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Blackpill Prostitution is CUCKED.

Also want to check out eastern europe, I hear its extremely cheap there and in the Czech Republic its legal too.
Im talking about further down the East. A dirt poor village where pimps are just starting up their business and will make sure their "product" is as high of quality as possible. Businesses tend to get sloppy after a while since the money rolls in and nobody cares anymore
Im talking about further down the East. A dirt poor village where pimps are just starting up their business and will make sure their "product" is as high of quality as possible. Businesses tend to get sloppy after a while since the money rolls in and nobody cares anymore

You seem to be a lot more knowledgeable than me in relation to this, gonna definitely add you to my follow list, keep me updated.
high IQ and holy shit this got so many replies.
You seem to be a lot more knowledgeable than me in relation to this, gonna definitely add you to my follow list, keep me updated.

If you go that route, be sure to take security measures or else -you- end up being abused.
Eastern Europe and especially the poor spots are dangerous for non-locals.
At any rate, the most you will find are gold diggers and no real GFE, if that's what you're after.
Speak for yourself, if its one thing humans excel at, its defying nature, idiots like you don't see the irony of using appeal to nature arguments, stop complaining about Chads and Stacy then, stop complaining about women having unrealistic standards, because if we apply appeal to nature to that, they can't help themselves, they can't make a conscious decision to stop despite having the ability to think introspectively.

Appeal to nature is a very ironic double edged sword for an incel to use in an argument, it makes the black pill a pointless theory, the entire point of being black pilled is to make a conscious effort NOT TO BE BLUE PILLED, but your appeal to nature "I have no choice" BS contradicts that, so which is it?, there is no consistency in your arguments, because you don't actually think your arguments through, you just string words together and hope for the best.

No, but I can make a conscious effort towards thinking like that and try to assess things objectively, again the "I can't help myself" argument is very blue pilled, an it just excuses the behavior of women and normies alike, you can no longer complain about hypergamy and female nature if you are going to take such a stance, because the logic has to be applied in a consistent way, they also can't help themselves, so they can use the same argument against your critique of their choices and behavior

I've only escortcelled once, I'm currently wealthmaxxing so I can create a life of relative ease for myself where I can escortcel consistently. Even then I would still visit, but my threads will be a lot different then, more - "you should try this" and less "I hate existence".

The argument that if your life was great you'd definitely stop coming here is also kind of selfish and shows that you are mentally still a normie and not black pilled, even if my life became the amazing experience I want it to be, I don't have a normie mindset (unlike you), I can't relate to a world outside of this place where men like me gather, I don't want to interact on other forums, its not like I get rich and I'll just start using facebook, I'd still come here and post, and talk to the guys on this site who are interesting

More likely than not though I'd start my own forum (I plan on doing this actually)

True but depends on the outlet, and that's also because prostitution is illegal, in countries where prostitution is legal and regulated, you are more likely to get an std from your everyday whore than a woman who works at a brothel

Dude a lot of the guys on this site are ironically the meme "entitled guy" that feminists larp on about, and I feel like these guys are larpers doing this on purpose to create a false representation of incels, because I expect incels to be smart, and there are too many stupid fuckers on this site so it doesn't match up. Every guy who I know personally that is an incel is introspective, deep thinking and intelligent, I come on this site and there's a bunch of fucking blue pilled, egotistical idiots. That doesn't match up, its a complete 180, there are a lot more larps on this site than we likely think, I would not be surprised if like 30% to 40% of the active members are actually regular people larping.

I once asked a user who said he'd refuse to pay for sex because he doesn't get validation, if he would pay for dates (to point out the obvious irony of paying to gamble rather than paying for a guarantee)

His response was that he would not date either




Dude I feel like I'm being trolled on this site sometimes, there's no way people can be this stupid, there's just no way. These guys are worse than feminists when it comes to logic (in some cases) and that's a feat in of itself. They have all these weird mentalcel self imposed restrictions that there is no way out of, you just have to remain a sexually starved virgin, these guys aren't operating on logic.

A lot of these guys speak as though women are literally just supposed to fall out of the sky onto their cock, some of these guys prove the "entitlement" meme feminists keep peddling around about incels, like they are larps doing it on purpose to spread a false narrative

I have to agree with this.

There's quite a lot of entitled (yes i said it) pricks who never even tried to approach a girl or to looksmaxx.

Even worse, some keep on hoping 5+ staceys will like them wherever their own SMV as quite low themselves; bascially emulating exactly what foid are doing to us: dating guys above their looksmatch level.

There's ALOT of LARPERS and mentalcel here.
Who says you have to pay them? Just fuck them anonymously and leave without paying, it's not like they can tell the cops you didn't pay cause what they're doing is illegal
Who says you have to pay them? Just fuck them anonymously and leave without paying, it's not like they can tell the cops you didn't pay cause what they're doing is illegal

Have fun with her pimp beating you to oblivion.
Besides that, it's not illegal everywhere. In the Netherlands it's legal.
Who says you have to pay them? Just fuck them anonymously and leave without paying, it's not like they can tell the cops you didn't pay cause what they're doing is illegal

turnip IQ. They take payment first in order to prevent this
no real GFE

The only experience I want from women, is the AHE (Accessible Holes Experience) lol, I'm not looking for love, that doesn't exist, I'm looking for holes.

I have to agree with this.

There's quite a lot of entitled (yes i said it) pricks who never even tried to approach a girl or to looksmaxx.

Even worse, some keep on hoping 5+ staceys will like them wherever their own SMV as quite low themselves; bascially emulating exactly what foid are doing to us: dating guys above their looksmatch level.

There's ALOT of LARPERS and mentalcel here.

Dude the more time I spend on this site, the more paranoid I become about its userbase, at this point I'm convinced a significant portion, likely even 50% of the users are not real incels and are just normies larping

I expect incels to be intelligent, introspective, not hold multiple contradictory beliefs, etc, because the incels that I know in real life are such men (including myself). I expect arguments where someone uses logic and not emotional appeals to justify their actions or beliefs.

Everyday when I come here now I feel like I'm being trolled and there's some kind of larp conspiracy taking place, like normies have always been secretly invading the site, and bit by bit, normalizing a blue pilled mindset, I'm seeing users saying stuff that they dare not say when this site was in its early days

Since the mods didn't do any strict gate keeping, this is what has become of the site

I remember once suggesting that people should be banned for saying blue pilled stuff, I gave examples:
"female validation is more important than sex, and you should not pursue sex outside of women approving of you (prostitution)"

They basically said that would be too extreme and they won't enforce that, well fast forward to today, you can see many users who are open egoists and will say shit like this openly, some even telling me in arguments that they "REVERE WOMEN, AND CAN'T HELP IT, ITS BIOLOGICAL"

This forum is becoming a fucking joke

Look at this thread I made recently:

Take note of the criteria listed to see how blue pilled the current user base is:
ZERO is the highest level of blue pill, the lower the number, the less blue pilled the person is

0. (reserved for the most elite of the blue pilled)
Has fallen for various societal memes that have been indoctrinated into them via the cultural value systems

"Hard work is virtuous, one should take pride in the fact that they are a hard worker"
"You can only truly enjoy things that you exerted effort to attain"
"I deserve X or I don't deserve X" (believes in the concept of deserving things)
"Its not the destination that matters, its the journey"
"Morality is objective"

Most men who have this "rank 0 affliction" of the blue pill, will more likely than not have many or all of the ones below

1. Not nihilistic

2. Values female validation over sex

3. Refuses to pay for sex for moral and/or ego based reasons

4. Values female validation period, but not more than sex

5. Is religious (actually believing in a religion) as opposed to religionmaxxing (merely using religious affiliation as a tool to achieve specified goals)

6. "Most all women are X.... except <insert female family member>, they are exempt since they have treated me nicely in some situations"

7. Knows that getting a GF is the easiest part of ascension yet still wants to do it knowing what awaits him

8. Thinks getting a GF is the hardest part of ascension

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The only experience I want from women, is the AHE (Accessible Holes Experience) lol, I'm not looking for love, that doesn't exist, I'm looking for holes.

The fact that non-chad men are having to go to ESCORTS for a girlfriend experience (as a result of not being able to find a girlfriend from the foid population) reflects the fact that women are no longer faithful to a man by merit of his character/virtues, but that her level of loyalty is determined by the genetic potential of her partner. (The better your genes, the less likely you are to get cucked and for your "GF" to leave you)

So what makes men who pay for "GFE" from an escort think that the escort will be able to recreate such an experience when WOMEN IN GENERAL (including escorts obviously) are incapable of being a loyal/faithful GF and therefore woudn't know how to provide such an experience to the customer in the first place? Mind-boggles me
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Who says you have to pay them? Just fuck them anonymously and leave without paying, it's not like they can tell the cops you didn't pay cause what they're doing is illegal

JFL so you are just never going to pursue anymore sex after that one fuck right?, because word about a john skipping out on payments is going to spread in that area, you show up anywhere near that area again and you will probably get killed by a pimp
I wouldn't say Chad doesn't put in any work. It's pretty clear that you can improve your looks with a given amount of effort. However, the difference between us and Chad is the extent to which we can improve our looks. While an incel might looksmax from a 2/10 to a 4/10 with all the effort he can put in before reaching a point of severely diminished returns, Chad can looksmax from a 7.5/10 to a 9.5/10 with the same amount of effort, and even half the effort can still put him at 8.5/10. But given that the non-looksmaxed Chad still mogs the looksmaxed incel to absolute oblivion, I still agree with you for the most part.
That feel when the best version of yourself is still not good enough
I agree it’s degenerate and cucked. No different than the orbiters who pay for attention
Personally I think prostitution should be illegal and get happy eveytime a brothel is shot up in third-world shithole
Everyday when I come here now I feel like I'm being trolled and there's some kind of larp conspiracy taking place

Don't know about others, but I can assure you I was already incel when you weren't even born.
You may however change your nick to "CuckPillpres" as you insist on paying whores, which is definitely cucked.
Like I said you obviously have no real life experience and are talking out of your ass, whores have to pay their pimps, very few whores operate alone because its a very unsafe business since its illegal.

It's a myth that prostitution being illegal makes it unsafe for women. Women who prostitute themselves are almost never punished for breaking the law. It's their clients who not only risk being targeted by cops and fined, but also risk being scammed or falsely accused of rape. If a prostitute claims she was raped by a client, she will be taken as seriously by the police as any other woman would. Men have been accused of rape by prostitutes just because the condom slipped off during sex.

Prostitutes in feminist countries like Canada don't really need pimps because the protective function traditionally assumed by pimps is now being assumed by the government. Instead of calling her pimp when she feels slighted, she can just call the police. So it's likely true that many prostitutes keep all of their earnings and evade taxes while still being as dependent on the government as other women. In today's society, prostitutes who do have pimps seem to value them more for sex and emotional support than for protection.

A comparative ethnographic study in Canada’s major cities found that many prostitutes do not have pimps at all, while a study of New Jersey streetwalkers found that pimps are in fact often boyfriends or husbands. Further, the emotional attachment between the pimps and prostitutes can be strong and supportive, with prostitutes sometimes lovingly referring to their pimps as “Daddy.” As the New Jersey study found, prostitutes tend to consider their sexual interaction with customers not as a form of making love but merely as a sexual transaction with instant compensation, while reserving their emotions of sexual intimacy for their sexual relations with their pimps. This factor also explains why prostitutes who are meticulous about using condoms with customers often refuse to use condoms with their pimps, as the condom is equated with sex as a commercial transaction.
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I thought about going to a prostitute once. In Germany, my local city decided to build "sight barriers" on an old parking area, to allow street prostitutes the location and opportunity to go after their business in an orderly, hidden from the public and safer manner.
When I drove to that area I saw a group of Turks going to that area and when I continued a woman that was obviously a prostitute just leaving the "Park".

She has naked legs and a thick coat over her probably loose clothing underneath. I can tell she was a prostitute, because she was accutely aware that I was looking at her, when I passed her with my car. I imagine prostitutes are probably pretty good at detecting people looking at them. And you know because she is a woman at like 3 am in the night just coming from the only area street prostitution is allowed in my city.

So I was just parking my car to look at the liltte parking area they use for prostitution. I can only look at people coming in and leaving, because of the walls.

And there was a CONSTANT stream of traffic. It didn't stop. The longer I looked at the traffic there, the more I was disgusted. There is no way they had good showers there. And I also considered the Turks and other people going there for a quick fuck.
It was the same with the local bordell I just checked out randomely. It felt like a clan meeting. Hundreds of Turks for such a small bordell.

I was extremely fucking disgusted. I know, we all realize that prostitutes takes miles of dick. But to see the clients themselves, going in and out and thinking about a filthy woman doing anything sexual with you, just disgusts me.
So yeah, I will probably never pay for prostitution.
It's a myth that prostitution being illegal makes it unsafe for women. Women who prostitute themselves are almost never punished for breaking the law.

Dude I obviously don't mean women are in danger from the law, like its unsafe because they'll get arrested, since its illegal if a guy steals your "product" from you, you can't really go to the police to report it, nor is it insured in any way, a john fucks you and runs off, and that's it, you got scammed, when you have a pimp johns are less likely to do so because they know some man who likely has a gun or is affiliated with a gang is going to come looking for him

I seriously don't know how you read my post and thought I meant these women were in danger from the law, they are in danger from their customers, you could literally just rape a prostitute and walk off and fear for nothing other than something sexually transmitted lol, she's not going to report to the cops, so unless she has a pimp, you are in the clear.
Ngl I’m ashamed of my escortceling experience.

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