They already talk about that stuff (to a certain extent). But this the direction, more or less.
TL/DR: I was a feminist years ago and I know these people and how to tackle this. The priority is that we need a new subforum where bluepillers/graycels can't enter, a safe space where we are not exposed.
I have to do a confession: until 3 years ago, I was in a feminist group dedicated to "Ethical Non-Monogamy". Not only have I spent time with them IRL and been considered as one of them and debating with them IRL (inb4
: let me continue
), but also, I have red the most important/basic/classic feminist literature, like Simone de Beauvoir's
The Second Sex, Judith Butler's
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (this one was really hard to read) or the pretty old Mary Wollstonecraft
A Vindication of the Right of Woman (it had a second part that, oddly enough, unironically talked about the rights of men, good read actually), etc. to name a few, and, overall I know the feminist rhetoric better than probably any user on this forum. You can't use the rhetoric used here to convince them, that's for sure. Debating them is like stepping into a fucking minefield (I've been doing so with them for years
IRL and that's precisely one of the reasons they made me peak and turn my eyes to you boyos instead). I'll start a thread about this soon. After having been in both worlds, I have a wider perspective of things, and actually, I'd venture to say both groups are very alike about some things (dogmatic, a lot of cherrypicking, dehumanization of the Other, etc.).
For this PROJECT to function, it should be, first and foremost, concealed, and we are openly discussing it here for IT and others to tap into it... that's bad.
We should start a discussion about having a subforum that isn't accesible to bluepillers nor graycels with a higher threshold for allowing shitposting where all the discussions are DEAD serious and about down to Earth political action. I know something similar has been proposed before, but it wasn't so in this specific way.
Not only you would have to abandon some ideas for the project to be successful, but there has to be kind of a fusion/agreement between both fronts. Anything else will end with us trampled, being realistic (I'm talking from experience). Our goal shouldn't be defeating them or convicing them that "we are right" and that's it, but rather, it should be trying to get their assistance, demonstrating that our oppression is legitimate. For that we would require kind of a... hegelian synthesis? Which is hard considering Feminism (which is what is followed by most simps/normies to a certain extent) is a very mature (couple of centuries) movement and has deep roots in the academic world, wether you like it or not, while all the academic background of the blackpill is pretty recent (else, we wouldn't be here talkin' about spreadin' it). And that considering both groups (feminist/simps/normies vs. blackpillers) are like water and oil (apparently). Very, very hard to do the synthesis, but not impossible.
Most of our rhetoric should be political more than scientific, and focused on bringing down Chads. Pointing how they really have more privileges. That's the only thing they will be willing to help us achieve (at first, everything else should come afterwards naturally). If we point at anything female-related, they will trample us (I see them coming from a mile). That's, more or less, the "left angle of attack". First, they have to agree with us that Chads have too much power.
@Gymcelled almost got it, but we shouldn't do it posting graphs or studies, not even surreptitiously as he says: these people don't really work with science, they work with politics and philosophy. Facts don't matter so much there. It's more about egos. Trust me: I've been one of them for almost 5 years before I peaked almost 3 years ago. We have to use
their rhetoric, and knowing at all moments that trying to have too much of a protagonist role in the process of speaking our minds is going to be an utter failure because "allies" are not supposed to do that to begin with. As I said, a fucking minefield. At the end of the day, they shouldn't say "found the incel".
I totally agree that the right direction is blackpilling normies/simps/feminists and there's a shitload of sensitive things I have to say about this, but, for that, again: we need
an actual safe space in this forum if we want the project to be successful. We are too exposed. And being in that position will grant them the ability of seeing us coming.
...How mad are you at me at this point?
Also this: