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/r/NiggerTears has cucktears SCARED



Nov 8, 2017
a cucktears member tried to link to niggertears, but the mods deleted the post and said:

"Please don't link to hostile subs right now, it encourages brigading. As long as they obey Reddit rules in that sub, they aren't doing anything wrong by posting there."

They know that the second niggertears is banned, their sub is banned.

The SECOND cucktears condemn Niggertears, they condemn their own sub.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NiggerTears/ for some satirical fun.
>call black people negros and say that they're chimping out
>get banned
fucking cuck mods
fagotonabike said:
>call black people negros and say that they're chimping out
>get banned
fucking cuck mods

Actual racism will get the sub banned. The sub copies, word for word, from cucktears. The second we stray from that, the experiment fails.
RippedRichandIncel said:
Actual racism will get the sub banned. The sub copies, word for word, from cucktears. The second we stray from that, the experiment fails.

But /inceltears/ insults and discriminates us all the time
Lol yea, they think it's all childsplay and they can bully whoever they want, but when us incels dox them or blackpill them to where there isn't another useless rebuttal, they cry to themselves and sticky posts like "protect yourself from doxxing." It's literally like we're in elementary school again lol.

The niggertears community definitely proves our point. Inceltears are the bullies. They just see it from another perspective and they're like "where do we report????"
fagotonabike said:
But /inceltears/ insults and discriminates us all the time

True, and that's why this sub needs to act as a pure satire of that, and not as a genuine hate sub.

As a satire sub, it holds the highground, as a real hate sub it will disappear in the blink of an eye.

Zielony4 said:
Lol yea, they think it's all childsplay and they can bully whoever they want, but when us incels dox them or blackpill them to where there isn't another useless rebuttal, they cry to themselves and sticky posts like "protect yourself from doxxing." It's literally like we're in elementary school again lol.

The niggertears community definitely proves our point. Inceltears are the bullies. They just see it from another perspective and they're like "where do we report????"

Exactly. They're hypocrites, and the mods realise it. That's why they ban every mention of /r/niggertears. It destroys them, because either it's ok to hate on 'niggers' or 'yids' etc.., and their sub can live on, or, it's not ok, and their sub needs to go too. 

It's over for them
This is great. I hope this sub gets big. Promote it wherever you can. Be sure to make it an obvious satire to the other sub, otherwise the point of the sub will be lost. Might be a good idea to anonymously report both subs to the admin as well.
pm_me_ur_metatarsals said:
This is great. I hope this sub gets big. Promote it wherever you can. Be sure to make it an obvious satire to the other sub, otherwise the point of the sub will be lost. Might be a good idea to anonymously report both subs to the admin as well.

Thanks bro. I've tried to make the satire as obvious as possible: every post is tagged with 'SATIRE' and the sub's description has a large disclaimer. 

Any other ways i can make it obvious?
pm_me_ur_metatarsals said:
This is great. I hope this sub gets big. Promote it wherever you can. Be sure to make it an obvious satire to the other sub, otherwise the point of the sub will be lost. Might be a good idea to anonymously report both subs to the admin as well.

That's actually a good idea. We could mention that there's a few hate groups circling around reddit, and talk about both the subs. As long as it doesn't effect rippedrichandincel.
Zielony4 said:
That's actually a good idea. We could mention that there's a few hate groups circling around reddit, and talk about both the subs. As long as it doesn't effect rippedrichandincel.

This is the end goal: reddit has to make a choice: either it's ok to have a sub which mocks an entire group of people, regardless of whether its blacks or jews or women or ugly men, or it's not. 

If niggertears is anti-reddit, then cucktears is too.
We should expand this concept even further to raise awareness for this new bullying culture IT started. Maybe also another one like DepressionTears where we mock lonely and desperate suicidewatch user like IT are doing it with us.
They can't even see the parallels between their sub and the satirical sub, they legitimately think we just started being racist to black people for no reason lmao.
RippedRichandIncel said:
Thanks bro. I've tried to make the satire as obvious as possible: every post is tagged with 'SATIRE' and the sub's description has a large disclaimer. 

Any other ways i can make it obvious?

Create a bot that literally takes posts from the other sub and replace every instance of incel with nigger. I suppose to make it obvious it is from cucktears is to copy their style and put an image on the top that says inceltears, with the word incel crossed out, and nigger written in under it.
pm_me_ur_metatarsals said:
Create a bot that literally takes posts from the other sub and replace every instance of incel with nigger. I suppose to make it obvious it is from cucktears is to copy their style and put an image on the top that says inceltears, with the word incel crossed out, and nigger written in under it.

No idea how to make a bot like that.

The image idea is great though, will definitely add that!

BF8211 said:
They can't even see the parallels between their sub and the satirical sub, they legitimately think we just started being racist to black people for no reason lmao.

They're honestly mentally deficient. 


they literally cannot see the irony. 

Well, their mods can, because any mention of reporting niggertears is deleted.
They know that once it goes, they go.

fucking lol
IncelED said:

Ripped, this sub is an excellent idea for potential revenge.

Thanks bro. Feel free to contribute if you ever see a cucktears post that would work well when wordswapped. Just replace incel with nigger, female with racist etc.

Enjoy the keks.
The precise reason Incels had to leave Reddit sometime
RippedRichandIncel said:
Thanks bro. Feel free to contribute if you ever see a cucktears post that would work well when wordswapped. Just replace incel with nigger, female with racist etc.

Enjoy the keks.

Yup. I did just that from the top post on the cucktears front page. This is one experiment I'm willing to do, and the satire should definitely be known. Glad to know that actual racism would be pointless.
IncelED said:
Yup. I did just that from the top post on the cucktears front page. This is one experiment I'm willing to do, and the satire should definitely be known. Glad to know that actual racism would be pointless.

lmao great post
Zielony4 said:
That's actually a good idea. We could mention that there's a few hate groups circling around reddit, and talk about both the subs. As long as it doesn't effect rippedrichandincel.

That reminds me... is St. rippedrichandincel here or is he still dealing with reddit cucks?
Narcocel said:
That reminds me... is St. rippedrichandincel here or is he still dealing with reddit cucks?

Isn't he the guy who made this post? Lol. He made the niggertears sub.
Zielony4 said:
Isn't he the guy who made this post? Lol. He made the niggertears sub.

Yep. I'm here. Managing the niggerstear sub too.
RippedRichandIncel said:
Yep. I'm  here. Managing the niggerstear sub too.

Lol. You should make an alt named "RidingCrackers" or "RidingWhiteguys" and make it mod. Just like RidingChad.
Zielony4 said:
Lol. You should make an alt named "RidingCrackers" or "RidingWhiteguys" and make it mod. Just like RidingChad.

Lmao I was actually thinking of this, but I;m worried that it would count as doxxing or something stupid and get the sub banned.
RippedRichandIncel said:
Lmao I was actually thinking of this, but I;m worried that it would count as doxxing or something stupid and get the sub banned.

Why would it count as doxxing? It's just named, you aren't digging up information about him.
lonelyreee said:
Why would it count as doxxing? It's just named, you aren't digging up information about him.

it probably woudn't, but I don't want to do anything which might give the admins enough reason to ban
opsec said:

Lmao thanks bro. If you see any paricularly good inceltears posts, feel free to post em.
Ok took me awhile to see what you were doing here, lmao, great job man, fuck these idiot cuck tear hypocrites. Whats their reaction so far?
This is gold. But the sad truth is that niggertears will get banned and inceltears not. Because you said the word "nigger" or something will be the excuse.
/r/NiggerTears is the funniest shit ever. Notice how all the /r/IncelTears members are not going to the sub to say "Dis is raycis", it's because they know our satirization of their subreddit is correct and they are the true bullies.
fagotonabike said:
>call black people negros and say that they're chimping out
>get banned
fucking cuck mods

Not to be to racist but a lot of black hood dwelling brethren have a habit of doing that. Its just anthropological research. Honest. ;)
I can’t access the niggertears sub. :/ I can if I click on ripped’s link but not when I search for it to subscribe.
what a waste of time and stupid idea

do you think you'll change their bluepilled minds with this stupid experiment? if anything it will make them more defensive
Zielony4 said:
Isn't he the guy who made this post? Lol. He made the niggertears sub.

Oh i just realized that. I didn't pay attention to the OP so now i feel retarded.

Good to have him here though

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