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Cope Poorcel trait: saying prostitution is cucked

It's a cope and it's the best one because it's as close as the real thing as it can be.
Most chads pump and dump without any signs of intimacy/romanticism, treating their easy matches like a free prostitutes(low effort).
It's fucking embarrasing.
You'd literally be better off telling normies that you are a virgin than an escortcel.
You're not making sense, brocel. Everything has an opportunity cost, and incels do have options: spend your hard-earned money on the prostitute now and have less to spend on groceries or cheaper copes etc., or spend it on some other thing and have to work more to save money if you want to go the prostitute later. It's just a trade-off

Thats mostly true for USA/Europe/Japan cel. In SEA prostitution is very cheap and frankly I'am not sure what part of the party is the main exploiter there. I mean fkking 18 year old young slut for 20 bucks(which she later sends to her family or spend on something like drugs) is much less cucked than paying $300 for a typical overused euro slut.
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This is also a locationcel trait since prostitution is STILL illegal in 90% countries :(

Foids are truly ruling the world
Guys, escortcelling is one of those things that you need to do at least once in your life if you're an incel tbqh, and i will give you 3 reasons why you should do it.

1 - Let's face it, it's over for you, so why the fuck remain a permavirgin when you can fuck a Stacy (or a Becky, if that's what you can access) with just a little money and almost no personal investment?

2 - It's cheaper that you can imagine, normies spend a shitload of money on dates, good clothes, accessories, perfumes, haircuts and haircare, etc... just so they can fuck a landwhale every once in a while. You will just spend far less than that and get better pussy than most of them.

3 - It isn't cucked, you're just exchanging goods and services, and as long as you don't go there prioritizing her pleasure, you won't be a cuck.

Is it a cope? Of course it is. But it is a damn good cope, and coping is what we all do, so do the research, get some cash, bite the goddamn bullet and go to an escort.
Guys, escortcelling is one of those things that you need to do at least once in your life if you're an incel tbqh, and i will give you 3 reasons why you should do it.

1 - Let's face it, it's over for you, so why the fuck remain a permavirgin when you can fuck a Stacy (or a Becky, if that's what you can access) with just a little money and almost no personal investment?

2 - It's cheaper that you can imagine, normies spend a shitload of money on dates, good clothes, accessories, perfumes, haircuts and haircare, etc... just so they can fuck a landwhale every once in a while. You will just spend far less than that and get better pussy than most of them.

3 - It isn't cucked, you're just exchanging goods and services, and as long as you don't go there prioritizing her pleasure, you won't be a cuck.

Is it a cope? Of course it is. But it is a damn good cope, and coping is what we all do, so do the research, get some cash, bite the goddamn bullet and go to an escort.
Nope never going to try it and I wished people were banned for shilling it everywhere. Should be the same with all other degenerate shit.

It doesn't count and it never will. The escortcels who frequent here are no different from us in mental health whatsoever. The only thing that happens is they become addicted to it so they shall out more and more of your money.

Sex with an escort is sex in name only.

Keep gargantuan coping that it's the same as paying for a date. There are no dudes with girlfriends here.
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It is cucked, but I would fuck prostitutes if I had a lot of money to throw away
Women should pay higher taxes and those taxes would go to incels having sex with whores
Whores should be tax deductible

@PPEcel thoughts?
Whores should be tax deductible

Most of whores demand paiement in cash and probably don't declare any of their income.

Brothels in Germany also require cash paiement for entry, even if they could totally accept card paiements like any other walk-in/walk-out business.

As a client it's kind of annoying. I payed taxes on this money I earned. Why should they be exempt?
Most of whores demand paiement in cash and probably don't declare any of their income.

Brothels in Germany also require cash paiement for entry, even if they could totally accept card paiements like any other walk-in/walk-out business.

As a client it's kind of annoying. I payed taxes on this money I earned. Why should they be exempt?
Ah I think you might have mistaken me

I mean that your whore expenses should be able to be netted off your gross income to reduce your taxable income. Similar to how self employed people can treat a car as a tax deductible expense.
First of all, the literal definition of a cuck is someone who's wife or girlfriend is cheating on them. Second, the people who donate to twitch thots or camwhores are "simps" because they aren't getting anything in return. But escortcels ARE getting something in return.
High IQ. Paying and not getting something in return is the ultimate simp move.

"cucked" has lost its meaning on this forum and is just used as an insult when you are out of arguments or blackpill coping.
"Leonardo dicaprio fucks non virgins he is such a cucked simp lolol"
Truecels can't be escortcels

Escortcels = fakecels

Normies who pay for dates are still paying bro
lol you must live in a bubble if you dont think normies have sex outside of"dates"
dates is not even really a thing in sweden. did my 6/10 friend who fucked a girl behind a tree pay anything? no he didnt lol
lol you must live in a bubble if you dont think normies have sex outside of"dates"
dates is not even really a thing in sweden. did my 6/10 friend who fucked a girl behind a tree pay anything? no he didnt lol
How often does your friend fuck behind a tree? Consistently? Like can your 6/10 get free sex CONSISTENTLY or OCCASSIONALLY? Chad gets it consistently. If I recall your 6/10 friend experiences some dry spells
lol you must live in a bubble if you dont think normies have sex outside of"dates"
dates is not even really a thing in sweden. did my 6/10 friend who fucked a girl behind a tree pay anything? no he didnt lol

Do you have footage?

Your 6/10 friend probably made out with her behind a tree.

Then she fucked Chad later that night.
"Leonardo dicaprio fucks non virgins he is such a cucked simp lolol"

Sponsoring them too - very expensive gifts from time to time which foid later swaps for money.
What a cuck, what a beta he is! :feelshaha:
Do you have footage?

He probably made out with her behind a tree.

Then she fucked Chad later that night
yeah if you gonna argue like that we cant say anything. if every piece of counter evidence is a lie then you are doomed to your sub8 worldview.
scumbag move
yeah if you gonna argue like that we cant say anything. if every piece of counter evidence is a lie then you are doomed to your sub8 worldview.
scumbag move

Dude, normies lie. I don't know how many times I have to say it.
How often does your friend fuck behind a tree? Consistently? Like can your 6/10 get free sex CONSISTENTLY or OCCASSIONALLY? Chad gets it consistently. If I recall your 6/10 friend experiences some dry spells
Yes, 6/10 struggles bro. I never denied that. Just saying it can happen. He was a social circle maxxer. He wouldnt have gotten it off cold approach.
But there was no money exchange, that was my point.
Dude, normies lie. I don't know how many times I have to say it.
Its easy to detect when normies lie. This was not one of those cases. Just accept that normies have sex, not all the time. But it happens.
Ugly 5 or sub 5 men like us dont get sex. Dont fool yourself into thinking you are a 6 or a 7. LOL!
Yes, 6/10 struggles bro. I never denied that. Just saying it can happen. He was a social circle maxxer. He wouldnt have gotten it off cold approach.
But there was no money exchange, that was my point.
I agree, some 6-7's can OCCASIONALLY get "free" sex, but I'd argue it wasn't "free" like Chad off Tinder, because he still had to invest tons of times into social circle maxxing and stuff like that.
I agree, some 6-7's can OCCASIONALLY get "free" sex, but I'd argue it wasn't "free" like Chad off Tinder, because he still had to invest tons of times into social circle maxxing and stuff like that.
Why is social circle an investment? Did the girl invest in the social circle too?
For somewhat NT people, social circle is not an investment. He didnt join this social circle to get laid, they were all natural friends.

You also must realize attracting a woman in a social circle is 100 times easier. If you cold approach, they dont know if you are a creep, awkward, have no friends, or anything. 99% of sex in history has been through social circles.
sub8 always pay one way or another(later with marriage too) to keep foid binded or she will sooner or later swap him for a normie which agrees to the rigged game rules. Not much difference than paying an escort tbh, maybe less pricey.

For rural/depressed areas where foids are truly desperate its sometimes sub6..7 though.
Ah I think you might have mistaken me

I mean that your whore expenses should be able to be netted off your gross income to reduce your taxable income. Similar to how self employed people can treat a car as a tax deductible expense.
I understood you well, but I thought it was worth pointing out that if our expense as a client is not tax deductible, the whore's income is most probably not taxed at all.

This is not fair and making whore expenses tax-deductible is not a solution because it's never going to happen.
I agree paying to fuck a woman who has zero sexual interest in you is less than ideal. However, ive had some great experiences with escort foids so far, to the extent that its not obvious to me if they were "acting" for money or genuinely interested.

Secondly, what chad has cannot be used as a general benchmark since we know women pick from the very top, leaving others to cope in different ways. How can true " love and affection" that chads receive from foids be the standard when foids find around 90% of men unattractive? Its like looking at the american economy and wondering why most guys arent as rich as warren buffet or bill gates. In reality, most guys would be happy to live a decent life with all the basic needs + little extra.

I'm not speaking of chad's experiences.

Thirdly, the cost of fkin a hooker is not the same and depends largely on your income. If youre a richcel, you could have the finest escort at a negligible cost to your lifestyle. On the other hand, a poorcel saving for months together to fuck an escort is pretty cucked, as hes placing the escort on a pedestal by sacrificing his lifestyle to pay for her services. The latter is, arguable more cucked, than the former.
Thats mostly true for USA/Europe/Japan cel. In SEA prostitution is very cheap and frankly I'am not sure what part of the party is the main exploiter there. I mean fkking 18 year old young slut for 20 bucks(which she later sends to her family or spend on something like drugs) is much less cucked than paying $300 for a typical overused euro slut.

I'm speaking of why paying money, in principle, to have sex is what makes seeing a prostitute cucked.

That was the main premise of my wall of autism that I think was just skimmed over.
Why is social circle an investment? Did the girl invest in the social circle too?
For somewhat NT people, social circle is not an investment. He didnt join this social circle to get laid, they were all natural friends.

You also must realize attracting a woman in a social circle is 100 times easier. If you cold approach, they dont know if you are a creep, awkward, have no friends, or anything. 99% of sex in history has been through social circles.
Even if they were natural friends, it's still tons of time he spent there, and the "free" sex was still only occasional.

Mogs us incels, no doubt, but the idea that "other men get it for free", is an argument against using hookers, when most men don't get it for free the majority of the time, means that paying for it is not something that should necessarily be looked down upon. The reason it is looked down upon is because society hates low value males and wants them to suffer.
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Stop obsessing over whether or not your fellow incels think you’re a cuck and just do whatever you can to extract the maximum pleasure possible from this shitty life for the time you are here.
Why is social circle an investment? Did the girl invest in the social circle too?
For somewhat NT people, social circle is not an investment. He didnt join this social circle to get laid, they were all natural friends.

You also must realize attracting a woman in a social circle is 100 times easier. If you cold approach, they dont know if you are a creep, awkward, have no friends, or anything. 99% of sex in history has been through social circles.
You are Swedish so you inhib to prostitution because of your upbringing. The first step actually going to a prostitute requires a lot of Courage tbh. I almost chickend out the first time.

Who cares what happened in history?
We live so different from our ancestors now. Since 60 year or so we witness the biggest changes in human societies since men decided to go for agriculture. Looks is the prime factor now for getting laid, not even social circles. Social circles are still of prime importance (loosing ground to dating apps though) for getting a gf, but as normie you dont get onenight stands with aquaintances.
Stop obsessing over whether or not your fellow incels think you’re a cuck and just do whatever you can to extract the maximum pleasure possible from this shitty life for the time you are here.
Not a bad advice tbh
Even if they were natural friends, it's still tons of time he spent there, and the "free" sex was still only occasional.

Mogs us incels, no doubt, but the idea that "other men get it for free", is an argument against using hookers, when most men don't get it for free the majority of the time, means that paying for it is not something that should necessarily be looked down upon. The reason it is looked down upon is because society hates low value males and wants them to suffer.

Read my post. It has nothing to do with being looked down on for using hookers because we're low value males. Many high value males use prostitutes also. It has to do with how we value different types of relationships.

It extends from sex all the way down to friendships and other forms of relationships. Imagine paying somebody to hang out with you, laugh at your jokes, and give you compliments. You can see how cucked (and pathetic in this case) that is, right?

Let me be clear about something.

Cucked != you shouldn't do it, ever. Wageslaving is cucked (we even call it wagecucking alternatively kek), but most of us need to do it.
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Read my post. It has nothing to do with being looked down on for using hookers because we're low value males. It has to do with how we value different types of relationships.

It extends from sex all the way down to friendships and other forms of relationships. Imagine paying somebody to hang out with you, laugh at your jokes, and give you compliments. You can see how cucked (and pathetic in this case) that is, right?
That's a shitty analogy. The point of friends laughing at your jokes and complimenting you is socal validation. When you are paying a hooker, you are not looking for validation, but for access to her body.

@BlkPillPres thoughts?
That's a shitty analogy. The point of friends laughing at your jokes and complimenting you is socal validation. When you are paying a hooker, you are not looking for validation, but for access to her body.

@BlkPillPres thoughts?

That was fast, so I know you didn't read my original argument. You instareply half-cocked and miss the damn point.

Paying for validation and paying for sex are categorically the same thing. You're paying for something that is socially valuable and obtainable without money. Paying for it devalues it.
That was fast, so I know you didn't read my original argument. You instareply half-cocked and miss the damn point.

Paying for validation and paying for sex are categorically the same thing. You're paying for something that is socially valuable and obtainable without money. Paying for it devalues it.
Wrong. Social validation that you pay for is FAKE.
Sex that you pay for is REAL
@BlkPillPres thoughts?

I'm getting real tired of arguing the obvious, how many times will blue pillers make people go over this topic

You're paying for something that is socially valuable and obtainable without money. Paying for it devalues it.

1. Sex is valuable outside of any social aspect, in fact its primary value comes from it being the sole means of reproduction and its secondary value is physical pleasure, the social aspect is at best 3rd in the list and probably lower, I just can't think of anything else at the top of my head right now

2. Please stop with the BS "sex is free" nonsense, the only truly free sex comes from rape, every other kind of sex for the most part is paid for by the man in some form, there are investments that are required, and once you get into a relationship you basically have to pay maintainence fees to keep getting access to sex, and no your exception to the rule "what Chad gets" argument that's buzzing at the top of your head doesn't count, its the exception to the rule, most men pay for sex in some form

Also @based_meme I don't guys like you realize you ironically "humanize" women by making these arguments, you are thinking of them as people, to me women are just objects to be purchased, owned and enjoyed, so you see it as something revolving around validation based on how you view women, to me its like going to a restuarant and ordering my favorite food, your are projecting your perspective onto others and then asking - "why don't they see how cucked this is", its only cucked BECAUSE YOU VALUE WOMEN AS PEOPLE (THAT'S THE IRONY)
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Please stop with the BS "sex is free" nonsense, the only truly free sex comes from rape, every other kind of sex for the most part is paid for by the man in some form, there are investments that are required, and once you get into a relationship you basically have to pay maintainence fees to keep getting access to sex, and no your exception to the rule "what Chad gets" argument that's buzzing at the top of your head doesn't count, its the exception to the rule, most men pay for sex in some form
You're completely ignoring the underlying reason for sex — reproduction. The men of the past that trade resources for sex reproduce. "Betabuxxers" reproduce. People that paid for dates have a chance at reproducing with the same girl. You cannot reproduce with a hooker.

All these threads are trying to make a flawed comparison because sex with an escort is technically sex. There is clearly a starked difference between it and the type of sex that other men trade resources for. It's not the same whatsoever.

Paying for a date != paying an escort.
You're completely ignoring the underlying reason for sex — reproduction.

Sex is valuable outside of any social aspect, in fact its primary value comes from it being the sole means of reproduction

Seriously are you even reading?

You cannot reproduce with a hooker

I think you mean "should not", what you're saying right now literally makes no sense, of course you can get a hooker pregnant, that's probably happened a lot of times

Paying for a date != paying an escort.

Problem with your logic here is most men paying for date today aren't paying to reproduce, they are paying for a chance to fuck, paying for an escort merely takes the "chance" factor out
Wrong. Social validation that you pay for is FAKE.
Sex that you pay for is REAL

Paying for a warm hole where she fakes enjoyment and your disgusting presense is REAL?

The fuck is this shit?

It's a facsimile. But all of this isn't even addressing the main point. You obviously didn't understand the original premise earlier and still don't get why I'm saying that paying for a whore is fundamentally cucked.

BlkPillPres, whom you hilariously tag to swoop in and do the legwork for you, doesn't even understand the point either.

I'm getting real tired of arguing the obvious, how many times will blue pillers make people go over this topic

1. Sex is valuable outside of any social aspect, in fact its primary value comes from it being the sole means of reproduction and its secondary value is physical pleasure, the social aspect is at best 3rd in the list and probably lower, I just can't think of anything else at the top of my head right now

2. Please stop with the BS "sex is free" nonsense, the only truly free sex comes from rape, every other kind of sex for the most part is paid for by the man in some form, there are investments that are required, and once you get into a relationship you basically have to pay maintainence fees to keep getting access to sex, and no your exception to the rule "what Chad gets" argument that's buzzing at the top of your head doesn't count, its the exception to the rule, most men pay for sex in some form

Also @based_meme I don't guys like you realize you ironically "humanize" women by making these arguments, you are thinking of them as people, to me women are just objects to be purchased, owned and enjoyed, so you see it as something revolving around validation based on how you view women, to me its like going to a restuarant and ordering my favorite food, your are projecting your perspective onto others and then asking - "why don't they see how cucked this is", its only cucked BECAUSE YOU VALUE WOMEN AS PEOPLE (THAT'S THE IRONY)

1. You didn't get it (that's nothing new). The value of sex in the context of this discussion comes from the type of relationship (social vs business).

2. Nobody fucking said it was "free." Even chad incurs some cost, albeit comparably negligible to us.
Paying for a warm hole where she fakes enjoyment and your disgusting presense is REAL?

The fuck is this shit?

It's a facsimile. But all of this isn't even addressing the main point. You obviously didn't understand the original premise earlier and still don't get why I'm saying that paying for a whore is fundamentally cucked.

BlkPillPres, whom you hilariously tag to swoop in and do the legwork for you, doesn't even understand the point.

1. You didn't get it (that's nothing new). The value of sex in the context of this discussion comes from the type of relationship (social vs business).

2. Nobody fucking said it was "free." Even chad incurs some cost, albeit comparably negligible to us.
Gigacope, sex is real with a hooker, you are saying she needs to like and approve of you for it to be real. NO. You sound like Zyros right now
Gigacope, sex is real with a hooker, you are saying she needs to like and approve of you for it to be real. NO. You sound like Zyros right now

Who the fuck is Zyros, and why should I care?

You're still splitting hairs over some bullshit nobody argues for. What's "real" or "not real" is completely irrelevant to the point whether or not something is cucked or uncucked. "Realness" isn't something I'm using to argue with in favour of the argument that prostitution is cucked.

This is textbook strawmanning.
Paying for a warm hole where she fakes enjoyment and your disgusting presense is REAL?

1. Ok so all the betabuxxers of the past who women only married because they couldn't work, etc weren't having "real sex", because those women were just faking orgasms and fucking them because that was the best the could get?

2. So rape isn't "real sex", that sounds like an amazing defense a lawyer could use for the accused in court :feelskek:

"Ladies and gentlemen of the court, no forced sex took place, because rape isn't even sex to begin with because the victim was disgusted with my client, I rest my case"

Like @Personalityinkwell said you sound exactly like @Zyros, me and him argued a lot about this BS, he was shortly permabanned afterwards for boasting about his lay count on the lookism forum, its usually always fakes who keep saying that - "Its not "real sex" if she isn't attracted to you"
Who the fuck is Zyros, and why should I care?

Huge fakecel larp
Seriously are you even reading?
Your post you linked to where you built out the argument in full doesn't even mention reproduction. Yeah you mentioned it in passing the point above so I apologize for that I guess.

I think you mean "should not", what you're saying right now literally makes no sense, of course you can get a hooker pregnant, that's probably happened a lot of times
Even if by some off-chance that happened she's just going to get an abortion. Either way it's in spite of all the best efforts to prevent it from happening.

Problem with your logic here is most men paying for date today aren't paying to reproduce, they are paying for a chance to fuck, paying for an escort merely takes the "chance" factor out
Some men of certain races like most black men are trying to do exactly that (70%+ out of wedlock birth rate). The point is that the character of the sex is different. Not even just in the sense that there is a means towards reproduction even now or in the future.

Paying for dates (for some) is part of a being in or trying to form a relationship and sex is part of a relationship. It's not quite nearly as cold and calculating as directly paying a prostitute for sex.

In many cases it's more like you pay to go out, flirt, she has a good time, and then you have sex rather than as merely and solely a business transaction like a hooker.
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Even if by some off-chance that happened she's just going to get an abortion

Unless she wants to keep it, also don't regular "dates" also get abortions when it comes to mishap pregnancies, like I said before you are acting as if most people today are "dating" for the purpose of reproduction, its primarily about hooking up and fucking

Either way it's in spite of all the best efforts to prevent it from happening

Yeah, just like with any woman you'd fuck from dating, again you have no point, dating today is primarily about sex, not starting a family

Some men of certain races like most black men are trying to do exactly that (70%+ out of wedlock birth rate). The point is that the character of the sex is different. Not even just in the sense that there is a means towards reproduction even now or in the future

You assume to much, blacks are just irresponsible because they have a shitty culture, maybe its genetics IDK, but its irresponsibility, there was no intention of reproduction, they were just trying to fuck, why do you think there are so many abortions and single moms within the black community

Paying for dates (for some) is part of a being in or trying to form a relationship and sex is part of a relationship It's not quite nearly as cold and calculating as directly paying a prostitute for sex

Aaaaaaaaand?, I thought black pillers are supposed to be logical and not emotional thinkers like normies, isn't cold and calculating a good thing?

In many cases it's more like you pay to go out, flirt, she has a good time, and then you have sex rather than as merely a business transaction like a hooker.

Its still a business transaction, its just a convoluted business transaction where women have basically all of the leverage, prostitution levels the playing field, men still have to trade resources to get sex, so if you have to trade, why not make a direct trade and get your product immediately
1. Ok so all the betabuxxers of the past who women only married because they couldn't work, etc weren't having "real sex", because those women were just faking orgasms and fucking them because that was the best the could get?

2. So rape isn't "real sex", that sounds like an amazing defense a lawyer could use for the accused in court :feelskek:

"Ladies and gentlemen of the court, no forced sex took place, because rape isn't even sex to begin with because the victim was disgusted with my client, I rest my case"

Like @Personalityinkwell said you sound exactly like @Zyros, me and him argued a lot about this BS, he was shortly permabanned afterwards for boasting about his lay count on the lookism forum, its usually always fakes who keep saying that - "Its not "real sex" if she isn't attracted to you"

Huge fakecel larp

Don't be a faggot. Stop bullshitting around and read the whole thread to see what exactly is being said on the subject.

You want to pay money to fuck a whore? Go ahead, IDGAS. It won't change the fact that it's still a form of cuckery and it's degenerate (degeneracy is a separate discussion altogether).
Unless she wants to keep it, also don't regular "dates" also get abortions when it comes to mishap pregnancies
Disregarding why she would want to keep a child (esp. from an incel), the child would turn out horrible and she would neglect it anyways. It wouldn't survive or reproduce itself.

Yeah, just like with any woman you'd fuck from dating,
Even if she voluntarily agrees to fuck you without a condom?

You assume to much, blacks are just irresponsible because they have a shitty culture, maybe its genetics IDK, but its irresponsibility, there was no intention of reproduction, they were just trying to fuck, why do you think there are so many abortions and single moms within the black community
I highly doubt it I've seen black people say they do it on purpose. For some it's intentional.

Aaaaaaaaand?, I thought black pillers are supposed to be logical and not emotional thinkers like normies, isn't cold and calculating a good thing?
Regarding the women not you.

Its still a business transaction, its just a convoluted business transaction where women have basically all of the leverage, prostitution levels the playing field, men still have to trade resources to get sex, so if you have to trade, why not make a direct trade and get your product immediately
Is it still only a business transaction if it's a split bill?

The end result is more about the content of the interaction not about money spent. You're not going to get sex just because you take someone out to Ruth's Chris. And someone can get laid after going on some cheap shitty date.

Simply because it's not actually about just pumping money in. The date is just the prerequisite for everything else in. You seem to be making an assumption that a woman is just going to reward you for spending money on a date just like a hooker would and I don't think that's what's happening at all.
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Don't be a faggot. Stop bullshitting around and read the whole thread to see what exactly is being said on the subject

JFL at "bullshitting around", just be honest and admit you can't address the arguments, you know what you're saying is complete bullshit, illogical, easy to point out its flaws

I'll ask again:
Ok so all the betabuxxers of the past who women only married because they couldn't work, etc weren't having "real sex", because those women were just faking orgasms and fucking them because that was the best the could get?

If sex is only "real sex" if the woman genuinely "wants you", then you've just called a lot of sex that took place back in patriarchal times "fake sex", so do those women get a pass and are they still virgins? (I mean it wasn't "REAL sex" JFL)

You want to pay money to fuck a whore? Go ahead, IDGAS. It won't change the fact that it's still a form of cuckery and it's degenerate (degeneracy is a separate discussion altogether).

You can say what you want, Go ahead, IDGAS, it won't change the fact that there's no difference between paying for sex and buying a meal, and ironically the only reason why you see a difference is because you value women "as people" way more than I do, a very ironic perspective for an incel

But you believe in concepts like "degeneracy" so you are obviously a moralfag so what can I expect, of course you are an emotional thinker, of course you still see women as more than a means to an end

Like I keep saying over and over, a lot of incels just can't let go of certain aspects of their "training" (years of indoctrination), you got VBS (Vestigial Blue pill Syndrome), most every incel has some aspect of "normie norms and values" that they just can't let go of because its core to their personage, its what makes them them, and because of that it becomes their blindspot and they don't even realize they are clinging to it

You seem to be making an assumption that a woman is just going to reward you for spending money on a date just like a hooker would

No I'm not, I'm once again forced to quote myself in the exact comment you just read

its just a convoluted business transaction where women have basically all of the leverage

I think its you making the assumption that all business means "fair trade" and "amicable terms", "gambling" is also involved in business transactions, maybe I wasn't specific enough, one thing I did assume is that you'd get what I meant by "convoluted"
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No I'm not, I'm once again forced to quote myself in the exact comment you just read

I think its you making the assumption that all business means "fair trade" and "amicable terms", "gambling" is also involved in business transactions, maybe I wasn't specific enough, one thing I did assume is that you'd get what I meant by "convoluted"
Do you agree that you can go on a date and she can legitimately become horny and want to fuck you? That's the point I'm making. Whether there's alcohol involved or not. In fact, I think that's how it works a lot of the time.

That's not comparable to escort sex. Maybe for you (skeptical), but not for the vast majority of everyone else.
Do you agree that you can go on a date and she can legitimately become horny and want to fuck you?

Yes, but what difference does that make?

I'm not paying for her to want to fuck me, I'm paying to fuck her, I don't get your point here, no escortcel is paying to be "loved" or "desired" (well unless he's a coping idiot)

Also for how many guys do you think this genuine horniness happens for?

Its like less than 30%, probably less than 20%, if you have to "woo" a woman throughout a date she doesn't really want to fuck you, I've talked about this before, the fact that most men dating today are "jestermaxxing"

Here's the reality about dating and relationships that I rarely see discussed in a direct manner


That's it, that's the summary of how attraction in dating works, all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural"

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough

If you have to use all kinds of tricks and signals, etc to get her horny, how is that any better, she isn't really all that attracted to you either, Chad just exists and she's aroused, does that make his sex "more real", sex is sex

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