1.Stop crying about muh white race,i know this is a big no no here but you people need to understand something,countries dont exist,society is a social construct,and the only reason niggers are fucking your women is because they can smell the soy emanating off of you.Think about it,about whats changed,the diet,just think about it.Imagine being a woman and being driven only truly by nature,you have the option of the modern goyim western male who eats soy,veggies full of toxins,and grains and seeds ground up into different types of goyslop,vs a natural human being aka the nigger whos imported who grew up eating goats,drinking goat blood,eating goat organs etc,if a white man just ate the natural human diet,drank blood,ate raw meat etc then it wouldnt even be a competition.And the white women wouldnt be cucking you with niggers,the jews are doing this through the diet,they have also cucked asians by feeding them rice which is full of arsenic and literally sugar and dead fiber plant material,most people will say how the jews are satanic and all this,ignore all that mind sludge,the diets the true key to it all.Theyre waging war on another group of humans by feeding them sludge.
2.The reason youre sub 5 is because you ate shit growing up,the reason you have a fucked up face and chin is because your parents fed you soy slop and cooked dead meat,also whatever your mother eats while shes pregnant matters too,and being in the us she will most likely binge on slop and you will of course use this as fuel in the womb,take anti depressants etc,which will all of course fuck you up
3.Then you will be born,you will have mercury filled vaccines for mostly fake viruses and diseases injected inside your newborn body,mercury will be rubbed onto your face,you will then be given a fake name in a man made language and signed over to the government,so they can "educate" you into a good slave and serve their agenda.
4.Dont fall for the nationalist shit,every nation on earth needs sub 5 men to die for their fake man made countries that dont exist while stacy chad and the richies fuck each others brains out,dying for a man made country is the absolutely most enslaved you can be.
5.love is chemicals,if a woman "loves you for your money" she loves your money and not you,you need to find someone who loves you as in your face and genetics and wants to make babies with you
5.The reason im saying this isnt to say its over or not,im trying to make you realize that the diet you eat is the source of your issues,you need to eat your natural diet,and become biochemically healthy,and find a woman who loves you as in loves your looks,which even if your sub 5 cant be hard as a white male,regardless of her race,and you need to fuck her and impregnate her as much as you can,wake the fuck up slaves