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Blackpill Re: The experience of being undesirable to women your entire life



You won't change reality, friend
Jun 13, 2019
Biology tells us that puberty helps develop you into a man. You gain secondary sexual characteristics, your bones start to become prominent, large and wide, your testosterone goes up, chin masculinizes, jaw squares up and widens.

Then you’re supposed to find a similarly feminized, attractive young woman, with developed breasts and womanly hips, and you're supposed to get together, have wild , energetic sex five times a day, attend college, go outdoors, do fun life activities together and enjoy the bliss that is supposed to be your youth.

Like communism, sure seems good on paper!

But what happens if the biology goes wrong? Why does it go so wrong, so often, and so severely?

I’m going through the prime of my life right now, at age 24. And every interaction I’ve ever had with a woman has been the same. Visible discomfort and monosyllabic responses and clear body language indicating a desire to leave as soon as its polite/practical. Women have this expression immediately before they see me approach, and accept the inevitability of having to talk to be about something. I can see it in their eyes immediately that they are not having fun, and would prefer if I was not talking to them.


Where is my masculinisation? Where is my thick, luscious dark head of full hair, my square jaw and powerful chin, designer stubble and hunter eyes? Why don’t I get to experience life the way biology intended?

We don’t become cold, bitter assholes for nothing. We become cold bitter assholes because life made us that way. Life experiences in youth shape the kind of person you become, and if you grow up knowing nothing but isolation and rejection from your peers, and in many cases seemingly endless bullying, you're going to grow up with a pretty negative personality and distaste if not outright disdain for the world and people around you, who've treated you like trash since you can remember.

Life teaches us that if youre not attractive, things dont end well, you never ***win*** in life, nobody will support you, nobody is interested in you, nobody CARES

and most fundamentally of all

We've learned that we're on our own. Sticking it out through hellfire, ice and the demons imprisoning our hearts and minds. Taunting us with the pleasures and bliss of beautiful youth all around us, the wonderful experiences that make being alive worth it, companionship, friendship, acceptance, love and support from others.

It is an utter, utter fabrication of delusion and imagination to imply we just aren’t confident, outgoing, positive or entertaining enough, as if those werent the very first things we tried in life. Not only were they the very first things we did, but we even watched and reflected upon our peers succeeding, and tried to emulate them. There's only so many times you can keep trying with a smile on your face, continuously failing, then looking at your better looking classmates effortlessly succeeding with women, gaining their interest out of thin air, enjoying ongoing, exciting relationships with the most beautiful young girls in the school. There are only so many times you can notice how different the experience is for you versus your peers, before the smile starts to fade.

It’s been a bitterly cold and lonely life for me this far, and the chances of it improving are nonexistent. While I've gained many friendships over the years because of my clown-like personality, they have to this day remained superficial friendships, and i'm the one who has to maintain them all. Zero effort or interest from the others.

When we are denied love and affection from the VERY BEGINNING, how are we supposed to live life to the fullest? How?


What do people honestly expect from us?? We were robbed of our youth and prime years and are doomed to live a lonely life for our entire lives. There’s more to life than sex? Your entire youth and foreseeable future, none of it matters or is worthwhile if you don’t have the emotional, psychological and physical nourishment, care and support of a loving partner.

Life's not worth it unless youre attractive.

Its over for many men.
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Being rejected by teen girls means its over
Imagine being repulsive to older mummies as well.
Deal with the situation AMicably
that's why I'm pro rape
We’re born slave workers like a colony of ants to feed the select few chad ants and the fertile court of female ants.
I never asked for this.
Then you’re supposed to find a similarly feminized, attractive young woman, with developed breasts and womanly hips, and you’re supppsed to get together, have sold, youthful sex 5x a day, attend college, do life activities together and enjoy the bliss that is supposed to be your youth.
you're supposed to reproduce and than die.
nothing more.
We are built for socialisation with others. It’s been a bitterly cold and lonely life for me this far, and there seem to be no chances of it ever improving. When we are denied love and affection from the VERY BEGINNING, how are we supposed to live life to the fullest? How?
humans choosed to create society because it was convinient.
socialization is a need not part of our nature.
blkpillpress made a lot of threads about that, my advice is to read them.
you're supposed to reproduce and than die.
nothing more.

humans choosed to create society because it was convinient.
socialization is a need not part of our nature.
blkpillpress made a lot of threads about that, my advice is to read them.
Socialisation is a part of your nature dude... no humans live alone, it’s in our nature to form communities
Socialisation is a part of your nature dude... no humans live alone, it’s in our nature to form communities
human can define their own "nature".
socialization is nothing more than a survival strategy adopted by weak beings, if they become stronger(in our case through the use of thecnology) the need to socialize slowly fades.
you're confusing a need with "nature".
they're not the same thing.
human can define their own "nature".
socialization is nothing more than a survival strategy adopted by weak beings, if they become stronger(in our case through the use of thecnology) the need to socialize slowly fades.
you're confusing a need with "nature".
they're not the same thing.

Socialisation is a part of your nature dude... no humans live alone, it’s in our nature to form communities
let's assume you're right.
following the same train of thoughts aka "we are slaves of our nature", I could say that is normal that all women aren't loyal and they only want chad beacuse it's their nature and they can't help it, right?
so why are you complaining?
faggots like you are constantly justifying female hypergamy with theirs "appeals to nature", but apparently they're to stupid to understand it.
wake up and realize that human nature can be shaped or at least controlled through social and moral pressures.
normies and foids wouldnt be able to handle a day in our shoes, they would neck themselves

We’re born slave workers like a colony of ants to feed the select few chad ants and the fertile court of female ants.
let's assume you're right.
following the same train of thoughts aka "we are slaves of our nature", I could say that is normal that all women aren't loyal and they only want chad beacuse it's their nature and they can't help it, right?
so why are you complaining?
faggots like you are constantly justifying female hypergamy with theirs "appeals to nature", but apparently they're to stupid to understand it.
wake up and realize that human nature can be shaped or at least controlled through social and moral pressures.
You won’t ubderstand, I won’t bother

Read a book faggot :feelstastyman:
Life has taught us to expect nothing, because we will gain nothing.

Not always. Ask Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris. They found ultimate love in prime teen pussy. A lot of prime fresh unused pussy :)
I’m going through the prime of my life right now, in my 20’s. And every interaction I’ve ever had with a woman has been the same. Visible discomfort and monosyllabic responses and a desire to escape the situation as fast as possible.
tbh but it is not only limited to foids.
it doesn't matter where an incel is, he is always an outsider.
I'm almost 20 and I'm just as ugly as I were 10 years ago.
I'm 25 and wow, rarely do I read something that true and blackpilled. It's over. Only ways out are rope or ER.
Great post, life is bullshit
Use your pain to overstate the values of modern society
Ok coming back to this I smiled for kitty. Sorry for being rude.

I don’t read myself as I’m too fucking sick of life as is, don’t bother with anything in depth besides work. I’m probably getting dumber as time goes on. I have no reason to preserve my intelligence though. It’s not like I’m careermaxxing for a future wife and kids to support a family. It’s not like I need to be strong, independent, resourceful, successful and ambitious for anyone.

It’s not like I need to manlymaxx to out-man other men in the competition for a wife who won’t love me anyway

All I’m doing is surviving for myself. So fuck everyone. I’ll be as fucking vegetative and degenerate as I want. Other incels might still have a spark for life and hobbies, but I don’t. I could die tomorrow I don’t care. I’m absolutely burned out, zero desire to continue living.
yes friend, the crying kitty is always fun.
wake up and realize that human nature can be shaped or at least controlled through social and moral pressures.
This. A lot of these guys don’t understand that ((they)) are manipulating who gets to reproduce. My theory is certain mental attributes is exhibited in certain facial characteristics, so by making certain faces undersirable, they can thus weed out mental characterstics that they don’t want
let's assume you're right.
following the same train of thoughts aka "we are slaves of our nature", I could say that is normal that all women aren't loyal and they only want chad beacuse it's their nature and they can't help it, right?
so why are you complaining?
faggots like you are constantly justifying female hypergamy with theirs "appeals to nature", but apparently they're to stupid to understand it.
wake up and realize that human nature can be shaped or at least controlled through social and moral pressures.
Rape and superior physical strength are the natural counter balence to female hypergamy.
This. A lot of these guys don’t understand that ((they)) are manipulating who gets to reproduce. My theory is certain mental attributes is exhibited in certain facial characteristics, so by making certain faces undersirable, they can thus weed out mental characterstics that they don’t want
One of the reasons surrogates and future artificial wombs are or will be regulated
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Rape and superior physical strength are the natural counter balence to female hypergamy.

One of the reasons surrogates and future artificial wombs are or will be regulated
Will one sex die out in the future? O_o

Women claim they can make artificial sperm, no need men

Men claim can make uterus n eggs, no need women

needsolution kurwa, your input pls

Contribute tyty

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Will one sex die out in the future? O_o

Women claim they can make artificial sperm, no need men

Men claim can make uterus n eggs, no need women

needsolution kurwa, your input pls

Contribute tyty

Eventually males will win out, foids replaced by androids and holograms. Men simply need less resources to sustain themselves. Most here would be just fine with sexbots and holographs as gfs if the AI was believable enough.
i feel like crying i missed out on so much in life
Okay I had a thing in the centre of the city today and I can confirm, it’s infuriating the way women look at me.

I make them uncomfortable with my face. I’m fucking sick of it.

I just want the natural reaction of walking into a room and a girl in that room notices me, has that tingle in her loins, and realises how attracted she is to me. She then spends the next 20 minutes nervously wondering what she’s going to say, and hoping to get my number. This is the NATURAL and IMMEDIATE RESPONSE women have to healthily developed, attractive young men. Attraction is immediate. None of this “game” or “personality” or “confidence” bullshit. Natural relationships form with approach and expressed interest from the woman. If she’s attracted to you, she WILL NOT let you get away without attempting to get your contact details first

I just want to feel desirable ONCE


Another high IQ post that will be forgotten because society hates us
Another high IQ post that will be forgotten because society hates us
I will have one of my posts pinned some day. That is the goal :feelsLSD::feelsLSD::blackpill::blackpill:
Okay I had a thing in the centre of the city today and I can confirm, it’s infuriating the way women look at me.

I make them uncomfortable with my face. I’m fucking sick of it.

I just want the natural reaction of walking into a room and a girl in that room notices me, has that tingle in her loins, and realises how attracted she is to me. She then spends the next 20 minutes nervously wondering what she’s going to say, and hoping to get my number. This is the NATURAL and IMMEDIATE RESPONSE women have to healthily developed, attractive young men. Attraction is immediate. None of this “game” or “personality” or “confidence” bullshit. Natural relationships form with approach and expressed interest from the woman. If she’s attracted to you, she WILL NOT let you get away without attempting to get your contact details first

I just want to feel desirable ONCE


Because we lost the genetic lottery
Normies would typically say to the OP: "its your bitterness and writing style. I can just see thats why women don't like you, not your looks."
Normies would typically say to the OP: "its your bitterness and writing style. I can just see thats why women don't like you, not your looks."

"Lol ok yikes im getting major incel vibes here.... you should stop being such a misogynistic cunt and just maybe gain some confidence and you might get a girlfriend sweatY! also stop objectifying women like they're sex toys!

***said while simultaneously getting cum shotted by male model but its ok if he objectifies me cos he's hot***

this suffering is agony omg
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