Yeah, also notice now the guy is talking about his app that he has invented? He’s a software engineer.
Everything women hate in a man: short, ugly, white, intelligent/geeky, and trying to be friendly.
This commercial was seriously disturbing. I watched it again to make sure I'm not off-base.
Further variation would be if the roles were reversed/conversed?
1. "Chad" or and actual 8+ Chad wa standing alone at a coffee bar browsing his phone
2. Leena comes up and says same lines....."
Hey Chad"....MY APP JUST GOT MASSIVE FUNDING!" (remember folks he got "funding aka a large initial monetary investment (def: for all the fucking lowIQ fucktards on the site) so it represents potentional-wealth, he didn't say my App just got rejected because it is dumb and punny and worthless....which would make it comical or LOL at him)
3. Chad lacking confidence to be adultish and say "I'm busy right now" or "I can't talk"....needs to be RESCUED FROM THE CONVERSATION by his phone. He would be considered "being rude" to a feemayle! Going back to what I said earlier about the infantilization of is expected that Chad treat her sensitively like a he would a child.
4. Leena walks away dejected and talks to someone else.
- Who would be perceived as the Creep in this situation? Chad or "Chad" right? For no other reason than no warmly conversing with a Leena (remember folks THE FUTURE IS FEMALE! All those wonderful apps soon to be on your phone are comin' down the pike!)
Leena would get sympathy (How dare you not tell her that you are proud of a feeeemayle's accomplishments! How dare you reject her based on her average, plain-jane, no striking features appearance!)
Sorry for all the autism9000 level commentary but it reminds me of this commercial......