You're right, black girls are the least obsessed with looks, i've seen that myself. But they're the most obsessed with NT personalities and machoism. If you're an average or below average black man and you don't fit that mold then you're fucked, literally no one of any race or creed wants you.
Educated and smart black girls want nothing to do with you, they're notorious for wanting other races, particularly white guys. Not to mention most of them are the type that are slim and dress well, so they're at least 3 points above any blackcel in terms of looks. And any other type of black woman view you as weak and not worth keeping around since you're not a thug.
Every other race will hold you up to scrutiny equally as much. Whites, Latinas, and Asians who have caught jungle fever are only into thuggish blacks and Tyrone, if you're not either then they're not an option. Any other type of White, Latina, or Asian want nothing to do with a black guy either, you're low value, you're a lower class male by default to them. If they're the type into "nerdy" guys, they're obviously not gonna date a black guy, they haven't even considered that, what they mean is they want a nerdy white guy, maybe a nerdy asian.
Usually this is the part where white incels would say "Fuck the western dating market, it's too hard, i'll try dating abroad!" but nah, that only works for whites because white is universally viewed as high status, regardless of looks. Anything brown and darker, not so much. We're universally either just the status quo, or viewed as lower class.
If I had it in me to thugmaxx I would probably get laid despite being ugly, but that would require changing everything about myself from the ground up. It's not even just blackcels who can run thug game either, whites, asians, Indians, all of you could do it, but it's not so easy as just trying to act scary or some shit like that, you've gotta actually make big changes to your lifestyle, to the way you speak, to the way you dress, to your hobbies, to your mannerisms, to what you value...
None of us can make an overhaul that large. It's not as easy as just moving locations. For us blackcels it's truly over for us.