Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Cope Poorcel trait: saying prostitution is cucked

I'm not paying for her to want to fuck me, I'm paying to fuck her, I don't get your point here, no escortcel is paying to be "loved" or "desired" (well unless he's a coping idiot)
And that's the reason why escortcels are here, but why even people with very little legitimate romantic or sexual success don't feel the need to come here.

Also for how many guys do you think this genuine horniness happens for?
At my age probably a decent amount. I only really ever see high-tier normies or chadlites in a relationship regardless. So that's like 20-30% of the population. Women chase emotional thrill and genes/offspring when they're young i.e. cock carousel and AF part of AF/BB.

True betabuxxing is getting settled for in your 30s.

If you have to use all kinds of tricks and signals, etc to get her horny, how is that any better, she isn't really all that attracted to you either, Chad just exists and she's aroused, does that make his sex "more real", sex is sex
Isn't this just more Chad reductionism? Why do it if Chad doesn't have to? Also, most PUA stuff is just bullshit and doesn't work. It's less about cheesy or slimy tactics and more about your overall behavior and actions.

"She's not yours, it's just your turn"

I don't need things to last forever that's just a unrealistic expectation even for Chad (though it will last longer). Being loved and desired even if it's partially because of my conduct for a short amount of time would be fine with me.
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TBH ALL MEN PAY FOR SEX.Chad pays by existing.If chad was not 6 foot tall and ripped and had great facial structure he would be here.Normies have to pay by simping and maybe betabuxxing.
Chad pays by existing.If chad was not 6 foot tall and ripped and had great facial structure he would be here.

Often even chad pay for hookers, if it's more convenient for him.

Chad obviously does not discriminate much between a hooker and a regular foid - no emotional attachment either.

Example? Regular scandals with prostitutes and chad[lite] soccer players.

Cristiano Ronaldo and a few Manchestser United teammates certainly seemed to think that after a victory over Tottenham in 2007. He called up five hookers to engage in an orgy featuring himself, Nani, and Anderson.
Isn't this just more Chad reductionism? Why do it if Chad doesn't have to?

That's not what I'm saying at all, my point is arguing what sex is "more real" or what is "ideal sex" is pointless because its ironically that way of thinking that is reductionist, because at the end of the day, it begs the question who has "true genuine ideal sex", and that comes down to Chad

I don't need things to last forever that's just a unrealistic expectation even for Chad (though it will last longer). Being loved and desired even if it's partially because of my conduct for a short amount of time would be fine with me.

Why do you care about being "loved" and "desired" when you know its all shallow BS anyways, that's whats confusing about you guys, in one thread you'll be saying - "Women are the real eugenicists, so hypergamous, only follow their programming, etc, etc" yet you value "validation" from them, don't you see how contradictory that is?

I made a thread about this very thing before, because so many incels speak like this and they don't see the obvious contradiction:

This is something that needs to be addressed, I'm seeing a lot of blue pilled posts against paying for sex, and the most frustrating part isn't their refusal, its the blatant contradiction in their arguments and their mindset, that female validation means more to them than sex, while at the same time speaking about women like they are lower than dirt, its the stupidity that is angering, these idiots can't see the obvious contradiction in their words, let me get to the point

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you

Ask yourself, of what value is a woman's evaluation of you, when you SUPPOSEDLY do not value her as a person

How can you devalue women as an existence, speak of them as illogical, emotional, less intelligent, etc, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?)

That's not what I'm saying at all, my point is arguing what sex is "more real" or what is "ideal sex" is pointless because its ironically that way of thinking that is reductionist, because at the end of the day, it begs the question who has "true genuine ideal sex", and that comes down to Chad

Why do you care about being "loved" and "desired" when you know its all shallow BS anyways, that's whats confusing about you guys, in one thread you'll be saying - "Women are the real eugenicists, so hypergamous, only follow their programming, etc, etc" yet you value "validation" from them, don't you see how contradictory that is?

I made a thread about this very thing before, because so many incels speak like this and they don't see the obvious contradiction:

i dont have a problem with the concept of prostitution, i just believe that the prices are way too high and that men are being ripped off.

Your average low-status male is getting $20 an hour for working in the sun, doing their part to construct buildings, create water/gas/electricity supply to homes, build roads, create/fix cars etc. (all of which actually contribute to the well-being of a society.)

Meanwhile a whore simply opens her legs and gets $300 for an hour. Surely something is wrong here.

Low-level males have to work an entire month just to have enough money to fuck a whore for one hour (accounting for living expenses and the propensity to save). Whereas in a patriarchal society, he could have a wife and fuck her for one hour every night.
Meanwhile a whore simply opens her legs and gets $300 for an hour. Surely something is wrong here.

Yeah whats wrong is that its illegal so pimps, brothels, women that sell themselves, etc can hike up to prices as "the cost of doing business"

It would be a lot cheaper if prostitution was decriminalized, because it would make it a "safer" line of work for women to get into, more women get into it, the more competitive pricing that takes place

Brothels would start opening up, and that would make it even cheaper when corporations start getting involved as they have to compete against each other, whores would also have health plans and shit JFL

Right now there is basically monopolies going on because they aren't beholden to any laws or tight competition
Why do you care about being "loved" and "desired" when you know its all shallow BS anyways,
For me I am lonely and I never had even a functioning family. Humans are not built to go their entire lives with zero/almost zero affection whatsoever.

Even just getting sex wouldn't solve my loneliness.

that's whats confusing about you guys, in one thread you'll be saying - "Women are the real eugenicists, so hypergamous, only follow their programming, etc, etc" yet you value "validation" from them, don't you see how contradictory that is?
I don't even just want validation but a sense of companionship as well. Simply the lack of validation whether it's biologically or societally programmed to pursue is the reason why we're here. If the validation was unnecessary than we could merely go "MGTOW" or just put in the work to earn money for escorts if you want a slightly fancier sexual release than masturbation.

In fact, from that reasoning you can arrive at the IT's conclusion that are problems aren't real or are overstated if it's merely just sex we're missing out on. Not reproduction, female validation, romance, and/or loneliness as well.

Also are you implying that if theoretically one of us were to become Chad/chadlite tomorrow we'd have to be either "MGTOW" or just use pursue casual sex? Or that that's the only true blackpilled way?

People are mad and talk about this
"Women are the real eugenicists, so hypergamous, only follow their programming, etc, etc"
because it prevents them from achieving any semblance of romantic/sexual success with them. If you turned people here into Chads tomorrow it would dwindle in importance in everyone's minds.
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Yeah whats wrong is that its illegal so pimps, brothels, women that sell themselves, etc can hike up to prices as "the cost of doing business"

It would be a lot cheaper if prostitution was decriminalized, because it would make it a "safer" line of work for women to get into, more women get into it, the more competitive pricing that takes place

Brothels would start opening up, and that would make it even cheaper when corporations start getting involved as they have to compete against each other, whores would also have health plans and shit JFL

Right now there is basically monopolies going on because they aren't beholden to any laws or tight competition

wouldnt the prices stay relatively the same though? Customer would pretty much pay the same price, the only difference decriminalization would make is that instead of the pimp making big money through commission, the government will make big money via taxation.
or just put in the work to earn money for escorts if you want a slightly fancier sexual release than masturbation.

Quite literally my plan, and I've often said if I can get it easily at a cheap price and I have passive income, you'll barely ever see me on this site again other than to make threads about other things that pop into my head

I think its like you guys are completely unable to disassociate the norms and values you were indoctrinated with, from "the way the world works", men weren't as "validation" obsessed as men today are, you do realize that right?

Owning sex slaves for pleasure and "breeding" was once a norm, owning your wife was once a norm, men gave no fucks about validation, ownership is what was important, you guys speak as if there was never a time when men simply wanted a woman for the objective benefits of having access to her body (sex and progeny), all this "love" and "validation" stuff is rather new

In fact, from that reasoning you can arrive at the IT's conclusion that are problems aren't real or are overstated if it's merely just sex we're missing out on you. Not reproduction, female validation, and being lonely as well.

JFL never even seen anybody from inceltears argue this, you are grasping for straws, you do realize how sexist this argument is right?, never seen anybody on inceltears make this argument ever, because its literally them saying - "you are only missing out on fucking women they have nothing else to offer"

Seriously show me a quote or something, I'd be surprised, that IncelTears used is pretty based to reduce women to their holes and say that "the rest" doesn't matter and were not missing out on anything

Also are you implying that if theoretically one of us were to become Chad/chadlite tomorrow we'd have to be either "MGTOW" or just use pursue casual sex? Or that that's the only true blackpilled way?

Most users I've talked to said they would just pump and dump, either way whether you are Chad or not marriage is not a logical choice in these times, even the Brendan Frasers of the world get divorce raped

Are you seriously saying if you woke up as Chad you'd pursue marriage?

People are mad and talk about this

Guys like you are just stuck chasing the things you were raised to value because you just won't "disconnect" from your programming and acknowledge that none of the shit you are chasing is of any personal objective benefit to you

If you were born in a raider tribe how many hundreds of years ago you wouldn't feel shame in the act of rape, you wouldn't feel shame if a woman didn't "validate" you, your "wife" would have been some random bitch you claimed during a raid, etc

Yet you speak as though the values you have today are ABSOLUTE AND NEVER CHANGING AND WERE NEVER DIFFERENT IN THE PAST

As if men were getting down on one knee and giving bitches flowers and rare earth minerals since the beginning of time, all this "value women" BS is new shit, why don't you guys get that, its like you literally can't think of anything outside of the context of the cultural values you were raised with

None of that shit (love, validation, affection, etc) matters, it only matters to YOU, because YOU WERE BORN IN THESE CUCKED TIMES

Prehistoric you is a rapist
Medieval you is also probably a rapist
Etc, etc, etc

Raping was a norm, not giving a fuck about a woman being attracted to you or validating you was a norm

Norms changed with time, that doesn't just magically invalidate all the previous norms and were just going to speak and pretend as if they never existed

Dude all of these arguments are so played out, so cliche, I already have threads talking about all this nonsense, a lot of you guys are like broken records, you think the same, its not hard to predict what values you hold at all

I think its like you guys are completely unable to disassociate the norms and values you were indoctrinated with, from "the way the world works", men weren't as "validation" obsessed as men today are, you do realize that right?

Owning sex slaves for pleasure and "breeding" was once a norm, owning your wife was once a norm, men gave no fucks about validation, ownership is what was important, you guys speak as if there was never a time when men simply wanted a woman for the objective benefits of having access to her body (sex and progeny), all this "love" and "validation" stuff is rather new
And why do you not assume that their actions, behaviors, and desires were also not a part of the society they were raised in? At the end of the day social programming is king. Everything has a basis in biology, but society is one that pours the gas on the fire to turn it into a raging inferno. Even for hypergamy, lookism, etc.

JFL never even seen anybody from inceltears argue this, you are grasping for straws, you do realize how sexist this argument is right?, never seen anybody on inceltears make this argument ever, because its literally them saying - "you are only missing out on fucking women they have nothing else to offer"
You've really never seen anyone on IT say just get an escort? It happens all the time. A shit ton actually.

Most users I've talked to said they would just pump and dump, either way whether you are Chad or not marriage is not a logical choice in these times, even the Brendan Frasers of the world get divorce raped

Are you seriously saying if you woke up as Chad you'd pursue marriage?
There's a middle-ground between marriage and pump and dump I'm pretty sure.

Furthermore, Chads can marry up in terms of status/wealth. Can you still get divorce raped if you marry a billionaire's daughter?

Quite literally my plan, and I've often said if I can get it easily at a cheap price and I have passive income, you'll barely ever see me on this site again other than to make threads about other things that pop into my head
You said you were going to make a whole different forum lol. At the end of the day you still need some other cope to fill the time and emptiness. I mean you might as well just stay here tbh instead of putting in all that effort.

Guys like you are just stuck chasing the things you were raised to value because you just won't "disconnect" from your programming and acknowledge that none of the shit you are chasing is of any personal objective benefit to you
I'll tell you this. You haven't disconnected from your programming either despite how you think you have. You'll realize that in a few years whenever you get enough money or passive income from your plan.

You'll be the same way that you are now shit posting away on the internet only with sex from escorts in between.

This society isn't built for what you're after. None of us will ever be able to achieve the fulfillment our ancestors did in the past through other means. There's ultimately a reason why you're programmed this way and why even many people here still hold on to it.

Society is built the way that it is. You won't achieve a fulfilling life by ditching (or pretending/convincing yourself to). You can change your goals/desires to whatever you want, but they will always mismatch with society. That's why you still need another forum to cope despite supposedly achieving all that you want.
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And why do you not assume that their actions, behaviors, and desires were also not a part of the society they were raised in?

Because it is more in line with what is innate to animals in the wild (their natural state), TAKE WHAT YOU WANT BY FORCE

Its ridiculous to ask me the question you just asked, it sounds disingenuous, as if you aren't aware of how the natural world works

All these laws, norms, values, etc are all in our heads, they don't exist in the natural world, its survival of the fittest

You said you were going to make a whole different forum lol. At the end of the day you still need some other cope to fill the time and emptiness. I mean you might as well just stay here tbh instead of putting in all that effort

I will make another forum, but many lost souls will come here, I will rescue them lol

Also JFL at saying I might as well stay here, you mean here on this forum with all these cucked mindsets about chasing love and validation, nah this place is a pitstop, so long as the general mindset is this cucked and pathetic I could never stay here

I'll tell you this. You haven't disconnected from your programming either. You'll realize that in a few years whenever you get enough money or passive income from your plan.

You'll be the same way that you are now shitposting away on the internet only with sex from escorts in between.

It seems like you are just throwing words together because I don't get your point, when I said you were following programming I specifically referred to the obsession with female validation as though its necessary for manhood when realistically in a natural setting men claimed women by force

You aren't referring to anything when you say I'm following programming, your response can be summarized "no u" like that meme

Go on and tell me, how is me posting on this site following societal indoctrination, what value system am I blindly being influenced by and accepting it as an absolute truth, I was very specific in what I was saying, you are just saying - "nuh uh u same as me 2" lol
Because it is more in line with what is innate to animals in the wild (their natural state), TAKE WHAT YOU WANT BY FORCE

Its ridiculous to ask me the question you just asked, it sounds disingenuous, as if you aren't aware of how the natural world works

All these laws, norms, values, etc are all in our heads, they don't exist in the natural world, its survival of the fittest
And there's plenty of evidence that human forms societies and civilization which are the antithesis of darwinism/brute naturalism/etc.

Clearly BOTH are a part of humans. Beastly urges and desires along with more ordered and virtuous things (although you wouldn't agree). There is duality even though you prefer the former.

will make another forum, but many lost souls will come here, I will rescue them lol

Also JFL at saying I might as well stay here, you mean here on this forum with all these cucked mindsets about chasing love and validation, nah this place is a pitstop, so long as the general mindset is this cucked and pathetic I could never stay here
I mean the central point here is that you still need it as a cope. Really there wouldn't be many things that change in your life despite your plan succeeding. It wouldn't really be much different than it is now.

It seems like you are just throwing words together because I don't get your point, when I said you were following programming I specifically referred to the obsession with female validation as though its necessary for manhood when realistically in a natural setting men claimed women by force

You aren't referring to anything when you say I'm following programming, your response can be summarized "no u" like that meme

Go on and tell me, how is me posting on this site following societal indoctrination, what value system am I blindly being influenced by and accepting it as an absolute truth, I was very specific in what I was saying, you are just saying - "nuh uh u same as me 2" lol
My point is merely you won't achieve fulfillment by doing what you're doing. You can be obsessed with the past and chase things your ancestors did but society is built the way it is. You can change your desires and beliefs (or rather say you have) to those thousands of years ago, but you can't and haven't changed society and the world around you.

There's a mismatch between what you're chasing/want and the world you're living in.

To think that we can just escape this suffering by making moneys and being obsessed with escorts seems ludicrous and — dare I say — bluepilled.
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If foids aren't trying to rape you, you're a cuck. It really is that simple.

Sub-8 Law, Sub-9 Law, etc.

These red-pilled faggots will always try to justify cuckoldry. No, here's the brutal reality: ONLY GigaChad isn't a cuck.
JFL at "bullshitting around", just be honest and admit you can't address the arguments, you know what you're saying is complete bullshit, illogical, easy to point out its flaws

Excuse me? My position on this and the arguments for why I think paying money for sex is cucked is clearly and precisely laid out in the thread. You'd know that if you stopped smelling your own shit for a moment. And you're telling me about not addressing arguments? KEK, GTFO.

Keep rambling with the diarrhoea posting all you like, but you're just jerking yourself off at this point.
Mongering/paying for s.x/seeking fallen foids is still pretty much a boredom and at the end of the certain period fills one(including chad) with nothing but a total emptiness/loveless.

Look up https://mongertravels.com/ for a true story of the rise and fall of the US-based monger who fkked probably several thousand sluts in many countries during him being 20 ..45 years old. He's currently ending up with nothing like RooshV - just another set of dried branches.

Those guys who are against escort maxxing I can understand them - they are trying to save some bits of humanity/humanism inside for a possibility of ascending in the future without a soul crashing escort/"raping"/"owning" baggage.

The reality though is ascension does not exist and they simply cut themselves out of some untraditional, temporal copes for a temporal life.
I mean the central point here is that you still need it as a cope. Really there wouldn't be many things that change in your life despite your plan succeeding. It wouldn't really be much different than it is now

To you this place is a cope, for me its a pass time (entertainment) and a means to find like minded people to gather with me, to one day enact any plans that I come up with

Then again saying this to you is pointless as I already know how guys like you think, and you are just going to say "entertainment is coping", and everything to you is coping, and you'll give some BS reductionist "everything is cope" argument like even just breathing air is a cope and so on and so forth, I'll just skip all that and not even bother, done this dance before

My point is merely you won't achieve fulfillment by doing what you're doing

You are projecting what would fulfill you, onto what would fulfill me, also I'm not looking for anything as vague as "fulfillment" or "happiness", I'm looking for physical satisfaction and comfort (sex, limited physical effort maximum monetary income (passive income), nice place to stay, etc)

Seriously I can tell just from the way you speak that you believe in "love" and you want "female validation", its obvious when talking to guys like you because of the words you use, you have attachments to various illusory concepts and you don't have objective goals, you have subjective goals, that's exactly why you operate within the realm of ambiguity, because that coping mindest cannot properly function within an objective context (its why you use words like "fulfilled" or "happiness" of which you have no objective criteria for). You project those subjective goals onto other incels and tell them - "X won't make you happy", when you really mean "X won't make me happy"

Were not all "chasing love", I've never woken up and felt bad about not having children, or a "loving girlfriend/wife", or "social status", all I ever think about is money (for ease of living) and sex (for ease of libido), so you are wrong, if I can achieve what I plan on doing I will be "fulfilled" and more specifically satisfied physically

You can be obsessed with the past and chase things your ancestors did but society is built the way it is. You can change your desires and beliefs (or rather say you have) to those thousands of years ago, but you can't and haven't changed society and the world around you.

There's a mismatch between what you're chasing/want and the world you're living in.

To think that we can just escape this suffering by making moneys and being obsessed with escorts seems ludicrous and — dare I say — bluepilled.

Nice strawman try again, I think we can be satisfied (not happy, its a vague and pointless term), and we can do this by having reduced stress levels, reduced levels of physical strain and increased levels of dopamine release especially that of a sexual nature as it would be physically and psychologically satisfying

I don't know why any incel wouldn't pursue this (unless they were blue pilled and stuck "chasing a dream")

Please try your best to step out of the realm of ambiguity, so long as you are chasing undefined and illusory concepts, you'll never actually take any steps towards getting what you want

Try to stop thinking in terms of "happiness" and "fulfillment", and think about this topic with more objective criteria, and you'll see how easily what you're saying falls apart, what do you mean by "happy"?, what do you mean by "fulfillied"?, if there's no criteria then you yourself doesn't even believe in the words you are saying


You don't actually want "happiness", what you want is to hold onto the concept of it, because you find a semblance of comfort within that concept and you know the moment you define specifically what it is you want the "dream" ends because you no longer have the excuse to just keep yearning and doing nothing, this is why I believe people like love subjectivity so much, because it allows you to just be comfortable accepting your shitty existence, and to take small comforts in holding onto ideals
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To you this place is a cope, for me its a pass time (entertainment) and a means to find like minded people to gather with me, to one day enact any plans that I come up with
I mean it sure seems like an interesting place to entertain yourself out of all the options.

You are projecting what would fulfill you, onto what would fulfill me, also I'm not looking for anything as vague as "fulfillment" or "happiness", I'm looking for physical satisfaction and comfort (sex, limited physical effort maximum monetary income (passive income), nice place to stay, etc)
I pretty much already had this except the sexual satisfaction I had was masturbation. In fact, I was fine with my existence or whatever until I discovered this place. Though I was still depressed. I didn't really chase women or anything that people here did prior.

Seriously I can tell just from the way you speak that you believe in "love" and you want "female validation", its obvious when talking to guys like you because of the words you use, you have attachments to various illusory concepts and you don't have objective goals, you have subjective goals, that's exactly why you operate within the realm of ambiguity, because that coping mindest cannot properly function within an objective context (its why you use words like "fulfilled" or "happiness" of which you have no objective criteria for). You project those subjective goals onto other incels and tell them - "X won't make you happy", when you really mean "X won't make me happy"
I never really denied this. It depends on what your definition of "love" is. If it's merely limerence then yeah it exists not even just for Chads. Love as something eternal or to the death probably doesn't exist with anyone, but infatuation and obsession does.

The reasons why we're here are a combination as follows:
- lack of sex
- loneliness
- lack of female validation
- failure to reproduce
- lack of affection

Try to stop thinking in terms of "happiness" and "fulfillment", and think about this topic with more objective criteria, and you'll see how easily what you're saying falls apart, what do you mean by "happy"?, what do you mean by "fulfillied"?, if there's no criteria then you yourself doesn't even believe in the words you are saying
The things listen above are what separates us from other people so all of the above.

You don't actually want "happiness", what you want is to hold onto the concept of it, because you find a semblance of comfort within that concept and you know the moment you define specifically what it is you want the "dream" ends because you no longer have the excuse to just keep yearning and doing nothing, this is why I believe people like love subjectivity so much, because it allows you to just be comfortable accepting your shitty existence, and to take small comforts in holding onto ideals
I never said I don't intend to do anything.

In my evaluation, the people who've just given up and merely chase sex with escorts are the most mentally broken on the forum. I don't think you've really freed yourself you just put the final nail in your coffin. I would say every single one has some level of mental derangement.

I guess you probably had your mind warped along with others so I don't know if it it's necessarily your fault or something you had control over anyways.

But I'll cling to the "dream" so to speak till the very end.
In my evaluation, the people who've just given up and merely chase sex with escorts are the most mentally broken on the forum. I don't think you've really freed yourself you just put the final nail in your coffin

Again, more vague nonsense, final nail in the coffin towards what end?, what does that final nail lead to and under which context?, do you notice that all you ever do is make vague statements that "sound meaningful" rather than just being specific about what you mean to begin with

Also notice that you always have to structure something in a disingenuous manner, escortcels aren't just paying women for sex, they are CHASING them for sex, you could have merely stated the act for what it objectively is, but you know full well you have to exaggerate to even attempt to make a point, because if you are honest about what it is it doesn't sound like a "bad" choice, it sounds like a rational one

Yes, escortcels are purchasing women for sex, while other incels "cling to dreams" (as you've admitted to below) and complain about being virgins FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES, when you state it like this (for what it is) your choice doesn't sound very rational now does it?

Are you guys "chasing" virginity?

I guess you probably had your mind warped along with others so I don't know if it it's necessarily your fault or something you had control over anyways.

But I'll cling to the "dream" so to speak till the very end.

The irony, so the one with objective goals is mentally warped, but the guy who has literally admitted that he's clinging to a dream isn't?
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Again, more vague nonsense, final nail in the coffin towards what end?, what does that final nail lead to and under which context?, do you notice that all you ever do is make vague statements that "sound meaningful" rather than just being specific about what you mean to begin with
I mean you could do more than address more than my personal statements towards you since I typed more. You always say that "ascension isn't possible" that's true for you. That's what I mean I guess. Even if you had the looks. Your mind is too warped.

Also notice that you always have to structure something in a disingenuous manner, escortcels aren't just paying women for sex, they are CHASING them for sex, you could have merely stated the act for what it objectively is, but you know full well you have to exaggerate to even attempt to make a point, because if you are honest about what it is it doesn't sound like a "bad" choice, it sounds like a rational one
Are you that obsessed with the phrasing? You did say that was the most important thing and the solution to our woes. I believe it's one of your primary motivations for making money. I don't think it's inaccurate to say regardless.

The irony, so the one with objective goals is mentally warped, but the guy who has literally admitted that he's clinging to a dream isn't?
I put it in quotes because it was your frame on the matter. Not that I necessarily agree, but even if it was a dream I would rather cling to it than become deranged.
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I put it in quotes because it was your frame on the matter. Not that I necessarily agree, but even if it was a dream I would rather cling to it than become deranged.

Again I don't think you get the irony in what you are saying, because every normie would call you deranged for even using this site or believing in any aspect of the black pill, who is the arbiter of "derangement"?

One day you are going to have to wake up from that dream you are clinging to though (and if you are right about me, I'll have to wake up too, there's a big difference though as you'll read below), you aren't operating on logic so you are basically your own worst enemy

Simple thought experiment, lets say you are right and these things won't satisfy me, and one day I wake up and I'm rich, fucking beautiful whores, eating good food, I no longer have to work, everyday is a day of leisure, is that really such a bad outcome?, seriously think about it, I'd be thinking - "none of this shit is truly satisfying, somethings missing....... BUT ITS STILL BETTER THAN NOT HAVING IT", I'd just go on enjoying those things and give up on "what's truly fulfilling" at some point because I won't get it anyways

Now compare that with your choice of not chasing these things because it will never "fulfill" you, YOU'LL NOT ONLY BE AS UNFULFILLED AS I AM, YOU'LL ALSO HAVE NONE OF THE AMAZING COMFORTS I HAVE

So even in a scenario where you are right, you are just stuck chasing a dream and I'll be unfulfilled but I'll still have other amazing comforts to enjoy, and that's what's confusing about your logic, its like you haven't thought this through, if the end result is unfulfillment for incels, isn't it more logical to be unfulfilled and comfortable?

There's no point in continuing this back and forth, its going to go nowhere and you've even already said you are clinging to a dream, no point in me beating a dead horse
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I've banged a couple of escorts. What kind of sucks though is that, most of the time, the younger and hotter ones give you shittier treatment than the uglier and older ones. I try to limit it to once a month though so I don't go broke. Haven't seen one in 5 months.
I don't think prostitution is cucked. You pay for a bitch to spread her legs, and then you're done. No commitments. Liking and following an Instawhore --- that's cucked.

I'm in favor of legalized prostitution. They should report their earnings, like every other wageslave. In addition, as a societal health precaution, there should be a public register as to who works as a prostitute.
I'm in favor of legalized prostitution. They should report their earnings, like every other wageslave

Only if they get health insurance, vacation days, etc like every other wage slave

In addition, as a societal health precaution, there should be a public register as to who works as a prostitute.

JFL dude that's going too far, seems more like you are more concerned with "getting back" at these women than fucking them

The only health precaution should be monthly std screenings, also brothels should be "subscription based" as johns need to be screened too for stds, if you don't have a clean bill of health you don't get to take part
I'm just not a cuck.

It's that simple

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