Imagine if Incel-Tiers wrote music reviews:
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Apparently that's a foid - 20 bucks says it's a dyke or a tranny.
Observations, as always, line up perfectly with mine. College campuses are packed with fags of all stripes: as you note it's either "duh huh yuh bruh" frat Chads artificially lowering the pitch of their voice or twink fucks replete with lisping and vocal fry. Both types seem to get way more action than they have any right to - the former probably mop up during estrus, after which the foids fall back into cyclically steady LTRs with the latter.
You're very right to note the polarization. Everything related to foids increasingly takes the form of "either Chad, cuck, or incel".
I watched one of your PUA videos and I think I recognize the city you're in by the storefronts and signage. I've been there several times (was thinking about living there for a while) and from what I saw and what I've heard it's absolutely packed with soyboys.
I had the same development pretty much. Listened to OSDM and Goregrind during middle school and freshman year of high school and, by being a trend-hating elitist, ruined what probably would have been a few good chances to get under a scene cunt's skirt. After that I picked up on AmRep-style Noise Rock like Cows, Hammerhead, etc. then into older stuff like The Birthday Party, The Fall, Butthole Surfers, then into Post-Punk like Gang of Four, Wire, This Heat, then by senior year cosmopolitan eclecticism from Pärson Sound to Fela Kuti to Autechre to Pharaoh Sanders. With each step, I became increasingly atomized and divorced from the conditions that had shaped me (in parallel with taking musical advice from people, I was unconsciously imbibing the political as well) - concurrently, shitlib truisms were being ramped up in the frequency of their deployment (2012 onward). Being trapped under this form of consensus, I stumbled through the first two years of college dead inside before waking up gradually, starting around my 20th birthday. Knowing the smugness with which these people advance their small-souled and estrogenic humanism, I have nothing but undying contempt for the modern "punk" (punk is right, if these Antifags end up in prison) scene and hope to see these people with their illusions shattered like a $15 mug of IPA falling to the ground.
Black Metal is good, especially the dissonant stuff that mostly seems to come out of France/Poland (Drottnar from Norway were forerunners to this approach, though). Metal has turned into a playground for nufags too, though. You can't get away from this shit anymore. I remember when Antifa were protesting Incantation/Marduk/Graveland shows and getting support from metalsoys.