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I speak up and don’t give a damnHit the nail on the head with every point, men are disadvantaged in literally every way but if you speak up about it then your life is over
I speak up and don’t give a damnHit the nail on the head with every point, men are disadvantaged in literally every way but if you speak up about it then your life is over
I don’t. Women like thugs. Women are at fault. Not men for not being thugswhich I actually do get to a degree
We all like it as guys, but unless you are going out creepshotting, what guy leaves the house trying to see some ass? We go out for errands or to enjoy nature and our base carnal instincts are attacked, I would like to lead a life free of porn and sexuality but thats impossible when its everywhere, the only way to avoid it would to live in a cabin in the woods.
Yet, you'll see some oldcel here lecturing incels on how watching porn is as bad as foids being whore. These retarded old fucks, as if they haven't fucked young men's lives enough with their foid worshipping. It seems the older men get, the bigger foid worshipper they become.Same, it's unpleasant to go out on the street and see a bunch of whores walking around as if nothing had happened.
Insanely good threadThanks frenHonestly it's probably a good thing more big influencers (that's basically what Asmon is) are talking about this kind of stuff at all for visiblity (and a lof of the video comments especially were blackpilled), but I get irritated by all the fence sitting and minimizing of male issues that goes on. ShortFatOtaku does the same thing a lot where really it just feels like they don't want backlash or criticism from the mainstream so they "try to see both sides" even when one side is clearly way way worse than the other. Some issues are complicated and I can understand a fence sitting take, but things have gotten so bad at this point in tangible ways we can easily prove that it's just mind boggling to deal with people claiming women in the western world are "put down by society"
It's just tiresome and dishonest
Men need to look out for these unprofessional affairs more often. It's pretty common in low-grade jobs though.She was also having an affair with one of the higher ups -- but that must just be a coincidence huh?
Thank you man, cheers. People try to dismiss stories like mine by either refusing to believe it actually happened or they try to turn it around on the man she had an affair with “muh power dynamics” etc etc (we all know the usual copes). But it’s real and that kind of this does happen as you say.Good digest. I always enjoyed reading your posts.
Men need to look out for these unprofessional affairs more often. It's pretty common in low-grade jobs though.
The guy is not our friend, despite His mannerism.Now this is honesty from OP. That man and women equally have problems is a middle ground fallacy. We don't hurt equally. The truth is women don't actually have problems, and are the source of mens'. Asmon puts blame on society instead of women, and it keeps his male audience from rebelling. Asmon probably isn't dishonest but just blue pilled. Fencesitters just want to be the inoffensive, tolerated, righteous moderate that ultimately upholds the status quo
Play vidya, neet, and give no SHITSGood Read , atleast we are aware that WE are litteral cannonfooder and dont have to contribute at all ( If you can neetbux ) or less hard
Life Is Luck and Rigged To some Degree.
Niggers basically.cool thread but yes, "fuck you, got mine" is part of how we got here, shit even dads are like this sometimes
Wait until the Gender war happens, in prolly Next Century!! When all the redditors are worm food.Thanks for the great effort, man. Men are just fallible to that. There was a video titled 'The Incel Revolution' or something by whatifalthist 2-3 days ago. Men just lapped it up like it was honey. The video in actuality was a foid-apologist's propaganda. Still got taken down. Goes to show how fucking bad shit is. It's like Men don't wanna be helped. At least do it for your dignity.
The more I see men's behaviors the more I think most Men don't deserve their rights either.
Same with this video. 'BoTh ArE aT fault' or some just-world fallacy shit in the comments.
Edit: assmongshitAssmonshit
Jewtube is the eternal morally bankrupt video hostinh shite ever since Jewgle bought the domain.Lmao they actually took it down? Top kek, this kind of thing is how you know the powers that be are genuinely worried about young men pushing back against their sick system. It’s either that or brainrotted reactionary feminists are literally in direct control of YouTube’s censors.
I saw it before it was removed and yeah, too much time was spent how you’re referring and in my view I don’t think he even should’ve bothered to spend the early portion arguing with future comments about how he’s “not an incel, really guys I’m not!”
I enjoy some of his content but all one should need to point out is that being an incel or not has no bearing on the validity of your arguments. I dunno maybe im being too harsh, it’s hard to put content into the world when you know in advance the exact kinds of bad faith arguments you’re 100% going to receive so I do sort of get it.
It’s a net positive that content like that is going out I think.
All truck drivers "muh privileged klass" are jaded lonely men delivering resources for whore skanks like these to enjoy when they go mall shopping, abort ALL femalesFoids are lazy and stupid. Expect society to start breaking down in the near future due to having them running things they shouldn't after taking over top positions. I shouldn't even say "taking over" because it isn't much of a fight for them in order to get promoted.
Boomers are the worst criminals of "their gender" in entitlement Alone!!Older generations of men are true and utter failures. Now, these pathetic creatures have the gall to be entitled to young men's attention for their senile ramblings.
"No refunds, kiddies" get in daat cagie and BE gratefulIt's much worse than that. They hardly could be bothered to spend time with their kids. Didn't pass on any valuable knowledge. They were financially irresponsible and corrupt. They stole not only their son's, but even their grandson's generation's foids after getting divorce-graped. Utter sewer rats.
Upload shit (in lower res) to the internet archive, fuck video hosting websitesI suggest that it's more because of advertisers, and those advertisers are going to be PC or yield to what is the most PC, as otherwise it will effect their sales. Market forces is what I mean. (Remember the ad-pocolypse?)
YouTube is a business, and unless they can make money from hosting the videos you make and upload, they are hosting them for no reason, and that costs them money.
Arrogance is strictly a boomer trait.Based and based.
It’s also crazy how the concept of passing things on to your kids and trying to give them a better life than you had is alien to so many of these people.
It’s like they hate their own kids and think their children are just “too lazy” to deserve assistance — all the while forgetting all the help they had growing up and never acknowledging just how good the economy was for them compared to now.
My parents are going to burn every dollar they have before croaking and my mom won’t even do do index funds or high yields savings accounts so she just bleeds money year over year like a total retard. Have fun on your cruises I guess while your son will never own a home…
Though the cruise thing moreso applies to my grandparents. My dad has had like 5 wives who just use him as a greencard for them and their kids each time and my mom has no money (despite getting massive windfalls more than once for … doing literally nothing kek) because she’s genuinely retarded.
Its all about image, and deceit with whores.This is a great comment man, good points
> “If that's not sexism on speed then I don't know what is.”
Kek, this phrasing made me chuckle. Nice
What’s very tiresome to me is when these real life convos actually do happen, women always claim that “they’re not like that” and that “of course men should get to choose”.
But it’s yet another case of actions speaking louder than words. In their own private groups women say what they actually think and want (eg femaledatingstrategy/2xchrome, etc). Or you can legitimately just watch their behavior — in aggregate they aren’t accept men as partners who don’t fulfill these traditional roles (unless they are very attractive and even then it might simply be a short term fling, women do not like carrying men financially).
It’s sort of the same kind of misdirect when women claim erroneously things like “oh I wear makeup for myself” — no you don’t. You do it because you know you get more positive attention from men and you seek to attract high value ones. And that’s fine maybe but just admit it and stop lying about it.
Women lie all the time because they want to “appear” reasonable or “appear” a certain way in public for reputations sake. But the gulf between their stated motives and actual motives is often massive. It’s the gaslighting and hypocrisy that irritate me the most, it’s like nobody is honest about the things that actually matter to men and women and nobody in the mainstream is willing to even entertain policies that would actually restore some semblance of balance between the sexes. Maybe just maybe all of these policies from our ancestors weren’t intended to oppress women, they were necessary to level the playing field between men and women. Unregulated entirely the outcome is what we’re getting now where a few top men share all the young women.
Juden Peterstein is a rat and a coward, he would never go against the hand that fed His entire career.I’m fine with it, Jordan Peterson is an oddball since he’s very articulate and correct about some things (for example his talks about the male dominance hierarchy and how women date across and down while men date across and up — though I’d argue that second point is an understatement in current year). He’s also absolutely right about the concept of “compelled speech” being evil (eg requiring people to affirm positions they don’t actually think are true is wrong).
Where Peterson loses me is 1) when he starts going on about some of his religious ideas (though I’d argue the religious traditionalists were in a lot ways right about gender roles/monogamy things like that) and 2) he is actually very hard on men and has stated publicly that it’s men who need to change themselves — which I actually do get to a degree, but it pissed me off that nobody ever seems to acknowledge that maybe women should change too. It’s apparently evil for men to have preferences for women like being a virgin but when women have preferences men should buck up and accommodate is sort of the mainstream take more or less. That doesn’t seem fair.
But yeah it’s crazy how the public just destroyed and dogpiled on JP like they did. Completely unfair, the things he said were fine for the most part. Normies are fucking insane psychopaths where they’re so used to our kind being forced into these niche pockets forced away from them by bans that when someone like JP points out holes in their worldview they lose their minds.