There are plenty of legit raceplay blogs on Tumblr ran by Asian foids.
fucking lol.
My tumblr (before they shut it down) had 100,000 followers.
I am telling you... 99%+ of those followers were men.
If you doubt me, run your own and when you get submissions, ask them to write a note with your username on it to prove who they are. None of them can.
It's all fucking chinese and indian dudes with the occasional black dude trolling about his dick.
I think I spoke to maybe 5 actual girls in the entire time I ran it. And guess what? when they said they wanted white guys, they meant fucking CHAD white guys and they weren't into 1% of the creepy raceplay shit that the cuckold raceplay accounts talk about.
So the summary is that hot ethnic girls want chads. Most of them want white chads. Big fucking surprise there.
I swear its amazing some of you dudes think you're blackpilled, but the minute someone says "JBW theory" you forget about all the other blackpills.
Blackpill: White skin is a status symbol. THis is attractive.
Blackpill: It's not going to take you from 2/10 to 8/10.
Blackpill: Girls want chad.
Blackpill: Girls want white chad more than black chad or (lol) indian/chinese chad.
If you honestly think that most of the fetish blogs and tumblrs are run by females and not trannies and cuck larpers, then you are totally low IQ. If you think raceplay isn't the biggest offender of that, then you're low IQ.
Like I say, get a tumblr, write some raceplay stuff, see how many girls you get following you and get them to actually prove they're both real and actually girls.
It's 0.0001% and even those girls aren't interested in you if you're white and ugly.