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Blackpill Prostitution is CUCKED.

Nope, you're bluepilled and in a completely different dimension of cope to think that the prostitute "chose" you and actually likes you out of every other man she's been with. She just sees you as a source of income, you're just another loser to her like all the other incels who fucked her before you. She has no emotional attachment NOR physical attraction to you. She might be pretending to enjoy the sex and faking orgasms so that you come back next time to give her more of your money, but secretly she is repulsed by your very presence let alone the fact that you're fucking her and will be glad you're gone the moment you walk out the door.
I'm not saying delude yourself into believing she chose or loves you. Its just sex, nothing sacred or special about it. There is a physical/psychological need for it and there's nothing wrong with fulfilling it.

Sex is a transaction for everyone besides Chad anyway. A normie with a gf that has sex with him from time to time "chooses" him after he spends his money and time on dates, gifts, anniversaries, meala etc and should those benefits stop so would the sex/relationship.

Paying a woman for being a woman is cucked, I'll admit that but its no more cuck than a relationship with our looksmatch would be.

Tl;dr: Clown World. Cucked society.
Dosen't every male have to pay for sex is some way shape or form these days? Incels may have to pay 200$+ for one night with a prostitute, but normies pay 100$ or more for multiple dates just for a chance at sex. The only male who doesn't have to pay for sex is Chad, the exception to the rule representing maybe 10% of the Male population.
We just have to wait for some good sex robots or VR
I don't agree that escortcels are cucks but obviously it's not ideal. There is some space for nuance here stop being so extreme. I held onto the idea of having sex with someone special but the older you get you have to accept that it isn't going to happen in this world the way it is. I wouldn't want to die a virgin for the sake of £60 but each to their own. It's a personal choice.
Dosen't every male have to pay for sex is some way shape or form these days?
Yep. Seeing a prostitute is a smarter form of betabuxxing. I'm not encouraging it, but it should be seen for what it is. A guy who pays to see a prostitute and then leaves is doing it much better than any male who gets married for any reason.
I once saw an article about this black man justifying cheating on his wife, and he said he just have to hit up some foid, take her to lunch, hang out with her for a bit and then bang, I couldnt believe what I read.

I wonder..is that man chad??
It boggles my mind that there are actually A non-chad that woman deem so good
that shed give it up over some $15 lunch and a little bit of his time

and these dudes still unhappy???????? ?? they really dont know how good they have it :reeeeee::reeeeee:

and I kept fucking reading about men saying "move on and find another chick, if they dont give it up after 3 dates"?? ?? ???
they had this expectations because in the past, the woman that wanted relationship with them would give it up after a couple dates. dafaK!?
And these men complain that getting sex after 3 dates is too much investment for "just" some pum

are all these men chad??? wtf, am I missing something..is a lot of normies getting sex from their girl after just 3 fucking dates while I rot? :feelshaha::feelsrope:
I thought only chad have it easy, but if this were the case, its way worse than I thought...fr :feelsree::woke::woke:
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Either get pussy because a female wants YOU and not YOUR MONEY or conserve your dignity and die sexless.
wtf are you saying.
I hope you're joking because the premise of being incel is acknowledging that "no woman will ever want you".
Levels of cuck:

Chad: 0
Paying escorts: 1
Being non-chad in a relationship: 2
Being married: Infinite levels of cuckoldry
Well what about something in between like massage(standard one or nuru) with happy ending? Some people really needs contact with another human and if she is skilled enough it seems to me it could be much more pleasurable than just sex
I already knew this a while ago unfortunately, water is wet.
Levels of cuck:

Chad: 0
Paying escorts: 1
Being non-chad in a relationship: 2
Being married: Infinite levels of cuckoldry

There also man who are married and also pay escorts
The problem you guys have is that you still think of women as "people", so you are still focused on who they are giving what to and how much easier it is for another person to get it, I don't care about those other people, I just care about getting what I want lol

Imagine there's fruit in a tall tree (well tall for you)

A tall man can simply walk up to the tree and pick the fruit (Chad)

An athletic yet short man (around your height) will climb up the tree and maneuver to reach and pick the fruit (Normie)

You might be short and weak, so you'll have to go get tools, like a stool, or maybe buy a ladder to reach and pick the fruit (Incel)

Everybody wants that fruit, but not everybody is going to be equipped to get the fruit the same way, because there's criteria to be met to pick it

So you can do whats necessary to get the fruit, or you can waste your time endlessly complaining about the fact that you aren't tall enough to just pick the fruit or strong enough to scale the tree and pick it

Which seems more logical to you?

Either get pussy because a female wants YOU and not YOUR MONEY or conserve your dignity and die sexless.

Ego obsessed idiot detected, like I keep saying a lot of you guys a masochists, you have these weird self imposed mental restrictions that are only to your detriment, being an egoist while being unattractive is very very ironic

You aren't good looking enough to be that proud about your existence, imagine a dung beetle that won't touch dung, that is what you are, and you are letting your ego delude you into thinking you are "above doing X", you lack self awareness

Incels like you are guys who are mentally deluding themselves into thinking they can operate like chad, its a mental cope so you can take pride in yourself when you know full well there is no reason for you to

People like me have abandoned the concept of pride entirely, I'm not trying to be proud of anything, I'm trying to enjoy existing.
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The problem you guys have is that you still think of women as "people", so you are still focused on who they are giving what to and how much easier it is for another person to get it, I don't care about those other people, I just care about getting what I want lol
Same logic can be applied with Children, because they're mentally and physically inferior, and it's just as degenerate either way.
The problem you guys have is that you still think of women as "people", so you are still focused on who they are giving what to and how much easier it is for another person to get it, I don't care about those other people, I just care about getting what I want lol

I'm not against prostitution because i care about the welfare of women and dont want them to be exploited or some other soy reason like why anti-prostitution soyboys and feminists are against it. On the contrary, i believe unattractive men are the ones being financially exploited, quite similiar to betabuxxers and men who get divorce-raped, whenever they pay for sex conveying the idea that women are so valuable that they deserve extravagant amounts of money just for letting an unattractive man have sex with them when in fact having sex is meant to be something enjoyable, and not require hard-work/effort for it to cost such a ludicrous amount of money.

People like me have abandoned the concept of pride entirely, I'm not trying to be proud of anything, I'm trying to ENJOY existing.

The fact that she is only having sex with you for money just goes to show that she believes giving you sex is "a sacrifice" for her, due to which she has to be compensated with money. Clearly she's not going to be enjoying having sex with you. Escortcels are paying money to have one-sided sex, in which the woman isn't even interested in her client and is usually un-enthusiastic during the sex, showing little to no interest. Sex is meant to be something enjoyed by all involved but when the other person you're having sex with is not having fun, it automatically decreases your own perception of enjoyment from it.

Dont tell me you'd take the same pleasure from having sex with an uninterested escort as you would with a female who was 2 points below the escort in appearance, but was not charging you a dime (directly anyway) and was FULLY into you, actually participating in the sex INSTEAD OF lying on the bed like a starfish, avoiding eye-contact with you and keeping an eye on the clock and counting down the minutes until your time is up when you will pay the money and she can be finally relieved of giving you the service.

I'm not saying delude yourself into believing she chose or loves you. Its just sex, nothing sacred or special about it. There is a physical/psychological need for it and there's nothing wrong with fulfilling it.

Sex is a transaction for everyone besides Chad anyway. A normie with a gf that has sex with him from time to time "chooses" him after he spends his money and time on dates, gifts, anniversaries, meala etc and should those benefits stop so would the sex/relationship.

Paying a woman for being a woman is cucked, I'll admit that but its no more cuck than a relationship with our looksmatch would be.

Tl;dr: Clown World. Cucked society.

Yes but a transaction involves accepting a cost in order to reap a benefit. Your cost is the money and your benefit is the enjoyment you believe you'll have. But are you really going to be enjoying having sex with a woman who is only doing so because you're giving her money, and wouldnt do so otherwise? How can you enjoy having sex with someone who doesn't even want you back, it's not to do with validation necessarily but the unfulfilled desire of being "wanted". So in this case, why engage in a transaction in which your benefit(enjoyment) is not worth the cost(money)?

If you're getting sex by paying a prostitute, why do you still consider yourself incel? It's because subconsciously you realise that your physical need of sex is being met but your psychological desire of being wanted is still left unfulfilled because it can never be fulfilled by escorts.
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OP, men are always paying for sex one way or another, even some Chads (except if the Chad in question is named "Jeremy Meeks").
Normies and Chadlites pays to "drunkrape" women, pays to have sex on Motels/Hotels/rentals outside their places, pays for contraceptive pills or condoms, and so on. You rarely see women paying the bills for those stuff.

Of course Chad have to pay a lot less than regular men, but even them are expected to "take financial responsibility" on sexual encounters.
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OP, men are always paying for sex one way or another, even some Chads (except if the Chad in question is named "Jeremy Meeks").
Normies and Chadlites pays to "drunkrape" women, pays to have sex on Motels/Hotels/rentals outside their places, pays for contraceptive pills or condoms, and so on. You rarely see women paying the bills for those stuff.

Of course Chad have to pay a lot less than regular men, but even them are expected to "take financial responsibility" on sexual encounters.

But when you have sex with an escort, you will realistically enjoy it less because subconsciously you realise there's no sense of achievement because at least when a normie buys a foid drinks/pays for uber, he knows that there is at least some physical attraction in the foid towards him which he needed to trigger by spending money on her to "make her feel special" whereas the escort is not interested in you whatsoever which is why you needed to pay her money DIRECTLY rather than INDIRECTLY, in order to get sex.
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We just have to wait for some good sex robots or VR
This would be so revolutionary, an utter game changer for the social marketplace. I don't think I'd bother, but just the existence of realistic sex robots would do more damage to the gynocracy than anything I can think of. But, I do not believe they're nearly as near as a few recent articles have suggested.
This would be so revolutionary, an utter game changer for the social marketplace. I don't think I'd bother, but just the existence of realistic sex robots would do more damage to the gynocracy than anything I can think of. But, I do not believe they're nearly as near as a few recent articles have suggested.

Sexbots will probably become revolutionised in a few decades when our testosterone levels drop significantly with age and our libido becomes a fraction of what it used to be. It'll be pointless for the incels of this generation but the incels of future generations will at least be able to enjoy.
Sexbots will probably become revolutionised in a few decades when our testosterone levels drop significantly with age and our libido becomes a fraction of what it used to be. It'll be pointless for the incels of this generation but the incels of future generations will at least be able to enjoy.
I don't care about it for me directly, I just want to see what would happen in the world when a man can get a 90% faithful reproduction of companionship and sex from a commodity he can buy for a few thousand dollars.
Yes but I am an incel. I know my place.

Fuck. Bro i dont even know what to say. Why would you accept your "place" in society which society assigned to you based on your appearance which is out of your control? This is an act of submission, and it's truly beta mentality.

Only losers give up. WinnERs will fight for what is right, no matter the sacrifice
i care about the welfare of women and dont want them to be exploited

I was totally agreeing with the first post until this frase pulled up a red flag.
Since when do we care about the well being of filthy sluts?
We don't want the sluts being exploited? Have they not brought this upon themselves by their behavior?
If you're a whore that sucks money like a parasite sucks blood, then by all means get abused!
Talking about being bluepilled, sjeez.

A question for escortcels: Did you ever fuck without a condom? No? Did she kiss you on the mouth? No?
Then it wasn't a real fuck, you just felt rubber and that's that. Might as well fuck a sexdoll then, it's still rubber/latex.

Escortcels are cucks and deserve to be banned on sight. It's the most cuckiest thing I've seen here.
STOP monetizing stinking, STD ridden holes! It ain't worth it!
Every time you pay a whore you help to maintain their slutty lifestyle. And what's even worse, probably she gives YOUR hard earned money to chad, or buys him nice things.
If we must die sexless then so be it, I'd rather die then pay a slut. Let them work as slaves, they don't deserve any better.
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I was totally agreeing with the first post until this frase pulled up a red flag.

I said
I'm not against prostitution because i care about the welfare of women and dont want them to be exploited or some other soy reason like why anti-prostitution soyboys and feminists are against it

I dont care about the welfare of women or them being exploited, thats why i said me caring about the welfare of women is NOT the reason im against prostitution. Do you understand?
I dont care about the welfare of women or them being exploited, thats why i said me caring about the welfare of women is NOT the reason im against prostitution. Do you understand?

Sorry mate, you're right. I didn't read careful enough, in fact I'm relieved.
Prostitution industry caters almost entirely to incels. men who resort to escorts are typical incel.

Yes. Although I fully understand that prostitution is a cucked thing to do I still support it being legal.
I was totally agreeing with the first post until this frase pulled up a red flag.
Since when do we care about the well being of filthy sluts?
We don't want the sluts being exploited? Have they not brought this upon themselves by their behavior?
If you're a whore that sucks money like a parasite sucks blood, then by all means get abused!
Talking about being bluepilled, sjeez.

A question for escortcels: Did you ever fuck without a condom? No? Did she kiss you on the mouth? No?
Then it wasn't a real fuck, you just felt rubber and that's that. Might as well fuck a sexdoll then, it's still rubber/latex.

Escortcels are cucks and deserve to be banned on sight. It's the most cuckiest thing I've seen here.
STOP monetizing stinking, STD ridden holes! It ain't worth it!
Every time you pay a whore you help to maintain their slutty lifestyle. And what's even worse, probably she gives YOUR hard earned money to chad, or buys him nice things.
If we must die sexless then so be it, I'd rather die then pay a slut. Let them work as slaves, they don't deserve any better.

TBH you've nailed some really good points here. So many incels are in an unbelievable level of delusion to think that the sex they receive from an escort will be an EXACT SUBSTITUTE for sex from a girlfriend/FWB.

All you can do is give an escort intercourse and have her suck your dick (with protection in both cases so that you can't physically feel much). But with a girlfriend you can cuddle, kiss, go down on her, get a blowjob without a condom and fuck her without a condom. Not only is the sex much more GENUINE in addition to having a much better sensation, there is also a certain level of INTIMACY which is absent when fucking an escort.
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She gets paid more than you per hour? yep! She is invested less money and time into her "skills"? Obviously!

Chief says you're a cuck! :feelsbaton:

Besides that nobody said to abolish prostitution, just paying for it as an incel. :feelsthink: Fuckbuxx now!

ANswers in read again, did you rea dmy post in the other thread?
The problem you guys have is that you still think of women as "people", so you are still focused on who they are giving what to and how much easier it is for another person to get it, I don't care about those other people, I just care about getting what I want lol

You realize all those lifes are connected through a societal system, right? Self-contradictory argument tbh.

Imagine there's fruit in a tall tree (well tall for you)

A tall man can simply walk up to the tree and pick the fruit (Chad)

An athletic yet short man (around your height) will climb up the tree and maneuver to reach and pick the fruit (Normie)

You might be short and weak, so you'll have to go get tools, like a stool, or maybe buy a ladder to reach and pick the fruit (Incel)

Everybody wants that fruit, but not everybody is going to be equipped to get the fruit the same way, because there's criteria to be met to pick it

So you can do whats necessary to get the fruit, or you can waste your time endlessly complaining about the fact that you aren't tall enough to just pick the fruit or strong enough to scale the tree and pick it

Which seems more logical to you?

Thank god, we are able to criticize a system while engaging in it to degree necessary for our wellbeing unlike some followers of certain political ideologies, who try to make us believe different. It's still a balancing act though. Actions have systemic consequences.

You aren't good looking enough to be that proud about your existence, imagine a dung beetle that won't touch dung, that is what you are, and you are letting your ego delude you into thinking you are "above doing X", you lack self awareness

Coming up with these fecal assertions who has ego problems here? No offense, but sometimes I feel like you're mentally stuck on some microlevel. Talking as if everything is arbitrary. is it possible that you are generally born into a relative position of privilege or got there realtively easy?

Incels like you are guys who are mentally deluding themselves into thinking they can operate like chad, its a mental cope so you can take pride in yourself when you know full well there is no reason for you to

It's not about pride it's about reality. Cuck is just a fillword.

People like me have abandoned the concept of pride entirely, I'm not trying to be proud of anything, I'm trying to enjoy existing.

I feel like you are overall projecting tbh.

Dosen't every male have to pay for sex is some way shape or form these days? Incels may have to pay 200$+ for one night with a prostitute, but normies pay 100$ or more for multiple dates just for a chance at sex. The only male who doesn't have to pay for sex is Chad, the exception to the rule representing maybe 10% of the Male population.

The difference is optimally you could physically enjoy the sideactivities as well. Once you score in a normal relationship the return of investement was overall higher than shilling out money just to fuck without other recreational activities.
But when you have sex with an escort, you will realistically enjoy it less because subconsciously you realise there's no sense of achievement

Dude were not all egotistical pricks that are self obsessed, you are projecting your mindset onto other people, I could care less what a woman thinks of me if she's letting me fuck her, she's an object to be used. Do you care what cashier at a fast food restuarant serving you thinks............ oh wait, directing this question to you is pointless, you are an egoist, you ironically do care what they think of you, you probably obsess over what everyone thinks of you, what a truly annoying existence, trying to be Chad whilst trapped in an incels body.

Dude learn to use the quote system, you made responding to you very annoying

"You realize all those lifes are connected through a societal system, right? Self-contradictory argument tbh.

Dude I have no idea what you are even saying here, at this point I have to assume english isn't your first language, and you can't properly convey what you mean here.

Please explain in detail, also where is the contradiction?

Coming up with these fecal assertions who has ego problems here?

You have a weird way of arguing, you make statements and provide no further explanations as to why they are accurate, please explain how making an assertion means you have an ego problem, it literally just seems like you are throwing words together and have no actual argument

Talking as if everything is arbitrary. is it possible that you are generally born into a relative position of privilege or got there relatively easy?

I'd bet my left arm I'm poorer and less priviledged than you, but how is that relevant to whether one considers things arbitrary, even if I was a billionaire how would that change the logic of my arguments, it wouldn't make a difference either way

I feel like you are overall projecting tbh.

I feel like you are just throwing together word salads, and you don't actually understand the meanings of some of the words you are using, do you even understand what the word projecting means in this context, in order to assert this, you have to reference an example that shows it is me who is actually what I am claiming someone else is, you have no such example

Also how am I projecting when there are literally guys saying stuff like this:
But when you have sex with an escort, you will realistically enjoy it less because subconsciously you realise there's no sense of achievement

This is exhibit A of an egotistical mindset, please tell me how I am projecting, and I have the same mindset as guys like this, you clearly don't understand the words you are using.

Once you score in a normal relationship the return of investement was overall higher

In what way?

Give me an OBJECTIVE example of returns, not SUBJECTIVE BS like "feeling loved" or "spending time together", what is actually gained?
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I exactly agree tbh
I could care less what a woman thinks of me if she's letting me fuck her, she's an object to be used.

Except that you are not fucking her.
The point that you conveniently didn't address was that whores sell you an illusion, it's fake.
You have to use a condom and may not kiss her. It's not real sex, only rubbing rubber.
Except that you are not fucking her.

I quite literally am, I'm confused as to what you mean

The point that you conveniently didn't address was that whores sell you an illusion, it's fake.

A fake what?, please be specific, what is the illusion I'm falling for?, because I'm quite sure me and men like myself are going into it with no illusions at all, were not egoists, I don't think she likes me, I don't care if she likes me, where is the illusion?

You are just projecting your mindset onto others, you likely think they are selling us the illusion of "female affection", but unlike you, men like me aren't after that to begin with, there's no illusion there for us to fall for because we don't have unrealistic expectations of the interaction, we know its a simple trade of resources and nothing more.

You have to use a condom and may not kiss her. It's not real sex, only rubbing rubber.

Who says you have to use a condom, also not all whores refuse kissing, if you get a high end enough whore in the right establishment (legal prostitution, monthly testing, etc) you can go raw, I've never done that before but one day I will, might even move to such a country.
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Problem with prostitution is you have to use a condom. I'd rather be jerked off tbh.
Agreed, paying a foid for what you should get for free is cucked
Dude were not all egotistical pricks that are self obsessed, you are projecting your mindset onto other people, I could care less what a woman thinks of me if she's letting me fuck her, she's an object to be used. Do you care what cashier at a fast food restuarant serving you thinks............ oh wait, directing this question to you is pointless, you are an egoist, you ironically do care what they think of you, you probably obsess over what everyone thinks of you, what a truly annoying existence, trying to be Chad whilst trapped in an incels body.

Read this:

It's human psychology to WANT TO BE WANTED and it applies to everyone including you. You're not some robot with an AI who cannot experience/express emotions/feelings. If going to an escort solved your problems, you wouldnt be on this forum. But reason you're still here is because

subconsciously you realise that your physical need of sex is being met but your psychological desire of being wanted is still left unfulfilled because it can never be fulfilled by escorts.
Tesla IQ. Escortcelling is cucked and equal to betabuxxing. JFL at paying for an used up roastie when Chad fucks prime virgin JBs for free.
Pay for sex = cuck
I don't fucking understand why you guys consider prostitution as cuckery. You guys wouldn't never have any other outlet than to pay for a play.
It's human psychology to WANT TO BE WANTED and it applies to everyone including you.

Speak for yourself, if its one thing humans excel at, its defying nature, idiots like you don't see the irony of using appeal to nature arguments, stop complaining about Chads and Stacy then, stop complaining about women having unrealistic standards, because if we apply appeal to nature to that, they can't help themselves, they can't make a conscious decision to stop despite having the ability to think introspectively.

Appeal to nature is a very ironic double edged sword for an incel to use in an argument, it makes the black pill a pointless theory, the entire point of being black pilled is to make a conscious effort NOT TO BE BLUE PILLED, but your appeal to nature "I have no choice" BS contradicts that, so which is it?, there is no consistency in your arguments, because you don't actually think your arguments through, you just string words together and hope for the best.

You're not some robot with an AI who cannot experience/express emotions/feelings.

No, but I can make a conscious effort towards thinking like that and try to assess things objectively, again the "I can't help myself" argument is very blue pilled, an it just excuses the behavior of women and normies alike, you can no longer complain about hypergamy and female nature if you are going to take such a stance, because the logic has to be applied in a consistent way, they also can't help themselves, so they can use the same argument against your critique of their choices and behavior

If going to an escort solved your problems, you wouldnt be on this forum. But reason you're still here is because

I've only escortcelled once, I'm currently wealthmaxxing so I can create a life of relative ease for myself where I can escortcel consistently. Even then I would still visit, but my threads will be a lot different then, more - "you should try this" and less "I hate existence".

The argument that if your life was great you'd definitely stop coming here is also kind of selfish and shows that you are mentally still a normie and not black pilled, even if my life became the amazing experience I want it to be, I don't have a normie mindset (unlike you), I can't relate to a world outside of this place where men like me gather, I don't want to interact on other forums, its not like I get rich and I'll just start using facebook, I'd still come here and post, and talk to the guys on this site who are interesting

More likely than not though I'd start my own forum (I plan on doing this actually)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VirtueSignaller >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Don't have to. But chances of acquiring an STI increase. Price goes up dramatically too.

True but depends on the outlet, and that's also because prostitution is illegal, in countries where prostitution is legal and regulated, you are more likely to get an std from your everyday whore than a woman who works at a brothel

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NormieKiller >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I don't fucking understand why you guys consider prostitution as cuckery. You guys wouldn't never have any other outlet than to pay for a play.

Dude a lot of the guys on this site are ironically the meme "entitled guy" that feminists larp on about, and I feel like these guys are larpers doing this on purpose to create a false representation of incels, because I expect incels to be smart, and there are too many stupid fuckers on this site so it doesn't match up. Every guy who I know personally that is an incel is introspective, deep thinking and intelligent, I come on this site and there's a bunch of fucking blue pilled, egotistical idiots. That doesn't match up, its a complete 180, there are a lot more larps on this site than we likely think, I would not be surprised if like 30% to 40% of the active members are actually regular people larping.

I once asked a user who said he'd refuse to pay for sex because he doesn't get validation, if he would pay for dates (to point out the obvious irony of paying to gamble rather than paying for a guarantee)

His response was that he would not date either




Dude I feel like I'm being trolled on this site sometimes, there's no way people can be this stupid, there's just no way. These guys are worse than feminists when it comes to logic (in some cases) and that's a feat in of itself. They have all these weird mentalcel self imposed restrictions that there is no way out of, you just have to remain a sexually starved virgin, these guys aren't operating on logic.

A lot of these guys speak as though women are literally just supposed to fall out of the sky onto their cock, some of these guys prove the "entitlement" meme feminists keep peddling around about incels, like they are larps doing it on purpose to spread a false narrative
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prostitutes wont even have sex with blackcels it's over
Speak for yourself, if its one thing humans excel at, its defying nature, idiots like you don't see the irony of using appeal to nature arguments, stop complaining about Chads and Stacy then, stop complaining about women having unrealistic standards, because if we apply appeal to nature to that, they can't help themselves, they can't make a conscious decision to stop despite having the ability to think introspectively.

Appeal to nature is a very ironic double edged sword for an incel to use in an argument, it makes the black pill a pointless theory, the entire point of being black pilled is to make a conscious effort NOT TO BE BLUE PILLED, but your appeal to nature "I have no choice" BS contradicts that, so which is it?, there is no consistency in your arguments, because you don't actually think your arguments through, you just string words together and hope for the best.

Isn't it completely contradictory to hate females for being hypergamous whores when you're directly contributing to their lifestyle, thus enabling them to continue being whores- the very thing you're strongly against?

You're a high IQ guy, im sure you understand that if all men stopped paying whores for sex, they would lose their income and therefore would need to resort to a different occupation in order to survive. Any industry/business without consumers cannot operate in the long run resulting in the owners/shareholders (whores who are self-employed) losing all of their money as a result of becoming insolvent. Likewise, any employees in the business (whores who are employed by brothels) will lose their jobs and therefore lose their only avenue of revenue seeing as though significant majority of whores have no skill other than opening their legs.

When escorts end up unemployed due to collapse of their industry, in order to avoid homelessness because they are a bunch of pussies (literally) who would not survive more than a few days on the streets, the same whores from the past will probably suck your dick and fuck you every night if you could give them a place to stay, food, clothing, electricity/gas/internet etc. As consumers, you have the ability to influence the prices in the market and cause heavy deflation; through your levels of consumption you can control the prices set by business in a particular industry. As long as cucks continue visiting escorts their prices will remain constant and most likely increase. But if you deprive them of their income and cause heavy losses/insolvency to the industry, they will sell their sex for a far lower price.

But of course, incels like you only think about getting pleasure in the short-term, rather than sacrificing pleasure now so that you can get a greater quantity of it in the future when prices take a plunge. This happens because you think with your dick, not with your head. You say you have control over your mindset, but clearly biology is too powerful to the extent that your hormones influence your actions.
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Isn't it completely contradictory to hate females for being hypergamous whores when you're directly contributing to their lifestyle, thus enabling them to continue being whores- the very thing you're strongly against?

JFL you guys just keep making the same cliche arguments over and over, key trait of an NPC mindset, I literally thought I had argued with you before after reading this, this happens all too often:
Here's the difference, you are a just an illogical moralfag, whilst my arguments about women revolve around logic, there is a collective detriment to the male populace if women are SELECTIVE WHORES, if women were "EQUAL OPPORTUNITY WHORES" nobody would hate whoredom because everybody would benefit

If someone released some virus that genetically altered women to have a male libido and male standards, do you think any man would be complaining about whoredom again, no, it would be a worldwide orgy, basically everybody would be getting laid, not the shit show we see today

Seems like you are being vague on purpose, what affects the sexual market negatively isn't women being whores, its women being whores for a small group of men and excluding the rest, because at the end of the day all women are whores, that pure virgin wife guys like you want is only that woman UP TO THAT POINT, after you guys fuck for the first time, that's it, she's going to be YOUR WHORE, no longer innocent and pure, no longer a virgin, women becoming whores is inevitable, the only variable that can be affected, is if said whoredom is being distributed in an equal manner or not

Also statistically women who are whores remain whores for quite a while, so what "lifestyle" is being "supported", I'm gracing them with the ability to suck more incel cock, damn I sure am helping these women cheat the system. Don't act like paying some e-whore to flash her tits is the same as paying a woman to fuck you, paying e-whores is funding a woman's lifestyle, paying actual whores is making a woman earn an existence by pleasuring you directly

Come back when you actually have an argument

Nobody hates whores except for moralfags, what men hate are SELECTIVE WHORES that aren't distributing sexual resources in a fair and equal manner.

You're a high IQ guy, im sure you understand that if all men stopped paying whores for sex, they would lose their income and therefore would need to resort to a different occupation in order to survive.

A boycott only works if you can get a significant majority to take part, normies are already the majority, if you think the majority of a whores customers are incels then you don't go out much, fucking whores is something even blue pilled normie males do, were pretty much outnumbered, so your boycott only really affects you, the business will continue as usual

When escorts end up unemployed due to collapse of their industry, in order to avoid homelessness because they are a bunch of pussies (literally) who would not survive more than a few days on the streets, the same whores from the past will probably suck your dick and fuck you every night if you could give them a place to stay, food, clothing, electricity/gas/internet etc.

You aren't being realistic, I'm just one guy, and one incel guy at that, whores have alot of normie customers, guys even order whores for their friends "bachelor parties", etc. If I stop spending, they'll get the money elsewhere, a one man boycott amounts to nothing.

But of course, incels like you only think about getting pleasure in the short-term, rather than sacrificing pleasure now so that you can get a greater quantity of it in the future when prices skyrocket. This happens because you think with your dick, not with your head. You say you have control over your mindset, but clearly biology is too powerful to the extent that your hormones influence your actions.

Dude you are a retard, I feel like I'm arguing with a teenager right about now and I probably am, one guy refusing to pay for sex is not going to affect the market, even if you convinced me to stop or every incel on this site to stop it would not make a difference. Ironically the best way to create a world where men can get cheaper sex IS TO SUPPORT PROSTITUTION (especially politically), because if you can get it to be legalized, it will become common, and as more brothels spring up, competative pricing will start to take place, which will make sex cheaper, and lower the collective female SMV, being against prostitution only makes sex a resource that is harder to acquire and more expensive, which is what feminists want

You know there are places where you can get 30mins for like 30 US right? (does that sound expensive to you?)
I once saw an article about this black man justifying cheating on his wife, and he said he just have to hit up some foid, take her to lunch, hang out with her for a bit and then bang, I couldnt believe what I read.

I wonder..is that man chad??
It boggles my mind that there are actually A non-chad that woman deem so good
that shed give it up over some $15 lunch and a little bit of his time

and these dudes still unhappy???????? ?? they really dont know how good they have it :reeeeee::reeeeee:

and I kept fucking reading about men saying "move on and find another chick, if they dont give it up after 3 dates"?? ?? ???
they had this expectations because in the past, the woman that wanted relationship with them would give it up after a couple dates. dafaK!?
And these men complain that getting sex after 3 dates is too much investment for "just" some pum

are all these men chad??? wtf, am I missing something..is a lot of normies getting sex from their girl after just 3 fucking dates while I rot? :feelshaha::feelsrope:
I thought only chad have it easy, but if this were the case, its way worse than I thought...fr :feelsree::woke::woke:
Chad doesn't even have to buy her lunch tbhngl
JFL you guys just keep making the same cliche arguments over and over, key trait of an NPC mindset, I literally thought I had argued with you before after reading this, this happens all too often:

Nobody hates whores except for moralfags, what men hate are SELECTIVE WHORES that aren't distributing sexual resources in a fair and equal manner.

A boycott only works if you can get a significant majority to take part, normies are already the majority, if you think the majority of a whores customers are incels then you don't go out much, fucking whores is something even blue pilled normie males do, were pretty much outnumbered, so your boycott only really affects you, the business will continue as usual

You aren't being realistic, I'm just one guy, and one incel guy at that, whores have alot of normie customers, guys even order whores for their friends "bachelor parties", etc. If I stop spending, they'll get the money elsewhere, a one man boycott amounts to nothing.

Dude you are a retard, I feel like I'm arguing with a teenager right about now and I probably am, one guy refusing to pay for sex is not going to affect the market, even if you convinced me to stop or every incel on this site to stop it would not make a difference. Ironically the best way to create a world where men can get cheaper sex IS TO SUPPORT PROSTITUTION (especially politically), because if you can get it to be legalized, it will become common, and as more brothels spring up, competative pricing will start to take place, which will make sex cheaper, and lower the collective female SMV, being against prostitution only makes sex a resource that is harder to acquire and more expensive, which is what feminists want

You know there are places where you can get 30mins for like 30 US right? (does that sound expensive to you?)

Oh shit i didnt mean to say "when prices skyrocket", i meant to say "when prices plunge". I guess thats what happens when you get on this forum while drunk off your face cos thats the only way to cope with this bullshit reality. Anyway, back to the point.

I think you're making assumptions that I'm some moralfag which is the reason im against prostitution. Just like you, i want women to stop being selective whores, WHICH IS WHAT PROSTITUTION IS A BYPRODUCT OF. If whores weren't selective, PROSTITUTION WOULD NOT EVEN EXIST AS A BUSINESS, because everyone would be getting sex so why the fuck would you pay to obtain something you're already getting for free (or without paying for it DIRECTLY).

Aspiring to revert society back to the times when foids were whores rather than selective whores, yet paying escorts which allows selective whoredom to continue, is contradictory and counter-effective. It's like training for a marathon by eating junk food, it's not going to help your cause but just make it worse.

Also, i understand that a boycott will work only if most/all men partake in it which is exactly what i said. I realise you're just one person, but if every person stops thinking that they're just "one person" and decides to change their lifestyle, change will happen on a societal scale. You can't build a house straight away, you gotta do it one brick at a time. And i know realistically this is very hard to accomplish as many men dont have the self-control to suppress their impulses, let alone biological impulses. Otherwise theoretically its possible.

Dude, what makes you think legalization of prostitution will make it any cheaper for us? The price for the client will remain the same, while the whore bears the tax burden. For example, previously you pay $100, whore keeps it all. After legalization you still pay $100, whore keeps $60 and gives $40 to the government. And this is assuming the price stays the same, it will most likely increase.

I would only politically support prostitution if there was going to be guaranteed heavy subsidies for the clients (us), but the government would never pass any bills/implement policies unless they were directly/indirectly benefitting themselves from doing so. How will the government benefit from incels getting cheaper sex? (unless taxation exceeded the price of the subsidy)? Besides, you dont need to pay an escort for sex in order to politically support it.
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Oh shit i didnt mean to say "when prices skyrocket", i meant to say "when prices plunge". I guess thats what happens when you get on this forum while drunk off your face cos thats the only way to cope with this bullshit reality. Anyway, back to the point.

I knew what you mean't I considered it a typo

I think you're making assumptions that I'm some moralfag which is the reason im against prostitution. Just like you, i want women to stop being selective whores, WHICH IS WHAT PROSTITUTION IS A BYPRODUCT OF. If whores weren't selective, PROSTITUTION WOULD NOT EVEN EXIST AS A BUSINESS, because everyone would be getting sex so why the fuck would you pay to obtain something you're already getting for free (or without paying for it DIRECTLY).

Yeah and taxes exist because we live in a modern society, so by your logic stop paying taxes

I don't think even you understand what you're saying here, you are stating a fact of reality, and then telling people they should not adapt to that reality, that makes no sense logically, wave your magic wand and set the world right and I'll operate on your rules, but so long as the world functions a certain way I'm going to adapt to it

Aspiring to revert society back to the times when foids were whores rather than selective whores

Stop projecting, I have no such aspirations, it is impossible, it will never happen, this has been the entire problem in arguing with you, you are projecting your mindset onto others and then claiming they are contradicting themselves by not adhering the the mindset you projected onto them JFL

but if every person stops thinking that they're just "one person" and decides to change their lifestyle, change will happen on a societal scale.

Which is never going to happen, and you don't seem to have any plans to make it happen, so what is your point?

Your ridiculous statement here reminded me of a video:

At the 2:34 minute mark
"If the poor rise up together, declaring that they do not want any money, kings will be overthrown"
"However, the poor seek money so that they may become kings themselves"
"Which in turn only strengthens the position of the current king"
"They cannot escape that fruitless paradox"
"Kings cannot be defeated as long as the poor desire money"

Just as people will never stop desiring money, men will never stop desiring sex, because just as everyone is trying to become wealthy, every man is trying to get laid, it will just never happen, you aren't thinking this through, its so easy to just say - "well if X happened that would fix it right"

Yes, now lets discuss the FEASIBILITY OF X HAPPENING (that's what you won't do, because then your argument becomes obviously pointless)

You can't build a house straight away, you gotta do it one brick at a time. And i know realistically this is very hard to accomplish as many men dont have the self-control to suppress their impulses, let alone biological impulses. Otherwise theoretically its possible.

For example, previously you pay $100, whore keeps it all.

Like I said you obviously have no real life experience and are talking out of your ass, whores have to pay their pimps, very few whores operate alone because its a very unsafe business since its illegal, so whores are already paying taxes, and they pay way more while its illegal than they would pay work for a legal establishment, also legal whores in some countries get pension, health benefits, etc, none of which a street whore gets

You really don't know anything you are talking about, this conversation has gone on long enough, I'm tired of it, keep believing whatever you want, you can't convince an idiot no matter how hard you try
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I knew what you mean't I considered it a typo

Yeah and taxes exist because we live in a modern society, so by your logic stop paying taxes

I don't think even you understand what you're saying here, you are stating a fact of reality, and then telling people they should not adapt to that reality, that makes no sense logically, wave your magic wand and set the world right and I'll operate on your rules, but so long as the world functions a certain way I'm going to adapt to it

Stop projecting, I have no such aspirations, it is impossible, it will never happen, this has been the entire problem in arguing with you, you are projecting your mindset onto others and then claiming they are contradicting themselves by not adhering the the mindset you projected onto them JFL

Which is never going to happen, and you don't seem to have any plans to make it happen, so what is your point?

Your ridiculous statement here reminded me of a video:

At the 2:34 minute mark
"If the poor rise up together, declaring that they do not want any money, kings will be overthrown"
"However, the poor seek money so that they may become kings themselves"
"Which in turn only strengthens the position of the current king"
"They cannot escape that fruitless paradox"
"Kings cannot be defeated as long as the poor desire money"

Just as people will never stop desiring money, men will never stop desiring sex, because just as everyone is trying to become wealthy, every man is trying to get laid, it will just never happen, you aren't thinking this true, its so easy to just say - "well if X happened that would fix it right"

Yes, now lets discuss the FEASIBILITY OF X HAPPENING (that's what you won't do, because then your argument becomes obviously pointless)

You can't build a house straight away, you gotta do it one brick at a time. And i know realistically this is very hard to accomplish as many men dont have the self-control to suppress their impulses, let alone biological impulses. Otherwise theoretically its possible.

Like I said you obviously have no real life experience and are talking out of your ass, whores have to pay their pimps, very few whores operate alone because its a very unsafe business since its illegal, so whores are already paying taxes, and they pay way more while its illegal than they would pay work for a legal establishment, also legal whores in some countries get pension, health benefits, etc, none of which a street whore gets

You really don't know anything you are talking about, this conversation has gone on long enough, I'm tired of it, keep believing whatever you want, you can't convince an idiot no matter how hard you try

Dude you dont need to explain how prostitution works, i understand very well. When i gave that example of a whore receiving $100 and keeping it all, i was making the assumption that she was self-employed i.e not working for a pimp, for the purpose of simplification of calculations which enabled me to clarify the point i was trying to make. On a closing note: i would engage in prostitution if it would become much cheaper than it currently is (where i live- $100 for 30 mins is the minimum), and also if there was more health regulations in place to prevent spread of STD
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On a closing note: i would engage in prostitution if it would become much cheaper than it currently is (least where i live- $100 for 30 mins is the minimum), and also if there was more health regulations in place to prevent spread of STD
For me, I have goal of moneymaxxing. Going to a Eastern European country e.g (Belarus) where prostitution is a big income of most criminals so therefore they would want to keep it as pleasurable as they can so customers can come to them.

Plus the girls there are are sent into prostitution early and they are between 18-21.

And they are just overall better looking.

I would have to work with what I have even if it means I have to travel half the globe. I would rope if I didnt have a plan in mind.
For me, I have goal of moneymaxxing. Going to a Eastern European country e.g (Belarus) where prostitution is a big income of most criminals so therefore they would want to keep it as pleasurable as they can so customers can come to them.

Plus the girls there are are sent into prostitution early and they are between 18-21.

And they are just overall better looking.

I would have to work with what I have even if it means I have to travel half the globe. I would rope if I didnt have a plan in mind.

Also want to check out eastern europe, I hear its extremely cheap there and in the Czech Republic its legal too.

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