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You need to understand some things,this is mainly for white men 18-30 who feel like its over

Oh my god, not another fucking diet coper
Diet won't change your looks much but if over 30generations people eat shit they will look worse and worse isn't this common sense?
Diet won't change your looks much but if over 30generations people eat shit they will look worse and worse isn't this common sense?
Maybe, but OP is completely coping his balls off even more than other diet copers i saw here
1.Stop crying about muh white race,i know this is a big no no here but you people need to understand something,countries dont exist,society is a social construct,and the only reason niggers are fucking your women is because they can smell the soy emanating off of you.Think about it,about whats changed,the diet,just think about it.Imagine being a woman and being driven only truly by nature,you have the option of the modern goyim western male who eats soy,veggies full of toxins,and grains and seeds ground up into different types of goyslop,vs a natural human being aka the nigger whos imported who grew up eating goats,drinking goat blood,eating goat organs etc,if a white man just ate the natural human diet,drank blood,ate raw meat etc then it wouldnt even be a competition.And the white women wouldnt be cucking you with niggers,the jews are doing this through the diet,they have also cucked asians by feeding them rice which is full of arsenic and literally sugar and dead fiber plant material,most people will say how the jews are satanic and all this,ignore all that mind sludge,the diets the true key to it all.Theyre waging war on another group of humans by feeding them sludge.

2.The reason youre sub 5 is because you ate shit growing up,the reason you have a fucked up face and chin is because your parents fed you soy slop and cooked dead meat,also whatever your mother eats while shes pregnant matters too,and being in the us she will most likely binge on slop and you will of course use this as fuel in the womb,take anti depressants etc,which will all of course fuck you up

3.Then you will be born,you will have mercury filled vaccines for mostly fake viruses and diseases injected inside your newborn body,mercury will be rubbed onto your face,you will then be given a fake name in a man made language and signed over to the government,so they can "educate" you into a good slave and serve their agenda.

4.Dont fall for the nationalist shit,every nation on earth needs sub 5 men to die for their fake man made countries that dont exist while stacy chad and the richies fuck each others brains out,dying for a man made country is the absolutely most enslaved you can be.

5.love is chemicals,if a woman "loves you for your money" she loves your money and not you,you need to find someone who loves you as in your face and genetics and wants to make babies with you

5.The reason im saying this isnt to say its over or not,im trying to make you realize that the diet you eat is the source of your issues,you need to eat your natural diet,and become biochemically healthy,and find a woman who loves you as in loves your looks,which even if your sub 5 cant be hard as a white male,regardless of her race,and you need to fuck her and impregnate her as much as you can,wake the fuck up slaves
Actually this is good stuff coming from a racist nazicel like you
Europeans came and took land of other people
who did the land belong to? Did they have a country? A civilization? What was it called? What did its flag look like? Who was the leader of its national government?

Oh right, it wasnt a country at all, it was some tribes of cannibalistic natives that did nothing but kill, eat, and enslave each other. Then the white man came and created civilization in America and africa, a concept completely unknown to the low iq subhuman cannibals living there. The white man brought food and medicine, which ironically saved far more lives than colonialism ever killed.

and turned it into the biggest most degenerated slave country in the world
Who brought the slaves? Who owned the slave ships? Who ran the slave auctions? Who were the sellers at slave auctions? Interestingly if you look for the answers to these questions it was jews, not white people. Also according to the 1860 US census, which was at the PEAK of slavery, less than 1% of white people owned slaves. Practically all of the slaves in america were owned by jews.

So both your points are wrong. But go ahead, keep simping for the losers.
1.Stop crying about muh white race,i know this is a big no no here but you people need to understand something,countries dont exist,society is a social construct,and the only reason niggers are fucking your women is because they can smell the soy emanating off of you.Think about it,about whats changed,the diet,just think about it.Imagine being a woman and being driven only truly by nature,you have the option of the modern goyim western male who eats soy,veggies full of toxins,and grains and seeds ground up into different types of goyslop,vs a natural human being aka the nigger whos imported who grew up eating goats,drinking goat blood,eating goat organs etc,if a white man just ate the natural human diet,drank blood,ate raw meat etc then it wouldnt even be a competition.And the white women wouldnt be cucking you with niggers,the jews are doing this through the diet,they have also cucked asians by feeding them rice which is full of arsenic and literally sugar and dead fiber plant material,most people will say how the jews are satanic and all this,ignore all that mind sludge,the diets the true key to it all.Theyre waging war on another group of humans by feeding them sludge.

2.The reason youre sub 5 is because you ate shit growing up,the reason you have a fucked up face and chin is because your parents fed you soy slop and cooked dead meat,also whatever your mother eats while shes pregnant matters too,and being in the us she will most likely binge on slop and you will of course use this as fuel in the womb,take anti depressants etc,which will all of course fuck you up

3.Then you will be born,you will have mercury filled vaccines for mostly fake viruses and diseases injected inside your newborn body,mercury will be rubbed onto your face,you will then be given a fake name in a man made language and signed over to the government,so they can "educate" you into a good slave and serve their agenda.

4.Dont fall for the nationalist shit,every nation on earth needs sub 5 men to die for their fake man made countries that dont exist while stacy chad and the richies fuck each others brains out,dying for a man made country is the absolutely most enslaved you can be.

5.love is chemicals,if a woman "loves you for your money" she loves your money and not you,you need to find someone who loves you as in your face and genetics and wants to make babies with you

5.The reason im saying this isnt to say its over or not,im trying to make you realize that the diet you eat is the source of your issues,you need to eat your natural diet,and become biochemically healthy,and find a woman who loves you as in loves your looks,which even if your sub 5 cant be hard as a white male,regardless of her race,and you need to fuck her and impregnate her as much as you can,wake the fuck up slaves
Will enjoy you're ban
Nationalism isnt about loving an arbitrary piece of land, its about loving the people that live in that arbitrary piece of land.

When america was white, you could walk down to the gas station to buy something and return home unharmed. Nowadays, youll get mugged or more likely killed if you try that. Im not sure if id label myself a nationalist, but regardless, nationism is not cope. I want to live in a safe country without thugs in it.
Same. My town used to be nice and quiet, by now a pack of around a dozen thugmaxxed niggers moved in on the next street over. Can’t even ride my bike now without a group of 6 of them watching me and occasionally following me. Fucking scum destroying our town. No hate to the black brocels who are peaceful though. I’m only referring to the thug kind
Same. My town used to be nice and quiet, by now a pack of around a dozen thugmaxxed niggers moved in on the next street over. Can’t even ride my bike now without a group of 6 of them watching me and occasionally following me. Fucking scum destroying our town. No hate to the black brocels who are peaceful though. I’m only referring to the thug kind

it's so over for western society :cryfeels::feelsrope:
Oh right, it wasnt a country at all, it was some tribes of cannibalistic natives that did nothing but kill, eat, and enslave each other. Then the white man came and created civilization in America and africa, a concept completely unknown to the low iq subhuman cannibals living there. The white man brought food and medicine, which ironically saved far more lives than colonialism ever killed.
I disagree. Africa would be better of it was left untouched and we wouldn't have Africans in Europe. You cannot know something if you haven't been there yourself and just because some book says something it doesn't mean its the truth
Who brought the slaves? Who owned the slave ships? Who ran the slave auctions? Who were the sellers at slave auctions? Interestingly if you look for the answers to these questions it was jews, not white people. Also according to the 1860 US census, which was at the PEAK of slavery, less than 1% of white people owned slaves. Practically all of the slaves in america were owned by jews.
I do agree with that. The Jews are behind everything and I think that is needless to say
I disagree. Africa would be better of it was left untouched and we wouldn't have Africans in Europe. You cannot know something if you haven't been there yourself and just because some book says something it doesn't mean its the truth
Im not talking about what some book said, im talking about the journal entires of expeditionary force soldiers who made first contact with africans of many different tribes. Many soldiers wrote extensively about what they saw.

Imagine your worst nightmare, now multiply it by 10. Im not even being racist when i say this - african "people" are truly not human.

The exact same behavior is also described in the journals and other documents from the spaniards on Cortez' conquest of mesoamerica. The natives displayed the most barbaric and disgusting behavior imaginable, even to their own people.
I do agree with that. The Jews are behind everything and I think that is needless to say
Very true. Its crazy how they end up being behind basically every single major problem in all of human history
and we wouldn't have Africans in Europe.
I do agree with this. I honestly dont really care what crimes against humanity the Africans are doing to other Africans, i just wish they wouldn't be migrating to western countries today. If the colonial era europeans knew what the world would look like in 2024, they wouldve never touched africa. They wouldve let them stay there, completely unaware that europe exists
Im not talking about what some book said, im talking about the journal entires of expeditionary force soldiers who made first contact with africans of many different tribes. Many soldiers wrote extensively about what they saw.

Imagine your worst nightmare, now multiply it by 10. Im not even being racist when i say this - african "people" are truly not human.

The exact same behavior is also described in the journals and other documents from the spaniards on Cortez' conquest of mesoamerica. The natives displayed the most barbaric and disgusting behavior imaginable, even to their own people.
And where can I read those journals? I will read them sure but as I said, everything written on a paper has to be taken with a grain of salt
And where can I read those journals? I will read them sure but as I said, everything written on a paper has to be taken with a grain of salt
Only what you can test and see irl can be called the truth. Anybody can write anything on a paper. Im sure you understand what I mean by this
everything written on a paper has to be taken with a grain of salt
True, i do agree with you here. Its always good to question things and not take everything at face value. but personally i do believe what they said because there were numerous different soldiers, many of which from completely different countries/armies who all described the exact same behavior and rituals.

And where can I read those journals?
I hope this doesnt sound like a copout but i read them many months ago when i was down a rabbit hole and i dont remember where they were, though if you just search it up i imagine they shouldn't be that hard to find. There are a lot of really cool preserved and archived primary sources (like journals and other kinds of documents) out there on the internet, some are kinda easy to find and some you have to dig for, but they're very interesting if you like history
1.Stop crying about muh white race,i know this is a big no no here but you people need to understand something,countries dont exist,society is a social construct

Dont fall for the nationalist shit,every nation on earth needs sub 5 men to die for their fake man made countries

Nationalism isnt about loving an arbitrary piece of land, its about loving the people that live in that arbitrary piece of land.
and that's why nationalism and inceldom cannot coexist.
imagine loving all the Chads and Stacys that wronged you since school because they're white, 100% cuck
redpill-tier cuckery
and that's why nationalism and inceldom cannot coexist.
imagine loving all the Chads and Stacys that wronged you since school because they're white, 100% cuck
redpill-tier cuckery
Literally all you had to do was read my entire comment before replying
Im not sure if id label myself a nationalist

And its not about loving stacey who bullied me, its about loving the fact that shes not a violent nigger who would rob me or kill me when she got the chance.
and that's why nationalism and inceldom cannot coexist.
imagine loving all the Chads and Stacys that wronged you since school because they're white, 100% cuck
redpill-tier cuckery
You didn't even read his reply, did you. Nationalism is basically loving your own tribe of people. Its natural if you go by that definition
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Literally all you had to do was read my entire comment before replying
and in my reply I didn't call you nationalist, the "you" was general, same as using a "me" as an example of my cuckery defending something like nationalism.
and the fact that you keep defending nationalism while saying "but I'm not a nationalist!" makes me believe that you indeed, love nationalism.
Diet, huh? :feelsdevil: I want to keep a woman on diet of my OWN SPERM :lasereyes::lasereyes:
true thats all on the particles of our body
I'm just not in favor of any racial identity because I think it's unrealistic, an invented ideology
white foids fuck niggers because they have been allowed to, they face no consequences for it, which should never happen. it has nothing to do with the state of white men.
If the colonial era europeans knew what the world would look like in 2024, they wouldve never touched africa. They wouldve let them stay there, completely unaware that europe exists
You didn't even read his reply, did you. Nationalism is basically loving your own tribe of people basically. Its natural
show me that definition, nationalism isn't whatever shit I say it is, I can say "NATIONALISM IS UMM I LOVE MY NATION BUT NOT THE PEOPLE!" bullshit, show me the definition of Nationalism.
"identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations."
and that's why it can't work around inceldom because the world itself wronged us, including the nation we're living in, and the biggest crime of most nations was granting foid's rights, I can understand a sandnigger being a nationalist because at least his Nation didn't fuck his chances to get a woman from the beginning.
Will enjoy you're ban
There is nothing in the rules and FAQ section that indicates thinking with your own head deserves a ban. @Kazumok is perhaps not 100% right but he is on the right track, everything he said makes sense depending on how you look at it
who did the land belong to? Did they have a country? A civilization? What was it called? What did its flag look like? Who was the leader of its national government?

Oh right, it wasnt a country at all, it was some tribes of cannibalistic natives that did nothing but kill, eat, and enslave each other. Then the white man came and created civilization in America and africa, a concept completely unknown to the low iq subhuman cannibals living there. The white man brought food and medicine, which ironically saved far more lives than colonialism ever killed.

Who brought the slaves? Who owned the slave ships? Who ran the slave auctions? Who were the sellers at slave auctions? Interestingly if you look for the answers to these questions it was jews, not white people. Also according to the 1860 US census, which was at the PEAK of slavery, less than 1% of white people owned slaves. Practically all of the slaves in america were owned by jews.

So both your points are wrong. But go ahead, keep simping for the losers.
It doesnt matter who it belonged to my point is that they brought food and medicine that degenerated the natives and turned them away from nature. Im not talking about slaves from africa im talking about slaves like you who believe that unnatural things are good
It doesnt matter who it belonged to my point is that they brought food and medicine that degenerated the natives and turned them away from nature. Im not talking about slaves from africa im talking about slaves like you who believe that unnatural things are good
You are right about that. Unnatural=bad, always
There is nothing in the rules and FAQ section that indicates thinking with your own head deserves a ban. @Kazumok is perhaps not 100% right but he is on the right track, everything he said makes sense depending on how you look at it
pseudo science or non tested information also genes trump all of this muh enviornment
who did the land belong to? Did they have a country? A civilization? What was it called? What did its flag look like? Who was the leader of its national government?

Oh right, it wasnt a country at all, it was some tribes of cannibalistic natives that did nothing but kill, eat, and enslave each other. Then the white man came and created civilization in America and africa, a concept completely unknown to the low iq subhuman cannibals living there. The white man brought food and medicine, which ironically saved far more lives than colonialism ever killed.

Who brought the slaves? Who owned the slave ships? Who ran the slave auctions? Who were the sellers at slave auctions? Interestingly if you look for the answers to these questions it was jews, not white people. Also according to the 1860 US census, which was at the PEAK of slavery, less than 1% of white people owned slaves. Practically all of the slaves in america were owned by jews.

So both your points are wrong. But go ahead, keep simping for the losers.
Which country is promoting things like feminism, lgbt and overall degeneracy the most today? Your glorious
July 4 Usa GIF
Diet coping is redpill shit. It's works well for those with average genes not subhumans
5.love is chemicals,if a woman "loves you for your money" she loves your money and not you,you need to find someone who loves you as in your face and genetics and wants to make babies with you
Everything is chemical
Any feelings of sadness, shame or defeatism are just the way the shocks in your brain are being transmitted
If you could somehow tweak your brain enough you would be able to have as much satisfaction in life as the most privileged people, in the end we are all chemical processes anyway
Same. My town used to be nice and quiet, by now a pack of around a dozen thugmaxxed niggers moved in on the next street over. Can’t even ride my bike now without a group of 6 of them watching me and occasionally following me. Fucking scum destroying our town. No hate to the black brocels who are peaceful though. I’m only referring to the thug kind
It would be better if the population just started taking up arms and killing people like that just like any tribe would do
The biggest mistake in history was the invention of the modern state, fault of some rich, faggot French people from the 17th-18th century.

it's so over for western society :cryfeels::feelsrope:
I know man. They are not trustworthy at all. They literally tried to steal my 65 mph nitro power radio control car WHILE I WAS DRIVING IT. Luckily, I just drove it quickly back to me and they ran away. I got lucky as shit though, because the thing ran out of fuel 10 seconds later. It’s a good hobby because you can buy all the spare parts and fix anything that breaks. Gotta find a new parking lot to run them in though, sadly. I hope this pack of thugs doesn’t live there long and gets evicted or something
It would be better if the population just started taking up arms and killing people like that just like any tribe would do
The biggest mistake in history was the invention of the modern state, fault of some rich, faggot French people from the 17th-18th century.
Yes, people like them absolutely suck. At the very least even if you didn’t kill them, you could drive them away with the threat of killing them. They have no place in a civilized town

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