is strength
Not necessarily. A tall chad or tyrone with healthy bones can completely demolish a gymcel
your hands are your weapons
Your hands aren't very effective weapons in self defense situations. Using an actual weapon is always going to do the job right without you having to risk injuries from a direct physical confrontation
Imagine living your entire life based on the opinions of women
That is what life is all about. What women think of you as a man ultimately determines if you are a loser or a winner
yeah that's me, updated pic here. dyel or not this is the best shape I've been in since I was born. actually might as well make it my avi so I don't keep posting it
View attachment 1194740
you look fit bro, people just have their standards warped by people who've been lifting for 10 years and people who use roids
I do think women subconsciously do look down on manlets with muscle. Of course they wouldn't say it out loud but they can see you are trying to compensate
They look down on manlets anyway, whether they have muscles or not.
If you eat actual healthy food then you won't be neither anorexic nor obese
you can cook all your meals from scratch and still get obese. I would know, I was obese
Having to eat a lot literally decreases your lifespan
dogs, do you want to live forever!?
A tall chad or tyrone with healthy bones
yeah sure if your definition of healthy bones is relatively fit yeah. it is physiologically impossible for an untrained male 6'+ to outperform a 5'5 athlete
Your hands aren't very effective weapons in self defense situations. Using an actual weapon is always going to do the job right without you having to risk injuries from a direct physical confrontation
this is cope. pure, unadulterated cope. you won't always have weapons at hand and if you do they can be used against you

Not bad. Race and height?
you look fit bro, people just have their standards warped by people who've been lifting for 10 years and people who use roids
thanks brocels. 5'3 hispanic btw
That is what life is all about. What women think of you as a man ultimately determines if you are a loser or a winner
True. The other problem though is that the men women decide are losers stop contributing and everything turns to shit.
True. The other problem though is that the men women decide are losers stop contributing and everything turns to shit.
Cope. The men women choose are superior and they are the winners. Elliot Rodger used to cope that way aswell not realizing he was the loser, not the obnoxious brutes he hated. Its just jelousy, I admit it and I think every other incel should too
5'3 hispanic btw
That's unfortunate, although if it's any consolation, height isn't as important for spics so maybe there's still hope for you. I'm 5'6 and stick out like a sore thumb, can't imagine how brutal 5'3 would be

Coming to your body, your pec insertions are high and far from the centre but the rest looks decent. If you lean bulk now and then cut you can get to the ideal otter mode physique imo
Cope. The men women choose are superior and they are the winners. Elliot Rodger used to cope that way aswell not realizing he was the loser, not the obnoxious brutes he hated. Its just jelousy, I admit it and I think every other incel should too
I guess Jeremy Meeks is superior to some ugly manlet 150 IQ physicist that will probably die a virgin
Cope. The men women choose are superior and they are the winners. Elliot Rodger used to cope that way aswell not realizing he was the loser, not the obnoxious brutes he hated. Its just jelousy, I admit it and I think every other incel should too
It is not jealousy. Women who can't get real Chads get fake ones, they hog resources and productive non Chads begin to do less. First world living standards come from non Chads.
Cope. The men women choose are superior and they are the winners. Elliot Rodger used to cope that way aswell not realizing he was the loser, not the obnoxious brutes he hated. Its just jelousy, I admit it and I think every other incel should too
you're not addressing his point. when the losers women didn't chose stop contributing you get south korea, japan, sweden. these former utopias have exploded in crime, as high as 1000% compared to the last 10 years because the only way to sustain them is to import third world serfs now that timmy stopped paying taxes. england is suffering from record high doctor-patient sexual abuse because they import indian doctors who do pelvic floor exams on stacy's daughter when she goes to the clinic for her yearly checkup
That's unfortunate, although if it's any consolation, height isn't as important for spics so maybe there's still hope for you. I'm 5'6 and stick out like a sore thumb, can't imagine how brutal 5'3 would be

Coming to your body, your pec insertions are high and far from the centre but the rest looks decent. If you lean bulk now and then cut you can get to the ideal otter mode physique imo
thanks bro. that's good advice to lean bulk and cut, I'll save it for the winter.
I have no hopes for ascending though. I hear a lot of copes that browncels are only incels because they only go for white chicks but the ratio of rejections for me goes 2:1 hispanic to white. I've seen more HFWM couples than pure hispanic couples even among normies :feelsrope:
thanks bro. that's good advice to lean bulk and cut, I'll save it for the winter.
I have no hopes for ascending though. I hear a lot of copes that browncels are only incels because they only go for white chicks but the ratio of rejections for me goes 2:1 hispanic to white. I've seen more HFWM couples than pure hispanic couples even among normies :feelsrope:
Maybe you can South America maxx, easier said than done but at least you won't have a hard time fitting in and the JewSA is hell for manlets like us, or so I've heard
you're not addressing his point. when the losers women didn't chose stop contributing you get south korea, japan, sweden. these former utopias have exploded in crime, as high as 1000% compared to the last 10 years because the only way to sustain them is to import third world serfs now that timmy stopped paying taxes. england is suffering from record high doctor-patient sexual abuse because they import indian doctors who do pelvic floor exams on stacy's daughter when she goes to the clinic for her yearly checkup
As if contributing to a slave society is a good thing at all. The modern societies we have simply don't go along with the laws of nature. As I said the bad boy chad who doesn't do shit is the freest of men
I guess Jeremy Meeks is superior to some ugly manlet 150 IQ physicist that will probably die a virgin
He is because women chose him instead of the manlet physicist. The nerd physicist is just coping with the blackpilled reality while Jeremy Meeks is living a life of endless pleasure
He is because women chose him instead of the manlet physicist. The nerd physicist is just coping with the blackpilled reality while Jeremy Meeks is living a life of endless pleasure
I mean if women keep choosing their partners society will return to it's natural state of living in caves where incels are free to rape so I guess it wouldn't be bad for incels a few generations in the future
As if contributing to a slave society is a good thing at all. The modern societies we have simply don't go along with the laws of nature. As I said the bad boy chad who doesn't do shit is the freest of men
so you're not even addressing his point, why call it cope? he made an observation and you called it wrong then proceed to list reasons that prove him right like
He is because women chose him instead of the manlet physicist. The nerd physicist is just coping with the blackpilled reality
>going to the gym for femoid attention
>going to the gym to prepare yourself for RaHoWa
I mean if women keep choosing their partners society will return to it's natural state of living in caves where incels are free to rape so I guess it wouldn't be bad for incels a few generations in the future
Exactly. Its not that bad
Goatis is a grifting fag. He literally goes to the gym. Want to bash his smug face
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