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Serious The media demonized incels through stereotyping them but incels are based.



My only goal is to ascend and fight back
May 26, 2024
Kinda messy. I'm done High School and done with writing large texts in general, I don't want to spend time editing/rewriting parts so the grammar will be off and it will probably feel all over the place.

The media demonizes people they don't like/opposes their ideology.

The left acts like the "racists" they condemn, because they condemn the right when they stereotype the black person or the minority, but the left does the same thing.

They made up a fake stereotypical caricature, called it an incel, and because most people don't do research on this, the media believes it.

"Incels are fat, lazy, mean misogynistic bullies with a gaming addiction, neckbearded creeps who just "hate women for no reason"."

That's not true at all. I'm not fat, we're not basement dwelling 30 year old neckbeards with cum walls or my little pony figurines or whatever bullshit they made up. Because of that stereotyping, people automatically associated everything to be the incel's fault and dehumanized the incel.

I used to think that "incel" was an insult. I got offended when people called me an incel. Because I was a hopecel before. I used to watch Hamza, Andrew Tate, and I was your average manosphere redpill consumer, Fresh and Fit, Justin Waller, Rollo Tomassi, because I believed in the redpill cope after I became depressed as shit when I was 17, so I thought "If I work hard and become a high value male all of my problems would be fixed."

When I made some posts on the self improvement subreddits, I would get pissed off when people called me an incel for having traditional conservative-like beliefs like "Porn is bad, women should obey men in a relationship, depression is cope, don't complain about depression (because I was a tate larper)". It made me mad, because "Wth? I'm working out, I don't hate women, I'm trying to do things with my life, and I wasn't well versed on the blackpill or inceldom, so I got offended. I was pissed off.

That shows how deep the stereotype is. That being called an incel made me pissed off.

And before you call me a larper or fakecel, my story was in middle school I was made fun off, but I was never called ugly, so in high school, I was isolated and had no friends, I wasn't bullied in high school, just isolated. So I was alone and found redpill content in my room, I didn't realize that I was ugly because I was isolated, so I believed that work hard = big success. Then I go on monkey.app and get roasted the fuck out of for my face which was the first time I got self-conscious, then I end up going on the looksmaxing discord server, posting pictures on reddit, 3/10, "unfortunate thing to look at", then I realized I was an ugly nigga when everyone called me ugly. I live in Cuckada, so the people are nicer, that's why they just avoided me and didn't make fun of me to my face.

That's when I realized I'm an incel. It was out of my control. I still fw Sneako and Nick Fuentes despite them being on the more rp'lled side of things so it's not as if I'm just a fat degenerate pervert who was creepy to women, it's just that my Mom is ugly, my Dad is ugly, as a result, the offspring is ugly. I have an ugly face, that's why I'm an incel. Not because of this or that or this reason or that reason.

So the media and cucks at r/inceltears used a sneaky technique, where they made it mainstream to think "Incels are just creepy lazy fat perverts", when that's not at all the truth.

Incel Behavior

Taking shit out of context.
A way they demonize incels is taking the things they say out of context. They did this with Tate (My current opinion on him is I think he's a grifter), he said "Slap slap grab choke shut up bitch sex" and made other obvious jokes like "Women can't drive", and the media took it out of context to say he really believes women can't drive or he really chokes women.

When an incel posts "I want to make all foids slaves who just breed 24/7 like farm animals, and they'll be traded with fellow incels as cattle" that's obviously a fucking joke, when an incel posts an edit of a school shooter, that doesn't mean he actually wants to shoot up a school, it's just edgy and cool. I say stuff like "joos gonna joo" but that's because it's edgy and cool, if I saw a jew walking down the street, I wouldn't give a shit. I'm not a Nazi, I just do it for shits and giggles.

But the cucks at inceltears will take it seriously.

2 is incels are actually normal/pretty moderate. We're less extreme than the guys I see on twitter jfl, and they're normies. They'll paint incels as white supremacists because they call black people niggers, brown people curries, and asians chinks, but it's all in good fun. Racism is funny. And it's not even used in a racist way, just as an edgier way to identify someone. But they try to paint incels as these dangerous school shooting maniacs. Like nigga, there's probably statistical proof that hood niggers are killing more people than incels but the left/media isn't calling all niggers dangerous. The incel ideology isn't even an extreme one. There's way more extreme ideologies. I would say that it's on the same level as right wing/groyper twitter. The comments under a random "iamyesyouareno" or a "Way of the world" twitter post are around the same.

The circumstances of an incel

They'll paint incels as heartless bullies but they don't even have the empathy to realize "Hmmm. Those niggas had it rough." They dindu nutting.

Most of us were bullied or isolated in school. Rejected. Laughed at. Mocked. Insulted. Humiliated. Excluded. Society basically gave incels the short end of the stick. Bullied in school, toxic family, I know for me my family fights a lot with yelling and screaming and all of that bullshit, but they want to sweep that all under the rug, say "It was your PersonAlitY bro", and refuse to accept why an incel has the beliefs he has. Some dumbass at inceltears said some shit like "Incels were never bullied, they are the bullies." and I was sat there like "Wtf?".

Incels are in a nutshell, guys who had it bad because of their ugly face which resulted in lower social skills, etc. But they'll deny that, and say it's your fault for being a "misogynist." which is stupid. They'll gaslight you to such an extent where they'll deny that some people are born attractive, some people are not born attractive. You thought lying was a jewish trait, but it's not them who lie, holy shit, women lie like fucking crazy. Can't be honest for 1 fucking second. They'll tell the ugly guy on tiktok "you look cute teehee", "I love dad bods", "It's not about looks, it's about personality.", then they'll go on and insult the guy who's ugly (itcucks, watch the videos of "ugly guy goes on monkey app" "ugly guy goes on omegle" on youtube and you'll see that just by matching with an ugly guy, the women will make a remark or laugh, when the ugly nigga or fuck a handsome drug dealer. Stop fucking lying. That's why the female advice of "Ask a woman what's attractive to a woman" is bullshit, because they'll lie like crazy.

What I was essentially trying to say:

Incels have been stereotyped and demonized, but we're just lonely guys who were born facially unattractive, we're not neckbeards cumming on my little pony figurines or living in mommy's basement, incels are fucking normal and they're only seen with such disgust because of the way they've been stereotyped. Incels are based and they're not bad people. So if there's ever a war between the feminists and incels, I'm choosing team incel any time. Because team incel is the right and moral side.

The real bad guys are the ones who find enjoyment out of picking on lonely men. The itcucks who would waste hours making fun of, annoying and harassing ugly lonely dudes on the internet who had it rough in life, think they're so good for "fighting the patriarchy" or some shit, no, you're just a dickhead.

I have a degree of pride over being an incel. I consider you guys my brocels, because my eyes have been opened to the truth now.

The real red pill isn't escaping the blue pill into the red pill. That's only stage 1 of the awakened sharingan. The second stage is the black pill, the mangekyou sharingan.

Oooof that wall of poorly edited text.

sadly those delusional retard piece of shit will always outnumber us
They can't stop being a brainwashed cattle good for nothing
Being an incel is biological dimorphic condition
And it has nothing to do with being muh NT
soyciety will always hatie uglies its genetically programmed into their retard brains
Oooof that wall of poorly edited text.

I might fix it later, it's past midnight where I am so I'm also tired as shit lol, this was more of a venting post as well
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soyciety will always hatie uglies its genetically programmed into their retard brains

Exactly. They hate ugly men whilst simultaneously gaslighting them into thinking ugliness is a made up concept to make them believe it's only their perSonality.

Foids fucking lie. They said "Looks don't matter, it's your personality", then go and made fun of the ugly guy on social media or in her group chats.

sadly those delusional retard piece of shit will always outnumber us
They can't stop being a brainwashed cattle good for nothing

True, but I actually believe the black pill is becoming more mainstream. Young men are becoming more conservative and normies are using redpilled/blackpilled terms now.

If enough people recognize lookism and acknowledge that inceldom is the truth, maybe this is wishful thinking, but some systems could be put in place to ensures foids are forced to accept incels as partners.
True, but I actually believe the black pill is becoming more mainstream. Young men are becoming more conservative and normies are using redpilled/blackpilled terms now.

If enough people recognize lookism and acknowledge that inceldom is the truth, maybe this is wishful thinking, but some systems could be put in place to ensures foids are forced to accept incels as partners.
They also need to acknowledge (((them))) too
Us getting attacked like this only proves our point even further :lul:
Normies dont know fully what satire is , and truly take things out of context constantly .

Just another Way to Bash a Man . " How dare that he is Mad " for things out of his Controll . "

Anyways good Post . :feelsLightsaber:
Read every word, well said

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