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Discussion Ranking incels of each race that have it the easiest to hardest

All white men, as long as they're normie.
And can betabuxx
If that's so why is he incel?
Because foids in his country are hypergamous race-traitors? Slavwhores are similar to noodlewhores, this is blackpill 101

We have tons of West Slav users here.
You must understand that balkaners are mutts and not representative of slavs.
Slovaks aren't Balkaners, in fact they're considered West Slav & some online go on about being "Germanic"

Some may not looks stereotypically White, but according to genetic admixture they're European:

ADMIXTURE plot k 6 Ancestry proportions of 1 194 individuals as revealed by 1

Most are Dinaric also:



I've seen a good amount of Balkan people online, many do look Dinaric/White/Whitish, but yes some look ambiguous or Kavkaz
Real slavs look very good and mog the hell out of kavkaz, negroes and ethnics overally
No, they dont

A minority of the Nordic-passing ones do.

Look up East Baltid, Gorid, etc. phenos pretty subhuman tbh.


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Are you a Gen Alpha Tiktok fag?
Why are you moving the goalposts? I made a simple question, why are you promoting betacuck feminist shit around here, answer
and not leaving this thread until you answer fag, you just said that males who don't get a 2/10 are volcels, I've seen the same shit countless times on feminists subreddits hating on incels for not accepting the fucking crumbs of society that no HT Normie wants. calling it "looksmatched" another cucked idea from the .org, a cucked redpilled place full of normies.
Why are you moving the goalposts? I made a simple question, why are you promoting betacuck feminist shit around here, answer
There's nothing feminist or bluepilled about being with your looksmatch, since like I said, most men can't get anything higher than that.
There's nothing feminist or bluepilled about being with your looksmatch.
So again, you're saying that a sub 5 manlet should be grateful to fuck a 2/10 girl that nobody wants?
If you're a 2/10, then a 2/10 foid is the best you can get.
So you're saying that Rodger was wrong then right, for wanting a Blonde white girl instead of being a good goy and finding a 5/10 hapa/noodlewhore, answer he was wrong?
Yes, some do, because niggers on average are violent as fuck
Makes sense, it's not cause they think they're "ugly" but it's because they're worried about getting robbed/raped/killed.
So you're saying that Rodger was wrong then right, for wanting a Blonde white girl instead of being a good goy and finding a 5/10 noodlewhore, answer he was wrong?
ER looked like a mongrel chink queer. How did he think he could pull a blonde blue-eyed Stacy? There's nothing wrong with being a volcel, but he shouldn't have complained when he had unrealistic standards.
And can betabuxx

Because foids in his country are hypergamous race-traitors? Slavwhores are similar to noodlewhores, this is blackpill 101

We have tons of West Slav users here.

Slovaks aren't Balkaners, in fact they're considered West Slav & some online go on about being "Germanic"

Some may not looks stereotypically White, but according to genetic admixture they're European:
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Most are Dinaric also:



I've seen a good amount of Balkan people online, many do look Dinaric/White/Whitish, but yes some look ambiguous or Kavkaz

No, they dont

A minority of the Nordic-passing ones do.

Look up East Baltid, Gorid, etc. phenos pretty subhuman tbh.

Slovak women, slav women and white women arent race traitors, according to stats the absolute majority wouldnt date a non white male. Most slavic females dont want to be seen as race mixers by society

Also according to you these men are from the same race let alone same ethnicity? You're insane, you're also crazy to compare greek mutts to slavs

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ER looked like a mongrel chink queer. How did he think he could pull a blonde blue-eyed Stacy? There's nothing wrong with being a volcel, but he shouldn't have complained when he had unrealistic standards.
Ok so you hate ER, faggot why don't you go back to reddit then?
Also answer, 9/10 Stacy wanting Chad cock only is something good and fair? because she's being "looksmatched"? answer wanna hear it, how Stacy is right and "looksmatching" means that she has the right to fuck 10/10s only while ignoring sub 5 males like they're shit, wanna hear it, how she's right and society is right for promoting "looksmatching" and she has all the right in the world to fuck Chads and Tyrones only.
Ok so you hate ER, faggot why don't you go back to reddit then?
Also answer, 9/10 Stacy wanting Chad cock only is something good and fair? because she's being "looksmatched"? answer wanna hear it, how Stacy is right and "looksmatching" means that she has the right to fuck 10/10s only while ignoring sub 5 males like they're shit, wanna hear it, how she's right and society is right for promoting "looksmatching" and she has all the right in the world to fuck Chads and Tyrones only.
Retard ER would've hated you for being a shitskin and thought of himself as your superior:feelskek:
Thread has been completely derailed
Retard ER would've hated you for being a shitskin and thought of himself as your superior:feelskek:
Why moving the goalposts again? I made a question, do you think that Stacy fucking chads only is something good, fair and reasonable due to your "looksmatching" shit? She's being looksmatched amirite, we shouldn't complain right, girl power?
No he isn't, show some actual proof then.
Tfw he shows a photo of some shitskin and claims that he hacked my computer and that's me, meanwhile my computer's camera doesn't work:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

He's mentioned he has greenish eyes & lighter colored hair,
Dark brown hair actually. Correct about the eyes.

He also said he was bullied by Gypsies in school.
Fact check: True.

actual slavs are tall,
You do realize that height variation exists in every population, right:feelskek::feelskek:? I know that half of this forum are autistic retards who don't understand how different people are even inside a single population, but you do understand that there are short and tall guys everywhere, regardless of their ancestry, right:feelskek:?

And yes, I very much get heightmogged everywhere I go.

have light features
Nigga, not even half of the people here or in most other CEE countries are blonde haired:feelskek::feelskek:.


and are attractive
Once again, I know that this is hard for the autists here to understand, but you do realize that there are attractive and unattractive people everywhere, right:lul::lul:?

I got rated 3/10 by my sister once and got laughed at regularly in school. It's that simple.

why would their women fuck Jamal or Mohammed? Makes no sense
For the same reason American and WE women do so more than their men fuck the women of those ethnicities.

And black men marrying out more doesn't prove anything, it's just that their foids are so ugly nobody wants them.
Nigga how doesn't it prove anything:feelskek::feelskek:? It clearly proves that white women find Jamals and Mohammeds attractive enough to fuck, whether anybody wants or doesn't want Shaniquas and Maryams is irrelevant in that equation. Women aren't going to fuck you unless you're attractive, no matter how much you beg because your women are ugly, it's that simple.

Bro, do you even know the definition of Balkans:feelskek:? The most common definition of Balkans' norther border is the Danube river, whose only contact with my country is to create a part of the southern border, nobody in the Balkans thinks we are one of them:feelskek::feelskek:.
Thread has been completely derailed
Not derailed just people saw that you're a feminist nigger saying that any guy who doesn't accept a 2/10 is a volcel.
Why moving the goalposts again? I made a question, do you think that Stacy fucking chads only is something good, fair and reasonable due to your "looksmatching" shit?
You're the one that completely derailed my thread because I called you a volcel for rejecting your own women. And I never said Stacies or foids being hypergamous was good, just that getting your looksmatch is your best chance in ascending.
Tfw he shows a photo of some shitskin and claims that he hacked my computer and that's me, meanwhile my computer's camera doesn't work:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Dark brown hair actually. Correct about the eyes.

Fact check: True.

You do realize that height variation exists in every population, right:feelskek::feelskek:? I know that half of this forum are autistic retards who don't understand how different people are even inside a single population, but you do understand that there are short and tall guys everywhere, regardless of their ancestry, right:feelskek:?

And yes, I very much get heightmogged everywhere I go.

Nigga, not even half of the people here or in most other CEE countries are blonde haired:feelskek::feelskek:.

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Once again, I know that this is hard for the autists here to understand, but you do realize that there are attractive and unattractive people everywhere, right:lul::lul:?

I got rated 3/10 by my sister once and got laughed at regularly in school. It's that simple.

For the same reason American and WE women do so more than their men fuck the women of those ethnicities.

Nigga how doesn't it prove anything:feelskek::feelskek:? It clearly proves that white women find Jamals and Mohammeds attractive enough to fuck, whether anybody wants or doesn't want Shaniquas and Maryams is irrelevant in that equation. Women aren't going to fuck you unless you're attractive, no matter how much you beg because your women are ugly, it's that simple.

Bro, do you even know the definition of Balkans:feelskek:? The most common definition of Balkans' norther border is the Danube river, whose only contact with my country is to create a part of the southern border, nobody in the Balkans thinks we are one of them:feelskek::feelskek:.
Then there's your answer, you're incel due to being 3/10 i.e Truecel NOT because you're an slav

Slavs have a far bigger amount of attractive features than the swarth lands in the south let alone ethnics, therefore it's impossible their women find arabs or Blacks attractive

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You're the one that completely derailed my thread because I called you a volcel for rejecting your own women.
I don't reject my own women, they want Chad only, just like in any other place in the world braindead monkey, you said I should find a 2/10 pig and be happy, your own words faggot, same words you'll find in every feminist subreddit saying that we're incels "by choice!
And I never said Stacies or foids being hypergamous was good, just that getting your looksmatch is your best chance in ascending.
Nah don't lie slimy little weasel you said looksmatching is law and if you don't follow it you're a volcel, that means Stacy should fuck Chads only, don't bullshit us, ascending? looksmatching? you 100% come from the .org, a place filled with normies and faggots, you want to spread their bullshit here too?
Next post you'll suggest surgery and looksmaxx? fucking ape
I don't reject my own women, they want Chad only, just like in any other place in the world braindead monkey, you said I should find a 2/10 pig and be happy, your own words faggot, same words you'll find in every feminist subreddit saying that we're incels "by choice!
Because I assumed you were a 2/10 as well.
Nah don't lie slimy little weasel you said looksmatching is law
I didn't say that anywhere. Stop going off tangents.
Slovak women, slav women and white women arent race traitors, according to stats the absolute majority wouldnt date a non white male. Most slavic females dont want to be seen as race mixers by society
Stats say else wise
Also according to you these men are from the same race let alone same ethnicity? You're insane, you're also crazy to compare greek mutts to slavs

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Cherrypicking images, I can find better examples, and look at the data & phenos I shared.








@edgelordcel @Ron.Belgrade @ArcticAngel
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Then there's your answer, you're incel due to being 3/10 i.e Truecel NOT because you're an slav

Slavs have a far bigger amount of attractive features than the swarth lands in the south let alone ethnics, therefore it's impossible their women find arabs or Blacks attractive

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Bro those maps confirm what he said, tons of Slavs don't even have blue eyes, blond hair, and aside from some regions like the Baltic it's quite low.

And look at the tons of Slavpill threads, their women are all massive race-traitors, especially Polish ones.
I didn't say that anywhere. Stop going off tangents.
Spics live to go off on tangents & derail stuff, it's the only way they can "win" an argument.
I didn't say that anywhere. Stop going off tangents.
you're using looksmatching to judge and entire race and how they breed faster than other races, then you said if you don't follow looksmatching you're a volcel, now you're denying shit that you posted mins ago like a bitchboy scared that his cuckery was too obvious.
Because I assumed you were a 2/10 as well.
So you're saying 2/10 guys should date 2/10 mongrels ONLY and shut up? Curious, that's exactly WHAT REDDIT FEMINIST FOIDS SUGGEST TO ALL INCELS, THAT WE CAN'T ASPIRE OR WANT SOMETHING BETTER AND WE SHOULD GET A 2/10 MONSTER AND BE HAPPY.
@LeFrenchCel this faggot is spreading feminist ideas.
Bro those maps confirm what he said, tons of Slavs don't even have blue eyes, blond hair, and aside from some regions like the Baltic it's quite low.

And look at the tons of Slavpill threads, their women are all massive race-traitors, especially Polish ones.

Spics live to go off on tangents & derail stuff, it's the only way they can "win" an argument.
Slavpill threads made by self hating mutts without source who dont represent actual slavs and their main source are few outliers

As the maps prove, vast majority of eastern europeans have a higher amount of light features than other places of europe

Also show me the stats that proof slavic women are race traitors, i look at actual maps and that's complete bullshit
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*and curries too :feelskek: :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
You're an expert for this jfl.

Slavpill threads made by self hating mutts without source who dont represent actual slavs and their main source are few outliers
Nigga they show actual data, and many of them are West Slavs such as @PolskiKartofel @WorthlessSlavicShit @To koniec
As the maps prove, vast majority of eastern europeans have a higher amount of light features than other places of europe
Barely, and they're dwarfed by NW-Europe.
Also show me the stats that proof slavic women are race traitors, i look at actual maps and that's complete bullshit
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That's asking the parents bruh, and Slav countries aren't "muh based n' trad" like some copers I know online.

It's traditionalism for men, liberalism for the women.

Foids will foid like Western Whitewhores or any race of women for that matter.
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So you're saying 2/10 guys should date 2/10 mongrels ONLY and shut up? Curious, that's exactly WHAT REDDIT FEMINIST FOIDS SUGGEST TO ALL INCELS, THAT WE CAN'T ASPIRE OR WANT SOMETHING BETTER AND WE SHOULD GET A 2/10 MONSTER AND BE HAPPY.
@LeFrenchCel this faggot is spreading feminist ideas.
Yeah? Be realistic. Homeless nigger can't aspire to become a billionaire, that's how world works whether you think it's fair or unfair 'cause it's not realistic in the first place
This might be extremely controversial, but I believe actual blackcels have it the hardest, since they can't even escortmaxx due to foids having a no nigger policy. They will also still be low-IQ, so they have no hope in moneymaxxing and they'll be stuck in their shitty crime-ridden neighborhoods for as long as they live

Thank you for acknowledging this. No demographic of men have it worse than Sub-Saharans.
Personally I don't give two fucks if a foid wants me tbh. They and their preferences don't matter to me at all. All I care about is fucking them.

Come to the Netherlands, you can find prostitutes everywhere.
Yeah? Be realistic
Now tell me to join redpilluniversity, start gymmaxxing and breaking my knees like Goggins, because let's be realistic grown-ass men who don't complain or feel bad and marry 2/10 foids like true men!
redpilled faggot
15 mins and your boyfriend can't find an answer, next time let him answer like a realistic real grown man, instead of hiding like a bitch for 15 mins because he's still thinking what he can say to justify his cuckery.
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Non-NT Blacks have it very hard for sure, especially if short as well.

Though they do IQmog a lot of other Blacks.

Asperger's Syndrome is a trade-off, gain general IQ, lose verbal IQ making you socially retarded. There's a reason why Einstein and Edison couldn't talk until they were 5. Among Black kids this is social suicide, as they mature faster than other races and punish immaturity harsher than any other race.
Slavpill threads made by self hating mutts without source who dont represent actual slavs and their main source are few outliers

As the maps prove, vast majority of eastern europeans have a higher amount of light features than other places of europe

Also show me the stats that proof slavic women are race traitors, i look at actual maps and that's complete bullshit
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There's no data for Yugo-Slavia, Albania, Syria, and Iran because the moment they asked people the interviewers were chased out of the country by angry mobs with baseball bats insulted at the idea that their daughters would even exist in the same universe as a Black male.
You're an expert for this jfl.

Nigga they show actual data, and many of them are West Slavs such as @PolskiKartofel @WorthlessSlavicShit @To koniec

Barely, and they're dwarfed by NW-Europe.

That's asking the parents bruh, and Slav countries aren't "muh based n' trad" like some copers I know online.

It's traditionalism for men, liberalism for the women.

Foids will foid like Western Whitewhores or any race of women for that matter.
So threads made by self hating LARPers who blame their totally attractive race instead of their shitty looks as the main cause of their inceldom..yeah sure

Also do you think really think any foid would risk to be potentially outcasted from her family just to date a short-er ugl-ier arab?
yeah street shitters being the most truecel is a meme
Also do you think really think any foid would risk to be potentially outcasted from her family
White people don't live with their parents like you do
White people don't live with their parents like you do
now say "being white is so hard guys you don't get it being white is we get it harder than anyone!" :feelshaha:
So threads made by self hating LARPers
They're not LARPers, they're actual Slavs-stop with this cope I can't possibly take it seriously.

I like how you won't even look at them when I mentioned they share data.

I've seen one of their faces, and he literally is blonde hair & blue eyes, but he has Alpinid facial features, so ofc he's not that appealing.
who blame their totally attractive race
Jfl, like I said google East Baltid, Alpinid, Gorid, Danubian, etc. phenos which are the majority of most Slavs.
instead of their shitty looks as the main cause of their inceldom..yeah sure
According to you, they can't be Incel just for being "White"
yeah street shitters being the most truecel is a meme
Same for Blacks

Rices are the most trucel to be fair.
They're not LARPers, they're actual Slavs-stop with this cope I can't possibly take it seriously.

I like how you won't even look at them when I mentioned they share data.

I've seen one of their faces, and he literally is blonde hair & blue eyes, but he has Alpinid facial features, so ofc he's not that appealing.

Jfl, like I said google East Baltid, Alpinid, Gorid, Danubian, etc. phenos which are the majority of most Slavs.

According to you, they can't be Incel just for being "White"

Same for Blacks

Rices are the most trucel to be fair.
They can be incels if they're absolutely hideous as @WorthlessSlavicShit claims to be.

If that's so there's no other reason for them to be incels since their race is neither ugly nor short.
2 assblasted whites and a jeet who can't face criticism.
there are tons of white truecels, the ones crying like bitches when someone shows proof that they can geomaxx and fuck 9/10 ethnics aren't because they're probably 6'+ whites with good bone structure but lazy fucks who actually want white girls only (despite them calling ethnics volcels for wanting white women only) so it hits home and they go full defensive mode.
In america maybe, east europe it's a different society
Everywhere whites are more of a individual based societies than family and group based
They can be incels if they're absolutely hideous as @WorthlessSlavicShit claims to be.

If that's so there's no other reason for them to be incels since their race is neither ugly nor short.
He did a thread once about how a lot of young EE men report being virgins.

And it included a wide-array of Slav countries, including Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Russia, etc.

He's done tons of well-researched threads on this stuff, Slav women marry-out at a high rate.

One of the first Slavs I ever met was part-Czech from his maternal side.

A foid who also was a bitch to me had a Polish mom & German dad.
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They're not LARPers, they're actual Slavs-stop with this cope I can't possibly take it seriously.

I like how you won't even look at them when I mentioned they share data.

I've seen one of their faces, and he literally is blonde hair & blue eyes, but he has Alpinid facial features, so ofc he's not that appealing.

Jfl, like I said google East Baltid, Alpinid, Gorid, Danubian, etc. phenos which are the majority of most Slavs.

According to you, they can't be Incel just for being "White"

Same for Blacks

Rices are the most trucel to be fair.
Rices are the most truecel by far, thats why rice truecels like me don’t have it that bad because we have support networks with other chinks since truecel is 99% of chinks. And we have better natural coping ability sibce were evolved to focus on other things besides fuxking
90%+ of truecels worldwide are chinks its basically interchangeable

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