Nice job pre-empting an argument I was never planning on making faggot. Stats on how receptive women are to Black men is more accurate for "desirability" than celibacy rates.
There are studies on this kind of thing.
Blacks are disproportionately impoverished compared to Whites, and the impoverished, regardless of race, are also more likely to have sex (and have sex earlier), and also far less likely to end up virgins.
Blacks in America are also tend to receive less education and a lower quality of education, and those who are less educated are likely to have sex more. This is especially the case later in life, and your graph focuses on 22-35 year olds.
And lastly; culture. The kind of household you're raised in decides how you act and the media you consume informs the values you place on certain things. The fact that the media for Blacks and Black culture in general often places such a heavy emphasis on sex means there's going to be lower celibacy rate among them. There's a reason why you stereotype Blacks as being "lower-inhib". This is far more of a factor in celibacy rates than inherent desirability.
Particularly Asians and Indians are going to have a very low celibacy rates due to their cultures as explained in the study below; "
Although, at least in theory, we find in Buddhism and Hinduism a less restrictive orientation towards sex, there is also a tradition of emotional self-control, lack of communication with one´s parents on issues concerning sex and strong control over women. Rushton (1999) has mentioned that Asians (both recently immigrated to Canada, or already living there for years) were significantly more restrained than non Asians in issues concerning sex. This shows that Chinese and India sexual activity is a far cry from the Kamasutra. Sexually letting oneself go too much is an example and source of masculine weakness in India"
Which is why desirability=/=celibacy. The stats I linked earlier are far more indicative of how much difficulty each race would actually have when it comes to dating. Blacks are getting laid in spite of the SMP being stacked against them, not because it is inherently advantageous in their favor. Meanwhile Indians and Asians more often than not are explicitly influenced by their culture to be less sexually active.
Keep that in mind now when bandying around these stats that you seem to show off constantly. There are so many factors at play that influence those stats that have far less to do with actual desirability and far more to do with culture, poverty, an education.