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Blackpill [MULTIPLE STUDIES] The REAL truth about the JBpill (attraction to teens is common). Agecucks will hate this (but so will pedos who like 9 year olds).



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
Since idiots think it's abnormal to find a 17 year old chick attractive and since there's perverts here (who didn't appear until 2021) who think finding a 9 year old of all people is normal (it ain't), I decided to prove the REAL truth about attraction and age, and both groups of idiots will be debunked with RESEARCH PAPERS.

to all bluepillers reading this, calling me a pedophile isn't an argument. to all people who like 9 year olds, calling me an agecuck isn't an argument (calling attraction to 9 year olds deviant is NOT agecuckery).

Penile Circumference, Skin Conductance, and Ranking Responsesof Child Molesters and "Normals" to Sexual and Nonsexual Visual Stimuli

20 child molesters (average age: 27.5 years; who were over 16 at the time of offense and whose victims were age 13 and below), 10 non-sex offending patients (average age: 26.7 years; all non-sex offending patients were heterosexual except one being gay), and 11 normal men from the community (average age: 25; all of the normal men were heterosexual except one bisexual man) were recruited to measure penile circumference and skin conductance response (PCR and SCR) alongside attractiveness rankings.

"In the slide sort test, two arrays of six black and white slides each were shown to the subject, one array at a time, on a lighted sorting tray. A seventh color slide depicting a sado-masochisticact was included in each array. In one array, the black and white figures were nude and, in the other, the figures were partially clothed. There was one representative of each sex at each of three age levels: adult (between 18 and 30 yr of age as judged by the experimenters), pubescent (12-15 yr) and child (5-11 yr). Each subject was asked to choose the slide that he found most sexually attractive and that slide was removed from the tray. This process was repeated until there was no slide left or until the subject reported that he found none of the remaining slides attractive. The ranking data were scored for each subject by ordering the slides within an array according to their order of choice. When not all the slides were chosen, the remaining slides were assigned the average of the remaining ranks. The data from the two arrays were combined by com- puting the average rank of the slides from the same category.

In the psychophysiological test, subjects were seated in the reclining chair and in- structed to relax, look carefully at the slides and think of them in a sexual way. It was explained that the apparatus measured very tiny changes in penile circumference. Subjects were also told that they should avoid unnecessary movement as this would interfere with the measurements. The electrodes were attached and subjects were shown 20 slides in a fixed randomized sequence. Each sfide presentation was 30 sec in duration and was sepa- rated by 60 sec from the next presentation. When a large PCR of long duration occurred, the next slide presentation was delayed until the PCR returned to a steady state near baseline. Full erections sometimes resulted in the PCR polygraph trace going off scale. These traces were scored by giving the subject the maximum reading that the scale allowed.

There were two slides in each of the following categories. In the "heterosexual activity" or HET category, a nude or partially clothed man and woman were depicted petting on a bed. In the person categories, there were pictures of single nude or partially clothed persons. The female categories were: "adult female" or AF (judged to be between 18 and 30 yr), "pubescent female" or PF (12-15 yr of age), and "child female", (5-11 yr of age). These age categories were identical in the male series. There were three additional cat- egories: "children under five" or C < 5 (one picture of a male toddler and one of a female toddler), "sadistic" or SP (a female nurse being choked by a man and a man being whipped by another man), and finally, "neutral" or NS (a chandelier and a landscape). None of the slides used in the slide sort were presented in the psychophysiological test in order to preserve novelty."

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Figure 1 shows that normal subjects showed strong sexual arousal to adult women ages 18-30 and, on average, some extent of sexual arousal to adolescent girls ages 12 to 15, and, on average, a little bit of sexual arousal to prepubescent girls ages 5 to 11. They showed the least arousal to prepubescent boys ages 5 to 11 and children under age 5.

The structure of erotic preference in the nondeviant male

48 young men in compulsory military service of similar age (mean age: 20.3) and physical size who lived under similar conditions were used in the study.

"The stimuii consisted of colour slides of nude males and females, representing three age groups (children 4-10 yrs, adolescents 12-16 yrs, adults 17-36 yrs) as determined from age estimates by pediatricians and anthropologists. The forty-two test slides were presented in twenty-one pairs, each containing one of the fifteen different combinations of the six sex and age groups. Each group was represented by seven different photographic subjects. To each S the entire series of slides was exposed twice, with a pause in between."

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Of the 48 young men, with picture types appearing as the first member of the pair, 52% experienced positive reactions to prepubescent girls (age 4 to 10), about about 81.25% experienced positive reactions to the adolescent girls (age 12 to 16), and about 85.42% experienced positive reactions to the adult women (ages 17 to 36). With picture types appearing as the second member of the pair, 58.33% experienced positive reactions to the prepubescent girls, and virtually all 48 (over 93%) experienced positive reactions to the adolescent girls and adult women. With the picture type appearing as the first member of the pair, only 10.42% experienced positive reactions to the prepubescent boys age 4 to 10, 12.5% experienced positive reactions to the adolescent boy age 12 to 16, and around 5% had a positive reaction to adult men age 17 to 36. However, the attraction that over half the men had to prepubescent girls was only slight attraction, whereas they had strong attraction to the adolescent girls and adult women. This is shown below in Figure 2.

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"Figure 1 demonstrates that the reaction to pictures of adolescent and adult females was positive, that to males negative, and that to female children intermediate. These results are in keeping with the respective expectations. The figure also demonstrates a greater tendency for a positive acceleration score in response to the second picture of a pair (~2 p<O.Ol), and this holds even for each of the two positive picture types separately (12 p-KO.05)."

Sexual offenders against female children: Sexual preferences for age of victims and type of behaviour

21 incest offenders (fathers molesting their daughters; mean age: 40.1), 40 nonfamilial child molesters (child molesters who molested non-relative girls under age 14; mean age: 34.5) and 22 normal non-criminal men (mean age: 33.9) were used for a study and had their sexual arousals to stimuli measured. The demographics presented in Table 1:

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Now here is Figure 1:

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Now as you can see here, nonfamilial child molesters often had strong sexual attraction to girls ages 5 to 12 (with the peak at age 9). The attraction decreased but was still high at age 13/14 but then increased at 16 and peaked again at ages 18 to 24. Incest offenders had a lack of attraction to girls under 12 but a little attraction to 12/13 year old girls, moderate attraction to 14 to 18 year old girls, and the most attraction to women ages 20 to 24. The normal, non-criminal men lacked attraction to girls under 14, had minuscule attraction to 14 year old girls, and had fairly high attraction to 16 year old girls and then extremely high attraction to 18 to 24 year old women (with the peak being 18 and 20 year old women). The incest offenders didn't experience much attraction in general in comparison to nonfamilial child molesters and normal controls.

Erectile responses among heterosexual child molesters, father- daughter incest offenders, and matched non-offenders: Five distinct age preference profiles

Howard Barbaree and W.L. Marshall created another study in 1989 where they used the same exact methodology. 21 fathers who molested their daughters (average age of daughter victim: 9.05; SD=3.7), 40 nonfamilial child molesters who molested non-relative girls under age 14 (average age of victim: 8.55; SD=3.0), and 22 normal controls matched in age, intelligence and socioeconomic status were used in the sample.


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The adult profile group (teleiophilia) was the sample of people who were most sexually aroused by adults (categorized as age 16 to 24). They lacked attraction to girls age 3 to 14 and had fairly high attraction to 16 year old girls and very high attraction to 18 to 24 year old women (with the peak being women age 20). The teen-adult profile was rather ephebophilic. They showed hardly any attraction to 3 year old girls and 5 year old girls but a tiny bit of attraction to 7 year old girls. They were somewhat attracted (although not very) to 9 year old girls and had fairly high attraction to 11/12 year olds and very high attraction to 13 to 24 year olds (and found all subgroups in the 13 to 24 age group almot equally attractive). 68% of normal controls were in the adult profile group whereas 14% were in the teen-adult group. 18% of normal controls were non-discriminatory, which means they showed equal (but only fairly but not extremely high) attraction to girls and women of every age (although little attraction to 3 year old girls).

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People in the child profile were pedophiles (primarily or exclusively attracted to prepubescent children) and lacked attraction to anyone 13 or older. They had fairly high attraction to 12 year old girls and some degree of attraction to 3 year olds but mostly attraction to girls ages 5 to 11 (with the very peak being age 9). The child-adult profile had strong attraction to girls under age 12, lack of attraction to girls age 12 to 14, and fairly high attraction to 16 year old girls but strong attraction to women ages 18 to 14 (with the peak being ages 18 to 22). These are non-exclusive pedophiles.

Deviant Sexual Behavior: Differentiating Sex Offenders by Criminal and Personal History, Psychometric Measures, and Sexual Response

In a sample of incarcerated rapists (sample size=49; mean age=27.8 and SD=5.7), people who molested pubescent and/or teenage girls (sample size=19; mean age 31.0 and SD=5.2), and people who molest prepubescent girls/boys, they found this chronophilia (sexual attraction to a specific age group) preference profile for the first two aforementioned types of sexual offenders when measuring sexual arousal:

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The rapists (who had adult victims or peer-age victims) experienced moderate (but mostly sufficient enough to qualify as an adequate response as defined later in this paragraph) sexual arousal to 15 year old girls but strong attraction to 18 to 25 year old women. They experienced minuscule attraction to 12 year old girls and no attraction to girls under 12. Their attraction started off very low at age 5 and increased with age. According to the data: "Adequate response was defined as attaining a peak response of at least 20% of full erection to at least one stimulus in any one of the auditory or visual stimulus series presented to that subject."

Erotic preference in pedophilia

20 university students age 21 to 32 (mean age: 24.5) and 20 recent immigrants age 21 to 38 (mean age: 24.5) served as paid volunteers in a study. 4 age groups with 6 photographs each of nude people (a combination of 48 photos) were shown to the men with the age groups specified below:


Age group 1:

Age range: 5 years and 7 months to 8 years and 3 months (mean age: 6 years and 6 months)

Age group 2:

Age range: 8 years and 4 months to 11 years and 5 months (mean age: 9 years and 6 months)

Age group 3:

Age range: 12 to 14 (mean age: 12 years and 8 months)

Age group 4:

Age range: 22 years and 9 months to 26 years and 3 months (mean age: 23 years and 2 months)


Age group 1:

Age range: 5 years and 4 months to 7 years and 7 months (mean age: 6 years and 7 months)

Age group 2:

Age range: 8 years and 8 months to 11 years (mean age: 9 years and 7 months)

Age group 3:

Age range: 12 years to 14 years and 8 months (mean age: 13 years and 6 months)

Age group 4:

Age range: 19 years to 25 years and 8 months (mean age: 22 years and 5 months)

Results (Figure 1):

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Men showed less arousal to girls under age 10 (but showed some degree of arousal to 10 year old girls despite a low arousal to 11 year old girls). Although they showed a little attraction (but not very much) to 12 year old girls, they showed higher (but only somewhat high instead of very high) attraction to 13 and 14 year old girls, and they showed very high attraction to adult women in their 20s. They lacked attraction to men and boys of each age group.

As shown in Figure 2 below, men lacked attraction to any body parts men and boys had. They lacked attraction to prepubescent girls' body parts (except for minuscule attraction to prepubescent girls' lower belly pubic region). Men had minuscule attraction to pubescent girls' chest region but moderately high attraction to pubescent girls' lower belly pubic region. When it comes to women in their 20s, they showed some degree of attraction to women's face and legs but very high attraction to the chest region and maximum attraction to the lower belly pubic region.

Erotic preference in pedophilia

27 heterosexual pedophiles, 20 homosexual pedophiles, 23 ephebophiles (homosexuals preferring teenage boys age 13 to 16 or 17), 25 androphiles (homosexuals preferring adult men AKA gay teleiophiles) and 35 normal controls were included in the study. Some of the non-normal controls pretended to prefer adult women. (These pretenders were distributed as follows: 19 heterosexual pedophiles, 9 homosexual pedophiles, and 8 gay ephebophiles.) Slides of male children, female children, male adolescents, female adolescents, male adults and female adults all were shown to the men in the overall sample.

Interestingly, the normal men were somewhat attracted to the female children, but had very strong attraction to both the adolescent girls and adult women. In fact, the difference in attraction to the adolescent girls and the adult women was very small. They only found adult women just slightly more attractive than the adolescent girls, but had strong attraction to both. They had no attraction to men and boys. Additionally, they found that gay teleiophilic men (gay men preferring adult male partners) had strong attraction to both adult men and adolescent boys, with the attraction to adult men being only a little higher. They had only minuscule attraction to male children, even more minuscule attraction to adult women and adolescent girls, and absolutely no attraction at all to female children. The 15 ephebophiles who didn't deny their sexuality had extremely high attraction to adolescent boys, moderately high attraction to adult men, medium attraction to male children, very minuscule attraction to adolescent girls, and no attraction at all to adult women and female children. The gay ephebophiles who pretended to prefer adult women showed high attraction to adolescent boys, some attraction to adult women and adolescent girls, and lack of attraction to adult men and both male and female children.

Figure 1 shown below with a zoom-in of the chart:

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Facial, Olfactory, and Vocal Cues to Female Reproductive Value

"Facial photographs, body odors and voice recordings were collected from a total sample of 121 heterosexual women from three different age groups: young girls (n = 50; age range = 11-15 years, M = 13.76 years, SD = 1.44 years), adult women (n = 42; age range = 19-30 years, M = 23.48 years, SD = 2.47 years) and circum-menopausal women (n = 29; age range = 50-65 years, M = 56.83 years, SD = 5.17 years). Participants were recruited from the local population of Göttingen (Germany) and all reported to be native German speakers. To control for possible effects of exogenous hormones on attractiveness, only participants who reported not using any kind of hormonal contraceptive or supplements at the time of data collection were recruited. All participants received 30 euros financial compensation."

"The women were instructed to adopt neutral facial expressions and remove make-up, glasses and any other facial adornments (e.g., facial jewellery). All participants were asked to tie back their head hair with a black hair-band. In post-processing, faces were isolated from remaining other visible features (such as hair and the neck) by colouring these features black in Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, USA). Finally, all digital images were scaled to a resolution of 433 x 600 pixels for presentation in the rating component of the study."

"Digital facial photographs, body odor samples (via T-shirts) and voice recordings were presented in three independent rating studies to a total sample of 450 male participants (age range = 18-40 years, M = 23.84 years, SD = 3.50 years) and rated on attractiveness and femininity. All participants received 5 euros compensation for their time."

"A panel of 150 men (age range = 18-40 years, M = 23.68 years, SD = 3.25 years) rated 24 facial photographs that were randomly selected out of the total sample, 12 of them on attractiveness and another 12 on femininity. Attractiveness and femininity were rated in separate blocks of trials and trial order was fully randomized. Another 150 men (age range = 18-40 years, M = 23.20 years, SD = 2.97 years) judged each a subset of 24 voice recordings on attractiveness and femininity using the same procedure. Medialab 2008 software (Empirisoft Inc., New York, USA) was used for face and voice presentation and ratings were made on a 5-point scale (1 = not at all attractive/feminine to 5 = very attractive/feminine). For the assessments of voice recordings participants listened to the samples using circum-aural earphones (Superlux HD681F). All voice recordings were set to constant amplitude, and participants were instructed to judge the voices spontaneously as the samples were played only once before they were prompted to make a decision."

"A panel of 150 men (age range = 18-40 years, M = 24.65 years, SD = 4.04 years) was recruited to judge the smell of 12 T-Shirts, randomly selected from the total sample, for attractiveness and femininity. The T-shirt rating took place in separate sessions, over a time period of three weeks. At each session, 12 T-Shirts were defrosted three hours before the rating and put into 5 litre glass jars with clamp lids, numbered from 1 to 12 and judged by 10 participants. They were told to pick one jar after the other (the order differing between participants), shake it, open it and smell it without touching the T-Shirt, then rate the smell of the T-Shirt for attractiveness and femininity on a 5-point scale (1 = not at all attractive/feminine to 5 = very attractive/feminine). Participants provided their ratings using paper questionnaires that were placed next to each jar."


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"Analyses showed a significant effect of age group for ratings of both facial attractiveness (F = 25.58, p < .001; n2 = 0.30) and vocal attractiveness (F = 41.34, p < .001; n2 = 0.41), but not for ratings of body odor attractiveness (F = 0.39, p = .68; n2 = .007; Figure 1). For facial attractiveness, young girls received the highest attractiveness ratings (M = 2.12, SD = 0.43), followed by that of adult women (M = 1.91, SD = 0.44), and circum-menopausal women (M = 1.43, SD = 0.34). Both, young girls and adult women were judged to be significantly more attractive than circum-menopausal women (both p < .001), whereas the difference in attractiveness ratings between young girls and adult women was not quite significant (p = .06). For vocal attractiveness, adult women received higher attractiveness ratings than did young girls and circum-menopausal women (adult women: M = 3.16, SD = 0.49; young girls: M = 2.78, SD = 0.58; circum-menopausal women: M = 1.99, SD = 0.50), and attractiveness ratings for each of the three groups differed significantly from one another (all p < .01).

Pairwise comparisons of body odor attractiveness ratings between the age groups did not show any significant difference (all p = .99).

The ANOVAs for femininity ratings also showed a main effect of age group for ratings of women’s faces (F = 8.49, p < .001; 2 = 0.13) and voices (F = 33.12, p < .001; 2 = 0.36), but not for ratings of body odors (F = 0.05, p = .96; 2 = 0.0008; Figure 2). Faces of young girls received higher femininity ratings than those of adult women and circum- menopausal women (young girls: M = 3.16, SD = 0.56; adult women: M = 2.83 SD = 0.57; circum-menopausal women: M = 2.67, SD = 0.47)."

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"Pairwise comparisons showed that femininity ratings of young girls’ faces were significantly higher than those of adult (p < .05) and circum-menopausal women’s faces (p < .001), but that adult women and circum-menopausal women did not differ in rated femininity (p = .63). Analyses also showed that vocal femininity ratings of adult women were higher than those of young girls and circum-menopausal women (adult women: M = 3.41, SD = 0.44; young girls: M = 3.29, SD = 0.55; circum-menopausal women: M = 2.41, SD = 0.66). Pairwise comparisons showed that femininity ratings of circum-menopausal women’s voices were significantly lower than those of young girls’ or adult women’s voices (both p < .001), but no significant difference between femininity ratings of young girls’ and adult women’s voices (p = .91). Pairwise comparisons of body odor femininity ratings between the age groups did not show any significant difference (all p > .05).

Female age was positively correlated with vocal attractiveness in the group of young girls (r = .49, p < .001) and negatively correlated with vocal attractiveness in the group of adult women (r = -.39, p < .05). The correlation between age and vocal attractiveness in the group of circum-menopausal women was not significant, however (r = .08, p = .69). Although female age was also positively correlated with facial attractiveness in the group of young girls (r = .31, p < .05), it did not predict facial attractiveness in the groups of adult (r = .04, p = .81) or circum-menopausal (r = -.30, p = .12) women. Female age did not correlate with body odor attractiveness in any of the three groups (all absolute r < .24, all p > .10)." This is explained further by this quote: "Moreover, there were differences in regard to men’s attractiveness and femininity perception of women’s faces and voices, particularly for the group of young girls and adult women. Young girls’ faces were judged to be more attractive and feminine than those of adult women while adult women’s voices were judged to be more attractive and feminine than those of young girls. These latter results suggest that men’s perceptions of women’s vocal and facial attractiveness may be more closely tied to femininity than youth, per se (see also, e.g., Feinberg et al., 2008). Indeed, among the group of young girls, age was positively correlated with both facial and vocal attractiveness, suggesting more mature girls may be judged as more attractive." This means among young girls ages 11 to 15 (M=13.76; SD=1.44), the older girls in the age group (14 and 15 year olds) are seen as both more feminine and more attractive due to increased physical maturity.

Heterosexual Men's Ratings of Sexual Attractiveness of Pubescent Girls: Effects of Labeling the Target Under or Over the Age of Sexual Consent and Heterosexual Men’s Ratings of Sexual Attractiveness of Adolescent Girls: A Cross-Cultural Analysis

"In both studies, participants were UK born, heterosexual, adult men recruited in a university sports center (Study 1) or general locations within a university campus (Study 2). In Study 1, par- ticipants were 53, UK born, heterosexual, adult men (M age = 25.2 years, range 18–42 years). Study 2 participants were 70, UK born, heterosexual, adult men (M age = 31.0 years, range 19–78 years). Data from one participant in Study 2 were dropped because they were not properly attending the task, resulting in their latency data being excessively long and dis- torting group means."

"All participantscompletedasexualorientationquestionnaire to confirm their heterosexual orientation and computer task. The computer task comprised 61 trials presented on a screen involving a short pseudo-biography (age, home town, star sign, and favorite color), presented for 5 s, followed imme- diately by a photograph of an individual to whom the biography related.

To obtain an explicit measure of attraction, participants in Study 1 were asked to ‘‘rate the sexual attractiveness of the person in each photograph as quickly as you can’’ using a 7-key response pad (from extremely sexually unattractive to extremely sexually attractive). In Study 2, the instructions explicitly asked for the participants’ own judgments of attraction, with the instructions being to rate 'how sexually attractive you find each individual as quickly as you can.' The time taken to respond was used as an implicit measure of decision ease, where shorter latencies (quicker responding) indexed an easier decision and longer latencies indexed a more effortful decision (due to interference/conflict). Trials were presented on a Dell Latitude D600 Laptop with a 14 in. display via E-Prime software (Version 2.0). Response time measurements were obtained through a Cedrus Response Pad (Model RB-730), with data recorded using E-Data Aid software in conjunction with E-Prime.

Age labels applied to the photograph were grouped into four image categories: target underage (14–15 years), target within age (16–17 years), distracter women (19–25 years), and distracter men (16–27years). Photographs for target underage and within age females were counterbalanced: for half the participants in Study 2 (and 27 of 53 in study 1), half of the target photographs were identified as underage, the other half as within age, with labeling reversed for the remaining participants. In this way, participants only saw the target girl pho- tographs once—identified as either 14–15 years old or 16–17 years old. However, when taking all participants together, the same photographs appeared in underage and overage sets (other pseudo-biographical details remained constant in both conditions). In Study 2, there were 12 target underage pictures, 12 target overage pictures, 7 distracter female pictures, and 30 distracter male pictures. Picture sets in Study 1 were essentially the same as this, but with some minor variation. All photographs were obtained from publicly available open sources. All individuals were presented wearing swim-wear or underwear. Adobe Photoshop cs5 was used to edit the photographs, so all depictions were of a similar size and presented mid-screen on a white background. No participant reported being aware of the purpose of the study nor did they question the ages of the young women as presented during the study. All aspects of the research were approved by the relevant Ethics Committee.

For each study, two key analyses were conducted. In the first, comparisons of mean attractiveness ratings and reaction times across the four conditions (target underage, within age, distracter men, distracter women) were made in a series of one-way repeated measures ANOVAs. The second series of analyses examined the correlations between reaction times and attractiveness ratings in each condition.


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The researchers conducted the same study again a year later with the same exact photographs/age labels and methodology on a sample of Bulgarian men: "Participants were 36 Bulgarian-born heterosexual, adult men recruited using a snowball technique, starting with ‘friends of friends’ and expanding out. Their mean age was 34.5 years (SD = 12.88). Recruitment was conducted in Bulgaria."

"Three sets of photographs were presented: seven photographs of women identified as being 19–25 years old, 30 photographs of men identified as being between 16 and 27 years, and those of adolescent girls. The latter were labelled as either 14–15 years old or 16–17 years old. In total, participants saw 24 photographs of adolescent girls: twelve labelled as being between 14 and 15 years (6 = 14 years, 6 = 15 years), and 12 labelled as being between 16 and 17 years (6 = 16 years, 6 = 17 years). Their presentation was counterbalanced, such that 18 participants saw half the photograph set labelled as 14–15 years and half labelled as 16–17 years; 18 participants saw the same photographs with the opposite label. Accordingly, no participant saw the same photographs with different age labels."


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"The mean and standard deviations for each country’s attractiveness ratings are shown in Fig. 1. ANOVA revealed no differences in mean scores for each category of photographs across the three country samples, F(2, 153)=1.69, p=.19, partial g2 = .02. However, there were significant differences, F(3, 459) = 162.67, p<.001, partial g2 = .52, between attraction ratings in each category of photographs. Pairwise comparisons (Bonferroni corrected) showed that both young and older girls were rated as significantly less attractive than women (p<.001), but more attractive than men (p<.001). In addition, older girls were rated as more attractive than younger girls (p<.001)."

"Key findings were that apparently younger girls were rated as less attractive than (the same) apparently older girls, who in turn were considered less attractive than women. These findings were highly significant and did not differ across countries."

Other studies:

In a sample of 2,278 male patients (1,066 heterosexual teleiophiles, 761 heterosexual hebephiles, 159 heterosexual pedophiles, 110 homosexual pedophiles, 86 homosexual hebephiles, and 96 homosexual teleiophiles) (many being sex offenders against children, adults or both) with a mean age of 37.48 (SD=13.21) and a median education of high school graduation, they looked at the chronophilias of each men. The teleiophilic ones (attraction primarily to adults) would presumably have the same age preferences as the general population of teleiophilic men (most men are teleiophiles). Hebephilic and pedophilic ones would, for the aforementioned reason, have the same age preference as hebephiles in general and pedophiles in general, respectively. (Remember pedophilia is an attraction paraphilia, not an action). Here's the results:

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In another study, 214 gynephlilic (attraction to female people) and teleiophilic (attraction to adults) male patients for traits like sex crimes, paraphilic or problematic sexual behavior, etc. with no offense history against girls under 17 or male people and no possible evidence of non-teleiophilia/non-heterosexuality behavior-wise or attraction-wise were used in a study. The average age was 35.74 (SD=11.62). 35.5% of the men had no known sexual offenses and 64.5% had offenses against at least 1 adult woman, rape, frotteurism, exhibitionism, and obscene telephone calling. Audiotaped narratives involving prepubescent girls and boys ages 5 to 9, pubescent boys/girls age 11 to 13, and adult men/women. Photographic models included prepubescent girls ages 3 to 11, pubescent girls age 12 to 14, adult women age 20 to 35, prepubescent boys age 5 to 11, pubescent boys age 12 to 14, and adult men age 19 to 41. Results shown below:

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One limitation was addressed, but it doesn't appear to make a difference in the results: "One might query the generalizability of the results obtained from this population, given that approximately 65% had been convicted of one or more sexual offenses and that the remaining 35% accessed services in the Sexual Behaviors Clinic because of some type of sexual concern or problem. Although this undoubtedly is not the typical college sample of males often recruited for psychological or sexuality studies, we do not believe this to be a very serious limitation, as the results of the current study very closely confirmed results obtained from volunteers in previous research."

Another study showed more detailed results of men's sexuality. 2,355 men (including mostly male patients with the same characteristics in two previous studies) were included in a study and grouped together by chronophilia (sexual attraction to a specific age group). Their average age was 37.75 (SD=13.24 years) and their median education level was Grade 12. They were asked to rate each age group by attractiveness and asked about their erotic age/gender preferences for the following age groups:

Phallometry was used to measure arousal to audionarrative (including of prepubescent children ages 5 to 9, pubescent minors ages 11 to 13, and adult men/women) and nude photographic models of age groups: "The original set of photographic models on which the present test was based comprised prepubescent girls age 5–11, pubescent girls 12–14, adult women 22–26, prepubescent boys 5–11, pubescent boys 12–14, and adult men 19– 25 (Freund, Langevin, Cibiri, & Zajac, 1973; Freund, Mc- Knight, Langevin, & Cibiri, 1972). There have been some additions or substitutions of models in the intervening years, primarily involving the adults. The new models extended the ages of the prepubescent girls to 3–11 years, the ages of the adult women to 20–35 years, and the ages of the adult men to 19–41 years."

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They also measured sexual arousal to age/gender groups through phallometry but did NOT include mid-late teenagers, which prevents ephebophiles from experiencing maximum arousal to any age group.

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Heterosexual Aversion in Homosexual Males [link]

36 gay men ages 21 to 43 (mean age=26.9) who preferred adult partners ages 20 to 30 from 3 gay nightclubs were paid volunteers in a study alongside 18 heterosexual university students and 18 heterosexual recent immigrants ages 21 to 39 (mean age=24.7). Their sexual arousal through phallometry was measured to the following stimuli:

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The penile response data is shown below. The gay men showed minuscule attraction to boys under age 12, moderately high attraction to pubescent boys age 12 to 14, and very high attraction to young adult men. The straight men showed minuscule attraction to girls ages 5 to 8, a little attraction to girls age 8 to 11, moderately high attraction to pubescent girls age 12 to 14, and very high attraction to young adult women.

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62 heterosexual intrafamilial sex offenders (father-daughter incest offenders with daughter victims under 17), 57 heterosexual extrafamilial child molesters with victims under 17), 25 homosexual extrafamilial child molesters with victims under 17, and 47 controls (normal, heterosexual, nondeviant men from the community) all were used for a study. Their age did not differ much (average age: 33.99; SD=8.75). "The heterosexual extrafamilial and incest offenders had significantly less education (means 10.23 and 9.96 years, respectively) than the controls and homosexual extrafamilial offenders (means 12.74 and 12.60, respectively). There were no other statistically significant group differences in education."

"A series of twenty-seven 16 mm movie clips were utilized as erotic stimuli in this study. These pictures consisted of 4 age-sex categories of men, women, boys and girls. The age categories were 6 to 8, 9 to 11, 13 to 15 and 18 to 25 years of age for both genders. There were three repeats of each age-sex category and three sexually neutral clips. The clips were sequenced in a pseudo random order within each of 3 stimulus blocks, after Freund, et al. (1972). Movie clips were used because penile reactions to movies tend to be larger than those to slides."

Results shown below. The normal men showed very high attraction to 18 to 25 year old women, some degree of attraction to 13 to 15 year old girls, minuscule attraction to 9 to 11 year old girls and no attraction at all to 6 to 8 year old girls, neutral stimuli and men/boys of all ages.

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An Internet Study of Men Sexually Attracted to Children: Sexual Attraction Patterns

1,189 men (mean age: 33.66 to 33.7; SD=13.2) recruited from forums for men attracted to children were included in a study, many being forums that condemn child molesting and encourage these men to avoid acting on their attraction. Some men instead came from smaller referral sources and some men didn't clarify how they discovered the study. This sample includes 125 female-attracted non-exclusive ephebophiles (non-exclusive means they can fall into more than one chronophilia and have more than 1 highest rated age group, which results in ties), 18 female-attracted exclusive (exclusive means there's an age group they have way more attraction to than any other age group, having only 1 highest-rated age group) ephebophiles, 95 male-attracted non-exclusive ephebophiles, 15 male-attracted exclusive ephebophiles, 162 female-attracted non-exclusive teleiophiles, 37 female-attracted exclusive teleiophiles, 64 male-attracted non-exclusive teleiophiles, and 15 male-attracted exclusive teleiophiles.

Results are shown below, and it is similar to results shown in other studies examining men's sexual arousal or rating patterns regardless of the sampling methodology, so a sampling bias wouldn't be a severe limitation. The age groups are prepubescent (age 10 and below), pubescent (age 11 to 14), adolescent (15 to 16), and adult (17 and older).

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The Puzzle of Male Chronophilias

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In his article The Puzzle of Male Chronophilias, pedophilia expert and sexologist Michael C. Seto wrote: "a sexual interest in sexually mature adolescents, though socially sanctioned in modern Western societies if under the legal age of consent, is neither uncommon nor atypical." He elaborated:

"Ephebophilia is subject to a great deal of confusion because of its conflation with legal standards and moral norms. For example, the fact that the age of consent is 16 in Canada and in many American states, and that there is clearly some interest in regarding this age range—as demonstrated by ‘‘barely legal’’ or ‘‘schoolgirl’’ pornography genres, popular cultural memes regarding ‘‘jailbait,’’ the use of young teen models in mainstream fashion and other media—does not directly speak to the existence of ephebophilia. Because of the blurriness of sexual maturation from adolescence into adulthood, teleiophilic men and women might well have some sexual attraction to 15–17 year olds, even if it is illegal and/or socially frowned upon. Moreover, some young adults look like minors (and some minors look like adults)."

Seto and fellow researcher Skye Stephens wrote together: "Conceptually, hebephilia is a paraphilia, reflecting an atypical (statistically rare) sexual age interest in pubescent children. In contrast, a sexual preference in older adolescents (ephebophilia) would probably not meet Wakefield's definition, given older adolescents are reproductively viable and the fact that typically men are sexually attracted to older adolescents, as reflected in self-report, psychophysiological, and pornography use studies." They then wrote about early pubescent minors (ages 11 to 14): "Given that teleiophilic men still show sexual response to non-preferred age categories, showing some response to pubescent children is normative. Showing more arousal to pubescent children than to adults, or not discriminating between these two categories, is not normative."


Although studies vary on whether it's normative to find pubescent girls age 11 to 14 attractive (some studies show it's common to find them at least somewhat attractive whereas some show the opposite), studies consistently show that it's common for ordinary men to find older teens (ages 15 to 17) attractive. Nonetheless, men appear to find 18 to 24 year olds the most attractive, with the peak being age 20. Experts unanimously agree that finding high school-age girls attractive is normal. Sexologist and pedophilia expert James Cantor said: "It's very common for regular men to be attracted to 18-year-olds or 20-year-olds. It's not unusual for a typical 16-year-old to be attractive to many men, and the younger we go, the fewer and fewer men are attracted to that age group." Sexologist and pedophilia expert Fred Berlin said: "Most men can find adolescents attractive sexually, although, of course, that doesn't mean they're going to act on it. Some men who become involved with teenagers may not have a particular disorder. Opportunity and other factors may have contributed to their behaving in the way they do." Seto elaborated on men's chronophilic preferences: "Hebephilia," he explains, "is clinically and scientifically defined as a sexual attraction to pubescent children, i.e., kids who are showing some signs of pubertal development but who are still clearly physically immature." Hebephilia does not include older teenagers. He explains most men are not hebephiles, and most are not attracted to pubescent teens (he most likely is referring to early teens such as 13 year olds). When it comes to the older teens (15 to 17 year olds), Seto said: "Many men are sexually attracted to older teens," he says, "but not as much as they are sexually attracted to young adults." Seto cited studies showing that, on average, both straight and gay men show more sexual responses to photos of adults than to photos of older teens (presumably 15 to 17 year olds). Sociologist Sarah Goode, author of Understanding and Addressing Adult Sexual Attraction to Children says that while it's "pretty normal" for men to be attracted to teenagers, it's by no means universal. Although I don't know if she's biased or if she has evidence for this, given she is a sociologist instead of a sexologist conducting research through phallometry, but that wouldn't mean she's wrong of course. That would be the credentials fallacy or the identity fallacy, but who knows if she's just saying that due to bias. I couldn't locate where exactly she said that in her book (if that's a quote from her book at all, which, for now, I'm not completely certain about).

Men probably find young adult women the most attractive

Donald Symons, in his book The Evolution of Human Sexuality, "speculated on the age at which females should be most attractive to males, predicting 23-28 ± 2, '... if males have been designed by selection to 'evaluate' females primarily as sex partners,' and 17-22 ± 2 if '... designed by selection to 'evaluate' females primarily as wives.'" (p. 189)

Studies have shown consistently that heterosexual men are attracted to youth, and that even a lot of studies show that gay men are attracted to youth.

The age group men find the most attractive appears to be ages 18 to 24, with the very peak being 20 years old. There are 7 chronophilias: nepiophilia (predominant or exclusive sexual attraction to infants or toddlers), pedophilia (a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children generally ages 3 to 10), hebephilia (a predominant/exclusive attraction to early pubescent minors ages 11 to 14), ephebophilia (a predominant sexual attraction to teenagers), teleiophilia (a primary attraction to younger adults ages 18 to 39), mesophilia (attraction primarily to middle aged adults), and gerontophilia (predominant sexual attraction to elders). The prevalence of men who are pedophiles is estimated to be 1 to 5 percent of men (consensus being 1 percent), with hebephilia's prevalence being possibly 2 to 3 times more common (most likely only slightly higher than pedophilia). Hebephilia is only a PREDOMINANT attraction to minors ages 11 to 14 but not the mere attraction to them. Most men are teleiophiles, but although teleiophilic men often can find teenage girls attractive and ephebophilic men often are attracted to women in their 20s, the big difference between teleiophilia and ephebophilia is shown in some charts above. Ephebophiles find women most attractive at 15/16 years old whereas for teleiophilic men, it's around ages 18 to 24 (especially age 20).

An OkCupid study found that men, no matter how old they are, find 20 year olds the most physically and sexually attractive. Even a middle aged man will find early 20s the most attractive. Women in their early-mid 20s find men a bit older the most physically attractive, women in their late 20s and women in their 30s found men around their own age the most physically attractive, and women over 40 found men a few years younger the most physically attractive, with 50 year old women finding men most physically attractive at age 46. According to Christian Rudder of OkCupid: "This isn’t survey data. This is data built from tens of millions of preferences expressed in the act of finding a date."

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Also, the youngest women get the most attention on dating websites. According to OkCupid blog "The Case For An Older Woman", the largest amount of people from the dating pool is interested in a woman when she's about 21 or 22, starting off high at 18. It plummets in the late 20s to where it was at 18 and doesn't plummet to a low number of people interested in her until age 31. It could be it skyrockets to a peak at 21 from 18 because the drinking age is 21 and stigma against age gaps scares men into avoiding 18 to 20 year olds, given that before the late 20th century, age gaps were more common alongside more accepted. 18 year old men have a low number of the dating pool interested in him, skyrocketing to a peak in his mid-late 20s, plummeting after 30 and reaching a low number of the dating pool interested him at 36. However, when men do things even more controversial in terms of social norms, such as pursuing or admitting to attraction to 18 to 20 year olds or even younger, then that's where they're presumably more likely to be honest or show their true colors. No matter what he states his age preference as, the median 30 year old man spends just as much time messaging 18 and 19 year old women as he messages women his own age. On the other hand, women only a few years older are largely neglected. Additionally, 18 year old women receive the most new contacts on OkCupid monthly, with the number of contacts decreasing as she gets older. This is true whether she shows cleavage or not (although the decrease is less intense when cleavage is used by each age group and cleavage helps more contacts appear).

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A study also looked at online dating and found that women's desirability peaks at 18, and then falls from there. Men's desirability starts off moderately high at 18 and gradually reaches its peak at age 50, then gradually decreasing after that:

"Once we have our desirability scores, we can use them to identify characteristics of desirable users by comparing scores against various user attributes. As shown in Fig. 2, for instance, average desirability varies with age for both men and women, although it varies more strongly for women, and the effects run in opposite directions: Older women are less desirable, while older men are more so. For women, this pattern holds over the full range of ages on the site: The average woman’s desirability drops from the time she is 18 until she is 60. For men, desirability peaks around 50 and then declines."

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A lot of people might argue that men aren't into youth because they like MILF. First off, I don't think MILF was always a popular porn category (at least not to my knowledge). Additionally, the real reason men like MILF isn't because they find older women just as attractive. They are attracted to how she is dominant and initiates and leads. Many men, believe it or not, enjoy being submissive (I don't mean pegging though). Many like dominant women and MILFs in porn often are dominant and have high status jobs and initiate everything in the video. There are way more men who like being submissive than women who like being dominant (as far as I know). Also, not that many men think cougars are hot (a good amount but not much). Allure surveyed 2,000 Americans. Only 36% of 18 to 29 year old men think cougars are hot, which means 64%, a majority, don't, and the ones who do probably still find young women hotter. Admittedly men in this survey said they think female beauty peaks at age 29 and that women are most seductive at 30, but men in this survey might be saying what is in line with social norms where older men finding very young women most attractive is seen as taboo or creepy. This is a social desirability bias. In studies where men admit to finding the youngest adult women the most attractive or even younger, they are probably more honest given they are saying something that takes a lot of guts to say even anonymously. Besides, only a third of male baby boomers (this was 2013 so they were all 49 to 67 years old at the time) said they find women their own age attractive (which isn't nearly as controversial to say if you say you find 29 year olds the most attractive instead of saying 20 year olds). Cubs (young men who date cougars) typically like cougars for reasons having nothing to do with mesophilia (attraction to middle aged adults). 250 of them were polled (half being 18 to 25 years old) and "fifty percent of the men say they like older women because there is something sexy about a mature woman who knows her own mind and body. Another 22 percent say younger women aren't mature enough and are full of drama. Nine percent say they think their younger bodies are more likely to turn on an older woman." Not many only date older women exclusively: "Only 17 percent say they date older women exclusively. 32 percent say they usually date younger women, but occasionally like to be with an older woman." Also, although MILF is a popular porn category, teen porn has also had popularity. Teen porn has declined in popularity, possibly due to backlash from society and feminists. Teen was more popular than MILF and one of the top searches in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. Its popularity decreased a little and went behind MILF in 2016. In the late 2010s/early 2020s, teen porn declined in popularity, but many young pornstars in their 20s who look 18 are still popular, such as Lana Rhoades, and Shaiden Rogue is a 20 year old pornstar with lots of views on PornHub, and she got started at 18, with videos of her 18 year old self having lots of popularity.


Is it normal to find teenage girls attractive? Yes. A lot of men will find a 15 to 17 year old attractive but they find 18 to 24 year olds the most attractive (with the very peak being around age 20). Finding 14 year olds girls attractive is fairly normative and some men can find them somewhat attractive. Some men might find 12 or 13 year old girls somewhat attractive (but some won't have any attraction) and while some men might have a minuscule attraction to prepubescent girls, many men won't find prepubescent girls attractive at all. Finding prepubescent girls and middle school age girls very attractive, however, is unusual, especially for prepubescent girls. Strong attraction to 15 or 16 year olds, however, is pretty normal. Although men find 17 to 24 year olds more attractive, they presumably could find some 15 or 16 year olds just as attractive as women in their early 20s, given that some 15 or 16 year old girls look like they're in their early 20s and women in their early-mid 20s look like they could still be in high school (especially women in their early 20s). So obviously agecucks like IT are idiots when they call this pedophilia (a primary attraction to prepubescent children). Nonetheless, pedocels on this forum who drool all over 9 year olds are abnormal. Pedophilia and hebephilia don't mean a mere attraction to prepubescent and early pubescent minors, but a predominant/exclusive attraction, which is atypical. Ephebophilia isn't classified as a disorder by researchers because attraction to older teens is common and normative among many men. The difference between ephebophilia and teleiophilia is that ephebophiles find 15-16 year olds the most attractive but also have strong attraction to 12 to 14 year olds and 17 to 24 year olds. Teleiophiles have non-existent to medium attraction to 12 to 14 year olds, strong attraction to 15/16 year olds and maximum attraction to 17 to 24 year olds, the age group they find the most attractive (with the peak being around age 20). Men who find teenagers attractive often lack attraction to prepubescent children and real pedophiles lack attraction to teens. As straight men get older, they still find young women most attractive. This also is often true for gay men, and many gay men can find teenage guys attractive, too. Our biology doesn't respond to laws or morals or social norms. Chronophilia is innate and biological. We are attracted to physical development, not age, and if you think women are most attractive at age 20, you probably could find a lot of 17 year olds attractive given girls in those two ages don't look even remotely different. Besides, if you saw someone you thought was in their 20s and thought they're hot and then realized they're 17, you won't lose your attraction to them (repressing it doesn't reduce it). It's not a button to turn on or off just like how getting married doesn't mean you lose your attraction to other women (even if we outlawed adultery unless it's already illegal). If we acknowledge married men can't get rid of their attraction to other women, how is this different when it comes to teenagers? That's the special pleading fallacy. Some girls at 15 to 17 look like they're in their early 20s and some women in their early-mid 20s look like they're in high school.

In short, yes, it is common to find 18 or 20 year olds attractive. It's not unusual for many men to find a 16 year old girl attractive. Some men could find 12 to 14 year olds somewhat attractive whereas some won't, and the younger we go, the fewer and fewer men are attracted to that age group.

Agecucks and ACTUAL pedocels on suicidewatch.


BAXTER, D. J., MARSHALL, W. L., BARBAREE, H. E., DAVIDSON, P. R., & MALCOLM, P. B. (1984). Deviant Sexual Behavior. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 11(4), 477–501.doi:10.1177/0093854884011004007

Blanchard, R., Kuban, M. E., Blak, T., Klassen, P. E., Dickey, R., & Cantor, J. M. (2010). Sexual Attraction to Others: A Comparison of Two Models of Alloerotic Responding in Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41(1), 13–29.doi:10.1007/s10508-010-9675-3

Bennett P, Lowe R, Petrova H. Heterosexual Men's Ratings of Sexual Attractiveness of Adolescent Girls: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Arch Sex Behav. 2015 Nov;44(8):2201-6. doi: 10.1007/s10508-015-0504-6. Epub 2015 Mar 27. PMID: 25813610.

O’Donnell, M., Lowe, R., Brotherton, H., Davies, H., Panou, A., & Bennett, P. (2013). Heterosexual Men’s Ratings of Sexual Attractiveness of Pubescent Girls: Effects of Labeling the Target as Under or Over the Age of Sexual Consent. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(2), 267–271.doi:10.1007/s10508-013-0192-z

Röder, S., Fink, B., & Jones, B. C. (2013). Facial, Olfactory, and Vocal Cues to Female Reproductive Value. Evolutionary Psychology, 11(2), 147470491301100.doi:10.1177/14747049130110020

Freund, K. (1967). Erotic preference in pedophilia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 5(4), 339–348.doi:10.1016/0005-7967(67)90025-3

Freund, K., McKnight, C.K., Langevin, R. et al. The female child as a surrogate object. Arch Sex Behav 2, 119–133 (1972). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01541862



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Now that's a long ass post
i posted a conclusion section

@Infinity @Fat Link seriously pin this. this needs to be pinned.
This is pretty common sense. I dont think any man would seriously say he cant find a 15-17 year old attractive. Its just about what can and cant be said in the matriarchy
Finding 14 year olds girls attractive is fairly normative and some men can find them somewhat attractive. Some men might find 12 or 13 year old girls somewhat attractive (but some won't have any attraction)
this seems too vague

elab on these age ranges. i would think most men find 13-14 year olds attractive
i'll attach more files here because i can't do more than 20 apparently


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Seems accurate to me. I consider my sexuality to be very normal (age-wise).

I think 16-21 year olds are peak attractiveness, with some decline going out on both sides, but nonetheless there is still attraction. I would estimate my sexual attraction more-or-less dissipates around < age 12 on the young end, and declines more slowly on the old end.
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Who are the people on this forum who like 9 year olds?
@Mystic @DeepSea i think were the ones and a couple others
this seems too vague

elab on these age ranges. i would think most men find 13-14 year olds attractive
some men can find girls that age attractive to some degree, and very attractive facially, but they find the post-pubescent more attractive, and girls finish puberty at 15-17 years old


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Just remember JB sites were incredibly popular in the 00s internet, before feminist harpies ruled and banned everything they didn't like and the soyboys appeased them. There was a lot less stigma with admitting attraction to teens.
and age gaps used to be common back when it was accepted by society
some men can find girls that age attractive to some degree, and very attractive facially, but they find the post-pubescent more attractive, and girls finish puberty at 15-17 years old
by some men, are you saying its less than 50%?

if girls hit puberty years earlier, than they will have sexual development in their early teens. i find it hard to believe that most men wouldnt be attracted to that, it goes against biology
by some men, are you saying its less than 50%?

if girls hit puberty years earlier, than they will have sexual development in their early teens. i find it hard to believe that most men wouldnt be attracted to that, it goes against biology
i mean if their physically mature as hell, men could find them attractive

i don't know the exact percentage who find average-physical maturity 13/14 year olds attractive, it's not super high or super low. but they usually aren't post-pubescent yet at that age unless they bloomed exceptionally early.
MILFS only 30+ :feelswhat:
@Mainländer you'll like this

@Alone75 thoughts on this? i know you hate pedocels (and i mean REAL pedophiles ofc)
i mean if their physically mature as hell, men could find them attractive

i don't know the exact percentage who find average-physical maturity 13/14 year olds attractive, it's not super high or super low. but they usually aren't post-pubescent yet at that age unless they bloomed exceptionally early.
they have curves and boobs. those are signs of sexual dimorphism

the reason why 17 year olds are attractive, and 9 is not, is because of sexual dimorphism or lack thereof

but 13-14 has sexual dimorphism, (less than 17), so how can an average man not be attracted to that?
52% experienced positive reactions to prepubescent girls (age 4 to 10)
Wait, isn't this evidece that attraction to prepubescent females is normal in adult males (more than half)?

That's why I think the most reasonable definition for pedophilia is liking prepubescents MORE than you like teens/adults. Because if any attraction already makes one a pedophile, then most men are pedophiles according to that data. How can something present in most men be considered deviant behavior? The only deviation is liking children MORE than teens/adults on average.

But nowadays, I theorize that many men who are not even pedophiles according to the definition I propose focus excessively on female children because of how repelent the personalities and actions of teen and adult females are.
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Wait, isn't this evidece that attraction to prepubescent females is normal in adult males (more than half)?

That's why I think the most reasonable definition for pedophilia is liking prepubescents MORE than you like teens/adults. Because if any attraction already makes one a pedophile, then most men are pedophiles according to that data. How can something present in most men be considered deviant behavior? The only deviation is liking children MORE than teens/adults on average.

But nowadays, I theorize that many men who are not even pedophiles according to the definition I propose focus excessively on female children because of how repelent the personalities and actions of teen and adult females are.
many studies might also show men don't find prepubescent girls attractive at all, but in the ones that show they do, the attraction is minuscule.

attraction to a 16 year old however is not abnormal nor is it rare. it's common and normative for a lot of men.
they have curves and boobs. those are signs of sexual dimorphism

the reason why 17 year olds are attractive, and 9 is not, is because of sexual dimorphism or lack thereof

but 13-14 has sexual dimorphism, (less than 17), so how can an average man not be attracted to that?
13 year olds might develop secondary sex characteristics but still have physically immature characteristics as a quote by sexologist Michael Seto explains above
@Mainländer you'll like this

@Alone75 thoughts on this? i know you hate pedocels (and i mean REAL pedophiles ofc)

14 - 24 has always been the peak in female sexual attractiveness in these studies. More-so after 16 though personally.

LOL men peak at 50? Hope for me me yet! :feelsLightsaber:
13 year olds might develop secondary sex characteristics but still have physically immature characteristics as a quote by sexologist Michael Seto explains above
In his article The Puzzle of Male Chronophilias, pedophilia expert and sexologist Michael C. Seto wrote: "a sexual interest in sexually mature adolescents, though socially sanctioned in modern Western societies if under the legal age of consent, is neither uncommon nor atypical." He elaborated:

"Ephebophilia is subject to a great deal of confusion because of its conflation with legal standards and moral norms. For example, the fact that the age of consent is 16 in Canada and in many American states, and that there is clearly some interest in regarding this age range—as demonstrated by ‘‘barely legal’’ or ‘‘schoolgirl’’ pornography genres, popular cultural memes regarding ‘‘jailbait,’’ the use of young teen models in mainstream fashion and other media—does not directly speak to the existence of ephebophilia. Because of the blurriness of sexual maturation from adolescence into adulthood, teleiophilic men and women might well have some sexual attraction to 15–17 year olds, even if it is illegal and/or socially frowned upon. Moreover, some young adults look like minors (and some minors look like adults)."

Seto and fellow researcher Skye Stephens wrote together: "Conceptually, hebephilia is a paraphilia, reflecting an atypical (statistically rare) sexual age interest in pubescent children. In contrast, a sexual preference in older adolescents (ephebophilia) would probably not meet Wakefield's definition, given older adolescents are reproductively viable and the fact that typically men are sexually attracted to older adolescents, as reflected in self-report, psychophysiological, and pornography use studies." They then wrote about early pubescent minors (ages 11 to 14): "Given that teleiophilic men still show sexual response to non-preferred age categories, showing some response to pubescent children is normative. Showing more arousal to pubescent children than to adults, or not discriminating between these two categories, is not normative."
this only says that liking 13 year olds the most is atypical. but it doesnt say having attraction for them is atypical
many studies might also show men don't find prepubescent girls attractive at all, but in the ones that show they do, the attraction is minuscule.

attraction to a 16 year old however is not abnormal nor is it rare. it's common and normative for a lot of men.
I think it depends more on body development than age. If a foid has boobs and ass, men will find her attractive even if she's 10.

But again, men's horniness should never be underestimated, men do have sex with both flat-chested flat-butted adult women and extremely ugly adult women, so I'm honestly very skeptical of a man who says he feels 0 attraction towards some cute little girl (although I agree actual children shouldn't be screwed).
this only says that liking 13 year olds the most is atypical. but it doesnt say having attraction for them is atypical
yes but many men might not have attraction to them and if they do, it's moderate or or less
14 - 24 has always been the peak in female sexual attractiveness in these studies. More-so after 16 though personally.

LOL men peak at 50? Hope for me me yet! :feelsLightsaber:
they only peak at 50 due to money and resources. you live with your mom and are broke unfortunately so it wouldn't work.

Men's physical peak is 35 according to women in a survey, but i think it's early 20s because he hasn't lost collagen and has high testoserone and a full head of hair.
I think it depends more on body development than age. If a foid has boobs and ass, men will find her attractive even if she's 10.

But again, men's horniness should never be underestimated, men do have sex with both flat-chested flat-butted adult women and extremely ugly adult women, so I'm honestly very skeptical of a man who says he feels 0 attraction towards some cute little girl (although I agree actual children shouldn't be screwed).
yes but she needs a sufficent degree of physical maturity, which is rare if not non-existent at age 10.
yes but many men might not have attraction to them and if they do, it's moderate or or less
some men have some attraction
many men might not have attraction

it seems you are suggesting its abnomal. i find this hard to believe. i would like to see some number on this age range.

you showed the stats that 12-16 was 83%, but im sure you'll say that is too broad of a range
yes but she needs a sufficent degree of physical maturity, which is rare if not non-existent at age 10.
But for instance, those studies always show men have little to no attraction to very old women as well, right? Still, millions of men have sex with their old wives every day in the world.

The point being, men are horny bastards.

As for actual pedophiles, the only thing I don't understand is how the staunch misogynists who cheer the torture and death of women here feel so compassionate if the females are below a certain age. But it just seems strange, nothing else. I don't think someone is an agecuck for not liking younger females or thinking actual pedophilia with prepubescent children is bad, it's just the passion they have against it that seems strange to me since many are misogynists.

Like I said, I too agree that the right thing to do is waiting till menarche for marriage/penetration.
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Excellent research, analysis and writing. This is a high IQ post :bigbrain:
But for instance, those studies always show men have little to no attraction to very old women as well, right? Still, millions of men have sex with their old wives every day in the world.

The point being, men are horny bastards.

As for actual pedophiles, the only thing I don't understand is how the staunch misogynists who cheer the torture and death of women here feel so compassionate if the females are below a certain age. But it just seems strange, nothing else. I don't think someone is an agecuck for not liking younger females or thinking actual pedophilia with prepubescent children is bad, it's just the passion they have against it that seems strange to me since many are misogynists.

Like I said, I too agree that the right thing to do is waiting till menarche for marriage/penetration.

High IQ
But for instance, those studies always show men have little to no attraction to very old women as well, right? Still, millions of men have sex with their old wives every day in the world.

The point being, men are horny bastards.

As for actual pedophiles, the only thing I don't understand is how the staunch misogynists who cheer the torture and death of women here feel so compassionate if the females are below a certain age. But it just seems strange, nothing else. I don't think someone is an agecuck for not liking younger females or thinking actual pedophilia with prepubescent children is bad, it's just the passion they have against it that seems strange to me since many are misogynists.

Like I said, I too agree that the right thing to do is waiting till menarche for marriage/penetration.
Molesting actual children is evil though

also most men don’t find elders hot. Even elderly men don’t
some men have some attraction
many men might not have attraction

it seems you are suggesting its abnomal. i find this hard to believe. i would like to see some number on this age range.

you showed the stats that 12-16 was 83%, but im sure you'll say that is too broad of a range
Yes but it varies from study for 13 years old but consistent for 16
@Caesercel what do you think? I can’t tag personalityinkwell because he’s banned here
Yes but it varies from study for 13 years old but consistent for 16
common sense should show it is normal to be attracted to pubescent girls who aren't fully grown. men are attracted to that which can reproduce, and a young teen has physical traits which indicate they can reproduce

the facts that the studies are inconsistent shows that studies aren't perfect. we can use biology of reproduction as an indicator men will like young teens, and that most men will.

men have just been brainwashed not to. their vision can detect if the girl is not 18 if she's 13-14, so a defense mechanism goes off, but that is instilled in those soy men

meanwhile those men cant tell the difference between 18 and 17
IQmogs me and instant classic. Good job mate.
common sense should show it is normal to be attracted to pubescent girls who aren't fully grown. men are attracted to that which can reproduce, and a young teen has physical traits which indicate they can reproduce

the facts that the studies are inconsistent shows that studies aren't perfect. we can use biology of reproduction as an indicator men will like young teens, and that most men will.

men have just been brainwashed not to. their vision can detect if the girl is not 18 if she's 13-14, so a defense mechanism goes off, but that is instilled in those soy men

meanwhile those men cant tell the difference between 18 and 17
13 year olds are subfecund and they cannot get pregnant often and their menstrual cycles are usually anovulatory, which becomes less common once they get to their mid-teens and unusual in their late teens.
I agree, but so is torturing and killing people, even if they're women.
Many people think dating a 17 year old is equivalent to violently raping infants
Many people think dating a 17 year old is equivalent to violently raping infants
Yeah, I think we we can all agree here that those people are absolute retard level. That is, except some major agecucked male feminists we unfortunately have here.
Yeah, I think we we can all agree here that those people are absolute retard level. That is, except some major agecucked male feminists we unfortunately have here.
No matter how much evidence you show agecucks that finding a 17 year old attractive is common, they will continue to deny it, forever blinded by their own ignorance or stubbornness.

nowadays even finding an 18/19 year old attractive is taboo
@Fat Link is it ok if you pin?
An Internet Study of Men Sexually Attracted to Children: Sexual Attraction Patterns

1,189 men (mean age: 33.66 to 33.7; SD=13.2) recruited from forums for men attracted to children were included in a study, many being forums that condemn child molesting and encourage these men to avoid acting on their attraction. Some men instead came from smaller referral sources and some men didn't clarify how they discovered the study. This sample includes 125 female-attracted non-exclusive ephebophiles (non-exclusive means they can fall into more than one chronophilia and have more than 1 highest rated age group, which results in ties), 18 female-attracted exclusive (exclusive means there's an age group they have way more attraction to than any other age group, having only 1 highest-rated age group) ephebophiles, 95 male-attracted non-exclusive ephebophiles, 15 male-attracted exclusive ephebophiles, 162 female-attracted non-exclusive teleiophiles, 37 female-attracted exclusive teleiophiles, 64 male-attracted non-exclusive teleiophiles, and 15 male-attracted exclusive teleiophiles.

Results are shown below, and it is similar to results shown in other studies examining men's sexual arousal or rating patterns regardless of the sampling methodology, so a sampling bias wouldn't be a severe limitation. The age groups are prepubescent (age 10 and below), pubescent (age 11 to 14), adolescent (15 to 16), and adult (17 and older).

View attachment 550825

The results of the above study are very similar to the results of this study:

Blanchard, R., Kuban, M. E., Blak, T., Klassen, P. E., Dickey, R., & Cantor, J. M. (2010). Sexual Attraction to Others: A Comparison of Two Models of Alloerotic Responding in Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41(1), 13–29.doi:10.1007/s10508-010-9675-3

They used a 10 point scale instead of an 8 point scale, but the results are strikingly similar.


Blanchard's study has the largest sample size (1066 heterosexual teleiophiles) and the most modern methodology, and should be considered more authoritative than the studies with tiny sample sizes. What it found is that normal teleiophilic men are slightly attracted to prepubescent girls and significantly attracted to pubescent girls. Their sexual response to adult women was 7/8 on average, and their response to prepubescent girls was 2.1/8 on average. Everyone knows that average young adult women are very attractive to men, so it's not suprising that the men had a strong sexual response. The average prepubescent girl is not very attractive at all to most men. However, teleiophilic men's attraction to above average looking prepubescent girls is almost certainly greater; still relatively low (maybe 3 or 4 out of 8), but high enough to make them much more desirable than old or ugly women, and men's sexual response to below average/boyish looking prepubescent girls is almost certainly lower (maybe 1 out of 8 or lower).

Interestingly, pedophiles sexual response to adult women was equally strong as heterosexual teleiophiles' sexual response to prepubescent girls. To explain why most child sex offenders are teleiophiles and not pedophiles or hebephiles, Kurt Freund made the argument that men's attraction to prepubescent girls is small but significant enough for them to be able to view some prepubescent girls as sexual surrogate objects for adult women.

Rational self-interested pedophiles have likely always viewed adult women as substitutes for their preferred child sexual partners and sought to produce children with them, just as rational self-interested teleiophiles have always viewed prepubescent girls as sexual substitutes for adult women. When the former can't get sexual access to children, they go after adult women, and when the latter can't get sexual access to adult women, they go after female children.

Men are much less than teleiophilic than women, and there has to be an evolutionary reason for this. 21% of male college undergraduates self-report sexual attraction to small children. By comparison, only about 1-3% of women self-report sexual attraction to young children.

Seto and fellow researcher Skye Stephens wrote together: "Conceptually, hebephilia is a paraphilia, reflecting an atypical (statistically rare) sexual age interest in pubescent children. In contrast, a sexual preference in older adolescents (ephebophilia) would probably not meet Wakefield's definition, given older adolescents are reproductively viable and the fact that typically men are sexually attracted to older adolescents, as reflected in self-report, psychophysiological, and pornography use studies." They then wrote about early pubescent minors (ages 11 to 14): "Given that teleiophilic men still show sexual response to non-preferred age categories, showing some response to pubescent children is normative. Showing more arousal to pubescent children than to adults, or not discriminating between these two categories, is not normative."
Pedophilia is considered a paraphilia by the DSM-5 but hebephilia isn't. Normal men have fantasies and urges in response to pubescent targets.

"Hebephilia is not a legitimate DSM-IV-TR mental disorder, and it should not be included as a DSM-5 mental disorder, for both conceptual and practical reasons. Hebephilia is not a paraphilia because the sexual arousal pattern that would define it is not inherently deviant. Normal men have fantasies and urges in response to pubescent targets; acting on such attractions is a serious crime, not a mental disorder. Beyond this seemingly conclusive conceptual obstacle, the research support for hebephilia is remarkably undeveloped, weak, and unconvincing,."

Something doesn't need to be universal among men to be normal. As per Filip Schusters' meta-analysis of phallometric studies, only about 3% of men are pedophiles, 16% are hebephiles, and about 3% of men find pubescent girls equally attractive as young adult women. In total, 22% of men are strongly attracted to girls aged 13 or younger.

You could argue that homosexuality and pedophilia are abnormal and pathological because they are very rare and because they have always reduced men's likelihood of reproducing. I'm not entirely convinced this is the case with pedophilia, but you could make the argument. But hebephilia is way too common in the male population to be considered pathological, and likely once was an adaptive sexual strategy. All inborn pathological conditions that lead to reduced reproductive success are rare and never affect more than 1-3% of the population at most because there is a lot of selective pressure against them.

Hebephiles prefer preteen and young teen girls, but they are also attracted to young adult women, especially if they have a lot of neotenic traits. They don't turn down sexual or reproductive opportunities with adult women when they get them. Humans evolved in an environment were hebephilia did not lead to reduced reproductive success, and that's why it's still fairly common. In ancient times, many girls married as preteens or young teens, and it was not at all viewed as morally bad.

Molesting actual children is evil though

If you value a girl's virginity and want to preserve her for her future husband, then it makes sense to view molestation as evil and to want to protect her from seduction by adult men and by boys her own age. However, if you don't care about female virginity or purity, then there is little reason to be against adult-child sex. Would you say that adult/child interactions where the adult uses their position of power to encourage a child to do something are generally unethical, or only when sex is involved? If the latter, what makes sex so special and dangerous that children should be protected from it?

In most historical societies, children slept in the same room as their parents and often saw them have sex, and non-penetrative sex play between children and adults was common. Childhood innocence is a social construct invented by Jean Jacques Rousseau in the 18th century. While living in Venice, he pooled money with a friend to purchase a little girl so that they could have sex with her once she reached puberty. This was a common practice in Venice at the time. Over time, he came to view the girl as innocent and decided that it would be wrong for him to ever have sex with her, and he also convinced his friend to not have sex with her.

Rousseau wrongly believed that children are born as innocent blank slates and later corrupted by society and culture. This is a very bluepilled view of human nature because it assumes that humans are naturally good. Today we know that all behavorial traits are genetic, and the blank slate theory has been completely refuted. Even sociosexuality (promiscuity) is highly genetic. The daughter of a slut or a prostitute has a very high likelihood of being drawn to degenerate behavior when she reaches puberty. Outside of strict religious communities like the Amish or Orthodox Jews, very few girls are born innocent in the sense that they born with a tendency to engage in modest, chaste, and submissive behavior once they reach puberty, and most of those girls have mothers who are just like them. In my opinion, it would be wrong and perhaps evil to corrupt a truly innocent girl by sexualizing her. But most girls are not at all innocent. Just because they are coy, weak, and relatively uninterested in sex doesn't make them innocent.

When shown a sexualized doll and a wholesome non-sexualized doll and asked which one best represents their ideal self-image, most prepubescent girls chose the sexualized doll. If prepubescent girls were innocent by nature, all of them would all have chosen the wholesome doll. They wouldn't instinctively want to flaunt their sexuality at such a young age.

To my knowledge, there is no reliable scientific evidence that adult/child sexual interactions are generally harmful. This idea is a scientifically baseless cultural myth, as Harvard University cognitive psychologist Susan A. Clancy confirms in The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children--and Its Aftermath. While she concludes that these interactions are wrong and unethical despite being intrinsically harmless, due to the supposed lack of informed consent on the child's part, this is nonconsequentialist claptrap. In actuality, harm is the ultimate measure of ethicality—if an action isn't harmful, it is not intrinsically unethical.
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High effort. I found it striking to read that body odor ratings apparently didn't depend on age. Guess there goes my fantasies of smelling jb clothes. :feelsmage: Some of your image attachments appear to be broken btw.
High effort. I found it striking to read that body odor ratings apparently didn't depend on age. Guess there goes my fantasies of smelling jb clothes. :feelsmage: Some of your image attachments appear to be broken btw.
yeah i put the rest of the images in the first few replies, you have to figure out yourself which image matches which broken file, but i am sure i put the list of images in the replies in an order that matches the order of the broken files.
13 year olds are subfecund and they cannot get pregnant often and their menstrual cycles are usually anovulatory, which becomes less common once they get to their mid-teens and unusual in their late teens.
subfecund means they can pregnant just not as easily as older teens

so they are still fertile just to a lesser degree
subfecund means they can pregnant just not as easily as older teens

so they are still fertile just to a lesser degree
Yeah but fertility is super low at 13 and pregnancy complications are too high. Pregnancy isn’t relatively safe until about age 16
Yeah but fertility is super low at 13 and pregnancy complications are too high. Pregnancy isn’t relatively safe until about age 16
I heard it was age 15, but close enough

anyways my point was being attracted to early teens is probably normal, since biological instincts for attraction don't just turn off because pregnancy isn't "relatively safe", it can still happen and there is some sexual dimorphism as that age.
High effort. I found it striking to read that body odor ratings apparently didn't depend on age. Guess there goes my fantasies of smelling jb clothes. :feelsmage: Some of your image attachments appear to be broken btw.
I want to smell some 14 year old high school girl hair and jacket too. I try to sit on the same seat when they leave the bus as much as I can. Still something.

Hi IT.
Pregnancy isn’t relatively safe until about age 16

There’s a lot of evidence against that claim. Girls younger than 16 have no significantly greater risk of pregnancy complications than girls older than 18, and actually have a lower risk of certain complications such as caesarian section and gestational diabetes:
  • "The purpose of this study was to determine if early adolescence imparts a significant obstetric risk in young primiparas relative to adult primiparas. The records of 239 young primiparas (< 16 years) and 148 older primiparas (18–29 years) were reviewed for demographic information, antepartum complications, mode of delivery, length of labor, episiotomy, lacerations, birthweight, and length of gestation. [...] The incidence of most antenatal complications (chronic hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension, placental abruption, placenta previa, premature rupture of the membranes, urinary tract infections, and anemia) were similar between the two groups. Preterm labor and contracted pelvis were more common among the young adolescent, while gestational diabetes was less common. The young primiparas were significantly (P <. 05) less likely to have a Cesarean delivery and to lacerate with vaginal delivery. The length of labor and its stages were similar, as were overall birthweight and length of gestation. Thus, obstetric concerns regarding pregnancy in early adolescence may be unfounded. With the exception of an increased risk for preterm labor, it appears that pregnancy, labor, and delivery do not pose inordinate obstetric and medical risk to the very young adolescent primipara." (source)

A study found that the correlation between early pregnancy and significantly worse outcomes is likely non-causative:
  • "A broad set of academic literatures shows that childbearing is associated with a variety of negative health outcomes for teenage mothers. Many researchers question whether teenage childbearing is the causal explanation for the negative outcomes (i.e., whether there is a biological effect of teenage childbearing or whether the relationship is due to other factors correlated with health and teenage childbearing). This study investigates the relationship between teenage childbearing and labor and delivery complications using a panel of confidential birth certificate data over the period from 1994 to 2003 from the state of Texas. Findings show that compared to mothers aged 25 to 29 having their first child, teenager mothers appear to have superior health in most--but not all--labor and delivery outcomes." (source)

A study, funded by the UN and WHO came to conclusions those feminist institutions were not expecting:
  • Analysis for individual countries showed substantial heterogeneity; some showed a clear J-shaped curve, whereas in others adolescents had a slightly lower maternal mortality ratio than women in their early 20s [...] Our findings suggest that the excess mortality risk to adolescent mothers might be less than previously believed, and in most countries the adolescent maternal mortality ratio is low compared with women older than 30 years." (source)

Amusingly, science has also figured out that African-American women, no matter the age, have much higher risk pregnancies than white women. I hope nobody dares to say that nature doesn't want them to breed....

The reason why female animals (including humans) go through menstruation only once they have reached a certain age would seem to be because that protects them from excessively early pregnancies. Thus, it is rare for an individual to get pregnant too young as nature prevents this.. This makes perfect sense as animals do not have a concept of an age of consent– they just fuck when they like. This principle has also applied to humans in less cucked periods, hence the expression "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed". In extremely rare cases, girls can get pregnant at a dangerously young age because of precocious puberty, but that condition only affects 0.2% of girls.
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I'll be reading this high IQ post in a while. I am with you, pedophiles (attraction to prepubescent people) and agecucks (who say being attracted to teenage women is wrong) should be exterminated.
There’s a lot of evidence against that claim. Girls younger than 16 have no significantly greater risk of pregnancy complications than girls older than 18, and actually have a lower risk of certain complications such as caesarian section and gestational diabetes:
  • "The purpose of this study was to determine if early adolescence imparts a significant obstetric risk in young primiparas relative to adult primiparas. The records of 239 young primiparas (< 16 years) and 148 older primiparas (18–29 years) were reviewed for demographic information, antepartum complications, mode of delivery, length of labor, episiotomy, lacerations, birthweight, and length of gestation. [...] The incidence of most antenatal complications (chronic hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension, placental abruption, placenta previa, premature rupture of the membranes, urinary tract infections, and anemia) were similar between the two groups. Preterm labor and contracted pelvis were more common among the young adolescent, while gestational diabetes was less common. The young primiparas were significantly (P <. 05) less likely to have a Cesarean delivery and to lacerate with vaginal delivery. The length of labor and its stages were similar, as were overall birthweight and length of gestation. Thus, obstetric concerns regarding pregnancy in early adolescence may be unfounded. With the exception of an increased risk for preterm labor, it appears that pregnancy, labor, and delivery do not pose inordinate obstetric and medical risk to the very young adolescent primipara." (source)

A study found that the correlation between early pregnancy and significantly worse outcomes is likely non-causative:
  • "A broad set of academic literatures shows that childbearing is associated with a variety of negative health outcomes for teenage mothers. Many researchers question whether teenage childbearing is the causal explanation for the negative outcomes (i.e., whether there is a biological effect of teenage childbearing or whether the relationship is due to other factors correlated with health and teenage childbearing). This study investigates the relationship between teenage childbearing and labor and delivery complications using a panel of confidential birth certificate data over the period from 1994 to 2003 from the state of Texas. Findings show that compared to mothers aged 25 to 29 having their first child, teenager mothers appear to have superior health in most--but not all--labor and delivery outcomes." (source)

A study, funded by the UN and WHO came to conclusions those feminist institutions were not expecting:
  • Analysis for individual countries showed substantial heterogeneity; some showed a clear J-shaped curve, whereas in others adolescents had a slightly lower maternal mortality ratio than women in their early 20s [...] Our findings suggest that the excess mortality risk to adolescent mothers might be less than previously believed, and in most countries the adolescent maternal mortality ratio is low compared with women older than 30 years." (source)

Amusingly, science has also figured out that African-American women, no matter the age, have much higher risk pregnancies than white women. I hope nobody dares to say that nature doesn't want them to breed....

The reason why female animals (including humans) go through menstruation only once they have reached a certain age would seem to be because that protects them from excessively early pregnancies. Thus, it is rare for an individual to get pregnant too young as nature prevents this.. This makes perfect sense as animals do not have a concept of an age of consent– they just fuck when they like. This principle has also applied to humans in less cucked periods, hence the expression "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed". In extremely rare cases, girls can get pregnant at a dangerously young age because of precocious puberty, but that condition only affects 0.2% of girls.
but 13 this is true, you're thinking of 15-17 year olds

also i think for 15-17 year olds it said 20.4% had some form of complication but it could be it didn't control for smoking or socioeconomic factors or lack of prenatal care. Did it control for those when revealing that percentage? I remember reading the complication rate in other studies showed a percentage lower than 1 in 5.
but 13 this is true, you're thinking of 15-17 year olds

also i think for 15-17 year olds it said 20.4% had some form of complication but it could be it didn't control for smoking or socioeconomic factors or lack of prenatal care. Did it control for those when revealing that percentage? I remember reading the complication rate in other studies showed a percentage lower than 1 in 5.

The first study specifically looked at girls younger than 16 and compared them to girls older than 18. The second study, which has a huge sample size of 276,000+ females, compared 6 different age groups: <15, 15–16, 17–18, 19–20, 21–24, and 25–29, and controlled for smoking, socioeconomic status, prenatal care, and other factors.

"When one compares teens who have never given birth to women in their mid- to late twenties who have never given birth, controlling for socioeconomic status, prenatal care, smoking and drinking during pregnancy, and a number of other factors, teenage mothers fare better than 25- to 29-year-old women for 9 of the 13 outcomes measured and no differently for two of the outcomes. The clinically and statistically significant differences in the greater rate of seizures, however, suggest an area for proactive medical monitoring among teenage mothers"

The differences in complication risks between the girls younger than 15 and the other teenage groups were mostly small and not always statistically significant. The under 15 year olds had a slightly higher risk of some pregnancy complications and a slightly lower risk of others.
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