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"Not all women cheat" is like Blue Lives Matter

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
" I know plenty of nice cops." I'm sure you do, snitch. These cops could be nice, smiling dudes who let you off of tickets, go to BBQs, volunteer in the community and all these good things. Here's the thing though, when cop is looking at a poor black man whom he just doesn't fucking seem to like at all, because he has a gun and a badge he thinks to himself " I'm a proud American, and officer of the law, and a Freemason so I can do what the fuck I want... fuck this nigger piece of shit, I have AUTHORITY!" Then he proceeds to empty his mag into the victim's torso and head. It's because in that particular situation he would rather be cruel than nice, even if he never acts that way around his friends, family, and co workers. He's a cop, society decided that's it's alright for him to do that so he does it. 

 Same shit applies to femoids. They can act so nice and caring for their bfs. Act like they would never cheat. Here's the thing though, when a femoid sees a Chad or anyone with higher LMS than her bf she thinks to herself "I'm a proud Western woman in the twenty-first century, it's my basic human right to fuck as many Chads as I want, I am going to cheat on my bf because I have the AUTHORITY to do so, if it wasn't for my bf's betabux he could rot and die anyway teeheehee." The femoid tries to act so kind and innocent, but when a Chad is in front of her her true colours show. She's a femoid, society decided it's alright for her to do that so she does it.
Dude thats an awesome example, I wish shit like this could be stickied :)
May our blackpills melt the faces of cucktears normies who are too weak to handle the truth.
I agree with your premise, but your analogy is grounded on false ideas of cops perpetuated by the cucked leftist media. Most incidents of cops killing black people are self defense. The nigger chimps try resisting the police and reach for their gun, so they have to be put down. Its the job of the police to defend people and themselves.
Kointo said:
I agree with your premise, but your analogy is grounded on false ideas of cops perpetuated by the cucked leftist media. Most incidents of cops killing black people are self defense. The nigger chimps try resisting the police and reach for their gun, so they have to be put down. Its the job of the police to defend people and themselves.

Nearly every cop is a low-IQ bully, even if they don't kill people.
Kointo said:
I agree with your premise, but your analogy is grounded on false ideas of cops perpetuated by the cucked leftist media. Most incidents of cops killing black people are self defense. The nigger chimps try resisting the police and reach for their gun, so they have to be put down. Its the job of the police to defend people and themselves.

I get what your saying, but the "leftists" (really left leaning right wingers in disguise) over exaggerate so they can get black followers. The situation is still the same, the cops are the ones out for blood though. A black man resisting or fighting back is move two of the chess game he didn't want to play. I don't blame them, I'd rather kill or be killed than have some roidrage betacop drive his knee in my back or capture me. Death before dishonor.
Framecel222 said:
Nearly every cop is a low-IQ bully, even if they don't kill people.

Some are, some arent. Most are just trying to do their job. They get too much of a bad rep.
Cops are well known for killing innocent men, maybe that's why some femoids have a thing for cops, because they like seeing innocent men die.
Kointo said:
I agree with your premise, but your analogy is grounded on false ideas of cops perpetuated by the cucked leftist media. Most incidents of cops killing black people are self defense. The nigger chimps try resisting the police and reach for their gun, so they have to be put down. Its the job of the police to defend people and themselves.

No. Go to r/watchpeopledie and you'll see a dozen cops killing people to every one where a cop is killed. Cops are pussies.

Female depression/loneliness is like reverse racism.
existentialhack said:
Kointo said:
I agree with your premise, but your analogy is grounded on false ideas of cops perpetuated by the cucked leftist media. Most incidents of cops killing black people are self defense. The nigger chimps try resisting the police and reach for their gun, so they have to be put down. Its the job of the police to defend people and themselves.
No. Go to r/watchpeopledie and you'll see a dozen cops killing people to every one where a cop is killed. Cops are pussies.
Female depression/loneliness is like reverse racism.


I get what your saying, but the "leftists" (really left leaning right wingers in disguise) over exaggerate so they can get black followers. The situation is still the same, the cops are the ones out for blood though. A black man resisting or fighting back is move two of the chess game he didn't want to play. I don't blame them, I'd rather kill or be killed than have some roidrage betacop drive his knee in my back or capture me. Death before dishonor.

A black man being arrested was participating in the chess game. Most of the ones that are detained have done something to cause or provoke that detainment. The situations you see in the media are either special cases, or self defense. Also, most cops aren't out for blood, they're just doing their job.
Framecel222 said:
Nearly every cop is a low-IQ bully, even if they don't kill people.

I always find it weird how, in America, the right wing "libertarian" types are on the side of the police. I mean, small statist, "government is evil" types should be against cops, who are instruments of the government, literally killing innocent people (and locking them up in their millions) with impunity. But they're not. Because they're largely poor and/or black.
Moreover, FBI data show that from 2005 to 2014, blacks accounted for 40 percent of police killings. Since blacks were approximately 13 percent of the population, it meant they were 4.46 times more likely than people of other races to kill a police officer.

The Washington Post noted further that all but 93 of the 990 people fatally shot by police were armed, usually with a firearm or knife. The unarmed victims had the following racial distribution:

White: 34.4 percent (32 victims)

Black: 40.8 percent (38)

Hispanic: 19.4 percent (18)

Asian: 0 percent (0)

Unknown: 5.4 percent (5)

An unarmed black was therefore 5.6 times more likely than an unarmed white to be shot by police, and a Hispanic was 2.6 times more likely. The black multiple is certainly high, though not that much higher than the California violent-arrest multiple of 5.35 noted above.

There is no obvious explanation for why unarmed blacks were shot and killed at a white multiple that was twice that for armed blacks. If police bias is the cause, there is no clear reason why it should be worse in the case of unarmed suspects. The sample size of 93 is small, so random events produce a large effect.

It may be that race differences in how suspects behave when they are arrested explain at least part of the difference. There are no national data, but a five-year study of non-felony arrests in San Francisco found that blacks were 9.6 times more likely than whites (including Hispanics) to be charged with resisting arrest, and whites were 8.6 times more likely than Asians to be so charged. In Chicago, from September 2014 to September 2015, blacks accounted for 77 percent of arrests for obstruction of justice and resisting arrest (page 4 of report), meaning they were 6.8 times more likely than non-blacks to be arrested on these charges. If these findings are typical, they help explain why the arrest of a black non-felony suspect — who would more than likely be unarmed — could escalate into potentially lethal violence. 

By contrast, the 256 police judicial killings of blacks in 2015 would be only 4.2 percent of the [size=small]6,095 blacks who were murdered in 2014 (the most recent year for which national data are available). The 38 unarmed blacks killed by police accounted for just 0.6 percent. Police shootings of unarmed blacks is a very small problem compared to murder in the black community.[/size]

existentialhack said:
Framecel222 said:
Nearly every cop is a low-IQ bully, even if they don't kill people.
I always find it weird how, in America, the right wing "libertarian" types are on the side of the police. I mean, small statist, "government is evil" types should be against cops, who are instruments of the government, literally killing innocent people (and locking them up in their millions) with impunity. But they're not. Because they're largely poor and/or black.

So fucking true. The right wing conservatives are just cucks to the Masonic World Empire. Anyone who isn't calling for sedition in America and a totally new nation is blue pilled.
Kointo said:
A black man being arrested was participating in the chess game. Most of the ones that are detained have done something to cause or provoke that detainment. The situations you see in the media are either special cases, or self defense. Also, most cops aren't out for blood, they're just doing their job.

Framecel222 said:
Nearly every cop is a low-IQ bully, even if they don't kill people.

The same could be said of blacks.
Kointo said:
Some are, some arent. Most are just trying to do their job. They get too much of a bad rep.

Yes they're just doing their job, and if they see one of their fellow cops abusing their power they will ALWAYS look the either way. That makes them almost as bad.

existentialhack said:
I always find it weird how, in America, the right wing "libertarian" types are on the side of the police. I mean, small statist, "government is evil" types should be against cops, who are instruments of the government, literally killing innocent people (and locking them up in their millions) with impunity. But they're not. Because they're largely poor and/or black.

They just justify it by separating themselves from the victims of police. "Police only kill BAD people, so I'm fine."

Dingus_Incel said:
The same could be said of blacks.

Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge.
Framecel222 said:
Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge.

Of the 6095 murdered African Americans in 2015, 38 were killed by cops while unarmed. F
rom 1980 to 2008, 93 percent of black homicide victims were killed by blacks.
Maybe I should have used a cop killing a white homeless dude as an example instead.
Maybe I should have used a cop killing a white homeless dude as an example instead.

Probably you should. Black people are more or less willing to burn down a city when a court reaches a decision they don't like. If a homeless person gets shot Al Sharpton is no where to be found and Black Lives Matter is busy advocating more welfare, globalism, and transgender rights.
Sparrows Song said:
" I know plenty of nice cops." I'm sure you do, snitch. These cops could be nice, smiling dudes who let you off of tickets, go to BBQs, volunteer in the community and all these good things. Here's the thing though, when cop is looking at a poor black man whom he just doesn't fucking seem to like at all, because he has a gun and a badge he thinks to himself " I'm a proud American, and officer of the law, and a Freemason so I can do what the fuck I want... fuck this nigger piece of shit, I have AUTHORITY!" Then he proceeds to empty his mag into the victim's torso and head. It's because in that particular situation he would rather be cruel than nice, even if he never acts that way around his friends, family, and co workers. He's a cop, society decided that's it's alright for him to do that so he does it.
Same shit applies to femoids. They can act so nice and caring for their bfs. Act like they would never cheat. Here's the thing though, when a femoid sees a Chad or anyone with higher LMS than her bf she thinks to herself "I'm a proud Western woman in the twenty-first century, it's my basic human right to fuck as many Chads as I want, I am going to cheat on my bf because I have the AUTHORITY to do so, if it wasn't for my bf's betabux he could rot and die anyway teeheehee." The femoid tries to act so kind and innocent, but when a Chad is in front of her her true colours show. She's a femoid, society decided it's alright for her to do that so she does it.

There's no epidemic of cops shooting black people for fun, libtard cuck.
The only thing standing between you and Tyrone is a man in blue.

Black people just commit more crime and are repeat offenders and are more violent than any other race, hence why cops are naturally wary and anxious around blacks.


Dry Spell said:
There's no epidemic of cops shooting black people for fun, libtard cuck.
The only thing standing between you and Tyrone is a man in blue.

Black people just commit more crime and are repeat offenders and are more violent than any other race, hence why cops are naturally wary and anxious around blacks.


Finally, a logically sound person in this thread.
Dry Spell said:
Sparrows Song said:
" I know plenty of nice cops." I'm sure you do, snitch. These cops could be nice, smiling dudes who let you off of tickets, go to BBQs, volunteer in the community and all these good things. Here's the thing though, when cop is looking at a poor black man whom he just doesn't fucking seem to like at all, because he has a gun and a badge he thinks to himself " I'm a proud American, and officer of the law, and a Freemason so I can do what the fuck I want... fuck this nigger piece of shit, I have AUTHORITY!" Then he proceeds to empty his mag into the victim's torso and head. It's because in that particular situation he would rather be cruel than nice, even if he never acts that way around his friends, family, and co workers. He's a cop, society decided that's it's alright for him to do that so he does it.
Same shit applies to femoids. They can act so nice and caring for their bfs. Act like they would never cheat. Here's the thing though, when a femoid sees a Chad or anyone with higher LMS than her bf she thinks to herself "I'm a proud Western woman in the twenty-first century, it's my basic human right to fuck as many Chads as I want, I am going to cheat on my bf because I have the AUTHORITY to do so, if it wasn't for my bf's betabux he could rot and die anyway teeheehee." The femoid tries to act so kind and innocent, but when a Chad is in front of her her true colours show. She's a femoid, society decided it's alright for her to do that so she does it.
There's no epidemic of cops shooting black people for fun, libtard cuck.
The only thing standing between you and Tyrone is a man in blue.
Black people just commit more crime and are repeat offenders and are more violent than any other race, hence why cops are naturally wary and anxious around blacks.


I'm a targeted individual, the cops wouldn't help me for shit. The only thing between me and Tyrone is my spear and tempo.

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