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Discussion Ranking incels of each race that have it the easiest to hardest

Coping slav
He's speaking of Black incels, not normie-blacks

normie blacks have it the easiest or second at the very least, I think he would agree with that.

KEK get a load of this faggot you don't know shit about living in Spicland.
now a proper list for this JBW denier bitchboy
Whites = Blacks > ALL
that's it, cope more.
a whiteboy doesn't know shit about how's like living as a browncel or chinkcel, you get mogged even in 99% of entertainment filled with whites and blacks you can't even cope watching fiction.
He's a pajeet not a white guy

He thinks hispanic communities are like in the soap operas lmfao
KEK get a load of this faggot you don't know shit about living in Spicland.
now a proper list for this JBW denier bitchboy
Whites = Blacks > ALL
that's it, cope more
Then why do spics have the second highest birth rates, despite them being shitskin manlets.
I do agree with blackcels being the last one, specially the ones who dont have the BBC stereotype characteristics such as a big dick, tall height, athletic frame, etc.
Most blackcels ive met have also been non-NT

Honestly, they're the only Blacks I feel bad for tbh-rest can get fucked.
With sheboons on the hood maybe

Jfl if u think any foid from another race would like to date a thug
Nah, I've seen quite a few thugmaxxers in HS & College end-up with lower-tier White foids.

However, more notable gender differences emerge for some of the other couple profiles. For instance, while 11% of all intermarried couples involve a white man and an Asian woman, just 4% of couples include a white woman and an Asian man. And while about 7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman, only 3% include a black woman and a white man.


According to actual stats whites have it the easiest

Curries/Sands have perhaps the lowest SMV, smallest dicks, shortest height, etc.

You're beyond retarded
Rices have it way worse than sands for sure.
Then why do spics have the second highest birth rates, despite them being shitskin manlets.

Whenever I go outside, I see tons of Spic guys only a few years older than me with some looksmatch foid & 3-4 goblinos
He's a pajeet not a white guy

He thinks hispanic communities are like in the soap operas lmfao
average cocksucking Jeet groomed by whites on the internet thinking that they're his friends.
Hispanic communities are based on relationships, if you don't have a girlfriend at school you'll get bullied even by your own parents all your life.
ok incel shamer
The fact he was unbanned is a joke

And the fact he insulted a Slav proves he's probably a shitskin who hopped into Europe from Shitskinistan or Ngonogville
average cocksucking Jeet groomed by whites on the internet thinking that they're his friends.
He's mocked Whites before, and also has said Rices were always the nicest to him

Most of his friends here are Curry as well.
Then why do spics have the second highest birth rates, despite them being shitskin manlets.
Because the vast majority of inmigrants are made up of families and not single males

Most blackcels ive met have also been non-NT

Honestly, they're the only Blacks I feel bad for tbh-rest can get fucked.

Nah, I've seen quite a few thugmaxxers in HS & College end-up with lower-tier White foids.



Rices have it way worse than sands for sure.
What is your point? Sheboons are the least desired females , so their men will inter marry more easily. Blacks have amongst the lowest SMVs worldwide anyways
Then why do spics have the second highest birth rates, despite them being shitskin manlets
it's like telling you you aren't an incel if you aren't fucking a 1/10 fatass whale
and that's it, you're forced to get married with a 2/10 that will get fat in 2 years or less because that's the punishment you get for being born a sub5 brown, you are doomed to this fate, and if you dare to not follow this, every single person will bully you for being alone, being alone is the most shameful sin that a Hispanic guy can commit, all because he didn't want a 2/10 """""looksmatched""""" goblin
He's speaking of Black incels, not normie-blacks

normie blacks have it the easiest or second at the very least, I think he would agree with that.

When will you niggas understand none of this has to do with race alone being completely uninhibited and low iq exponentially increases your chances of getting laid. If you ever went to a bar or club you'll always notice this Being quiet, awkward, high inhb introverts with no social skills doesn't work unless you are a chadlite+ but blacks ans spics are way more likely to be giga low inhib

Whenever I go outside, I see tons of Spic guys only a few years older than me with some looksmatch foid & 3-4 goblinos
And back in america whenever i went outside i saw the most hideous white men with noodles and latinas
it's like telling you you aren't an incel if you aren't fucking a 1/10 fatass whale
and that's it, you're forced to get married with a 2/10 that will get fat in 2 years or less because that's the punishment you get for being born a sub5 brown, you are doomed to this fate, and if you dare to not follow this, every single person will bully you for being alone, being alone is the most shameful sin that a Hispanic guy can commit, all because he didn't want a 2/10 """""looksmatched""""" goblin
Most men in general can't get anything higher than their looksmatches, and most foids age like shit and become fat, not just spicwhores.
When will you niggas understand none of this has to do with race alone being completely uninhibited and low iq exponentially increases your chances of getting laid. If you ever went to a bar or club you'll always notice this Being quiet, awkward, high inhb introverts with no social skills doesn't work unless you are a chadlite+ but blacks ans spics are way more likely to be giga low inhib
That's bluepilled bullshit unless you're actually diagnosed as an autist then your looks will always be the main factor
Tbh you are making this post on the wrong forum OP eveyrone here has their own agenda and vendetta. And have a head strong opinion about these matters. Talking to them is like talking to a wall. You should make this thread on .org or a redpilled forum like kiwifarms
Worst ranking Ive ever seen
Ricecels honestly even though we have it the worst on average because of that being a ricecel isnt that bad compared to being cels of other races sibce its just the default. You xan still be popular in ricecel social circles and people won’t shame you. Plus you can stemaxx, make good money, and retire in the ultimate rice sanctuary which is asia (as long as sf “cel” geomaxxers dont ruin it) you might even be able to fuck an escort if you pay 500%, leanmaxx and gymaxx, and groom yourself with a couple surgeries.
That's bluepilled bullshit unless you're actually diagnosed as an autist then your looks will always be the main factor
Not true and none of what I said is bluepill. It is the real blackpill. I never said looks dont matter. Go to a high profile club and you'll witness this yourself.
And back in america whenever i went outside i saw the most hideous white men with noodles and latinas
that's because being white in Latin America is winning the lottery.
if you're white and not fat, all 9/10 curvy Latinas will beg to suck your dick
if you're brown your only choices are 2/10 fat goblins
Being white/lightskinned is the most important trait for a Latina, just like a noodlewhore.
this fuck believes that sub 5 Hispanics are getting these 9/10 thick Latinas, you'll NEVER see a sub 5 brown guy with one of them, they're white only, the fate of a sub 5 Latino is staying alone or marrying a fat goblin that makes a 1/10 white girl look like a 10, and this fuck talks about looksmatch
Not true and none of what I said is bluepill. It is the real blackpill. Go to a high profile club and you'll witness this yourself.
That's not blackpill, the blackpill talks about actual autists who are diagnosed and have actual issues.

I've been to clubs and saw shy tall prettyboys with foids while the short brown jester low inhib guys were in a sausage fest
My list would be: Sandcels > Currycels > Spiccels > Whitecels > Ricecels > Blackcels
Show cased your Tamil IQ for once :bigbrain::bigbrain: I completely agree :feelsokman:
And back in america whenever i went outside i saw the most hideous white men with noodles and latinas
You mean they just betabuxxed & offered some turd-world whore a green-card?

Also they were probably NT+tall

I live in a Spic colony(sadly), and the only Slutinas I ever saw with White guys were higher-tier "whitewashed" Latinas with prettyboy NTfags.
Because the vast majority of inmigrants are made up of families and not single males
So all the guys I see barely older than me must have just hoped the fence then.
What is your point? Sheboons are the least desired females , so their men will inter marry more easily. Blacks have amongst the lowest SMVs worldwide anyways
Well, it means Blacks at least have foids they can get easily as opposed to Rices.

And look at the stats, BMWF is the second or third most common pairing.

This was a new stat btw, not the ones from two decades ago many here keep preaching.
Most men in general can't get anything higher than their looksmatches, and most foids age like shit and become fat, not just spicwhores.
This also. :yes:
that's because being white in Latin America is winning the lottery.
if you're white and not fat, all 9/10 curvy Latinas will beg to suck your dick
if you're brown your only choices are 2/10 fat goblins
Being white/lightskinned is the most important trait for a Latina, just like a noodlewhore.
this fuck believes that sub 5 Hispanics are getting these 9/10 thick Latinas, you'll NEVER see a sub 5 brown guy with one of them, they're white only, the fate of a sub 5 Latino is staying alone or marrying a fat goblin that makes a 1/10 white girl look like a 10, and this fuck talks about looksmatch
Literally lmfao

Denying this is denying basic knowledge on racepill and history

Any white guy as long as has white features and is normie can get far more attractive ethnic women. Meanwhile a sub5 latino will work his ass like a semi slave for a fat goblina, and this retarded pajeet tells me whites have it worse??
Most blackcels ive met have also been non-NT

Honestly, they're the only Blacks I feel bad for tbh-rest can get fucked.

Nah, I've seen quite a few thugmaxxers in HS & College end-up with lower-tier White foids.



Rices have it way worse than sands for sure.
Because the vast majority of inmigrants are made up of families and not single males

What is your point? Sheboons are the least desired females , so their men will inter marry more easily. Blacks have amongst the lowest SMVs worldwide anyways
That's not blackpill, the blackpill talks about actual autists who are diagnosed and have actual issues.

I've been to clubs and saw shy tall prettyboys with foids while the short brown jester low inhib guys were in a sausage fest
I'm not talking about looks not mattering nigga. I'm saying that guys that are low inhib are less likely to be incels and im talking about naturally uninhibited guy not
Overcompensating masqueraders
Most men in general can't get anything higher than their looksmatches, and most foids age like shit and become fat, not just spicwhores.
nice cope faggot.
Most men? so you're talking about Chads too? your list means shit then.
>foids get fat too!
a 2/10 fat Euro white woman looks like Aphrodite compared to a fat walled Latina
You mean they just betabuxxed & offered some turd-world whore a green-card?

Also they were probably NT+tall

I live in a Spic colony(sadly), and the only Slutinas I ever saw with White guys were higher-tier "whitewashed" Latinas with prettyboy NTfags.

So all the guys I see barely older than me must have just hoped the fence then.

Well, it means Blacks at least have foids they can get easily as opposed to Rices.

And look at the stats, BMWF is the second or third most common pairing.

This was a new stat btw, not the ones from two decades ago many here keep preaching.
By turd word whore you mean an attractive non white female that's attracted to white features, muh greencard is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ricecels looks mog blacks by a lot, i dont see foids simping for jamal or ngubu but a shit ton simping for the BTS/stray kids gooks
I'm not talking about looks not mattering nigga. I'm saying that guys that are low inhib are less likely to be incels and im talking about naturally uninhibited guy not
Overcompensating masqueraders
Then why did the short brown low inhib jesters had no foid next to them? Instead they were pathetically dancing in circle lol
nice cope faggot.
Most men? so you're talking about Chads too? your list means shit then.
>foids get fat too!
a 2/10 fat Euro white woman looks like Aphrodite compared to a fat walled Latina
Your reasoning of spics having it hard is because you find your foids ugly. This doesn't affect my list at all, but only showcases your volceldom.
Then why did the short brown low inhib jesters had no foid next to them? Instead they were pathetically dancing in circle lol
I'm not talking about jesters. I'm talking about thugs, drug dealers, criminals, club owners, street brawlers, miscreants.
That's not blackpill, the blackpill talks about actual autists who are diagnosed and have actual issues.

I've been to clubs and saw shy tall prettyboys with foids while the short brown jester low inhib guys were in a sausage fest
exactly imagine a 5’6 asian with zero inhibition stylemaxxes pullinf funny one liners approaching every female in his vicinity what do you thinks gonna happen. Now for a personal anecdote I’ve probably been rejected over 50 times at 18 and I’ve done everything warm, cold, in school, at social events, in friendgroups got ostracized from whatever friendgroup I was in got the police called on me once, and I’m average looking for a chink but I’m taller and framemog the typical chink into oblivion and I was style+haircut maxxed too. This is where I’ve drawn the line at the ntpill and I know similar guys too who are usually rice nothing particularly bad about them besides being rice and they’ve been rejected countless times most of us including myself are whitepilled by now and I have been for a year now. Nothing can save asian eyes and a flattened side profile.
Your reasoning of spics having it hard is because you find your foids ugly. This doesn't affect my list at all, but only showcases your volceldom.
He also rated this female a 10/10 on this thread
By turd word whore you mean an attractive
Cope jfl, most are objectively ugly, it's just they're skinny which is massive plus in Shitmerica due to how fat everyone here is.
non white female that's attracted to white features, muh greencard is just the tip of the iceberg.
Nah, Greencard & Cash is what she wants.

Look at EE, tons of Central Asain, Kavkaz, and Black guys do well there. Some are just betabuxxers ofc, but some actually do well.

Look at threads by @WorthlessSlavicShit he shows actual data on this.
Ricecels looks mog blacks by a lot, i dont see foids simping for jamal or ngubu but a shit ton simping for the BTS/stray kids gooks
Jfl, the stats I showed you indicate a good amount of Black men marry out whilst their foids hardly do.

Meanwhile, Noodlwhores marry-out a fuck-ton whilst barely any Asian men do.

And no, I dont give a shit about using Tik-Tok as a "source" K-popmaxxing only works for HTN+ rices in certain specific locations.
That's concerning considering theirs one billion of them
These stats are cope, they also account for boomers and early millenials
Not really, in North India they divorce to marry their mother-in-laws :feelskek: :lul:

I'm not talking about jesters. I'm talking about thugs, drug dealers, criminals, club owners, street brawlers, miscreants.
Triad and Yakuza leaders only had women out of fear most were incels. So were the thugs that raped junko furuta. CHINKS ALWAYS LOSE.
Your reasoning of spics having it hard is because you find your foids ugly. This doesn't affect my list at all, but only showcases your volceldom.
so you're a volcel for not fucking a 2/10 pajeeta right now?
this faggot is shoot braindead.
Cope jfl, most are objectively ugly, it's just they're skinny which is massive plus in Shitmerica due to how fat everyone here is.

Nah, Greencard & Cash is what she wants.

Look at EE, tons of Central Asain, Kavkaz, and Black guys do well there. Some are just betabuxxers ofc, but some actually do well.

Look at threads by @WorthlessSlavicShit he shows actual data on this.

Jfl, the stats I showed you indicate a good amount of Black men marry out whilst their foids hardly do.

Meanwhile, Noodlwhores marry-out a fuck-ton whilst barely any Asian men do.

And no, I dont give a shit about using Tik-Tok as a "source" K-popmaxxing only works for HTN+ rices in certain specific locations.
No they arent lol, white men get the most attractive ethnic females always just look at Tinder experiments

Also that guy is a mutt larping as slav, actual slavs are tall, have light features and are attractive so why would their women fuck Jamal or Mohammed? Makes no sense

And black men marrying out more doesn't prove anything, it's just that their foids are so ugly nobody wants them.
No they arent lol, white men get the most attractive ethnic females always just look at Tinder experiments
You mean attractive white males?
Also that guy is a mutt larping as slav,
No he isn't, show some actual proof then.

He's mentioned he has greenish eyes & lighter colored hair, and his family originates from some smaller rural Slovak villages. He's a representation of your average Slavic peasant-stock.

He also said he was bullied by Gypsies in school.
actual slavs are tall, have light features and are attractive so why would their women fuck Jamal or Mohammed? Makes no sense
Nordic-pheno ones, who aren't common.

racially, most are East-Baltid, Alpinid, etc. which are lower-tier for sure.
And black men marrying out more doesn't prove anything, it's just that their foids are so ugly nobody wants them.
yes it does.
He said many times he would fuck his pajeeta looksmatch
Then I don't know what the hell is this nigger doing here, basically shitting on the blackpill at its core and Rodger's gospel, repeating foid words like "HEY U ARENT AN INCEL! U JUST DONT WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH UGLIER WOMEN AND YOUR STANDARDS ARE UNREALISTIK!!" that's 100% feminist bullshit and this NIGGER is spreading it here.
You mean attractive white males?

No he isn't, show some actual proof then.

He's mentioned he has greenish eyes & lighter colored hair, and his family originates from some smaller rural Slovak villages. He's a representation of your average Slavic peasant-stock.

He also said he was bullied by Gypsies in school.

Nordic-pheno ones, who aren't common.

racially, most are East-Baltid, Alpinid, etc. which are lower-tier for sure.

yes it does.
All white men, as long as they're normie.

If that's so why is he incel? You must understand that balkaners are mutts and not representative of slavs.

Real slavs look very good and mog the hell out of kavkaz, negroes and ethnics overally
so you're a volcel for not fucking a 2/10 pajeeta right now?
this faggot is shoot braindead.
Then I don't know what the hell is this nigger doing here, basically shitting on the blackpill at its core and Rodger's gospel, repeating foid words like "HEY U ARENT AN INCEL! U JUST DONT WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH UGLIER WOMEN AND YOUR STANDARDS ARE UNREALISTIK!!" that's 100% feminist bullshit and this NIGGER is spreading it here.
Are you retarded? You're one that's sperging out because you don't want to fuck your looksmatch and want a white Becky, who you think is a Stacy instead.
You're one the sperging out because you don't want to fuck your looksmatch
why are you spreading this feminist shit? Answer, so you think that Rodger should've taken it like a good goy and settled down with a 6/10 instead of fighting for what he thought he deserved?
And no, I don't want white women only, I see 9/10s Latinas every day, all white Chad only, would die to have one of them but I will never get one because I'm a sub 5 manlet, now tell me why are you spreading bluepilled .org shit like "looksmatch" and feminist ideas here fucking nigger, I want an answer.
Because you'll 100% find on feminist subreddits shit like that you're proposing here, that sub 5 males should get a 3/10 whale and say thanks and if they don't they're volcels, that's 100% feminist shit and I want you to answer why are you promoting that shit here faggot.
One out of context example

Stop indian hate
Bro, shit like this always happens in North India trust me :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

Wait really, some have a non-nigger policy?

Not Black normies though.

I dont think JBB is law, but the second most common race of guys I see in public after White men with noodles is Black men with White foids.

And it's their own races fault for failing them, a lot of behavior is genetic after all.
most white women dont race mix
Bro, shit like this always happens in North India trust me :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

Two out of context examples...

North Indian aren't true Indians anyways
why are you spreading this feminist shit? Answer, so you think that Rodger should've taken it like a good goy and settled down with a 6/10 instead of fighting for what he thought he deserved?
And no, I don't want white women only, I see 9/10s Latinas every day, all white Chad only, would die to have one of them but I will never get one because I'm a sub 5 manlet, now tell me why are you spreading bluepilled .org shit like "looksmatch" and feminist ideas here fucking nigger, I want an answer.
Are you a Gen Alpha Tiktok fag?

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