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Discussion Ranking incels of each race that have it the easiest to hardest

He did a thread once about how a lot of young EE men report being virgins.

And it included a wide-array of Slav countries, including Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Russia, etc.

He's done tons of well-researched threads on this stuff, Slav women marry-out at a high rate.

One of the first Slavs I ever met was part-Czech from his maternal side.

A foid who also was a bitch to me had a Polish mom & German dad.
Marry out western europeans btw, not arabs or africans as you claim. That's pure insane cope specially on perhaps the whitest nations in the world
Marry out western europeans btw, not arabs or africans as you claim. That's pure insane cope specially on perhaps the whitest nations in the world
Data shows the most common foreign grooms in Russia were Turkic, Nigerian, and even Vietchangs

you're using looksmatching to judge and entire race and how they breed faster than other races,
I didn't judge a race based of looksmatching. I said the reason spics have high birth rates despite being shitskin manlets is because of their tight knit communities (NTmaxxing).
then you said if you don't follow looksmatching you're a volcel, now you're denying shit that you posted mins ago like a bitchboy scared that his cuckery was too obvious.
Yes because this is an incel forum, you know a place for men that are unable to attract a foid. At the very least, you should be willing to be with your looksmatch (if she's attracted to you that is).
So you're saying 2/10 guys should date 2/10 mongrels ONLY and shut up? Curious, that's exactly WHAT REDDIT FEMINIST FOIDS SUGGEST TO ALL INCELS, THAT WE CAN'T ASPIRE OR WANT SOMETHING BETTER AND WE SHOULD GET A 2/10 MONSTER AND BE HAPPY.
@LeFrenchCel this faggot is spreading feminist ideas.
Never said they have to date them, but this is called incels.is not volcels.is. If you can get a foid that's attracted to you, then you shouldn't be here.
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Data shows the most common foreign grooms in Russia were Turkic, Nigerian, and even Vietchangs

Ruzzia is a multi ethnic, multi racial, multi religious federation that realies heavily on inmigrants.

Is that your example?
If you can get a foid that's attracted to you, then you shouldn't be here.
so Fat Link shouldn't be here because he got a crazy foid simp on discord? Say it.
I'll stay here all day and night man, don't worry we'll get to page 10
Ruzzia is a multi ethnic, multi racial, multi religious federation that realies heavily on inmigrants.

Is that your example?
Those are actual Russianwhores marrying out, not Tatars or Kavakz

And it's one of the most populated White-Slavic countries.

And how does that stuff have anything to do with the topic? Again, tangents.
Now tell me to join redpilluniversity, start gymmaxxing and breaking my knees like Goggins, because let's be realistic grown-ass men who don't complain or feel bad and marry 2/10 foids like true men!
redpilled faggot
15 mins and your boyfriend can't find an answer, next time let him answer like a realistic real grown man, instead of hiding like a bitch for 15 mins because he's still thinking what he can say to justify his cuckery.
Tbh I get you. I want a tall dark sharp-jawed High IQ long dark haired Tamil penne too :ahegao: Tamil penmai :owo::owo:
Those are actual Russianwhores marrying out, not Tatars or Kavakz

And it's one of the most populated White-Slavic countries.

And how does that stuff have anything to do with the topic? Again, tangents.
No they arent

Ruzzia Is a melting pot with a higher amount of non whites, muslims and minorities than all of western europe combined let alone places like Slovakia and Poland

Nonetheless russian men are still heavily attractive compared to ethnics and are desired in East asia and worldwide
Then there's your answer, you're incel due to being 3/10 i.e Truecel NOT because you're an slav
And I never claimed anything else lol :feelshmm: , why would that be surprising:feelsjuice:?
Slavs have a far bigger amount of attractive features than the swarth lands in the south let alone ethnics, therefore it's impossible their women find arabs or Blacks attractive
And yet, they outmarry much more than the men here do:feelsjuice:.

Fun fact, Med countries, which you call "the swarth lands in the south", actually have one of the most lopsided outmarriage ratio with Slavic countries, there's about 19 Spanish man-Russian woman marriages for every Russian man-Spanish women one:

They can be incels if they're absolutely hideous as @WorthlessSlavicShit claims to be.
Absolutely hideous is like 1/10, I'm just less attractive than the LTNs around me:feelsUgh:.

He did a thread once about how a lot of young EE men report being virgins.

Ruzzia is a multi ethnic, multi racial, multi religious federation that realies heavily on inmigrants.

Is that your example?
What else should be his example then though? If you want to compare how succesful various races and ethnicities are on the dating market, you need to study the places where there are a lot of them and you can watch the resulting mixing.
No they arent
Yes they are, read the thread again. It said "ethnic Russian" as in actual Russians such as Putin, not Tatars or Kavkaz or Siberian niggers.
Ruzzia Is a melting pot with a higher amount of non whites, muslims and minorities than all of western europe combined let alone places like Slovakia and Poland
And how does this prove anything? A lot of them were foreigners.
Nonetheless russian men are still heavily attractive compared to ethnics and are desired in East asia and worldwide
They dont have the money to go there though. Russian-oligarch only.
No. She added me and began simping for me.
Now you're moving the goalposts?
you know a place for men that are unable to attract a foid. At the very least, you should be willing to be with your looksmatch
So again, you're saying that an incel should be happy with a 2/10 foid because they're lookmatched, want to know why do you think that this "looksmatch" cuckery is such a law for you to decide over other incels and if they should be considered incels, who gave you authority monkey?
And again, same mindset will be found in feminist circles who believe that Incels are Incels by choice not by genetics, that they should find the ugliest ogre and willing to marry her, like you're saying now.
I realized that you think that a 2/10 foid and a 2/10 guy are the same and their SMV is the same, which reflects your brain damage.
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So again, you're saying that an incel should be happy with a 2/10 foid because they're lookmatched,
No They should be happy because they at least got that
and if they should be considered incels, who gave you authority monkey?
That's the literal definition of incel anarchist nigger :lul: :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile:
And again, same mindset will be found in feminist circles who believe that Incels are Incels by choice not by genetics,
Incels are incel because of inrealistic female standards ie. hypergamy. Females stopped pairing up with their looks match
that they should find the ugliest ogre and willing to marry her, like you're saying now.
If you are an ugly ogre yourself, yes
Nonetheless russian men are still heavily attractive compared to ethnics and are desired in East asia and worldwide
Dunno, even in their own country they do worse with minority women than minority men do with their women:

Plus China, South Korea and Japan all marry Russian women more than Russians marry their women, it's apparently even a sociological phenomenon in Japan:feelshaha:.

No They should be happy because they at least got that
So the sub 5 guy should marry a 2/10 ogre and be happy that at least he got that.
Yeah, spoken like a true feminist ally.
So the sub 5 guy should marry a 2/10 ogre and be happy that at least he got that.
Yeah, spoken like a true feminist ally.
Yes, 2/10 guy should marry a 2/10 female, and afterwards not reproduce because they would produce an ugly offspring probably

All of us aren't against this, we are only against female hypergamy
Dunno, even in their own country they do worse with minority women than minority men do with their women:

Plus China, South Korea and Japan all marry Russian women more than Russians marry their women, it's apparently even a sociological phenomenon in Japan:feelshaha:.
He also didn't notice the graph literally said "ethnic Russian" which means actual Slavic Russians, not Tatar Mongolniggers or Turkniggers or Kavkaz.
And I never claimed anything else lol :feelshmm: , why would that be surprising:feelsjuice:?

And yet, they outmarry much more than the men here do:feelsjuice:.
It's such a common fact in the blackpill community that Slavwhores marry out a lot idk why he's denying it.

Not just those studies, but I've seen countless examples online. And like I said, even in America where we have a better view of Slavs(Poles & Czechs at least) a lot of the ones still had Slavic-descent women marrying West-Euro descended males or even mixing out.

A friend of mine on Telegram said he was part Russian, I asked from which side, and ofc it was his grandma.

Irish did it a lot as well too.
Fun fact, Med countries, which you call "the swarth lands in the south", actually have one of the most lopsided outmarriage ratio with Slavic countries, there's about 19 Spanish man-Russian woman marriages for every Russian man-Spanish women one:
It's ironic for him to slander Meds, especially Spanish, when his race exists due to them & by basic blackpill logic, allows Castizos to do better than their counterparts.

You also have seen actual South Euros yourself.


What else should be his example then though? If you want to compare how succesful various races and ethnicities are on the dating market, you need to study the places where there are a lot of them and you can watch the resulting mixing.
This. :yes:
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Yes, 2/10 guy should marry a 2/10 female
All of us aren't against this, we are only against female hypergamy
So you think that ugly men don't deserve good looking women and they should date 2/10 ogres, nice feminist mindset FAGGOT
Feminist faggot
Why tf did op get banned
- This might be extremely controversial, but I believe actual blackcels have it the hardest, since they can't even escortmaxx due to foids having a no nigger policy. They will also still be low-IQ, so they have no hope in moneymaxxing and they'll be stuck in their shitty crime-ridden neighborhoods for as long as they live
most Blackcels arent poor lol. They’re suburban urkel cels usually. The only poor ones I can think of are @Intellau_Celistic and @Rabbi Schneerson. But rabbi didn’t even grow up poor he just got fucked over financially after his father’s death
So you think that ugly men don't deserve good looking women and they should date 2/10 ogres, nice feminist mindset FAGGOT
View attachment 1203180
Yeah this example proves my point, woman are able to date men above their looks match. While men only are forced to date below their. In an ideal world each person should date with their looks match

In this particular example this whores was projecting when she claims "won't date woman less attractive" because men typically are forced date below
for spreading feminist bullshit, saying that 2/10 men aren't entitled good looking women and Stacys should fuck Chads only because "LOOKSMATCHING!" same as this fag
It doesn’t matter anyways most 2/10 guys don’t actually have Stacy standards anyways. A small vocal minority do most are willing to fuck deformed females
no, it proves your mindset

thanks to foids and fucks like you who say that they shouldn't want something better
Yeah, I'm pro-eugenics. Both eugenics should also apply to woman too, which it conveniently excused always
Yeah, I'm pro-eugenics
more like
Yeah I'm pro cuckery! :soy: yes I love that Stacys are fucking and reproducing like rabbits with CHADS only! yes! we saving and improving the human race I shouldn't because I'm not Chad so I'm glad I'll never have sex!
You're the kind of cuck that would let a 10/10 Chad fuck your wife because he's fixing your gene pool amirite :feelskek: fucking cuck.
more like

You're the kind of cuck that would let a 10/10 Chad fuck your wife because he's fixing your gene pool amirite :feelskek: fucking cuck.
Projecting hard. In an ideal society bottom 20% shouldn't reproduce at all, while top 20% shouldn't be allowed to mix with bottom 60%
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why are you talking about idealistic shit? you were the one asking for "realism" a few mins ago cuck
When will you niggas understand none of this has to do with race alone being completely uninhibited and low iq exponentially increases your chances of getting laid. If you ever went to a bar or club you'll always notice this Being quiet, awkward, high inhb introverts with no social skills doesn't work unless you are a chadlite+ but blacks ans spics are way more likely to be giga low inhib
Race pill is cope tbh ngl it’s just the attribute certain races have
Any white guy as long as has white features and is normie can get far more attractive ethnic women. Meanwhile a sub5 latino will work his ass like a semi slave for a fat goblina, and this retarded pajeet tells me whites have it worse??
True ngl. But most of those attractive ethnic women are in the suburbs not the city. Most ethnics live in the city while the more attractive types will live in the suburbs away from the city.

But thankfully I live in a city that isn’t in the shithole of the west coast. So plenty of attractive Hispanic/White foids here but they’re only seen in school/work not out in the city
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And I never claimed anything else lol :feelshmm: , why would that be surprising:feelsjuice:?

And yet, they outmarry much more than the men here do:feelsjuice:.

Fun fact, Med countries, which you call "the swarth lands in the south", actually have one of the most lopsided outmarriage ratio with Slavic countries, there's about 19 Spanish man-Russian woman marriages for every Russian man-Spanish women one:

Absolutely hideous is like 1/10, I'm just less attractive than the LTNs around me:feelsUgh:.


What else should be his example then though? If you want to compare how succesful various races and ethnicities are on the dating market, you need to study the places where there are a lot of them and you can watch the resulting mixing.
Then slav women are the most retarded females on earth since they are ostracizing themselves from their own culture for men who are shorter, have smaller dicks, are less whiter and uglier.

Yeah not buying that shit.

Not just those studies, but I've seen countless examples online. And like I said, even in America where we have a better view of Slavs(Poles & Czechs at least) a lot of the ones still had Slavic-descent women marrying West-Euro descended males or even mixing out.

A friend of mine on Telegram said he was part Russian, I asked from which side, and ofc it was his grandma.
Wow, whites marrying out other whites is such a slavpill
Then slav women are the most retarded females on earth since they are ostracizing themselves from their own culture for men who are shorter, have smaller dicks, are less whiter and uglier.

Yeah not buying that shit.
I like how you just completely avoided looking at actual data.
Wow, whites marrying out other whites is such a slavpill
Doesn't change the fact sub-groups within races exist.

Celts married out a lot, I can attest to that.

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