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Pedophiles who molest children deserve death

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Because I'm not an IT member. I'm a truecel with morals.
We all follow at least some semblance of an ethical system, far from all moral reasoning would be opposed to consensual sex with a pubescent girl, especially in the event that you intended to remain with her. Females can learn to like sex with their looksmatch(even if they'll never really love him) if not given endless access to Chad, and if nobody is getting hurt, I don't see a problem.
I almost agreed with you but you said 14-16 year old girls

Tbh if it was 13 and younger I would wholeheartedly agree but 14-16 they are more sexually active

I have seen 14-16 yo foids dress up like whores still while I was in hs

Pick one.
> r/nomorals
Soy cuck grimace
wow this is a good troll thread
Fuck off, whiteknighting cuck.
Well I personally think it should be a valid topic for careful discussion, since if you were born a pedophile, you will by definition spend your life as an incel, and this is an incel forum. Unless we're gonna start saying, "only certain reasons for being incel are okay."

There's actually a growing movement to accept pedosexuality. Being a true pedophile (ie. zero arousal to adult women) must be hell. You can never, ever, ever hope to fulfill your desire without getting locked up. You can't even download porn that suits you without getting locked up. Governments ban even SEX DOLLS that might represent an outlet and lock you up if you try to get one.

It's like society just wants everyone who is born a pedo to rope or end up in jail.

In a rational world, we'd provide them with child sex dolls so they can just fuck those instead. No one is harmed by a man fucking silicone/plastic. You can't condition someone to stop being a pedo if they are a real pedo any more than you can condition someone to stop being gay if they are a legit fag.
Yeah, that's the way I feel too. I read that at some point pedos and gays were united fighting for acceptance, if you can believe that.

I don't know -- I always have that 'sympathy for the devil' thing going on in me, and who is more demonized than pedophiles in this age? Also, since I don't believe in free-will, no one can be held morally accountable for their actions.

I won't deny that many of the kids who get molested/raped suffer like hell; though I do wonder how much of that suffering is linked to society's view of child sexuality, rather than the actual psychological impacts of the molestation itself. (I thought of this because of the multi-generational and normalized man/boy relationships of ancient Greece.)
Yeah, that's the way I feel too. I read that at some point pedos and gays were united fighting for acceptance, if you can believe that.

I don't know -- I always have that 'sympathy for the devil' thing going on in me, and who is more demonized than pedophiles in this age? Also, since I don't believe in free-will, no one can be held morally accountable for their actions.

I won't deny that many of the kids who get molested/raped suffer like hell; though I do wonder how much of that suffering is linked to society's view of child sexuality, rather than the actual psychological impacts of the molestation itself. (I thought of this because of the multi-generational and normalized man/boy relationships of ancient Greece.)

Yeah absolutely. Like I said, in my case, I would have had no trouble having a sexual relationship with a girl my age or an older girl even from 10 years old. I understood sex and wanted it even from then. But if I did have such a relationship, then I spent the next 20 years hearing about how horrible it must have been and how I should be traumatized, I might wonder if something bad had truly happened.

That's basically what the #METOO movement is all about - retroactively identifying your "traumas" based on your retrospective beliefs and the current prevailing social norms (not the ones of the time it occurred in). It's revisionist bullshit.
Wild Faggot appeared
Why the fuck hasn't this cuck been banned yet? Last thing we need are whiteknights infiltrating our space.
Females finish growing at 16-17, and its natural for women to have babies the moment they menstruate. this thread is stupid
Also I see plenty of 13 year olds that instantly become whores for older Chad.
exactly, the age of consent should be abolished. It should be based on whether foids menstruate or not
For example the foid at 2:20 in this video is 13.
Oh no he is sexually aroused by a hot female, arrest him!
It's funny how western normies don't care about about 14-16 year old girls whoring it up with young chad/tyrone including getting their assholes torn up, no one bats an eye. Or feminists for that matter, women are their own enemies.

Googlecom 7

"She's fiinding herself! Stay away from her you old incel!"


Oh don't worry, I'm not going to fuck her. Why? Because she doesn't want to fuck me.

If I wasn't ugly therefore able to get laid and I fucked a horny teen girl, somehow I doubt that I would traumatize her. I don't think that mental development could be used as an argument either, since the brain isn't fully developed until the mid 20s or so, and it couldn't really be compared to something like drug use, where if you drank alcohol a lot younger then you would be more likely to become an alcoholic for example.
Ban this cuck.
Dude this is gutter tier IQ.

- 15 year old girls used to be the mothers of entire generations of humans for thousands of years. The notion of waiting until you're 30 to have kids is very new and it's causing autism and all sorts of other problems.
- I cannot manipulate a 16 year old girl into sex with me. I couldn't do it then, and I can't do it now. So I don't think they are so "easily manipulated." You think you could fuck a 16 year old girl if you wanted to?
- I am smarter than almost everyone I meet. If I could only go after girls equally intelligent as me I wouldn't even have women to reject me. Anyone dumber than me could theoretically be "manipulated" by me, so it would be unethical as you say. In truth, intelligence has almost nothing to do with sex. A Chad can manipulate women far better than me through his race/height/face.
- I don't think there's actually any science that suggests sexual activity with kids automatically hurts them in any way. I think in practice this would depend on the kid and situation. If I had been 10 years old and had a 16 year old big sister who sucked my dick in the shower, I can't see how I would have had a problem with that. I definitely had a sex drive at 10. Whereas if some fag teacher fucked me in the ass at 10, yeah that would have been traumatizing.

tl;dr - stop being so dumb.
So you are also a smart ethnic?
because 16 year old girls are still very immature, can get manipulated easily and can't understand the consequences of their actions.
Women don't mature past that, mate
This comic demonstrates my point too.

By pumping&dumping girls, you're ruining them for good guys who're looking for someone to marry and have a family with. You're also ruining the foid's life by turning her into a roastie who won't find someone who'll commit to her. And you're ruining the lives of the children she will inevitably have who will grow up without a father.

Basically, you're ruining society as a whole by degenerating formerly pure girls.

What I'm looking for in a girl is purity and maturity. I want someone who I can marry and love forever. An underage girl couldn't qualify for that, so I'm not attracted to them.

But as long as you leave the little girls alone, you can be attracted to them and still be alright.
Not the guy's fault. Bitches need to be kept in check. Under patriarchy shit worked, under matriarchy it doesn't.
Could you see a 35 year old being the mother of your children, running the family while you're at work? No, because she's a child herself.
tbh fam

This logic fails.
settle for this bro <<<<<<<<<<<<
who cares tbh

1st why you care.
2nd those kids will grow up into chads and rosties.
3rd sorry but if your kid gets raped maybe you are bad parent and you shouldn't trust your kid to everybody and fucking take care of it? What do you think?
I am more pissed at those parents then pedos. Sry.
Age is not a measure of maturity.
OP is a soycuck normie. All women are immature and liable to manipulation no matter what their age
OP is a soycuck normie. All women are immature and liable to manipulation no matter what their age
This basically. They have been and always will be extremely impressionable.
Biology doesn't give a fuck about your feelings. Once a woman bleeds, she is old enough to breed. Wanting to have sex with pre-puberty foids is fucked up though
JFL at saying fucking a 16 year old is the same thing as fucking a 6 year old. Pedophilia only counts for children who haven't gone through puberty. 16 year olds have gone through puberty and have developed bodies, which makes it NOTHING like pedophilia. If anything by comparing fucking a 16 year old with actual pedophilia you are making pedophilia look like a joke.
Wonder how Cucktears is gonna make themselves out to be the victim in this thread.

Fucking called it. This thread has been featured on cucktears.
I don't fucking care. I have no empathy to any females. I hate females. Raped girls, killed women are good news to me.
Jimmy savile bad personality thats why you are incel pedo paedophile rapist 2
Mysoginist paedophile has a wife PERSONALITY BRO

Reminder you would have a gf if you would paedophilemax
Listen up, pedophiles and pedocels. I don't have a problem with you freaks as long as you keep your sick fetishes in your head. But if you start acting on them, by molesting children, trying to get sexual with them, in real life or online, you are the scum of the earth and deserve death.

"B-but I'm not a pedophile, I'm a hepelobetebesebephile because I like girls 13 years old and up!"
Fuck off pedo. You're attracted to young immature juvenile girls, you're a pedophile.

The ago of consent needs to be increased to 17-18. The current age of consent of 14-16 years, depending on the country, is flawed, because 16 year old girls are still very immature, can get manipulated easily and can't understand the consequences of their actions.

You should generally only be attracted to people who match your maturity level. Could you see a 15 year old being the mother of your children, running the family while you're at work? No, because she's a child herself. Stop being attracted to children, stop being a degenerate.

The only argument I can accept is that girls over the age of 18 are usually non-virgins, and no virgin man should settle for a used up whore. But there are exceptions, and it's on you to find one. It doesn't justify degenerating young girls while they are still pure.

1. Nobody deserves anything, "good" or "bad", the concept of deserving is inherently and egotistical one.

2. Fuck off, who cares what happens to normies in general, if you aren't a nihilist then you aren't fully black pilled.

3. Women retain the maturity level of children even into adulthood, so even if we follow your logic we should be attractive to young teenage females and adult females

4. This thread was made for idiots like yourself - https://incels.is/threads/porn-comp...philic-desires-and-covertly-exploit-it.95015/


Man does this girl look so sad and oppressed, she lived to a ripe old age, had a stable marraige and family, and had many children, damn look at this disgusting pedophilic oppression JFL. A lot of posers on this site need a reality check, hebephillia is the norm, its only recently been outlawed in modern times, men still want young virile teens, always have, always will, today men are simply just choosing from the limited options they are forced to choose from.
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[Soy] thread tbh, you are a cuck if you care about the well being of foids that are already being dicked down by chads their own age as we speak. The age of consent bears no real implication for incels anyway.
Not defending pedos but here's a quick lesson on "deserve" that I find useful:
Her body is well-developed, her mind is not. Again, could you see a 13 year old girl being the mother of your children? If not, don't fuck them.
True. I agree on this.
@Robtical jfl at this moralfag
Listen up, pedophiles and pedocels. I don't have a problem with you freaks as long as you keep your sick fetishes in your head. But if you start acting on them, by molesting children, trying to get sexual with them, in real life or online, you are the scum of the earth and deserve death.

"B-but I'm not a pedophile, I'm a hepelobetebesebephile because I like girls 13 years old and up!"
Fuck off pedo. You're attracted to young immature juvenile girls, you're a pedophile.

The ago of consent needs to be increased to 17-18. The current age of consent of 14-16 years, depending on the country, is flawed, because 16 year old girls are still very immature, can get manipulated easily and can't understand the consequences of their actions.

You should generally only be attracted to people who match your maturity level. Could you see a 15 year old being the mother of your children, running the family while you're at work? No, because she's a child herself. Stop being attracted to children, stop being a degenerate.

The only argument I can accept is that girls over the age of 18 are usually non-virgins, and no virgin man should settle for a used up whore. But there are exceptions, and it's on you to find one. It doesn't justify degenerating young girls while they are still pure.
Ok GrAYcel
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